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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/8/2011 6:49:38 PM

Barb, thank you for all the beauty and information you brought here. Your birds are so pretty.

Enjoyed it all!! Cheryl, Roger, and Joyce - yes, I love the wild birds really the most. Especially after owning and care for many caged birds, I appreciate the 'free' ones even better.

I had a strange experience this Spring with a female Cardinal. I took a video but have not uploaded it to Youtube yet. When I do, I will share with you. I just got some uploaded to PB today Cheryl, so I could share them here.

This was my first pet bird, a gift from my brother Hugh. He was sick and would not eat, so he brought him to me for attention and love to see if I could get him to eat again. I did!!!!! He was my favorite of all the birds I have had as pets, although as with children, I have loved each one.

I named him "Quipper" because that was all he would say for the longest was Quip, Quip! He learned a lot of things and had the run of the house most of the time. He would go with me in a cage wherever I went. He would like to sit on my shoulder when I drove but I had to be very careful with that one!! He was a joy to us. However, with a Quaker Parakeet, they are selective about who they like and quick to take a bite at offensive person.

My sons were still in highschool then and their music band would practice at our house, many times bringing their friends or wives with them. Quipper could clear the sofa in a flash if he found his way to it. No one wanted a peck on the ear!!



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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/9/2011 6:32:11 AM
Hi Sara,

It'll be interesting when you upload your video of the female have me curious now. I too have cardinals in my back yard & I always like to see them when I go out there, if the dogs are along with me though, they always will take off running toward them if they realize they are anywhere nearby. (I'm glad the birds are much quicker than the dogs). If I see the female I always see the male close by, but I've never seen a cardinals nest around though. I'm sure there must be one somewhere. Have you discovered where their nest is for the ones in your yard?

Quipper is a cutie pie! I've only had one bird as a pet...Beaky, & she was such a dear little bird. Once I hand trained her & she was no longer nervous about me holding her, she was a really great little companion when I was home.

Thanks for telling us about Quipper, & I look forward to your video.

Take care my dear.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/9/2011 7:17:09 AM
Here's one for you Roger. Such powerful birds. I've read that from a mile high, an eagle can see a field mouse moving that not incredible!

I'll come back later and post some pictures that a friend sent me of two bald eagles fighting over a duck. But this quick clip is of an eagle diving for a fish. "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/9/2011 2:57:40 PM
Hi Sara and Cheryl and Roger and Myrna and all!
The birds are a wonder of course, but my favorite thing about your forums is that I get to look at snap shots of your childhoods.
I spent the long hot humid summers of New Orleans with going to the library high on my list-they had air conditioning there:)
My favorite stories were about kids my age and where and how they lived.
Spending time with all of you is like that (except I don't have air conditioning so my time spent with you is in front of an electric fan
RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/9/2011 3:26:37 PM

Joyce, thank you for sharing your stories with us!!! I have one of those fans myself!!

Crystal was my first cockatiel

Not a good picture, I know but she was a sweetie and very tame. All of my brother's birds were hand-raised. That was where we came in - we would feed some of the babies when he went to the bird shows. It was quite an experience. I know I have some pics around somewhere - will look for them.

Cheryl, you picked a favorite subject!!! You may have to ban me from your forum!!!




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