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10/18/2014 5:02:04 PM

Oversoul Teachings Q&As via Wes Annac: Crown Chakra Expansion – Part 2/2


Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Crown Chakra Expansion – Part 2/2, Channeled through Wes Annac, October 17, 2014 –

Concluded from Part 1

Despite your immense and impressive ability to be energy conduits, your chakras are still occasionally in need of certain expansions or upgrades that help them bring this energy through in an increasingly pure way, and if we haven’t stressed this enough by this point, this is what happened for our reader and plenty of others who wonder exactly what it is they experience when they witness this bold phenomenon.

A Portal to the Other Side

We also want to let you know that if you let it, the upgrade you’re witnessing can allow you to perceive the higher realms in a very clear and pure way by actually traveling into them.

If you meditate on this addition to your crown practically endlessly, you’ll eventually be able to travel up through the opening and perceive a higher state of consciousness.

The experience will be very intense if you do this, and even though one should be careful with their Kundalini, we recommend you practice raising your Kundalini before you attempt to travel through this opening.

This is because you might not yet be ready for the intensely dazzling experiences that can result from traveling through this portal, and greeting the bold experiences that result from raising your Kundalini will help you prepare.

We encourage you to continuously meditate on your crown if you want to feel or access this addition a greater way, and there may be times when you can’t feel it – times when you’re encouraged to be calm and patient instead of letting the fact that you can’t feel it bring you down.

As your consciousness and awareness continue to rise, you’ll witness and greet various bold things that are related to your evolution and the increasingly pure and refined energy you’re being given from various parts of the cosmos, but for now, you’re just beginning to feel and express this energy in the intensely pure ways you now have the opportunity to.

Even though you’ve brought through a lot of pure energy already – so much that, again, you’d be surprised if you knew the extent of your work – this work has still just begun and you still have a wealth of even purer energies to bring through and express, which this recent upgrade will help you with enormously.

One of the best things we can recommend for you and everyone else is to remember to stay focused on the aspects of your ascension that are rooted the most in spirit; in the qualities that can’t easily be felt or perceived with your human senses.

If you’re interested in channeling, for instance, we’d encourage you to practice it a little each day so you can bring through the universally pure energy that’s helping you adjust to the increasingly direct roles you’re playing in your ascension, which, if we haven’t stressed enough by this point, are far greater and more potent than you’ve let yourselves believe.

Many seekers who channel find that their ability’s dulled if they don’t practice it a little each day, and the same can be said for any creative or spiritually oriented pursuit. If you want to continue to feel the sometimes bizarre sensations that come with accessing this expanded aspect of your crown chakra, you’ll want to practice feeling it.

Do What You Can With the Tools You Have

Use visualization, affirmation and other spiritual tools to help you perceive it in a pure and direct way, and even on days when you don’t think you have the time or energy to access it, do what you can to make a connection.

In doing all of this, you’ll find that you’re easily able to perceive your crown’s addition and various other bold things that’ll leave you surprised and perhaps amazed, and with everything you do, remember that you have the assistance of higher-dimensional souls who wait for you to ask for their assistance so they can help you with any given aspect of your earthly mission.

If you require assistance with perceiving this expansion, call on your higher self, your guides and the rest of the Company of Heaven for the loving assistance they happily offer. They’ll be with you in an instant if you call on them, and they’ll help you witness a plethora of other phenomena that’ll introduce you to the reality of everything you’ve begun to learn and empower.

Because of the ascension phase you’re currently in, and especially because of the increasingly pure phases you’ll greet as your vibration continues to rise, many of you could begin to notice explicitly pure, direct and maybe even intense visions, feelings, sensations, etc. that are related to your ongoing rise into the higher realms and everything that comes with it.

You’re expanding and refining your ability to feel and express the pure energy you’re being given in every moment, and we’ll make our final expressions for this communication with encouragement to keep going.

You only have so much ’time’ on your little blue word to create all of the changes that need created and perceive all of the amazing things you have the potential to perceive, so let yourselves embrace spirit when you could otherwise embrace the dullness and spiritual emptiness that come with feeding the ego.

Despite how hard the ego strives to keep you from discovering and accessing the purer vibrations you can now access, you’re on earth for a far greater purpose than to continuously feed it.

You’re on the earth to create all of the spiritually inspired changes that need created, and with the love and support of the entirety of the Company of Heaven, we’re confident that you’ll achieve your respective missions with grace and ease. As long as you can feel just as confident in yourselves, you’ll have little difficulty changing your planet.

Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides.

Share this article freely, and check out The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future. While you’re surfing various spiritual websites, you can also check outOversoul Teachings, which is a blog I created for the messages I channel from my higher self/spiritual guides.

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11/1/2014 11:14:18 PM

Keeping the Seven Chakras Healthy

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, October 31, 2014 –

I don’t claim to be an expert on the chakras, but I’ve learned a little bit about them. I decided to open up and see what tips I could receive about keeping them healthy, and the words you’ll read here are what resulted.

I’m sure most of you know about the seven chakras, and we’re believed to have even more chakras beyond the basic seven that’ll come online as we continue to raise our vibration.

Chakras are literal etheric energy centers that bring through and interpret the creative energy of the higher realms, and we unknowingly use the energy that comes through them to create/sustain our reality and keep our bodies physically healthy.

Keeping our chakras healthy is as important as keeping our physical bodies healthy, and as our collective vibration continues to rise, more people will become aware of the chakras and the necessity to treat them the way they’re meant to be treated.

We can’t treat something correctly if we don’t know it exists, however, and most of humanity still has a lot to learn about the spiritual nature of our existence and our chakras especially. Here, I’ll list each chakra and give a few accompanying paragraphs about what we can do to keep it healthy and flowing, and we’ll start with the root chakra.

#1: The root chakra

For those of you who don’t know, the root chakra’s responsible for our basic creative and survival-based instincts. We rely more on our sacral chakra and our third eye/crown chakras for creativity, but the root plays a role in doing anything creative and especially anything that’s meant to help us survive.

Our instincts are stored in the root chakra, and we can call on it for assistance with any aspect of our lives that has to do with survival.

To keep the root chakra healthy, I think we should listen to our intuition. Even though we receive intuitive impressions primarily from the third eye and crown chakras, if we listen to our intuition, we’ll be led to make choices that help us survive and keep ourselves sustained in the best and healthiest ways possible.

The more we listen to our intuition, the stronger and healthier the root chakra will be, and after so long of following our inner intuitive guidance, we’ll find that our root is as strong and healthy as it’s meant to be.

We have to be willing to hear out our intuition instead of endlessly following the wants and desires of the ego, which usually run against the wisdom and guidance our intuition gives. With practice, patience and determination, our root will be strong, healthy and brimming with energy that’ll enhance our sustainability.

#2: The sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is our main center for creativity, sexuality and emotion, and there are plenty of things we can do to keep it healthy. There are also plenty of things we can do to keep it out of balance, and if we aren’t careful, we can damage it by way of our actions and our refusal to, again, listen to our intuition.

We’ll find that listening to the intuition is very important when it comes to keeping every chakra healthy, and this can especially be said for the sacral chakra. Something tells me it’s one of the more considerably sensitive chakras, so to keep it healthy and brimming, we’ll want to make choices that don’t bring it out of balance.

We don’t want to overstimulate ourselves in any area – creatively, emotionally, mentally, sexually, etc. We want to keep an even amount of energy flowing through this chakra at all times, and we don’t want to deplete or overflow it and cause it to fall out of balance.

I think balance is the most important thing to practice when it comes to keeping the sacral chakra healthy, and we’ll be very glad we made an effort to keep it healthy when we see how much it enhanced our creativity and the enthusiasm with which we embrace life and every situation we face.

Above all, keeping our thoughts, actions and emotions in alignment will keep our sacral chakra in alignment, and we’ll also want to routinely do something creative that gets the sacral chakra’s juices flowing if we want to keep it strong and healthy.

#3: The navel (or solar plexus) chakra

As its name suggests, this chakra’s located behind our bellybutton, and to keep it healthy, we’ll want to make sure we don’t overstimulate it by eating unhealthy foods. We’ll want to scrupulously monitor our eating habits and what we choose to put into our bodies.

Overeating will overstimulate the navel chakra and deplete its ability to bring through any real or pure energy, but eating the right amount of healthy and supportive foods will empower it to bring through a healthy and flowing amount of energy for us to use for a wealth of different purposes.

Even though it has specific uses, I think the navel chakra lends its energies to assisting the rest of our chakras with their primary functions.

It could send energy to the sacral chakra, for example, in an attempt to assist this chakra with any given creative pursuit we take up. It could also send its energy to the throat or third eye chakras to help them with any specific tasks they’re involved in, and generally, I think it acts as a balancer for the rest of the chakras.

It can’t balance anything if it’s out of alignment itself, however, so we’ll want to cautiously take care of it and remember to think about it the next time we sit down for a big and tasty yet unhealthy meal.

#4: The heart chakra

I think it’s pretty obvious what this chakra does for us. Like a lot of seekers have learned, it holds some of the purest love we can store within our physical and etheric bodies, and we can call on it for assistance when we’re having trouble finding the loving energy that helps us creatively, spiritually, emotionally and physically thrive.

It goes without saying that love is everything. It literally makes up everything in existence, and this is why we’ll want to have a healthy dose of it swimming through the heart chakra.

Personally, I notice that the love that comes through my heart chakra enhances my creativity exponentially, and I could have a lot of trouble writing or channeling, only to find that increasing the flow of love that comes through the heart practically fixes the problem.

To take care of this chakra, we’ll want to willingly and routinely express the inner love that’s helping us evolve, which, of course, comes directly through it. The rest of the chakras obviously bring this energy through as well (they wouldn’t be chakras if they didn’t), but I think this chakra brings the love through in a much purer and more potent way than the rest of them.

We’ll want to keep it in use as much and as often as we can if we want to continuously feel its energies, and if we ever feel depleted of the love we’ve come to share with the rest of humanity, we can call on our heart and the rest of our chakras to express it through us more purely.

Chakras need to be used to stay healthy, and this can especially be said for the heart. Of course, we bring energy through it whether or not we realize it, but the energy flows much more strongly and purely when we make a conscious, concerted effort to bring it through.

#5: The throat chakra

The throat chakra (along with the sacral) is partially responsible for our creativity, and it feeds our self-expression. We physically express ourselves by speaking through our throats, but there’s a deeper spiritual component to our expression that most people don’t realize.

The throat chakra’s primarily responsible for our ability and willingness to express ourselves, and it can be used to achieve truly amazing things. In order to keep it healthy, we’ll want to keep our physical throat as healthy as we can.

We don’t want to damage or mistreat our physical throat, because it could damage our throat chakra or, at the very least, make it difficult for this chakra to help us express ourselves.

We’ll obviously want to take care of our bodies in general if we want any of our chakras to be healthy, but for the throat especially, keeping our physical throat healthy is essential to making sure the creative and expressive energies flow through as healthily as they can.

#6: The third eye chakra

This is arguably the most popular chakra with the conscious community, and for some seekers, it’s the only chakra they really know anything about.

Along with the crown, the third eye helps us perceive spirit and the vibrations we can share with everyone around us in a realer and more direct way, and with meditation and other attunement methods, we can perceive a wealth of greater creative/spiritual energies and even find enlightenment.

It’d take a lot to find enlightenment, of course, and there are various stages of it that we have to traverse before we find it in a real and pure sense, but we can use the third eye to find it nevertheless.

In order to keep the third eye healthy, we’ll want to focus our energy on it whenever we meditate or do anything that’s intended to align us with spirit. We’ll want to routinely practice bringing our creative/spiritual energy through it, because it’ll go stale if it isn’t routinely used.

If we’re willing and motivated enough, we can bring through a wealth of greater spiritual energy daily that we direct through the third eye and use to help ourselves and the people around us find a higher vibration, and the more we practice bringing this universally pure energy through the third eye, the stronger it’ll become.

It also helps to use our meditations to attempt perceive the third eye, and if we mediate long enough, we can actually physically/ethereally perceive it and travel through it to what I call the ‘portal to the other side’.

We’re dipping further into occult territory here, and certain power structures have known about the third eye and the rest of the chakras for centuries.

They’ve attempted to suppress knowledge of it in order to keep humanity unaware of the sacred truths of our existence, but a growing number of seekers are becoming aware of it and using our awareness to strengthen our perceptions of it, keeping it strong and healthy as a result.

We’ll have to continuously practice bringing our sacred energy through it if we want to keep it healthy, and after so long of meditating on it, we’ll find that we’re easily able to travel through it and perceive the amazing wonders that await us on the other side of the veil.

This brings us to our final chakra.

#7: The crown chakra

The crown chakra is the center for our purest and most direct spiritual development – even purer than the third eye. The third eye plays a very important role in keeping our minds, bodies and spirits healthy, but the crown chakra helps us bring through a wealth of energy that’s even purer than what we bring through the rest of our chakras.

I think the crown and heart chakras have a lot in common, because they both bring through a wealth of energy that’s purer than the rest of the chakras can attain. This is mostly speculation on my part, of course, but something tells me that the energy that comes through both of these chakras is stronger and purer than the energy we receive through the rest of them.

To keep our crown chakra healthy, I think we should practice daily attunement to a higher state of consciousness in whatever way works best for us.

We can practice spirit communication, which’ll help us sharpen our perception of our crown and every other chakra; we can practice meditation, dancing and every form of spiritual attunement under the sun; or we can simply enjoy an enlightening spiritual conversation with a fellow seeker.

If we do this, we’ll bring a wealth of creative and expressional energy through the crown, which’ll travel down and express itself through the throat and heart.

We use all of our chakras to bring through energy or express ourselves, but certain activities and practices will strengthen certain chakras. Such is the case with the crown chakra, which thrives when we practice the spiritual attunement methods that help us find a higher vibration with a greater degree of ease.

Hopefully, the things I’ve offered here will help those of you who’ve wondered what you can do to keep your chakras as strong, healthy and flowing as possible, and I know I’ll at least attempt to take my own advice and put these practices into play.

We’ll want our chakras to be pure and healthy if we want to do anything significant or helpful here on earth, and if we’re willing to do things that balance them out and enable them to receive the energy that’s helping us evolve more purely, we’ll have little difficulty doing anything that requires this energy.

As long as we can keep every chakra aligned, everything will flow with grace and ease and our willingness to contribute to our ongoing conscious revolution will strengthen exponentially as a result.

Share this article freely, and check out The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, as well as articles I’ve written and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material that’s spiritually inspired and/or related to the fall of the planetary elite and our entrance into a positive future. While you’re surfing various spiritual websites, you can also check outOversoul Teachings, which is a blog I created for the messages I channel from my higher self/spiritual guides.

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11/6/2014 5:50:13 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ EYE OF HORUS Amphibole Crystals

The eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol for protection and royal power. Horus was a sky god in the form of a falcon/hawk. The right eye represents a falcon’s eye and the markings around it, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The ancients believed this symbol of indestructibility would assist in rebirth. Designed to resemble the eye of a falcon, this symbol called the Eye of Horus represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus. The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon, and the God Tehuti (thoth) Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. Together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus.

The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of ingredients in medical preparations) to prepare medications.

The Masonic all Seeing Eye, found on American money is descended from the Eye of Horus. The eye is the part of the body able to perceive light, and the symbol for spiritual ability. The Eye of Horus refers to the ancient Mystery School Teachings of Creational Geometry encoded by Isis and Osiris and left behind with their priests in Egypt.

The Right Eye of Horus represents concrete factual information controlled by the left brain. It deals with words, letters, and numbers It approaches the universe in terms of male oriented ideation.

The Left Eye of Horus represents abstract aesthetic information controlled by the right brain. It deals with esoteric thoughts and feelings and is responsible for intuition. It approaches the universe in terms of female oriented ideation. We use the Left Eye, female oriented, right side of our brain for feeling and intuition.

The Great Pyramid is geographically located in the center of the planet - just as the third eye is the center of the brain. The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland. It is located directly behind the eyes.

Considered the most powerful and highest source of otherworldly energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important. This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process.

Eyes are windows to soul experience. The eye is a lens which allows us to see and become consciously aware of our experience in the third dimension. The eye is the lens of time. The third eye is the 6th chakra. As it begins to activate and open - it is a common experience that one sees an eye - or eyes - looking back at them. Your perspective in - dreams - of colors - personal life and relationships - will be seen through a 'new light.'

You are moving into a higher frequency that enables you to expand your consciousness and see many dimensions. Your total perception will change in this acceleration of time.

The opening of the eye is symbolic of a ‘time awakening’

The 'Stone of Indigo'
The K2 stone is a new find with very unique healing properties. This is an extremely rare stone which takes its name from where it was found near Mount K2 Pakistan/ Afghanistan. K2 is comprised of cream-colored granite and imbued with beautiful blue deposits of azurite. It combines the strength and initial qualities of granite with the celestial qualities of azurite, making it the perfect stone to balance heaven and earth.
The merging of these minerals creates a balance of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ allowing us to heal the hard and soft pieces of our bodies, minds, and spirits. The ancient being of granite reaches thru time to the blue star portals to blend with our earliest ancestral memories.

The powerful earth connection of the granite, combined with the energetic flow of the azurite makes K2 good for channels and mediums as it will help them to more clearly interpret the messages and information they receive. K2 balances strength with gentle wisdom. it enhances spiritual journeying and helps us to bring back guidance from the highest source. it requires your energy to reveal its power and to take you where you truly want to go
K2 is believed to help with the treatment of headaches and migraines where these are caused by psychic blockages. The 'Stone of Indigo' for those who work with the Indigo children, this is an excellent stone for Indigo's to help balance their high telepathic sense, strengthen the photographic memory and encourage the high levels of energy to be used as needed.

Azurite can help communication in all forms and is good to be used by those who have trouble with speech. This stone works well with the Throat Chakra / Third Eye Chakra and has an intense Indigo Aura. Azurite can be used to increase the thought pattern, increase the memory, encourage photographic memory and heighten the telepathic sense.

Granite is associated with lending strength to your physical health and has also been said to help bring richness into your life whether it be financial, love or general success. It is also considered a "guardian stone" that offers protection, which makes it an ideal gift for children or for people who have high-risk jobs, like military personnel. When granite is extracted from the ocean floor, it's believed that the stone helps keep emotions calm, because it contains both elements of the ocean and the grounding of earth.

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12/4/2014 6:14:43 PM

The Perennial Philosophy (Reposted)

I can’t think of a better statement of the perennial philosophy than the Bhagavad Gita or Song of God

A friend has just mentioned that he’s doing a film on the perennial philosophy, which invites comment. I don’t think there is any topic I find more interesting than that.

The phrase can be traced back to Agostino Steuco (1497–1548) who used it as the title of his treatise, De perenni philosophia libri X, published in 1540. It’s more generally associated with Gottfried Leibniz and Aldous Huxley. (1)

A synonym for it is the ageless wisdom or ancient wisdom. Hinduism is actually formally called sanathana dharma or (loosely translated) eternal law. That too is a synonym.

If I were to summarize the notion in a single word, I’d say the “perennial philosophy” means the Truth. The Truth at all levels, shorn of religious doctrine, dogma and orthodoxy – the Truth of reality.

One could say that the Truth is synonymous with God. God is all there is. There is no second, no other besides God. God being all there is, God must be the Truth of reality. He/She/It is the Dreamer as well as the dream.

God created a divine drama called “Life” and so the phrase “perennial philosophy” becomes extended to take in all the ins and outs of that drama – what could be called its design features and divine processes.

When most of these are little known, we consider statements of them to be the “mysteries” of life.

Our great spiritual teachers have gotten glimpses of these mysteries and attempted to put the wordless into words. Their teachings become the basis of religions and often become misinterpreted, but originally they were attempts to describe the Truth underlying reality.

An example of a teaching that forms a part of the perennial philosophy is the Christian teaching of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It dovetails with the Hindu teaching of Brahman, Atman and Shakti. So far we might consider that we simply have teachings of Christianity and Hinduism.

But when we say that what is being talked about here is the Transcendental (the Father, Brahman), the Phenomenal (the Holy Ghost, Shakti), and the Transcendental within the Phenomenal (the Son, the Atman), we’ve translated the particular into the general, religious teachings into the perennial philosophy that underlies them, if even only in a most tenuous way.

I don’t wish to develop that teaching here. I have in other places (2) I’d like more to simply point to it to demonstrate how a specific religious teaching relates to the more general perennial philosophy. (3)

The perennial philosophy reduces the particular to the general. It takes common elements or common denominators of the Truth contained in each religion and shows how they are common to each other.

Examples of design features of life are the various bodies we inhabit, the various dimensions we exist on, the longing for liberation, the organs of our bodies that sense, breathe, support locomotion, digestion, excretion, etc.

Examples of divine processes are birth, death, reincarnation, reproduction, breathing, thinking, feeling, digestion, excretion, etc. All of these are divinely planned, administered, and altered by divine command, just as we see Ascension being altered now, according to what is often called the Mother’s Plan. (4)

Previously one had to shed the body to ascend, but not this time around. The plan of reality is being changed before our eyes. Now we can ascend with the physical body intact. The changes in the plan of Ascension reflect the dynamic aspect of life at the hands of the creative forces.

The existence of a Creator and Its creation and the relations between the two are elements of the perennial philosophy. We can see that, at the level of the perennial philosophy, we can discuss these matters. At the level of religions, many discussions are looked upon as being heresy and may not be possible.

What are design features on one dimension may not be design features on another. In the Third Dimension we give birth live but my understanding is that that isn’t a feature of some higher dimensions. New residents of the Astral Plane are often surprised to find that they have no organs of reproduction, digestion or excretion. The astral body is different than the physical body.

In the lower dimensions, all is multiplicity but as we go higher and higher in dimensionality on our road back to God, many multiple things simplify and many unsuspected areas of life, such as manifestation, bilocation, telepathic communication, etc., expand.

But all explanations of these design features and divine processes can be considered to be, not parts of one religion’s teachings only, but also parts of the perennial philosophy generally, the truth underlying all religions.

Finally, the perennial philosophy is looked to for statements of important general matters like the purpose and meaning of life. Why was life created? What are we to do in life? The answer to questions like these we’ve discussed here many times. (5)

The purpose of God’s creating life was to offer the Unknowable an opportunity to know Itself. Each time one of us realizes our true identity as God in a moment of enlightenment, God meets God.

We don’t find that purpose much discussed in church doctrine or religious dogma, but we find it front and center in discussions of the perennial philosophy, whether those discussions are to be found in the writings of the galactics or Earth’s ascended masters or the celestials, and so on.

An example of a statement of the perennial philosophy might be “Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life,” (6) written after I finished the book The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment. I’ll repost it as a companion piece to this article and an illustration of a partial presentation of the ageless wisdom.

Thus in general the perennial philosophy refers to the body of generic truths underlying the specific teachings of the world’s religions and spiritual paths. As we face the need to create a common, cross-cultural body of statements of spiritual truth, we’ll find ourselves more and more turning to the tenets of the perennial philosophy.


(1) Huxley’s statements on the perennial philosophy are excellent and exemplified by two works: (1) Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944 and his introduction to Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, trans.,Bhagavad-Gita. The Song of God. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1972; c1944.

(2) However it is developed here: “Christianity and Hinduism are One,” at and “The One Became Two and the Two Became Three,” at

(3) For another take on the situation, see “An Introduction to the Perennial Philosophy” at

(4) See for instance “Transcript of Archangel Michael from An Hour with an Angel, Dec. 26, 2011,” at “Archangel Michael: Transcript of ‘An Hour with an Angel’” Dec. 12, 2011, at

(5) On these matters, see the papers in the section “The Purpose of Life,” at

(6) At

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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12/4/2014 6:15:59 PM

Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life (Reposted)

EvolutionReposted as a companion piece to the article, “The Perennial Philosophy.”

Life has meaning. It has order. It has a purpose and a process.

That purpose and process can be, and have been, known to all of Earth’s sages and to the galactic ascended beings here to help us with our Ascension.

The Divine Plan for life can be expressed in words, though it is very unlikely that those words actually can or do capture it in very much of its original and total glory. Our explanations will be biased and partial. But it may be better to have rough approximate statements and keep improving them than to have no idea whatsoever and wander in the dark.

So here is a rough approximation of it, which I expect to have a very short shelf life and to be soon replaced by a better expression of it. This statement of it draws heavily on what I learned from a vision in 1987 and from subsequent research, described here: . These points also summarize what is said in the book, The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment.

Last revised: 22 July 2011

Spiritual Evolution: The Divine Plan for Life

1. Every man, woman, and child on this planet is God. Every man, woman, and child lives forever, through countless physical lives.

Everything known and unknown, everything that is and is not is God. There is nothing that we can see or not see that is not Him (Her, It – God has no gender. I’ll follow the conventional use of sages here and refer to God as a “He”). That being the case you are God and I am God and everyone else is as well. Being God, we’re not capable of being destroyed or ceasing to exist. We’re therefore eternal, though our physical bodies are not.

The “immortality” that such teachers as Jesus spoke of is not immortality of the soul, which is already immortal, but the cessation of the need to be born into a physical body again. As it happens we reincarnate endless times until we reach the point of needing no more to be reborn physically. But that is not the end of spiritual evolution, which continues until we return to God, whence we came, through a virtually endless process of successive enlightenments.

Spiritual evolution means that, not simply the physical body evolves as Darwin said it does, but the spiritual bodies that we also inhabit do as well. We journey through lifetime after lifetime, learning , discriminating, improving our ability to discern the Real from the unreal, until finally we realize the One fully. We have then progressed from unconscious awareness to conscious awareness of our nature as God.

2. The purpose of life is enlightenment. The purpose of life is that God should meet God and, in that meeting, taste His own bliss. For that purpose was all of life made.

God is One without a second. In His highest expression, God is formless and thus encounters no forms and can draw on no tools or technologies. God is alone in the universe of form and beyond. There being no other, there is no one to know God and no means for God to know God. In light of this, to satisfy a desire to know Himself and taste His own bliss, God created life forms and assigned them the task of knowing their true nature, their original identity.

He implanted in them a longing that can only be satisfied by the realization of their identity as God. He created universal laws that aid the individual being in the journey from God into the world and from the world back to God again. Each time a life form realizes its true identity as God, God meets God, and for this meeting was all of life created.

3. All of us have journeyed out from God, by His command, and will be liberated from the cycle of physical birth and death the moment we know that everything in this world, including us, is God. Hindu sages call this level of enlightenment vijnana (perfect wisdom) and sahaja (or natural, permanent) nirvikalpa samadhi.

When all movement in the mind stops, when the spiritual heart (or hridayam) opens and never shuts again, the individual being realizes God in sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi, the stage of liberation from the need to be physically reborn (or mukti). This level has been called vijnana (or perfect wisdom) by some and nirvana (or cessation of movement). But spiritual evolution does not cease here. Only the need to be reborn in this Third Dimension stops. Orders of existence stretch on in an endless vista, through dimension after dimension, universe after universe.

4. The Father created the domain of the Mother (mater, matter) as the setting for our spiritual journey and education. We wander in this material realm lifetime after lifetime, constantly learning.

The first creations in life were what Christians call the Holy Spirit and the Christ or Son and what Hindus call the Divine Mother or Shakti and the Atman. The first is a primal universal creative vibration known as Aum/Amen, the Logos or Word. Known to Solomon as “Wisdom” or Sophia, to Lao-Tzu as the Mother, this level of reality is the Phenomenal world whereas the Father or Brahman is the Formless Transcendental, beyond the Phenomenal world.

The Christ or Atman is “the Father in me” or “Brahman-within-the-individual,” a “fragment” or “spark,” metaphorically speaking, lodged within the body (or bodies), which are created by the Mother. One cannot know the Father without first knowing the Son in a moment of enlightenment. This first sight of the Light grows, with meditation, till one day it becomes the sight of the Father’s Light. The Son is the Father but the Father is greater than the Son. The Father is in me (in the heart of the individual) and I am in the Father (as are all things).

Neither is the Father male nor the Mother female. These designations were conventional teaching devices used by sages of old. There is no cosmic male, strictly speaking, and no cosmic female. The difference being pointed at is the same as the difference between movement (Mother) and rest (Father), sound and silence. Only the Father is not physical or material; everything else, no matter at how sublime or refined a level it exists, can be said to be physical or material when compared to the Father.

5. The Father made the material domain lawful. The most important law for us to know is the Law of Karma, which requires that what we do unto others shall be done unto us.

The material domain is the only domain in which law applies. Law does not apply to the Maker of the law, although He may submit to be governed by the law as in the case of an Avatar. The Mother is the “Voice crying in the Wilderness,” the sound of Aum/Amen echoing throughout the Phenomenal domain as the music of the spheres, which creates, preserves, and transforms all things. The Father is the Wilderness in that no law can bind Him.

The most important law for us to attend to as Third-Dimensional beings is the Law of Karma. The Law of Karma is like guardrails which prevent a vehicle from leaving the road. It keeps the individual soul from going too far to the left or right and ensures that the individual keeps moving forward towards the destined return of the Prodigal Child to God, once it tires of all experiences in the material world.

6. The form of our total journey is a sacred arc, like Jacob’s Ladder, away from and back to God. But, day by day, we also follow a spiritual spiral, returning to the same karmic lessons repeatedly until we learn them.

As Jesus said, we come out from the Father into the world, remain for a while, and then return to the Father in what can be conceived of as an arc. When I had my vision of the purpose of life, in 1987, the form of the individual’s journey out from God and back to God again formed a wide arc or circle.

Nonetheless, the Law of Karma ensures that we return to the same lessons again and again until at last we learn them and this return through successive lifetimes can be seen as a spiral. Thus the shape of life, if you will, can be visualized as a spiraling arc or circular coil. This virtually endless journey is depicted in many religions as a ladder of consciousness or a stairway of existence which we travel down and then up.

7. From one day to the next, we may expand or contract, but all the while we are cosmically drawn back to Him by a sub-sensible, eternal longing, planted there by Him, for Him: a longing for liberation (for more on this, see “The Longing for Liberation”).

The longing for liberation is just one of the design elements built or hardwired into life forms. Most people, experiencing this subsensible tidal yearning, try to fill it with possessions, experiences, relationships, and so on. But God so designed life that nothing will satisfy it except the return to God. We go through life endlessly acquiring, enjoying and casting aside, ever unsatisfied, in an endless cycle of desire. This develops discrimination in us. Gradually we are made aware that nothing but God will satisfy our ineffable thirst and hunger. Then we develop detachment. At that point we cease to be prodigal children and begin our return to the Father, who welcomes us with open arms.

This longing then acts as a homing beacon or magnet on all life forms, no matter how exalted, drawing them ever onwards until they merge again with God. Hence the love in the eyes of saints towards God and the deep devotion of exalted beings, in whom the longing for liberation acts more strongly than in us.

8. In the cosmic Drama, there are three Actors we must realize: God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Child. These are the Transcendental, the Phenomenal, and the Transcendental in the Phenomenal. Christians call them (note the change in order) the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hindus call them Brahman, Atman, and Shakti. The Formless became two Forms. The One made trillions of forms through the agency of the Two and then mysteriously entered into them. We are required to know that Trinity.

The “Holy Persons” are not persons, but levels of reality. They can be described as the Transcendental, the Phenomenal, and the Transcendental in the Phenomenal. We are the Transcendental in the Phenomenal, sparks of divinity who reside in the womb of the Mother until our divine birth. The Mother educates her children in the school of life until they are ready to be brought to meet the Father.

All religions have a conception of this Holy Trinity, though it may take some digging to correlate terms. We “know” the three levels in successively-higher experiences of enlightenment. We know the Son, Christ, or Atman in the experience of “stream entering” or “spiritual awakening” when the kundalini reaches the fourth or heart chakra.

We know the Mother in an experience of savikalpa samadhi or cosmic consciousness when the kundalini reaches the sixth or brow chakra (and the Third eye opens).

We know the Father first in an experience of kevalya nirvikalpa samadhi when the kundalini reaches the seventh or crown chakra and permanently in an experience of sahaja nirvikalpa samadhi when the energy reaches the spiritual heart or hridayam.

The Christ or Atman is often called the “Self,” which leads us to say that we cannot know God until we become knowers of the Self. Translated that means we cannot have the experience of seventh-chakra enlightenment until we have the experience of fourth-chakra enlightenment. Therefore know Thyself. Meditate on the Self that is known and it will become the knowledge of God. All of Jesus’s parables about the treasure buried in a field, the pearl of great price, the mustard seed, and the measure of meal concern this journey of enlightenment.

Knowledge of these three levels of Reality is required of all beings before they graduate from humannness.. Their knowledge represents a progressive accomplishment. There is not simply one enlightenment or one level of enlightenment, but many. And beyond humannness there are also many further gradations of life.

9. Everyone will reach Him – some in the morning; some in the afternoon; and some in the evening. Experiences will vary, but all will eventually know God.

No one will fail to return to God. Even the very small number who choose such evil that they are liquidated can be said to return to God. For all the rest, they journey at varying speeds to enlightenment. I’m led to believe that God does not worry about the time it takes us to return. There is no dishonor at taking more time than our neighbor. Moreover, different beings are created at different times. Those who are reaching enlightenment when we do not may have been created earlier than we. Those people who reach enlightenment without rigorous discipline probably practiced rigorous discipline in other lives. Others are already enlightened and return in an unenlightened condition to serve by demonstrating what spiritual practice looks like.

10. Every genuine path will work. God plays all roles and observes all actions. He has become many; next to Him, there is none.

There is no religion or spiritual practice that is invalid, if genuine and sincerely followed. Some cults and orders may have dark purposes but the spiritual experiences of all genuine masters, translated into religious teachings (if rendered and maintained purely) are all acceptable in God’s eyes. There is only one God. The God of the Christians is the God of the Muslims and God of the Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Taoists, Sufis, etc. God is One but His names are many. Hear, O Israel, the Lord thy God. The Lord is One, without a second. There is none else besides God.

Some will see Light; others will see a “form” of God; still others may have an intuitive sense of knowing. All genuine paths sincerely followed lead to God. God, through the Mother, designed the many paths to suit the various tastes of seekers, but all are efficacious. There is no ground to say that one religion or path is superior to another. There is nothing that supports the belief that the earnest followers of one religion will reach God and the earnest followers of another will not. God is on no side and on all sides.

11. In His love, He is universal, impartial, and supreme. What He wills must happen. He decreed this Drama for His own Pleasure. Each time someone knows its Self — “Oh Thou I!” — God meets God!

God loves all life forms – human, non-human, subhuman, superhuman. He makes no distinction among life forms. His Will must prevail. All is happening within His Being. He created the drama or lila for His own pleasure, a game of blind man’s bluff (or buff), in which God plays all roles and is the object of the search as well as the searcher and the search. Only God can realize God. Whenever anyone realizes God, that one simply realizes itself and the Self that it realizes is God.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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