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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2011 12:47:45 AM
Dear Friends,

Another great message brought from Jill's Mountain of Love, by a kind courtesy of Robert Talmadge.

The Greatest Life Teaching
By Jafree Ozwald

What is the greatest teaching in life? It's the one that will instantly open your mind, enlighten your soul, and transform your heart into a trusting ball of love the moment you let it in. Of all the thousands of enlightening teachings to choose from in this multidimensional Universe, there is one that is light years beyond them all. If you ignored this one simple teaching today from your life, you'd be removing the key to experiencing your soul and your ability to live your life's purpose. Living without this one golden nugget of wisdom that you're going to receive today, your life will feel like a constant struggle, which is often empty, desperate and meaningless.

The great golden life teaching you most need to learn is this. Know how to remain at peace, centered in your truth, and intimately connected to the divine trusting loving God-source, no matter what is happening in your outer world. It's not that hard to do when you've learned how to trust life and truly surrender your ego. Once you get this one, it feels like winning the super powerball jackpot every single day! You'll feel a mountain of confidence beneath your every step, and be unscathed by others judgments and opinions. Nothing that happens in the media of this world will frighten you in any way when you are rooted in Source. You instantly become a spiritual leader for your entire community, who need your peaceful expansive light ness to be a living example for them to guide them back home.

To root yourself in the most peaceful infinite Source inside you, you must first embrace and transcend all the suffering in your life. Realize that each experience of suffering is just an attachment to a thought from the past. That is all that it truly is. Once the thought is released there is only this divine presence here to bathe in again and again. By naturally finding this effortless state of inner calm, you will realize without a doubt that you are the God Source and can manifest, create and accomplish anything you desire in life.

You will quickly learn how to remain intimately and infinitely connected with this sweet soulful experience by practicing one thing. Letting everything be as it is. Let go of your life and the life of the world around you. It is always changing and to attach your mind to it is becoming attached to a dead thing. The only thing that is alive is this present moment. When you've discovered this, you've found the difference between creating success and suffering in your everyday life.

The secret to true inner peace is finding what is REAL and attaching yourself to it, instead of to the mind. The mind is not real; it fluctuates with ideas and experiences. What is real is what does not change. It is the constant ever present awareness that is at the core of you! It provides you with the ability to conquer any demon in your path. No matter how big it is, every negative force will fall before you when you have established just one deep root in it, and true inner peace is the natural by-product.

It takes tremendous courage embrace your suffering in all its flavors and work though all the past karma you've created. Life is pulverizing you daily with distractions. Your job is not to make excuses that keep you stuck in your ego trip and to find where is your strongest root source of peace within your being. When you discover it, your life becomes a genuine flow of lightness, laughter and love all the time!

"Only he who has courage is a true living being. One who has no courage is like a dead man, even though he lives." ~ Mahavatar Babaji

True inner peace is not just a lack of conflict; it is the sweet effervescent blissful connection to the spiritual source of your being. It is a state of absolute allowing, where you become as passive, powerful and pervasive as the unbounded sky. This is the deepest truth of who you really are. To find it you cannot add anything extra onto your already busy life; you must simply release whatever is unnecessary and deeply let go of all those limiting thoughts about who you believe you are. When your ego trip becomes less entertaining than the infinite source of spiritual bliss, then the greatest experience of life will find you. Yet, you must practice letting go of the mind, every moment, on the deepest of levels, if you want to experience true fr eedom. You cannot lie to the Universe for that is merely lying to yourself.

This divine inner peace can only be found by looking deeply within at your patterns and seeing them so you can step beyond them the next time they arise. By meditating on what IS, letting everything be as it is, the divine totality of existence shows itself to you and only then will you learn how to truly relax. This is where the divine aspect of inner peace is found.

If you're already an avid meditator, or think you are one, then see how long you can hold your attention on the infinite source of consciousness within you. This leads you instantly into total divine peace and your full power. All of life awakens in your field of awareness and everyone becomes vibrantly alive within your presence. The Buddha was said to have a vibrational healing impact on every being within 200 miles of his living body. When you can hold your attention on your source of consciousness, the deep profound peace that radiates from it will have the same impact or perhaps even more!

You are a being of light and love. You would not be reading this email this far into it if you were not. You would not be able to handle this information if you were not ready for it. It is important that you honor the power within you, and not be attached to this world and its wild appearances. For when you see that everything is an emanation of the mind, you have discovered the secret to transcending it all.

You can remain in a state of deep profound peace 24 hours a day by devoting your life to your spiritual enlightenment. You cannot force this or push the mind into it, yet you can invite it, tempt it and motivate it to believe in the benefits of letting go of your fear. A fearless life is the only life that is worth living. By committing yourself to the spiritual path you are taking on a life without fear, which allows everyone to come home to the peace within their heart in your presence. As you let the light into yourself, you allow others to do the same for themselves. Each time others see you bathing in the Light, they are inspired to reach a brighter place within their own being.

The good news is that there truly is no effort needed to find this enlightened peace filled state of bliss within. It's revealed instantly when you have totally given up and truly drop the mind's "searching habit" for something better. Only in this divine release can you arrive in bliss, and find complete quietness and stillness inside. You will see that through egoic efforting you are engaging the mind and disrupting this natural enlightened peaceful space that's already inside you. Do your daily tasks, yet do them without attachment to your ego's agenda and you'll find life is totally enjoyable in every way!

There will be times when your life will appear to be going so smoothly and it may seem like all your karmic issues have totally disappeared. Yet, if you're not experiencing tremendous joy, deep gratitude or divine bliss, love and truth all day/night long, then you know your karma on Earth is still not complete. There are old patterns hibernating in the back of your mind, remaining in latent form until you're energized and conscious enough again to take them on. It's ok to enjoy the weeks of smooth sailing and be entertained by life, yet remember that Mt. Everest is there still to be climbed



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Robert Talmadge

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5/23/2011 10:14:50 PM

Hi Luis and friends,

Thank you for posting this on your forum, there are some things that everyone should have a chance to know.

One of the reasons we sometimes have such sublime moments and other times get upset and seem to backtrack to our former state is that we have divided ourselves into many split persons. Each of these are involved in trying to resolve the past traumas and other normal things of life that caused us hurt and pain. If we look back at our memories in meditation, we can see that we are still operating in these moments and they seem to be alive. That is to say that our minds and souls are actively working out solutions to times past.

We need to resolve these matters and let go of the emotional charge that keeps us from using all of our life force in the Now moment. When we can do this one issue at a time in priority of the most upsetting to the least, we free more of ourselves to live and enjoy our life from the immediate now moment.

Karma also works in a similar fashion.



Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Robert Talmadge

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5/27/2011 9:44:46 PM

Hi Luis and all,

Here is another view of the same cosmic religion. Second opinion?



Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2011 12:19:41 AM

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your continued guidance in the spiritual science. Your posts grace this forum because they are always so enlightening. They are like a gust of fresh air, always.

With Love and Blessings,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2011 1:06:08 AM
"Oh Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the Wind and
whose breath gives life to everyone, Hear Me!"
(Ojibwa prayer)

Spiritual Energy
(Part 2)

Dear Friends,

I don’t know of any other way to remain in deep and perfect peace for prolonged periods of time than by putting your mind to rest in order to let the spirit act as a magic balm on it. And I don’t know of a better way to put your mind to rest than by concentrating it on your own breathing. You cannot breathe consciously and be into your mind at the same time.

All genuine meditation techniques are usually based on a perfect concentration on a point, whether this point is a sacred mantra or the divine light known to reside between your eyebrows or the sound of the sea in the night. Yet the fact remains that there is no better point to concentrate on during the 24 hours of day than your own breathing. Not only is it the perfect mechanism to let prana, vital air, enter and circulate all through your body to keep it alive and healthy, but your breathe is your most intimate possession as well in the spiritual sense. In fact, it is both God’s spirit and your own spirit acting all over your self.

A yogi benefiting from his practice of pranayana nadhi shodana. But relax,
you don’t need to be a great yogi to benefit from conscious breathing

So the best way to put your mind to rest is by concentrating it on your breathing to let both God’s spirit and your own spirit act on it. And the best way to concentrate your mind on your breathing is to first put it to rest. This seemingly circular and contradictory proposition is actually not such. As hinted at in the fist part of this article, by breathing you let God’s spirit enter your body and mind to act on both. But you have to take the first step, which consists in consciously letting God’s spirit in for it to act not only to keep you alive and healthy but also to put your mind to rest. In a way, you will be opening God the door to your mind for Him to act on it. From this moment on, the process will become circular and self-contained. You only will need to take this firm decision to, so to speak, let Him in to bless your body and mind by soothing it with His spirit, and then to make a minimum effort to keep this process on and working by remembering it - that is, the process but, still better, God Himself - at every breath you take.

Does the term 'spiritual exercises' mean something new to you now? And, does the biblical phrase 'to walk in the presence of God' now have a new connotation for you? It all has to do with communication, the highest form of communication; in point of fact, it all begins there.

Of course, agnostics and even atheistic people can benefit from this ‘spiritual exercises’. Your doctor will recommend you take long walks while vigorously breathing, and more and more important people – great chess masters among them - take long walks while consciously and rhythmically breathing as well. All athletes have always known that their physical exercises mean very little if there is no deep and rhythmic breathing accompanying it. Yet none of these can be said to be walking "in the presence of God" at the same time. But then, they may think the entire cosmos becomes a part of them when they inhale a breath of good air and then that they become a tiny but essential part of the cosmos in turn when they exhale it.

On the other hand, it is a common recommendation to breathe deeply in moments of great stress or imminent danger. However, few people will associate these practices to a divine origin. There is so much ignorance in the Western world as to what true spirituality is! Down here the term ‘meditation’ has always been regarded as synonymous of thinking. What a great mistake this is.

Going to the extreme, your mind can be considered to be your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time, and more the latter if it continuously is trying to get both itself and yourself lost in vain and unnecessary thinking or still worse, to make you stumble upon downright evil ways which will make your soul perish to all practical effects.

On the other hand, your breathe will always be your best friend in that it will not only keep you alive and healthy but will nourish both your body and mind with the holy balm of God’s Spirit.

Only by emptying your mind by perfectly concentrating it on this most special ‘possession’ of yours that is your own breathing, can you truly meditate and let this spiritual energy act. And by letting it act, you are letting God into yourself.

As to your soul, your own self, it has frequently been likened to a drop of water in the ocean; yet a more precise definition is that it is a minute spark of light originated in God’s gigantic Light. And just as it is but a minuscule spark from the all-pervading Light of God, so is your breathe, your spirit, but a minuscule amount of air from the omnipresent Spirit of God.

The great Ramakrishna used to compare our little selves to a grain of salt. If a stone is put into the sea it will only get wet. But if it is a grain of salt that is put into the sea, then it will let the ocean fully penetrate and dissolve it until they both become one and the same thing.

And the same is with us. If we let God into our selves, He will dissolve us; yet by penetrating us, He will Himself be dissolved in us at the same time so that we both mutually integrate till we become one and the same thing. And this can become a process than repeats itself ad infinitum if only we make that little effort to breathe consciously.

(to be continued on Part 3)

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

This video is about Pranayana (or Pranayama) yogic exercises. Again, relax:
you don’t have to be an accomplished yogi to benefit from conscious
as it is shown for informative purposes only.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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