Hello Myrna,
I listened to these 6 videos - although I did not completely understand everything this guy was talking about with his history.
The New Zealand Maori women (Wahine) are the bosses so-to- speak on the Marae (their property that has their meeting house, sleeping house, kitchens and other buildings that they host other Maori from near and far for funerals, get togethers etc) The women are the ones whom greet visitors and allow them to come onto the grounds - no one comes onto the grounds until they are officially invited and that is even Queen Elizabeth 2nd! She has to wait until invited on..
So it did not surprise me when this guy said that woman in his Indian culture were the power whom appointed their chief, this is very possibly the same with all tribal cultures and has been stolen from them that the young people are confused and do not know what their culture is about or who they are and why many of them are lost and easily lead into gangs, they are looking for their tribal connections.
I found the history of Columbus eye opening and England's part in all this is not surprising anymore because I have found from many sources, ethnic groups, tribes, countries etc that where England's crown and Vatican had anything to do with it they were ruthless in their pursuit to take by force all the land and kill the survivors. Then set up their own culture with disinformation, lies, deceit to build up their empires.
Nearly all tribes around the world have been forced to give up their belief / culture system and having to have it replaced with white mans religion and also many having their land stolen from them under being conquered.
There is a lot of information regarding many countries and cultures now that are waking up to the British Monachy's and Vatican stealing our lands and enforcement upon us of their laws under deception and they are fighting back.
This seems to be a great turning point in our history going on now and there are some whom believe it is the time that the Lord Jesus Christ will be coming back to gather up his church...while others believe it is a turning point that the Global Elite which the Monachy and Vatican are neck high in this as well will be rounded up and tried and jailed for their Treason and Tyranny.
I do not know which scenario is the correct one although in my opinion will be the chance to round up the Tyrants and restore our Republicans countries and live for a time in peace and harmony with each other around the world - but it is going to be ugly for a time as the Global Elites still have the most of the equipment arms, man power and all the money.
We are ready for either and we are storing food and have our 2nd amendment requirements to be ready