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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/6/2011 8:37:02 PM
Hi Cheryl,

I love birds too. I had a parakeet who loved to go in the car. I would say "do you want to go bye-bye" she had the sweetest little tweet. She would go get in her cage and be ready to go. She would tweet that sweet little tweet until I go the car going. I would take to she my mom, she got good at going around her house too.

Then I had my Loki who just passed away March 15, 2011 I miss her a lot, she was so much company. When I would leave the room, she would yell until I walked bad in the room. It was funny so many times she would be in the middle of a yell and quit, because I was back.


Aaaaawww Myrna so cute your parakeet and I really miss Loki too!

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/6/2011 8:39:21 PM
Have not been a big fan! But, I have to qualify that-I have so many beautiful birds that feed from my trees, I can watch for dreamy bits and stretches of time. They seem to know a lot about what's going on like when the storms are coming. And of course the pigeons-my house is one of the tallest on the block-so tag-I'm it!

Hi Joyce great to see you here :)

You must watch this video about crows and you will have a completely different outlook on them.

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/6/2011 8:50:32 PM
Hi Joyce,

Watching birds from a distance is ok too! Sometimes I see them in my back yard and I too just stop and watch them for a few minutes. The other day....I had gone on a errand and had let my mini-poodles ride in the car with me, as I was only going to be gone a few minutes. When I let them out of my car they ran through the garage into the back yard & I saw them streaking across the yard toward a little fledgling that had fallen out of the nest or maybe it had crash landed as it was trying to learn to fly. I don't know exactly how it was on the ground in the middle of my yard...but I ran over to where the little thing was flapping it's wings and I had to reach down and pick it up before the dogs tried to grab it. I was in a dilemma as to what I should do...but I decided to put it on the other side of the fence and see if it's mama bird would come looking for it. Well, it flew out of my hand and landed on the ground out of the reach of the dogs. It was a blue jay & I was surprised I wasn't getting dived at by the mama jay. I don't know if it's mama bird found it...but I sure hope so.

Oh Cheryl you are a Saint! Thank you so much for helping little baby blue jay! Momma was probably nearby.

I must show you a video about Christopher Birdman Driggins. Besides his parrot rescue, he also rescues wild birds!

Here is his facebook page!/NWBirdrescue

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/6/2011 8:51:42 PM

Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words!

Aaaawwww Cheryl this is such an adorable picture!

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)
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RE: This Is Dedicated To The Birds...Videos or Photos...Please Post Them Here!
6/6/2011 8:58:16 PM

Hi Cheryl,

Although we have owned parrots and a lovebird I can't find any photos.

I love birds of prey. They are so powerful and alert. Here is a favourite owl picture.

And a beautiful hawk


Hello Roger. I am so happy that you appreciate and love birds. Christopher Birdman Driggins rescues wild birds near Vancouver Washington USA besides his parrot rescue, NW Bird Rescue

Roger look at Christopher Birdman Driggins Facebook page.!/NWBirdrescue?sk=wall

You will see a rescued baby owl that he is feeding!

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

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