I was talking to a friend the other day and he uses very defined methods to deal with his customers and potential customers and it works for him wonderfully. He does not use social media in any way simply because he has no understanding of the concepts involved. He tried blogging once, but again he could not grasp the concepts so has left it alone. He uses email, newsletters and skype as his main tools and it has worked with his own strategy very well. As long as he reaches his goal and he is honest as well as ethical in what he is doing, then more power to him. I have another friend who uses two approaches, one being cards ( he loves sending cards..lol), email, forums and skype to talk to his people. His particular business is very suited for offline, so he uses the phone and goes to various markets as well. I have yet another friend ( I do have a few...lol) who blogs and uses social media along with newsletters as her primary way of communicating with people. I think what I am saying is that depending on the market you are involved in will require a few strategies to reach your potential market. All three of these people stay with one main niche but have found ways to complement their niche in a way that will bring about the best results, meaning income. There are no one size fits all, everyone is unique in how they want to do things, their comfort levels and oh yes...the training they have received and how they have adapted any and all strategies to further their target market. As @mattias has said and what you have said Jim is something that people need to learn...do the research, learn everything you can, create a workable strategy and go for the gusto.