Well we can now see why this will be a difficult task. Submitting the required info for the business and then not being able to receive the kudos for being in the know about the business removes the incentive.
This leaves me with this question: "Why is it that nearly everything in this world today wants to remove the individuality from the equation?"
What is the incentive if you remove the individual from the equation?
Plus most offerings allow folks to join without a host. With cookie systems in effect on many of these sites if you come without a host you are assigned one.
Most seek a subscription to access the most pertinent info this takes the individual out even more, allowing the program to prosper but not the individual. Just asking and thinking out loud.
I read what you wrote Jim a few times, to be sure that I understood what you were saying.
If I am understanding you correctly you are saying. "what is the point of recommending any business if you are not going to get anything out of it?"
If you are talking about creating a "quick" down line, I guess that will not happen ( apologies if that came out blunt, but didn't know how to word that better)
So... what is the point to this whole exercise, well it sure has created a way for people to reconnect and talk..lol
Ok, being serious now -
Why do we recommend anything? If we talk about a great store that we have found, it is because we found it to be good for a variety of reasons. when we talk to people we give our opinions without even thinking about what is in it for us...we do it because we like or conversely dislike something.
There is a flaw and in my opinion quite a big flaw to this whole idea and it needs to be mentioned.
If you are talking about any program or business where you may make any money or gratuities from it, you have to state that fact:
The Federal Trade Commission, under their revised
http://www.ftc.gov/os/2009/10/091005revisedendorsementguides.pdf require the disclosure of affiliate relationship and material connection for individuals posting content where they may be materially compensated.
so...when one says
Business A is a great business and here are the reasons, one has to also say something to the effect of " Even though I am not giving you my affiliate link, I am part of this program and have made money or whatever from it."
funny thing is that if you do your "job" well enough, if you have developed trust and credibility with people because of your actions and reliability, then people are going to come to you ( relationship marketing) ask questions and who knows they may say..you know what.. I like what you are saying and sign me up?
I am not even going to try to pretend to have all the answers, all I can give are my opinions.