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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
1/15/2012 3:07:21 AM
Hello Gregg,

Good information and graphics in these websites. I reckon anyone who has a even a smidgen of common sense can see by the many video on youtube that the 2 towers did not fall from being hit by a plane each, but was a controlled demolition.

The unbelievers should try stacking some children blocks one on top of the other then hitting the 2nd to top block and see how the blocks 'topple over' not implode and fall down!

But the smoking gun was the Tower 7 which was not even hit by planes and had to be 'pulled' that afternoon due to fires.. when experts testified that it would take several days / weeks to put all the explosives in place for the controlled demolition free fall!



Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/15/2012 3:23:49 AM
Forgiveness to me I am finding out is not the same for everyone. If you feel good with what you believe then that is your answer. It is what is in the heart that is important. Let's go to Jesus. Didn't he forgive everyone for everything, and aren't we to be Christ like. So to me, that is we have to work out forgiveness for ourselves in our own time, our own way.

Another point, I would like to make. If God is LOVE, and we know he is, how can he have vengeance? I believe there has been a lot changed in the Bible, things that are very important. I do know that there are a lot of codes in the Bible. What someone teaches is not always truth, it can mean something entirely different then what the real meaning is.

Truth is the answer, once you find the truth, you will know how much LOVE God is. Do any of us know the whole truth, no we don't but we must keep looking.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
1/15/2012 4:37:37 AM
Hello Myrna,

There is the action of Righteous Anger, as Jesus did display His anger. He is 100% Divine and 100% human so He knows all the issues that humans encounter in our walk with Him because He came across them all too so He knows what it is like.

Here is a couple of verses.
At the temple when Jesus found the Money Changers, charging fees for oxen, sheep doves - he drove them out of the temple with a whip me made on the spot to crack as well as he over turned the tables.. Jesus was very angry, he had good cause. John 2:14-16

Mark 3:1-8, here is verse
5 And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other

In my own words and as a mother, I loved my two children very much. Yet I still had to give them rules and boundaries in our home they had to obey so we all could live in harmony. Who wants a child to be jumping up and down on their couch and ruining it, or drawing on the walls with ink pen! especially at someone's else place when you are visiting, or having your child speaking over the top of the adults or screaming like a banshee in public cause you said no they could not have a candy bar etc!! So when they broke the rules I had to discipline them, when they were young I smacked their bottoms and when they were too big for me to smack I had to have other methods which hurt them e.g. they were not permitted to go to their friends place to play after school, or they could not attend or do an activity they loved to do away from home. It was a punishment that I knew would hurt them to fit the disobedience.

They are both adults now and I have a great relationship with them, they have freedom of choice and I do not interfere with their lives and I support them 100% and encourage them. It is only through my relationship with Jesus when they were still small and I tried to bring them up biblically, almost the exact opposite to how my mother did with me, which was being controlled right into adulthood.
My siblings are very controlling and dominating, I had an email from my son today saying that his aunt and uncle were strongly assuming and telling everyone he would be flying back to NZ in June when he has no intentions and he was feeling very pressured. I had to remind him that he has the right to choose for himself and if it was an embarrassment to my brother and his wife because they assumed too bad it is their problem, not my sons.

I really believe there is a right place to be angry and yet not be in sin and even still not be in a place where I have to forgive, because in my sons case his aunt and uncle did not harm me, yet I felt annoyed with their assumptions. I hope I am making sense.

As to your question to vengeance - God looks upon the heart, while man looks at our outward appearance.. 1 Samuel 16:7
So He already knows if people have heartened their hearts and have done and do evil things and that they will never turn to Him in repentance. There will be people who did this, they will not come over.

Forgiveness to me I am finding out is not the same for everyone. If you feel good with what you believe then that is your answer. It is what is in the heart that is important. Let's go to Jesus. Didn't he forgive everyone for everything, and aren't we to be Christ like. So to me, that is we have to work out forgiveness for ourselves in our own time, our own way.

Another point, I would like to make. If God is LOVE, and we know he is, how can he have vengeance? I believe there has been a lot changed in the Bible, things that are very important. I do know that there are a lot of codes in the Bible. What someone teaches is not always truth, it can mean something entirely different then what the real meaning is.

Truth is the answer, once you find the truth, you will know how much LOVE God is. Do any of us know the whole truth, no we don't but we must keep looking.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Truth tellers
1/15/2012 5:56:33 AM
Hello Miguel,

Forgiving people for many of the awful things done to one another is a challenge and especially with some of the actions done - whether it is from people deliberately walking in satanical evil, or from ignorance and they were in an abusive upbringing, because studies have proven children abused often grow up to be abusers themselves because they think it is normal behaviour so you have to educate them that it is not normal.

Forgiveness I have learned from personal experience releases myself from the bondage of keeping me in that state of hurt and being free from being a victim which actually lets the person/s who hurt you have over you.

The bible is a great source of information to read what Jesus did, because there were many times He had to walk away from people and let them be because they would not listen and change their minds.

In real difficult times I always come back to the cross the remember that Jesus died for everyone, He took on every evil action, word said against Him or against others - atrocities that I am only just starting to peel the skin off like an onion and am shocked and horrified as my eyes have been opened. What Jesus did has such a profound impact, more than I realised. He knew what He was doing for us all and still took the chance that people would accept His free gift of eternal life by repenting. Now that is Love and forgiveness.

So it should be easy for me to forgive, because Jesus first forgave me and I had a lot of baggage to be forgiven for, and also gave up His life for me, so it easy to just give the burden of unforgiveness and lay it at the foot of the cross.


Hi Myrna,

I can forgive anyone who harms me, but I don't think I can forgive those who harm innocent people, children, even animals.

Hugs, Miguel
Jill Bachman

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RE: Truth tellers
1/21/2012 12:28:26 AM
Hi Myrna and All,

What an awesome forum and like Amanda says... how refreshing can it be to watch the truth be revealed from that remarkable video. My jaw just dropped and I wanted to hug him.

We are definitely making headway in all the right directions, and when we least expect it, PEACE will be announced to the whole world, followed by all TRUTH and ABUNDANCE for all. It is time... the time is now!

Thank you for inviting me to participate and please feel free to post the videos, etc. on the mountain. We will get this information to the masses one way or the other.

Love IS the Answer!!!

Hugs, Jill


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