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8/14/2014 6:10:01 PM

Vast Tomb Unearthed in Northern Greece

A partial view of the site where archaeologists are excavating an ancient mound in Amphipolis, northern Greece, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014. It appears to be the entrance to an important tomb from about the end of the reign of ancient warrior-king Alexander the Great. (AP Photo/Alexandros Michailidis)

A partial view of the site where archaeologists are excavating an ancient mound in Amphipolis, northern Greece, Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2014. It appears to be the entrance to an important tomb from about the end of the reign of ancient warrior-king Alexander the Great. (AP Photo/Alexandros Michailidis)

By Nick Squires, The Telegraph, August 12, 2014 –

Archaeologists in Greece have discovered a vast tomb that they believe is connected with the reign of the warrior-king Alexander the Great, who conquered vast swathes of the ancient world between Greece and India.

The tomb, dating to around 300 BC, may have held the body of one of Alexander’s generals or a member of his family. It was found beneath a huge burial mound near the ancient site of Amphipolis in northern Greece.

Antonis Samaras, Greece’s prime minister, visited the dig on Tuesday and described the discovery as “clearly extremely significant”.

A broad, five-yard wide road led up to the tomb, the entrance of which was flanked by two carved sphinxes. It was encircled by a 500 yard long marble outer wall. Experts believe a 16ft tall lion sculpture previously discovered nearby once stood on top of the tomb.

They ruled out the possibility that the tomb could be that of Alexander – the emperor is believed to have been buried in Egypt after he died of a fever in Babylon in 323BC.

The tomb was found in Greece’s northern Macedonia region, from where Alexander began to forge his empire.

“It is certain that we stand before an especially significant finding. The land of Macedonia continues to move and surprise us, revealing its unique treasures, which combine to form the unique mosaic of Greek history of which all Greeks are very proud,” said Mr Samaras.

Archaeologists, who began excavating the site in 2012, hope to fully explore the tomb by the end of the month to determine exactly who was buried there. The site is being guarded by police while archaeologists continue their excavations.

Catherine Peristeri, the head of the ancient monuments department in northern Greece, said some of Alexander’s generals and admirals had links to the area around the ancient city of Amphipolis. It was also the place where his wife, Roxana, and son, were killed in 311BC by Cassander, a Macedonian general who fought over the empire after Alexander the Great’s death.

Situated about 65 miles northeast of Greece’s second-biggest city, Thessaloniki, the tomb appears to be the largest ever discovered in Greece.

It probably belonged to “a prominent Macedonian of that era,” a culture ministry official told Reuters.

The tomb, which consists of white marble decorations and frescoed walls, was partially destroyed during the Roman occupation of Greece.

Amphipolis was founded as an Athenian colony in 437 BC but conquered by Philip II of Macedon, Alexander’s father, in 357 BC.

Alexander the Great single-handedly changed the history of the ancient world with a lightning pace of conquest. Born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in 356 BC, he was educated by the philosopher Aristotle. When his father was assassinated in 336 BC, Alexander set about consolidating his hold on the kingdom of Macedonia before embarking on the conquest of the powerful Persian Empire.

He led his army to victories across Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt, establishing an empire that eventually stretched from the Danube to the frontiers of India.

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8/30/2014 5:34:15 PM

God by Any Other Name

ShivaShatki 22If you’d permit me, I’d like to share a discussion with an Indian (Bharatiya) reader by way of making distinctions.

Those who may not be familiar with what’s being discussed here may wish to skip this article, if it pleases them.

I do this not to offend readers of other faiths, but to break down the barriers between religions by showing that they all worship the same Mother/Father One and the forms that the One creates.

I remember staging an experiment when I was in India once, asking everyone I could meet who the equivalent of the Christianity Trinity was in Hinduism. So, by Trinity I mean the equivalent of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Almost everyone said that the equivalent was Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

No, that’s the Trimurthy. Let me come to the Trimurthy in a minute, but the equivalent of the Christian Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost is Brahman, Atman and Shakti. (1)

The Trinity describes three levels of Reality – the Transcendental (Brahman, the Father), the Phenomenal (the Mother, the Holy Ghost) and the Transcendental in the Phenomenal (Atman, the Son or Christ). To say the “Phenomenal” is to say the realm of matter, mater,Mother.

Jesus is often called a dualist, but the Hindu Trinity of Brahman, Atman and Shakti is the province of Non-Dualists, is it not? That would make Jesus, a worshipper of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, very much a Non-Dualist, I would think. (2)

The Divine Mother has revealed to us that the Trimurthy is the same as the cosmic forces known as the gunas.

Steve Beckow: I have a question for you from our Hindu readers. They want to know if the gunas, the cosmic forces which are called rajas, sattwa, and tamas, are the same as the Trimurthy [Triad] of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

Divine Mother: Yes. We are the same as that triad.

SB: All right. And the Trimurthy of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva is a subset of the Universal Creative Vibration that you are at your essence. Is that correct?

DM: That is correct. [The Trimurthy] is much the same as we have been speaking of. It is a way in which my beloved children can come to know me and to have that experience. It is formless, and yet it is form. It is a way of connection, and it is a way of understanding and entering into a higher vibration of being. So it helps the emergence into my energy. (3)

Just in case anyone might not accept that I was speaking to the Divine Mother, I also asked Sri Shankara when I interviewed him on An Hour with an Angel in June 2013:

Steve Beckow: What is the connection between what Hindus call Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and the gunas or the cosmic forces of rajas, sattwa and tamas?

Sri Shankara: I can answer this very quickly. There are no differences. (4)

Or Sri Ramakrishna: “Mother is all – She has become the three gunas.” (5)

To speak of the Trimurthy of gods and goddesses is to use a teaching device to bring people into faith through bhakti [devotion] and lead them in gradual steps to knowledge through jnana [wisdom].

That explains why some Indian gurus say that the devotee progresses from dualism to qualified non-dualism to non-dualism. Sri Ramakrishna gives an example of that progression from forms to formlessness:

“The more you advance toward God, the less you will see of His glories and grandeur. The aspirant at first has a vision of the Goddess with ten arms; there is a great display of power in that image. The next vision is that of the Deity with two arms; there are no longer ten arms holding various weapons and missiles. Then the aspirant has a vision of Gopala, in which there is no trace of power. It is the form of a tender child. Beyond that there are other visions also. The aspirant then sees only Light.” (6)

The many-armed form would be a dualistic conception of God; Light would be a non-dualistic conception. Beyond light, of course, would lie the Void, which is not even Light. Of That, Pseudo-Dionysius says:

“I pray we could come to this darkness, so far above light! If only we lacked sight and knowledge so as to see, so as to know, unseeing and unknowing, that which lies beyond all vision and knowledge. …

“Now as we climb from the last things up to the most primary we deny all things … so that we may see above being that darkness concealed from all the light among beings. … As we plunge into that darkness which is beyond intellect, we shall find ourselves not simply running short of words but actually speechless and unknowing.” (7)

The stages of enlightenment go on very much farther than even knowledge of the Void. They could be called virtually endless. (8)

Who says that the Mother is Aum? Let’s listen to Sri Ramakrishna:

“The Divine Mother [is] the Primal Energy.” (9)

“The Divine Mother [is] the Cosmic Power itself.” (10)

“O Mother! O Embodiment of Om!” (11)

It is the Mother alone who creates, preserves and destroys as Aum. Said Thakur [Sri Ramakrishna] : “The Primordial Power is ever at play. She is creating, preserving, and destroying in play, as it were.” (12)

And Paramahansa Yogananda: “The Aum vibration that reverberates throughout the universe (the ‘Word’ or ‘Voice of many waters’ of the Bible) has three manifestations or gunas, those of creation, preservation, and destruction.” (13)

The distinction between the Father and the Mother is the distinction between stillness and movement. Says Thakur:

“When inactive It is called Brahman. Again, when creating, preserving, and destroying, It is called Sakti. Still water is an illustration of Brahman. The same water, moving in waves, may be compared to Sakti, Kali.” (14)

Jesus, when asked for a password to identify the disciples, replied: “Tell them a movement and a rest.” (15) That would be the equivalent of saying “Tell them the Mother and the Father.”

She is no different from the Father, according to Sri Ramakrishna:

God Himself is Mahamaya.” (16)

“That which is Brahman is also Kali, the Mother, the primal Energy.” (17)

That which is Brahman is also Kali, the Adyashakti, who creates, preserves, and destroys the universe.” (18)

All avatars, such as Sri Rama and Sri Krishna, would be incarnations of the Divine Mother, according to Thakur.

“It is Sakti alone that becomes flesh as God Incarnate.” (19)

“The Incarnation of God is part of the lila of Sakti.” (20)

“The Full Brahman is the Witness, pervading all space and time, equally. It is his Energy (Shakti) that incarnates.” (21)

There is no reason for the religions, such as Hinduism and Christianity, to look down on each other and think one account is more accurate than another. All accounts simply tell of the One God. There is no God of the Christians, of the Hindus, of the Muslims, and of the Jews. There is only God, by any name. As Thakur said:

“A lake has several ghats. At one, the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it ‘jal’; at another the Mussalmans take water in leather bags and call it ‘pani.’ At a third the Christians call it ‘water.’

“Can we imagine that it is not ‘jal,’ but only ‘pani’ or ‘water’? How ridiculous! The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences.

“Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He will surely realize Him.” (22)

As lightworkers, it’s our mission to bring down the barriers among the religions. The way to do that is to establish first the correlation among the various conceptions of the Trinity.

There is no basis for fighting holy wars, jihads, or crusades to convert people from their faith to ours. All faiths worship the One God, who has no partiality, is present everywhere, and is the Source of everything.


(1) On the equivalence of the Trinities see “Christianity and Hinduism are One” at; “A Note to Hindu Readers on “the Christ” at; and “The One Became Two and the Two Became Three”at

(2) “Jesus was a Non-Dualist” at

(3) “The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at

(4) “Sri Shankara: Everywhere You Look Will be a Monsoon of Love,” June 6, 2013 at

(5) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Yogeshananda, The Visions of Sri Ramakrishna.Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1980, 22

(6) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 177. [Hereafter PR in GSR.]

(7) Pseudo-Dionysius in Cohn Luibheid, trans., Pseudo-Dionysus, His Complete Works. New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 138-9.

(8) “Ch. 11 Enlightenment is Virtually Endless” at

(9) PR in GSR, 116.

(10) Ibid., 116

(11) Ibid., 299.

(12) Ibid., 134.

(13) Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay: Jaico, 1975, 17.

(14) PR in GSR, 634.

(15) A. Guillaumont et al. The Gospel According to Thomas. New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1959, 29.

(16) PR in GSR, 116.

(17) Ibid., 177

(18) Ibid., 1012.

(19) Ibid., 272.

(20) Ibid., 272.

(21) PR in Anon., A Bridge to Eternity. Sri Ramakrishna and His Monastic Order. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1986, 54.

(22) PR in GSR, 35.

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9/1/2014 2:26:59 AM

Who are the Elohim? – Part 1/3


Swami Vivekananda – Apparently an incarnated Elohim

There are wondrous beings helping us with Ascension. I had an enjoyable discussion with an attendee at the Vancouver Golden Gaia Meet-up on the Elohim, which rekindled my interest in these elevated beings.

Believe it or not, not only are the Elohim among the wisest and most powerful of spirits, but some among them have joined us in these clunky dry suits that we’re wearing. I’ve met one, and perhaps two, in incarnation. I say “one” because Archangel Michael confirmed that she was an Elohim.

Even they’ve agreed to curtail their memories for a while and walk among us making do until their powers are restored. I don’t know what it would look like to see an incarnated Elohim with his or her powers restored. It must be a majestic sight.

So let’s look in this next series at this honorable group of beings who play such a pivotal role in the work of creation.

I don’t want to simply reel off all the Sanskrit or Pali names they’ve been called, but their names are legion.

However there are some names which are significant. And we may only have room to look at one of those names today.

That name is the “seven sages” or “seven spirits.” This doesn’t mean there are only seven Elohim. Their numbers are large.

What it means, I think, is that they build with the seven rays. Sheldan Nidle’s sources say that there are “Elohim in charge of this quadrant of the galaxy.” (1) Add to that what White Eagle says:

“A highly developed sensitive will register many lovely colours, all born from the seven primary colours and the seven rays used by the Elohim, the Silent Watchers, Great Ones, each at the head of his own particular ray. (2)

I’d imagine that one Elohim stands at the head of each of the seven rays for each quadrant of the universe.

Theosophist Helena Blavatsky calls them the builders and watchers of the seven spheres.

“The seven sublime lords are the Seven Creative Spirits, the Dhyan-Chohans, who correspond to the Hebrew Elohim.” (3)

“The ‘Builders’ … are the real creators of the Universe; and in this doctrine, which deals only with our Planetary System, they, as the architects of the latter, are also called the ‘Watchers’ of the Seven Spheres.” (4)

Annie Besant tells us that the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, which Hindus call Brahman, Atman and Maya, came first and next came the Elohim or seven spirits.

“The threefold Logos [is] the Trinity: the First Logos, the fount of all life, being the Father; the dual-natured Second Logos the Son, God-man; the Third, the creative Mind, the Holy Ghost, whose brooding over the waters of Chaos brought forth the worlds. Then come ‘the seven Spirits of God’ and the hosts of archangels and angels.” (5)

Their account is supported in the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, which Levi wrote drawing on the Akashic records.

“From God’s own Record Book we read: The Triune God breathed forth, and seven Spirits stood before his face. (The Hebrews call these seven spirits, Elohim.)” (6)

“There is one God from whose great being there came forth the seven Spirits that created heaven and earth.” (7)

Krishna, speaking as Brahman, tells us about the birth of the Elohim or Seven Sages:

“Forth from my thought
Came the Seven Sages ….

“I gave birth
To the first begetters
Of all earth’s children.” (8)

“Forth from my thought” is how all of us were created.

Levi also tells us that they are the makers of humanity.

“[These] seven Spirits … are the Elohim, creative spirits of the universe.

“And these are they who said, Let us make man; and in their image man was made.” (9)

Have we a description of one of the Seven Sages, Watchers, or Elohim? Yes, apparently Swami Vivekananda was one of them. Here’s a passage from Swami Nikhilananda’sVivekananda that describes his derivation. I apologize for its length but it’s one of the few descriptions we have.

“Absorbed one day, in samadhi, Ramakrishna had found that his mind was soaring high, going beyond the physical universe of the sun, moon, and stars, and passing into the subtle region of ideas. As it continued to ascend, the forms of gods and goddesses were left behind, and it crossed the luminous barrier separating the phenomenal universe from the Absolute, entering finally the transcendental realm.

“There Ramakrishna saw seven venerable sages absorbed in meditation. These, he thought, must have surpassed even the gods and goddesses in wisdom and holiness, and as he was admiring their unique spirituality he saw a portion of the undifferentiated Absolute become congealed, as it were, and take the form of a Divine Child.

“Clambering upon the lap of one of the sages and gently clasping his neck with His soft arms, the Child whispered something in his ear, and at this magic touch the sage awoke from meditation. He fixed his half-open eyes upon the wondrous Child, who said in great joy: ‘I am going down to Earth. Won’t you come with me?’

“With a benign look the sage expressed assent and returned into deep spiritual ecstasy. Ramakrishna was amazed to observe that a tiny portion of the sage, however, descended to earth, taking the form of light, which struck the house in Calcutta where Narendra’s family lived, and when he saw Narendra [later Swami Vivekananda] for the first time, he at once recognized him as the incarnation of that sage.

“He also admitted that the Divine Child who brought about the descent of the rishi [or sage] was none other than himself.” (10)

I had often wondered when reading this passage how seven sages could leave behind even the gods and goddesses. But now seeing that the “seven sages” are the Elohim, that phrase becomes comprehensible.

So, in terms of establishing a beachhead of understanding (10) from which to fan out into our subject, the first thing we see is that the Elohim are the “seven sages,” “the seven spirits,” who stand at the head of the seven creative rays.


(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, June 24, 2008 at

(2) White Eagle, Wisdom from White Eagle. Liss: White Eagle Publishing Trust, 1983, 59.

(3) H.P. Blavtatsky, An Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine. Ed. Elizabeth Preston and Christmas Humphreys. Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1968, 23.

(4) Loc. cit., 29.

(5) Annie Besant, The Ancient Wisdom. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1972; c1897, 30-1.

(6) Levi, Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Marina Del Rey: DeVorss, 1972; c1935, 70.

(7) Loc. cit., 78.

(8) Sri Krishna in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans., Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944, 86-7.

(9) Levi, ibid., 42.

(10) Swami Nikhilananda, trans. Vivekananda: The Yogas and Other Works. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1953, 14.

(11) “Establishing a Beachhead of Understanding,” Feb. 10, 2014, at

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9/1/2014 5:51:18 PM

Who are the Elohim? – Part 2/3


Representation of the Elohim

The word “Elohim” in the Old Testament is often interpreted as God. But the Council of Nine tells us: “We wish you to know we are not God.” (1)

They came forth from the One immediately after the Trinity emerged, according to Levi:

“The One [Father, Parabrahman] became the Two [Father Brahman and Mother Shakti]; the Two became the three [with the Son or Atman], the Three evolved the Seven [Elohim], which filled the universe with manifests.” (2)

They don’t generally wander the cosmos, as we do. “It was not our destiny, to journey through the Cosmos, like you do, as the Cosmos is forever in Us,” they said through Ute Possega-Rudel.

“We are the Radiant Light, that you perceive. We are Keepers of Light and we are Creator Gods, also called the Elohim of the Great Central Sun.” (3)

Archangel Michael calls them “the Elohim, the mental radiance of the Creator, the great builders of form.” (4) They speak a language of Light, Ute’s sources tell us, and invite us to remember.

“There is only one true language, it is the language of Light. And it is tantamount to and the other face of Love. It is Ecstasy. We are Ecstasy. Remember!” (5)

IlliaEm tells us that “as an Elohim, my abilities are completely liberated from all of your perceived limitations of time and space.” (6) They can enter form and return to formlessness, as they wish.

“We are able to be both: light-form and formlessness. We have confined our absolute freedom only to this degree. We are capable to release the connection with form any time and Be Pure Light of the Central Sun. For you, existing in great density, this is difficult to imagine.” (7)

In terms of their evolution, Archangel Michael told us on An Hour with an Angel that “they are amongst the highest of the high, as you well know.” (8) He went on to reveal that “the elohim … are in a favored position in that they can pretty much go home any time they choose.”

“Going home” means to return again to the One. Beings who go home emerge again to serve the will of the One when needed.

Can they incarnate? I asked him. “Yes, they can,” he replied. (9) And yet, as incredible as it may sound, they face the same problems we do when they incarnate in this dense body. He tells us:

Steve Beckow: I know incarnated elohim. And yet they are in this human body, and it places limitations on them. I so often have such trouble with that, that the human body can be so non-conductive a material that it can hold, say, even a seraphim or an elohim back from remembering. … Am I correct in saying that?

Archangel Michael: You are correct in saying that until they break through. And when they break through, there is no stopping them.

SB: And they can break through while in the human body?

AAM: That is correct. (10)

An incarnated Elohim can even make mistakes. I know that from experience.

Steve Beckow: I know one elohim who is incarnated. And they can make mistakes. So, again, this human body is such a powerful contrarium.

Archangel Michael: But it is a situation we will not interfere with. You see… yes. This issue of mistakes, of missteps… But this is also part of free will. That is what will never be tampered with, because it is part of the design of the kingdom of your species. So, can an archangel or an elohim make a mistake, and experience what it is to be human? Most certainly. (11)

Sue Lie’s sources tell us that Arcturians are Elohim, something I didn’t know before.

“Arcturians are actually Elohim, as Elohim are builders and holders of form. The Arcturians participated in the initial model of the Adam Kadmon, the original human form of Lightbody. … The Arcturians specialize in Ascension.” (12)

We heard Ute’s sources say that “the Cosmos is forever in Us.” The Heavenly Hosts tell us that the Elohim precipitated this reality out of their beingness.

“Everything that you will be witnessing now is part of the completion that was seeded at the inception of the ‘idea’ that resulted in this portion of reality. When the Elohim came together to precipitate this reality out of their beingness, they did so according to the template brought forth from the Mind of God.

“They were co-creators, not THE Creator, and they did the work OF the Creator, in service TO the Creator.” (13)

IlliaEm describes how the Elohim work in the process of creation.

“We Elohim receive the Immaculate Concept from the Source of All That Is and begin the long process of merging spirit into matter to create a form for every Divine Ideal. Our process begins in the eleventh/twelfth dimensions and continues into worlds of matter.” (14)

Archangel Michael explains that “the Creator Light pours forth from the cosmic treasury of Light to be used by the Elohim and Builders of Form.” (15)

This race of beings has built everything we see and don’t see, on this dimension and all others. Tomorrow we’ll look at their work on Ascension.


(1) “The Council of Nine,” at

(2) Levi, Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Marina Del Rey: DeVorss, 1972; c1935, 42.

(3) “The Elohim of the Great Central Sun: A Great Work is Before You,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 9, 2013 at

(4) Archangel Michael: Angels of Mercy. Channelled through Ronna Herman, April 1, 2014, at

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus, “A Blessing from IlliaEm,” through Sue Lie, from Karen Revell to Steve Beckow, Dec. 18, 2009.

(7) “The Elohim of the Great Central Sun,” ibid.

(8) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at

(9) Loc. cit.

(10) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at

(11) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at

(12) “Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Mission Begins, Feb. 15, 2013, at

(13) Heavenly Hosts, “Let it Be,” 10 Nov. 2006, at

(14) Suzanne Lie: The Alchemy of Creation – Arcturians and IlliaEm,” May 13, 2013, at

(15) Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman, Feb. 27, 2011, at

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9/2/2014 6:47:12 PM

Who are the Elohim? – Part 3/3

Elohim 22Let’s now look at the Elohim’s work for Ascension.

The master Kuthumi tells us that “the entire Elohim will be focusing on this grand time of change.” (1) What role do the Elohim play? They’re here to awaken us to the memory of the creation process.

“We are here to awaken your memory of the creation of your soul. Your Consciousness witnessed this act of creation, after It had agreed to connect with Soul. It was Pure Unity Consciousness, until it divided through the connection with the soul creations.” (2)

Consciousness, I believe, is the formless, transcendental awareness that the Father is (and we are at essence). The soul is the third member of the Trinity – individuated consciousness – which was birthed from the Father. The soul is a step-down version of the Father, which we’re to realize as one milestone on the journey back to God.

The Elohim created the various dimensional worlds, including the Third Dimension, according to Tazjima’s sources.

“The underlying structure of the third dimension has been removed by its Creators, the Elohim. It was set up for the purpose of preventing further decay in the consciousness level being experienced by the inhabitants of the planet. It has served its purpose, but that purpose is now complete.” (3)

They’re also responsible for the construction of the world we’ll be going to in this first mass, physical Ascension. While the Fifth Dimension exists on the spirit side of life and is called the “Mental Plane.” I’m not at all sure whether the Fifth Dimension on the physical side of life existed before this Ascension. SaLuSa says:

“We wish everyone knew of the Golden Age that is almost upon you, one that brings Love and Light and your release from the pull of the lower vibrations, an Age that is a tribute to the love and glory of [the Elohim, the Creators].” (4)

They stand behind the star brothers and sisters, he adds.

“The Galactic Federation is just one group of dedicated souls, that are fully committed to ensuring Ascension is successful. Behind us are even more powerful ones such as the Elohim, and many Masters and High Beings of pure Light.” (5)

Sheldan Nidle’s sources agree:

“Our fleet is working with your Elohim to prepare for the great changes that are to come.” (6)

“[Working closely] with the Elohim in charge of this quadrant of the galaxy …. is always a great privilege and a great honor! (7)

It’s their plan we’re following in driving back the dark, said St. Germaine in 2008.

“[Your galvanization against the dark] is in accordance with the plan of the High Councils and Elohim for the destiny of Earth and its people. What appears simply a physical confrontation is in fact occurring on a number of different levels and you are lifting yourselves up, and driving the dark forces back until they will eventually leave your vibration.” (8)

Have we an instance of their handiwork? Patricia Diane Cota Robles says we do. It was in 2012 that “the Comet ISON was summoned by the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, to fulfill its unique facet of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth and our Solar System.” (9)

Since detailed mention of their work is rare, let’s look at her description of its unique mission at some length. First she describes the work that comets do.

“Since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been assisting Humanity with our journey back to Christ Consciousness.

“The Comet ISON has been a factor in this Divine Intervention from the very beginning. I know that astronomers consider comets to be nothing more than dirty snowballs, but that is inaccurate.

“Even the most minuscule subatomic particle or wave of life pulsates with energy, vibration, and consciousness. In other words, everything that exists in the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God has intelligence and a purpose and reason for being.

“Comets are actually forcefields of consolidated Light that pass through the atmosphere shaking the ethers and breaking down crystallized patterns and thoughtforms that no longer serve the highest good of the particular Solar System they enter. In their wake, they leave a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns and sacred knowledge can be encoded from On High.”

“Since its inception, the Comet ISON was destined for this moment in the evolution and Ascension of our Solar System.” (10)

Comet ISON contained creation codes vital to our Ascension.

“The Divine Mission of the Comet ISON was very complex, but this is what the Company of Heaven shared with us. 4,500,000,000 years ago, the Comet ISON was breathed forth from the Core of Creation simultaneously with our Solar System.

“At the moment of our inception, every particle and wave of Life associated with our Solar System was encoded with the full Divine Potential of our Father-Mother God and the Divine Plan for this system of worlds.

“Comet ISON likewise was encoded with the Divine Potential destined for our Solar System. When the Earth and Humanity fell into the chaos of separation and duality, the Comet ISON maintained the activation codes for the Divine Potential of our Solar System and Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness as Sons and Daughters of God.” (11)

She then describes how Comet ISON accomplished its mission.

“On November 28, 2013, the day when the United States of America was celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing on everything we were grateful for, the mission of the Comet ISON was brought to fruition. As ISON completed the final phase of its 4,500,000,000 billion year journey, it was pulled into our Sun.

“In an awesome explosion of Light, Comet ISON exponentially expanded the activation codes for the Divine Potential pulsating within the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life associated with our entire Solar System.

“On Earth, the activation of the codes for our Divine Potential meant a monumental acceleration in Humanity’s awakening process and our shift into Christ Consciousness. This incredible expansion of Light is now entering our newly activated pineal glands and assisting our I AM Presence to heal the short circuits that occurred within our original 12 Solar Strands of DNA during our fall from Grace.

“The double-helix DNA containing the genetic codes that our scientists acknowledge is but a minuscule fraction of our Divine Potential. Scientists actually call 98 percent of our DNA ‘junk DNA,’ which of course is absurd. The Divine Potential codes that were activated within each and every one of us by the Comet ISON, are now daily and hourly enhancing our ability to empower and control what we are thinking, feeling, saying, doing, believing, and remembering.” (12)

So the coordinated journey of Comet ISON to be here during our Ascension and awaken our DNA was planned by the celestial builders known as the Elohim.

It is they, according to Zoroaster, thousands of years ago, who “shall restore the world … when the dead shall rise and … the Lie be driven whence she came.” (13) Are not we the dead who are coming alive whose rising drives back the Lie, the illusion? Even ancient Persian sages knew about our Ascension.

Archangel Michael reminds us that they are helping many realms to ascend.

“What you do not know, very often, about the elohim is, yes, of course they are in service to the Mother, but what they are also doing is helping a great deal with the various transitions not only of the human realm but of many realms into the higher realms, if you wish to think of it that way.” (14)

After this Ascension, we’ll fan out into the universe to tell others of it and the Elohim will set about transforming other worlds, say Sheldan’s sources:

“Together, we, the Beings who live upon this most gorgeous orb, are to take our beautiful goddess (Gaia) and transform her back into the living form she most enjoys. We need the people of this world to spread out into the other water worlds, so they can be transformed by the Elohim into the wondrous creations that they once were. Take in what you see and as fully conscious Beings do right by each one of them.” (15)

The Elohim themselves, speaking through Ute, describe the work we’ll then do.

“You are the teachers of less developed Star Systems, because you know the total bandwidth of Light, from highest power of radiance to a light that is almost extinct. You know all associated faculties of creation in all variants of the lower and higher mind, the associated Emotions and feelings and physical states. You have studied the separation from your own divine Source, while you surrendered fully to the experience of it.

“All these themes, as they are known to you and as you understand them, enable you, to inspire and to fertilize other galactic civilizations with the power of Evolution, that happens by Divine Will.

“A great work and a dedicated service is before you. The evolution of all Galaxies is an unceasing process in the Center of the Consciousness of the Highest, the Source of all Existence.

“It is up to you, to accept this service, or to exchange it for a different task. But who have been feeling dedicated to this Service from the very beginning, will hear this call now and open their soul to be drawn to the appropriate pathway. Whether you are being already fully aware of it or not. It does not matter, but a prevision will dawn in those who are called, and something in them will respond.” (16)

To summarize, then, the Elohim are known as the Watchers, and Builders in Form. They’re the ones who’ve birthed humanity and built everything else manifest at the will of the Lord. They were birthed after the Divine Mother and the individual Self were created – the second and third members of the Trinity.

They do not travel the cosmos as we do. They are completely liberated from all of perceived limitations of time and space. They created the dimensional universe and are now assisting us with our migration from the limited world of third dimensionality to the fuller world of the higher realms.


(1) Kuthumi, “11:11 Turning of the Tide,” Nov. 2, 2008, through Michelle Eloff, at

(2) “The Elohim of the Great Central Sun: A Great Work is Before You,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 9, 2013 at

(3) “Higher Self and the Light Collective: On Integration,” channeled through Tazjima, November 9, 2013 at

(4) SaLuSa, June 18, 2010, at

(5) SaLuSa, July 12, 2010.

(6) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, Sept. 2, 2008 at

(7) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, June 24, 2008 at

(8) Saint Germain, 26 Sept. 2008, through Mike Quinsey, at

(9) “2014 Will Be A Year Like No Other,” by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. January 2014 at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Loc. cit.

(12) Loc. cit.

(13) Zarathustra in Duncan Greenlees, trans. The Gospel of Zarathushtra. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1978, 42.

(14) “Archangel Michael: Back to the One with the Speed of Love,” July 16, 2013, at

(15) “Update from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation,” as received by Sheldan Nidle, October 15, 2013 at

(16) “The Elohim of the Great Central Sun: A Great Work is Before You,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 9, 2013 at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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