Hello Cheryl & Friends, Native birds are great friends and wonderful to watch but they can be devastating when they come by in flocks like your crows Joyce. We get the blackbirds here and always some cowbirds in the group. The Red-winged Blackbird can be a pest at our feeders but nothing like the squirrels!! One of our best experiences raising birds was this Starling we raised from a baby. So meet Jake.  Jake was always free to go and come after he once could fly. Here he is outside sitting atop one of the pet birds cages. He lost some toes before I realized it and kept the cages covered then. Jake had his own small cage inside but we turned him out each morning as we left for work. When I came home in the evenings, as soon as he saw me he would circle around and land on my shoulder or car door before I got out! It was such a thrill to see this. He would go in the door with me and get some food, visit some and then want back out. He would come about dark and light on the screen door to let us know he wanted in for the night. He had a good vocabulary and could repeat anything the other birds could say. Sometimes he would sit outside our office in the fig tree by the window and just keep talking to us. As he matured more, I feel sure he found a mate and I kept hoping to see his family. He was a joy and giving him his freedom to have him return was even better. Love, Sara