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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/11/2012 1:15:10 AM
Hey Pat,

Thanks for coming by. There is so much to think about on the 9/11 episodes that I don't know how soon, it will be answered. It seems to me that they are way to slow.When you think they are still talking about who shoot JFK and that was 50 some years ago, and no answer there either.
Things are changing, Occupy is one thing. Look how that is trying to be destroyed, why, the truth is coming out and there is going to a payment somewhere in the near future. Things are moving along nicely, it is only a matter of time. You know the old saying "Time heals all wounds" The time is near.
This is a lovely tribute

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/11/2012 1:19:03 AM

FDA monopoly enforcement goes after Google for $500 million in online pharmacy ad profits

Friday, February 10, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/11/2012 2:33:00 AM

When people find out that I'm not really into NFL football, they
often ask why I don't like sports. I jokingly inform them that 'politics' is my sport, but in politics the two teams, call them Red team and Blue team, both run the ball towards the same end of the field. Much like my joke about politics, two rival groups trying to associate themselves with the Occupy movement are now in a playoff against each other, the Battle of the Subversives has begun. And again, both sides are running the ball towards the same end of the field. One team uses violence and vandalism, the other uses wit and cyber crime, but in the end they both cast the stain of criminal activity on the Occupy movement... Video:
Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
2/12/2012 4:26:37 AM

Hello Myrna

I will post something later ....maybe tomorrow. I've had a busy day. A memorial was held today for my friend. It was actually pleasant as he was a born-again Christian and is now in a much, much better place. It's distressing when you know it isn't so for some.

I had a friend, Jim, who would hear nothing about the Lord. He died not too long ago and it distressed me that he is probably in hell. I decided another man who knew Jim should hear about the Lord. This man, Eric, thinks if he lives by the 'golden rule' of doing unto others as you would have them do to you, he will be ok. I told him his own goodness was not good enough. The only way to heaven (and God) was through Jesus Christ. He didn't stop me from talking but I could tell he wasn't listening either. So finally I told him, "When you pass to the other side, say hi to Jim for me."

This was not the case for my friend for whom we had the memorial today thankfully. I seen some friends I have not seen for a long time today. And I ate too much. They had a great buffet.

Until later.....


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/12/2012 7:42:11 PM
Good News

Why Monsanto (and companies like them) are Going Away… Two Videos and a related Point from the Bill Wood Interview

by kauilapele

So I ran across these videos about Monsanto, and other biotech companies, and the dangers that GMO and bio-engineered food may bring, as well as the damage to farmers and communities. A few countries have taken the lead in kicking Monsanto out (at least some or their GMO products). I liked listening to the videos. I also feel that these "calling out Monsanto and others like them" articles indicate that their time in the "GMO sun" is ending.

I have a personal family connection with a smaller ag company that was taken over by Monsanto (and their public sign turned from a colorful symbol to "Monsanto Brown" (I believe that's now an official Crayola color; "officially" it means "dull and lifeless brown")). And I also have seen the Pioneer Hi-Bred Brand signs (another GMO company) on the island of Kauai (just past Kekaha beach on the west side). Clearly I am not a fan.

Now, the point that I remember from the latest Bill Wood (Brockbrader) interview which relates to all of this "Monsanto business" (perhaps better called, "biotech for profit only business(es)"), is this. In the world of duality (3D), for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you start a dark intended venture, it creates its opposite. Monsanto (and other similar-intended companies) has created this venture, for its own profit, many years ago, and now is reaping the "rewards" of the opposite. The opposite of what it intended. This backlash, or resistance.

What moves us beyond all this is "consciousness"; being conscious of the duality game being played, and not playing it. Rising above it.

Bill mentioned this somewhere in his Lisa Harrison interview, but I did not locate the exact time he mentioned it.

First, here are the videos (short trailer first, then the full length video). Below that are the links I "found" (at RMN).


So here are a number of links that I discovered about this "Monsanto GMO game, and what is being done (elsewhere, namely, not the U.S.) to counter them. All of these were found at (thank you, Rayelan). I'm leaving comments open so you may add your own, if you wish.

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields
The ill-effects of Monsanto's Genetically Modified Seeds in India
Monsanto Closing Operations in Britain Due to Opposition to GMO Food
Scientists From Inside Monsanto, The Truth (video trailer (short), uploaded Feb 6, 2012)
Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money (video, full version (I believe) of the one above, 59 min.)
Scientists Under Attack (description of movie, credits, and awards)
France Defeats Monsanto
Monsanto forced out of Costa Rica (2004 article)


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