Here is one I will share this evening. Before cats, Alex was our pet and ruled the house. He was a sweetie in many ways but was more attracted to Wilson than to me. He loved me but he treated Wilson as a child and I was the Mother. Cute huh!! He would try to clean his ears and beard - his favorite was sitting on the back of his chair and cleaning his bald spot!! That irritated Wilson very much!! Alex had free run of the house and you better beware if there was any snack food he liked. He would steal it!! He loved black olives and would fly by and take them from your hand. He was a wonderful pet for many years but he did not like it when he was left alone and would shriek, shriek when he was left alone. Here is one of a happy Christmas when he had his own gifts and knew how to open them. 
We have never had children around so our pets have always been our children. A wish for a good night and many sweet dreams my friends. Sara