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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
7/4/2011 3:08:18 AM

Thanks for dropping back by! Wishing you a great 4th of July celebration!!!!

take care,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
7/18/2011 5:12:25 PM
Moms are all the same.... "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Barbara Delgiudice

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
7/19/2011 8:13:08 AM
Moms are all the same....

Wonderful Cheryl!

Love and big hugs. :)
Flag of Barbara Delgiudice

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
7/19/2011 8:28:17 AM
Guess what my dear bird lover friends? Poe has 2 babies!!! Poe and Mrs. Poe had 2 babies!!

I have a few pictures of one of them sitting by the bird bath. Poe wanted the baby to learn how to drink from it.

Love and big hugs.

Barb, Baby and Beenie :)))

Neighbor's chickens next door.

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
7/22/2011 11:59:08 PM
Hey there Barb,

Isn't that neat....Poe & Mrs Poe have babies!!! I'm glad you get to see them by the bird bath,
how fun.

Today I was driving around with my business partner and we saw a group of birds just chattering and splashing around in a sprinkler someone had left on. They were very happy! If you can imagine...this was the 22nd day of over 100 degree temps where I live. It just zaps your energy getting in and out of the car with that ongoing heat wave. But in the midst of it...we saw the happy little birds and it made us feel great!

Thanks for your post and love and hugs to you too.

Take care and have a nice weekend,
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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