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Glen Palo

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/11/2011 1:01:38 AM

Matrix or money games?

There are matrices that have a sound design and there are matrices which have a greedy design.And there are MLM-programs out there which have a clear product or service combined with a sound matrix.I know there are networkers out there who exclude an opportunity as soon as they here the word matrix.Take a closer look at the opportunities.There are opportunities with info products where you can earn good affiliate commissions on getting in referrals.Sorry, but I don´t believe in a list where you have to exclude all those.Again, there is a difference between online business and offline business, learn from those who actually are making money.I am making real money myself.

Mattias, you are right. I stand corrected. I was a generalizing too much by lumping matrix bizopps with money games. Any business/company should be represented if a nomination is made that clearly describes the business so that it can be evaluated.

Another aspect I just realized is that some businesses are given a bad rap because of some sleazy promoters. The problem is with unethical promoters not the company itself.

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/11/2011 2:06:26 AM
A funny ( not) thing about matrices is how many people have NO real understanding about them and as Mattia has said "There are matrices that have a sound design and there are matrices which have a greedy design.And there are MLM-programs out there which have a clear product or service combined with a sound matrix."


As Glen pointed out"some businesses are given a bad rap because of some sleazy promoters. The problem is with unethical promoters not the company itself."

As a few of you might know..I read like a and I found an article about "What's the problem with MLM" that I really hope you will all read that talks to what both Mattias and glen have mentioned. It is an easy read and one that makes sense.

Because my personal experience with MLM is one based more on theory and with a few bad experiences, it would not be right nor fair of me to say too much more about this particular subject.

From the sounds of it, I hope everyone will listen to Glen, Mattias and I bet you - Jim as well.

Would be great if others would come in and give their opinions the saying goes...more the merrier.

P.S It's a pretty good marketing blog if anyone is interested in what a good marketing blog looks like.
RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/11/2011 9:22:30 AM

Exactly Glen!

There you have the point.So much depends on the responsibility marketers have and the way they promote the opportunity as well.

A good point!

I think we are getting some crucial points for this now!



Matrix or money games?

There are matrices that have a sound design and there are matrices which have a greedy design.And there are MLM-programs out there which have a clear product or service combined with a sound matrix.I know there are networkers out there who exclude an opportunity as soon as they here the word matrix.Take a closer look at the opportunities.There are opportunities with info products where you can earn good affiliate commissions on getting in referrals.Sorry, but I don´t believe in a list where you have to exclude all those.Again, there is a difference between online business and offline business, learn from those who actually are making money.I am making real money myself.

Mattias, you are right. I stand corrected. I was a generalizing too much by lumping matrix bizopps with money games. Any business/company should be represented if a nomination is made that clearly describes the business so that it can be evaluated.

Another aspect I just realized is that some businesses are given a bad rap because of some sleazy promoters. The problem is with unethical promoters not the company itself.

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/11/2011 9:38:33 AM
The most clear red flag as I can see, is when an admin starts to be selective in the payments to members cause there he has to be fair.If he claims a certain % of growth on an investment(not in HYIP:s), or purchase he has to pay that out equal to all the members and not only to a few in a selective way.Therefore it is needed to check out different forums to chose an opportunity with a good reputation.He has to be fair overall, that´s the ethics but when there are problems with payments, you can smell troubles in the air.
Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Glen Palo

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/11/2011 1:07:08 PM
Great discussion going!

Unfortunately, I will be off the 'net for a few days. I am heading to the hospital for some surgery to fix my writing hand. I tore a ligament in my thumb so now the surgeon is going in and sewing it together and anchoring it with a screw. Pre-operation, surgery, and post-op should run about 5 hours so I will be home for dinner.

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