By Brandon West, Project Global Awakening, April 22, 2014 –
Consciousness evolution is the process of becoming universal consciousness. And in order to do so, all that we need to do is simply open up a channel within us so that universal consciousness can flow through us uninhibited, because our highest self, the highest level of our consciousness is universal consciousness.
This is the process of consciousness evolution and it is a completely natural process, indeed one that each one of us will go through at one point or another. It is guaranteed.
As you have probably noticed, there is a certain degree of more scientific, intellectually orientated material on this website. But that is only one aspect of this website. Moreover, that is only one aspect of yourself.
Yes, I want to convince you that your body is a projection of consciousness and that you choose your genes, or at least explore together definite evidence for a whole new perspective on reality. But of equal importance to me is to discover and explore how to make use of that truth in our lives for a new experience and awareness of who and what we are, and to actually use that information to heal, change our lives, and actually experience a consciousness evolution.
I recently received a question from one of our fledgling community of evolvers asking about the link between healing and meditation, thoughts and belief and how we can use them to our advantage. This article is an answer to that question.
We have two aspects to our being. We have a radiative aspect which is always changing:our thoughts and emotions; and we have an observing awareness which is collapsing towards singularity where we are one and connected with the rest of the universe, all beings, and where we are united with our source of all-possibility: pure consciousness. Awakening consciously to the former is the path of consciousness evolution.
Our thoughts radiate from the event horizon of our being which is the boundary between thought and silent awareness. Yet there is a lens which determines how the pure energy of consciousness expresses itself through us in our thoughts and emotions which directly manifests in our lives and in our bodies.
That lens is belief.
Imagine belief as a lens much like the negatives on a roll of film which creates an image on a screen when pure light shines through. When you change the negative, when you change the belief, the image on the screen changes. Your body and your life is a three-dimensional hologram defined by your beliefs, and our society is the collective holographic image we have co-created with one another and with the Earth hologram we call nature, within a greater hologram we call our solar system, our galaxy, our universe, and so on to infinity.
And yet the most important thing to remember is not that your belief determines your hologram, but that if your belief system was out of the way altogether then pure consciousness which is energy of the highest vibration – love – would radiate from yours being and express perfection and abundance everywhere in your life. Not if your belief system was changed, but if your belief system was abolished. And that is where thought and meditation comes it.
Thought is a natural part of yourself, so there is no reason for you to feel the need to stop thinking altogether. We just have to learn how to think consciously when we do think. However, it is important to periodically strive for (and eventually achieve) inner silence in order to open ourselves up so that our thoughts, emotions, and actions can channel through us unadulterated from a higher level of consciousness within.
All beings are expressions of the universe, God-in-action, but the reason why we have murderers, rapists, imperfection of any kind, and sleeping people of varying degrees is not because some people are inherently good or bad, compassionate or evil. There is no such thing.
The reason we see negativity is because there is so much distortion in the high-vibration energy from the lens of our beliefs and the chaos created by unconscious thinking. The natural high energy of consciousness ends up being distorted and misdirected by so many different limiting beliefs and negative habits, thoughts, and behaviors that it ends up being expressed in harmful ways. Either harmful in an expressive way towards another human being (or yourself), or it is repressed and internalized and it manifests itself as disease in the body.
Therefore peace in the world and health in the body both stem from inner peace and inner silence: clearing out the clutter within ourselves.

Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening, a website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world.
I know in my heart that everyone can change if they want to. It is just a matter of cleaning out the programming.
Three Steps To Consciousness Evolution
These three steps are the most essential steps in order to raise your level of consciousness, cultivate personal mastery, and thus engage in the process of consciousness evolution.
1. Live on the Event Horizon between Thought and Silence.
“Be mindful of your self-talk; it’s a conversation with the universe.”
In order to live consciously and to think consciously, we must live on the border between thought and silence. Only then are we in the best possible position to be truly self-aware and to manifest because this is the only position where we can follow Deepak Chopra’s succinct process of manifestation: “Slip into the gap, have the desire, detach from the outcome, and let the universe take care of the details.”
Only from this place can we manifest, and only from this place can we be truly vigilant over our perceptual state. When we live in this space we can easily see not only the perceptual pattern we are living from, and change it if we desire, but we can also feel clearly how spirit is moving us, and what we are being guided to do by the unified field of pure consciousness.
Silence is the yin aspect of our awareness, and thought is the yang. When we live right on the border, but deeply centered in silence with a greater tendency to submerge ourselves in infinite divine consciousness than to radiate too far and become lost in the world of things, then we will learn how to live with true power and potency because from this perceptual position our thoughts emanate directly from the highest aspect of ourselves without being distorted by our thoughts and beliefs.
Our actions from this place are aligned with our highest potential, our thoughts are pure and our emotions are of a high frequency. When we live in the event horizon between thought and silence, then we flow from our highest self and there is an immediate feedback of creation between the two infinities of the universe.
2. Let go and surrender to the Universe
I wrote an article recently called Let Go and Let God, and I want to be absolutely clear about what I mean by letting go and allowing the universe to take care of the details of our lives. Letting go and surrendering is not laziness and apathy. It is the process of learning how to live from a place more aligned with the highest aspects of ourselves.
Everything we have ever done, and every experience we have had is leading to our consciousness evolution. It has meaning. If we shift our perspective from being a victim of our experiences to being the recipient of a cosmic education and co-creator of our destiny, which ultimately is consciousness evolution, then we can start to tap into who we really are.
Letting go and surrendering is not laziness, and it is not giving up. It is simply centering yourself in the awareness that your dreams and all of your purest desires will unfold naturally as an expression of who you are, if you discipline yourself to get out of your own way. It is a shift to the awareness that you already are complete, and that all you need to do every day is exactly what you are inspired to do, what you’d love to do, and what makes you happy in this moment. That is the difference.
Wayne Dyer explained the shift to letting go and surrendering to the universe best when he said: “Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. When you do this, you’re also tapping into another face of intention: love. If you’re doing what you love and loving what you do—whatever it is—you make a living at it!”
Letting go and surrendering is a process of getting your ego (what is ego?) out of the way so that your higher consciousness can work through you.
3. Live without desires, but by Divine Inspiration
Instead of living from low-level desires such as earning lots of money, achieving fame, recognition, or even respect, try living more aligned to universal principles (and thus universally aligned desires) by cultivating a deep desire to serve the consciousness evolution of humanity, to live your highest potential, and to create as fearlessly and as ego-lessly as you can. This is what I mean by living by divine inspiration.
When we can live consistently in this fashion, every one of our needs and desires will be taken care automatically.
Living by divine inspiration means to focus all of your energy on your love, and the creative self-expression that is your purpose in life, and to let the universe handle the details. We have been trained to care about the outcome of our efforts through school and society in general. We have been conditioned to seek success. But humans are far too powerful to waste their time with such low level activities.
When we focus all of our energy delving into the depths of ourselves, tapping into the universe through our inner connecting link, and then expressing the truth, love, power, inspiration and creativity that we find, then the universe will take care of the rest. The more we try and force the world to do our bidding, the poorer the results and the more frustrated we become.
If we instead focus all of our energy on living from inspiration and the boundary between thought and silence, and the deeper we submerge ourselves in that silence which is the cosmic ocean of pure energy/information, the brighter and more radiant and powerful we become. When we live from this space we have true power and the universe responds.
The more that we align with our universal source, the more we become our universal source. This is the process of consciousness evolution.
The result of living a life aligned with these three principles and practices is that we enter into a world of magic; a brand new world and perception of reality that we achieve by disconnecting ourselves from the matrix which exists only in our thoughts. The perceptual matrix of our society is at a low level of consciousness, and the only way we can get out of it is by thinking from a brand new place within us and living from a new awareness.
In order to live from a higher level of consciousness we must stop taking orders from lower levels of consciousness, our minds. This is not an event but a process. And while there will most definitely be spontaneous shifts, or quantum moments, know that all your previous actions and work accumulate to make these quantum shifts occur.
The universe is speaking to each one of us individually and is seeking to express itself through each one of us because we are the universe … except we are resisting this aspect of ourselves and pretending to be small, limited, insignificant, and powerless. The universe is consciousness, and we are consciousness thus we must be like what we came from. There is no division. When we can continually center ourselves in silence, and learn to let go and allow ourselves to be guided by that silence, a miraculous shift will occur in our lives…
We will cease to desire from the ego. Recognition will become unimportant. Success will not be the greatest pull on our attention. Instead we will discover a magical connection within us where there is a flow of information, creativity, and knowledge, and by tapping into this flow, we will create and discover beyond our wildest dreams.
Tapping into this flow consciously will release the dam created by our minds so that the universal force, the Tao, or God, can flow through us like a mighty river, and this new energy will be of such a vibration as to radically transform our perception of reality. And we will live “in a great and wonderful world,” where “dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you will discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be,” as the great Sage Patanjali expressed so beautifully.
This is the potential within each one of us. The limitations of any individuals are in direct relationship to the degree to which they live from their mind. For as soon as we discover silence, all barriers disappear, and the universe speaks through each and every one of us equally.
Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening, a website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.