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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 12:30:52 AM
If I might give an opinion to this question, which by the way is a very good one?

I feel that like anything, it depends on how a person says things. I know that in other styles of contests, people will put their names in to be entered into a contest, with a bit of a review of who they are and what they are doing. No one questions this and in fact it can show leadership qualities that many consider desirable.

Saying that, I know that there will be people who are not comfortable with the self nominating being done in "public" so how about a suggestion?

If a person wants to nominate themselves, but is not so comfortable going "public"they can let the POTW team know and then the POTW team can put the persons name on the page or a page, it still needs to be seconded, so people will have to pay attention to the thread and go in to perform the act of agreeing.

Either way, the choice is up to the individual and what they want to do?

It is good to ask these kinds of questions so that everyone is on the same page and the rules are clear and understandable.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 12:31:47 AM
I'd like to add more to my previous post...nominees are supposed to be members for at least 90 days, that's plenty of time to make lots of friends here.

Also, the original election was supposed to nominate/elect people who have positive influence, so I hope if people self-nominate, there will be people seconding those nominations, just to ensure friendship and positive influence of the self-nominee...

and...if non-winners are supposed to have a certain percentage of the vote (is it 5% or 10%?) to be placed on the following week's ballot again, the self-nominating people need to be aware of that and be certain they can gather at least 10% of the current vote, they'll really need to be prepared to generate votes, if they can get at least 1 vote per day for the week of the election, that's all it would take to get about 10% right now.

Is the 10% of the vote rule still in effect for being on the ballot again, or are all 3 non-winners just placed back on it, regardless if they didn't get a certain percentage of total votes?
Is a new forum needed for self-nomination? Can't people just nominate themselves thru personal message to the POTW Team? If it's a public forum, are people going to feel comfortable nominating themself in public, or worried about what other people think?

I believe in self-nomination, but also think if newer members take the time to make friends, they can let people know they're interested in being nominated.

Topic Self Nomination

I Vote Yes

Is it going to Happen.Where should we start.Who wants to build the forum for it if we do this.
Looks Like the few people in this forum have the say because we are the only ones that give our feedback.

We got 60 Votes in the last POTW we can Beat that Number.

So i say Lets Get It ON.


Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 1:05:58 AM
thumbs up!

I don't think a new rule or forum is needed for self nomination. Just do it!

Now on the other hand we were talking about having an award for the top Network Marketer. That discussion may have been in another thread of forum. That is something that deserves more attention and should not be lost. It would indeed take some putting together, maybe by a team of people.

If there is someone who wants to be nominated and they do not feel comfortable in nominating themselves they could talk to one of the coaches.


Topic Self Nomination

I Vote Yes

Is it going to Happen.Where should we start.Who wants to build the forum for it if we do this.
Looks Like the few people in this forum have the say because we are the only ones that give our feedback.

We got 60 Votes in the last POTW we can Beat that Number.

So i say Lets Get It ON.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 2:40:23 AM
I was thinking that Split Forums would work because we can still nominate people we feel deserve to win POTW.

I don't know if Jim is doing the 10% or just adding them back in.

90 Days as a member should be stiill in affect for one of the qualifications.

Basically the same rules apply as they are already set.

If we Make a New Forum for the self nomination we need to have the rules posted right in the forum so these people can see if that do qualify or not.Then if they do they can post that they wish to run for POTW.

So there"s the people that have been nominated by there friends and the self nominated we get the best of both worlds.

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/26/2012 2:49:34 AM
Right now I am seeing many forums under the heading of Feature of the week (Person of the week), I am just wondering if this is just going to get very confusing to many people?

Is there some way to make this process more simplified and easy for everyone?

I know that I can be as thick as a brick at times so just wondering?

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