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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 5:19:41 AM
Hi Diane

In the POTW Forum Where they vote we'll place a Self Nomination Link To a Forum Or Send them to the main forum where we nominate.

We post the rules where they can"t miss them and away we go.

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 5:34:45 AM
Hello Everyone, I am going to do my best to stay on topic and keep this related to POTW Feedback. I must say that for some reason I'm sure I have noticed this thread before, but to my knowledge have never clicked on it, and boy what I've been missing! Good stuff. I just got through going through all what is almost 100 pages of this. Way too much for me to read so I had to skim it. There are 3 main reasons why I have always loved ALP, even though I have been inactive for a good portion of the many years I've been a member here. 1) I love the people. People like Kathleen who engages me when I'm here, and encourages me to come back when I'm not, she is one of many great friends & I'll stop so as not to leave some out. 2) On topic, another reason is because I have always loved the POTW, VOTW, POTY, etc. This is honestly one of the main things that keeps me here and when I'm not as active keeps me coming back. Not sure why at times so few are interested? And I must say that Dennis, Jim, Mark, and many others are doing a great job in this and so many other parts of ALP. Barry too. 3) Advertising, I have to admit that this is one of the big purposes for me, for us being here as well. And I'll say that I know my approach is not always the best, and I sincerely apologize. In fact, maybe some would say that I'm a spammer? I do think that since I have had periods of inactivity away from ALP, that I have definitely noticed less success in my biz when I'm NOT here! I must also say that I have shared Bogdan's wonderful video, and I am when I'm here both on this site and others (as I've always believed in being a member of multiple sites but maybe most of us do have a favorite one?) promoting ALP and POTW. All I can say is keep up the great work. Thanks for allowing me to chime in. Oh and one last thought for now. I do think that maybe sites like Facebook have lured some people away, but again it is feasible that many of us are members of both ALP and FB as well as other sites, and I personally see nothing wrong with that. I agree that we should be posting positive stuff, promoting ALP, encouraging others, not nit-picking at least as a vendetta against others, and definitely not spamming & abusing the forums even the ones that are business-oriented. Again, I'm sorry for anyone that I have ever offended as my intention is not to hurt people. I've seen it mentioned many times in these threads that sometimes things are perceived the wrong way. I think we should be able to discuss the topics at hand like POTW feedback, that we should basically be able to say whatever we like without cursing or being belligerent, but as professional and in a civil manner. Thanks, Steve
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 11:53:00 AM
Topic Self Nomination

I Vote Yes

Is it going to Happen.Where should we start.Who wants to build the forum for it if we do this.
Looks Like the few people in this forum have the say because we are the only ones that give our feedback.

We got 60 Votes in the last POTW we can Beat that Number.

So i say Lets Get It ON.


Topic: Self Nomination

First, Keep It Easy

Where To do it?

No need to build another forum when it is already here. Anything related to voting, suggestions, eligibility, feedback, POTW, POTY, VOTW, can be done in main forum.

New thread?

No, why do another thread in the main forum when it is already here. Just change the name by editing the first landing page.

Example: Members Suggestions and Request To Be Nominated.

Public Or Private?

Keep it open and upfront. What are you afraid of? All you are doing is asking to be nominated and that you would like to run. If it is seconded, you are good to go. Doing private mailings causes more work for others.


Again, you are doing what is already here, If you are nominated, in the Suggestion thread, and if you are watching, is where you can agree, or decline form running at this time. When I was nominated in the Suggestion thread, it was easy as I just stated: “not at this time,” in one place. Nominated in one place and moving to another to agree or decline, why?


The opening pages (threads) should be reconstructed with all the information and rules for that thread. The Main Forum has it general rules and information and each opening page (Thread) should have its own rules that apply to that thread with all the correct information regarding it. It is the first thing you see when clicking on that thread and should grab the attention to all visitors with the new information for that thread, what it is for, what you can and cannot do, and how to make sure that they know to read the new information, then move to the last page and work back to see where the discussion, if any, is the topic of choice.

Open For Discussion

I made some improvements and changes for the openingVoting Page and not heard anything. Please take the time for the ones that are putting in the work to a least get back to them with some kind of response.

Added Header

Pending for additions

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 12:12:17 PM
Hi Diane

In the POTW Forum Where they vote we'll place a Self Nomination Link To a Forum Or Send them to the main forum where we nominate.

We post the rules where they can"t miss them and away we go.


Hi Dennis,

Voting Thread is The Voting Thread and keeping it in prospective and related to that is the main topic and what you want people to do. VOTE!

"Requesting to be Nominated" I think should be your new campaign wording as it does not sound so self motivated as Self Nomination.

I think it may have a litle more impact when people see:

"Request To Be Nominated"

Member suggestions by others and Members that want to be there can all be built with one thread that is already here. Just rename it and rebuild the opening page so all visitors will see that they can suggest other members for the voting or request to be nominated with all the rules in the opening page.

Try not to complicate the rules with a bunch of details. To me it is to easy.

You want to run or you don't, and there are only a couple or requirements that follow.

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 1:09:09 PM

A Open Design Email Template that can be used and sent to all about your new change coming. The New Updated Change: " Request to Be Nominated"

More Can be added if It fits.

You can now, or soon, add that you would like to run with a request to be nominated.

Example Text That You Can Use: I would like to run and am putting up my

"Request To Be Nominated"

This would hold a far more better response that saying: "I Nominate MySelf"


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