The Seven Chakras: What Are Their Purposes? – Part 4/7
Posted by Wes Annac on September 7, 2014

The Heart Chakra. Credit: Fractal Enlightenment
Written by Wes Annac, September 6, 2014 –
Continued from Part 3
Now, on to chakra #4: the heart chakra. The solar plexus has a lot to do with our confidence and empowerment, whereas the heart chakra relates more to our love and compassion for the plight of others.
Eclectic energies tells us about the compassionate openness that results from an opened heart chakra.
“The Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships.
“When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant.
“If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.” (1)
Our love isn’t as pure or potent if we express it too much or too selfishly, and as we’ll eventually learn, love goes hand in hand with selflessness. If we truly love someone, we’ll think about their wants and needs over our own, and it goes without saying that we won’t want to hurt them in the name of selfish pursuits.
In the same vein, we won’t want to alienate ourselves from them by filling them with more love and praise than they can handle, and balance will always be an important aspect of traversing the ascension path and generally living life. Some people probably appreciate an overexpression of love and praise, but it could unintentionally push others away.
Not to mention that it could burn out the heart chakra, and this is one reason we’re encouraged not to bring too much universal energy through. If we brought through far more energy in one night than our heart chakra could take, for instance, we might feel very tired, depleted and maybe even depressed the next day.
As Kellie Jo Conn tells us, the heart chakra connects the physical body with the mind and spirit.
“The fourth chakra is referred to as the heart chakra. It is located behind the breast bone in front and on the spine between the shoulder blades in back. This is the center for love, compassion and spirituality. This center directs one¹s ability to love themselves and others, to give and to receive love. This is also the chakra connecting body and mind with spirit.” (2)
She also describes the ‘heart scars’ that can result from heavy, sustained physical or emotional trauma.
“Almost everyone today has a hard, hurt, or broken heart, and it is no accident that heart disease is the number one killer in America today. Deep heart hurts can result in aura obstructions called heart scars. When these scars are released, they raise a lot of old pain, but free the heart for healing and new growth.” (3)
It’s important to release any heart scars that have formed because of any trauma experienced, in this or any other life on earth, and in some cases, we might find that the scars are results of age-old pain that we’ve practically forgotten about.
No matter where our pain or trauma comes from, we’ll have to heal it if we want to lighten our vibration and ascend. We’ll definitely have to heal it if we want our heart chakra to bring through a banquet of increasingly pure energy, and as our vibration rises, we’ll be naturally confronted by our heart scars or any other issues that could keep us from ascending.
The fear of getting hurt (and the fear of being unworthy of love) result from a closed heart chakra, Kellie tells us.
“When this chakra is out of balance you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, or unworthy of love. Physical illnesses include heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, and difficult in breathing.
“When this chakra is balanced you may feel compassionate, friendly, empathetic, desire to nurture others and see the good in everyone.” (4)
It’s easier to see everyone as a sacred embodiment of Source when our heart chakra is open and brimming, but we’ll turn cold and hollow if it’s closed off. Everyone craves love at our core, and if we block ourselves from this love by closing our heart chakra, we cut ourselves off from the greatest loving source we could’ve hoped to tap into.
This is why so many people on this planet are so unhappy: they’ve completely blocked their reception of the loving energy that helps us thrive. They could re-find the love that seems extinguished if they were to rediscover and open all of their chakras, and all of humanity will have to do this if we want to collectively ascend.
I’m confident that we’ll be able to do it in due time, but the conscious public will have to work as hard as we can to awaken others about their chakras and various other things.
As usual, Kellie then outlines the body parts and gemstones that are associated with the heart chakra.
“Body parts for the fourth chakra include heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back. The main colors used are pink and green. The gemstones are Rose Quartz, Kunzite, and Watermelon tourmaline.” (5)
Mind Body Green tells us some helpful facts about the heart chakra.
“The 4th Chakra, the Heart Chakra, represents our ability to love — the quality of our love, our past loves — and our future loves. Here’s what you need to know about Heart Chakra healing:
“Location of our Heart Chakra: Center of chest just above heart.
“Emotional issues affecting our Heart Chakra: Love, joy, inner peace.
“Color: Green
“Healing Exercises: Bikram Yoga, Love, love, love. Simply opening up our hearts to others is the best healing exercise to open up the Heart Chakra.
“Healing Foods: Green colored foods (leafy vegetables, spinach), Green tea” (6)
I agree with the statement that ‘simply opening up our hearts to others is the best healing exercise…’
I’m sure there are plenty of exercises we can do to open up and balance the heart, but the best way to exercise it is to simply embody love. We can call on love every day; in every moment, and if we do, we’ll eventually find that we can easily let it flow to whoever and wherever it’s needed.
We have little reason not to exercise our opening and expanding hearts, but it requires the disciplined ability to transcend the influence of the ego and work sternly on developing the heart in the face of temptation to close ourselves off from it.
Again, we’ll only find coldness and hollowness if we’re closed off, and we’ll eventually make our way back to our hearts with the understanding that they’re our link to the love we want to feel so badly. We never have to feel depleted of this love again, but if we close our heart or overwhelm it with too much energy, we might feel depleted for a while.
- Eclectic Energies: “Introduction to the Chakras” –
- Kellie Jo Conn: “The Seven Major Chakras” –
- Loc. cit.
- Loc. cit.
- Loc. cit.
- Mind Body Green: “The Seven Chakras For Beginners” –
Continued in Part 5 tomorrow.