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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/14/2011 2:37:52 AM
Dear Friends,
A Spectacular Discovery at El Campeche, Mexico

Figure 1. Lithograph of Stela at Copan, Published in 1844 by Frederick Catherwood in Views of Ancient Monuments in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan.

The ancient Maya culture flourished in Mesoamerica. At the height of their splendor there’s an overwhelming rise in architectural construction, the type of buildings that pay homage to their rulers and their ancestors. Archaeologists call this phenomenon the Classic Maya Period, a time between 200 and 900 A.D. Within these centuries, archaeologists have found evidence that city-states expressed their power by creating unique architectural centers that in many ways were meant to replicate their cosmology. Perhaps the most important social act for a new king was to establish their relationship with the founder of the lineage and they did so by sponsoring magnificent works of art.

Our fascination with the Maya is credited to John Lloyd Stephens, a New York Lawyer who travelled to the Yucatan and Central America in the 1840s, and Frederick Catherwood, an Englishman whose mission was to visually document the journey, a talent that has inspired many of us in becoming archaeologists.

Along with multi-leveled stepped pyramids, ball courts, plazas and freestanding monuments called Stelae, the Maya also literally told the stories of their parents, ancestors, founders, foes, captured enemies and military alliances. Maya writing is a unique feature of this culture that along with the perfection of their calendar has intrigued and mystified the world. Their texts are expressions of a ruling class, however, the question remains, are we reading history, political propaganda or both?

New Hieroglyphic Stairway Found

Figure 2. The Hieroglyphic Stairway at the Guzmán group at El Palmar in Campeche Mexico. Photo by Kenichiro Tsukamoto.

It is not often that a young archaeologist stumbles upon a spectacular find. Kenichiro Tsukamoto, a young Japanese archaeologist and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Arizona, has found a “mountain” of texts in a recently discovered hieroglyphic stairway at the site of El Palmar in Campeche, Mexico. Funded in part by the National Geographic Society/ Waitt Grants Program, Kenichiro and his co-director Javier Lopez-Camacho have been focusing on retrieving ancient history by exploring and preserving the Guzmán hieroglyphic stairway at El Palmar. It is not an easy task since the recovery of these texts includes the important work of conservation efforts by their team who includes: Luz Evelia Campaña, Octavio Esparza, Hirokazu Kotegawa, and Vania Pérez. The exciting team of archaeologists, epigraphers and conservators together with the National Institute of Anthropology and History of Mexico [INAH] are studying, preserving and protecting this unique cultural patrimony.

Typically, hieroglyphic stairways are part of the central or core elements of the elite ruling class, however, this was not the case at El Palmar because the building was located on the outskirts of the site, away from the center. The location of the stairway perplexed Javier: “For me, the discovery of the hieroglyphic stairway at El Palmar was a great surprise. When Kenichiro notified me of the architectural group away from the central zone, I assumed that it would be similar to El Resbalon in Quintana Roo, where Post-Classic inhabitants reused the abandoned city, taking apart the hieroglyphic stairway and using the carved blocks for new constructions, placing them out of order in other parts of the city”.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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5/14/2011 8:19:14 PM

More and more amazing.

Every day we discover more.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2011 1:00:31 AM
Dear Friends,

Particularly in Buddhist quarters, the Full Moon today is considered to be most auspicious. S
ee why below.

From Cosmic Calendar for today:
(...) The mythos and legend behind this Full Moon is that the Buddha was born at the Full Moon of May, achieved enlightenment during a Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, and died at a similar Full Moon. Accordingly, he returns every year at this time from his high place within humanity's hierarchy of advanced master teachers -- along with many other illuminated beings -- to bless the faithful and keep us all moving upward and onward on the path of divinity. Some say that a ceremony is conducted, on higher levels of awareness, in a remote valley in the Himalayas, and that those with etheric vision can see these proceedings.
Whatever the truth may be, meditating this morning in individual and group fashion is advised.Send out your healing thoughts and prayers to loved ones, friends, associates, humanity, and the entities composing the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Think about your higher destiny and how you can live a more fulfilling existence. (...)

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/22/2011 10:21:09 PM
Hello all,

This bears close relation with what I have just been talking about in "Spiritual Energy" (here), in particular the last two paragraphs.

By a kind courtesy of Robert Talmadge.

The Golden Secret to Shifting Out of Suffering
By Jafree Ozwald

As the grand master law states, whatever you focus your attention on is what grows and manifests into your life. This means no matter what you hold your focus on, it becomes magically magnetized into the field of energy around you, and will soon manifest into physical form. This is why it is soooo crucial to learn how to meditate and stop your mind in its tracks. When you can keep your attention fixed on what you want, you can instantly stop investing your time in thinking about what you don't want, and remain focused on what you do want.

The most profound life shift that you can imagine starts the moment you have the awareness to remain focused on the positive thoughts you most want to have 24 hours a day. By being intimately aware of every thought you're thinking and each feeling that you are feeling, you can keep your mind from wandering down those undesirable territories of fear, lack and laziness. Keeping your mind focused only on what you want in life can be very tricky, unless you have deeply trained your mind to remain centered in pure awareness itself. The thoughts you're thinking simply pass through the mind, yet you sit back as the witnesser, resting within as the untainted watcher.

Most minds are constantly filled with desires of all forms and subtleties. When the mind is always focused on wanting something, it makes you unable to spend time enjoying life, feeling grateful, and being at peace with what is. Living in a constant desire mode, the mind and body get caught in imagining you are "needy" and lacking something in life. Whenever you believe that through fulfilling any desire that your life will become better, it causes you to remain trapped in a perpetual whirlpool of subtle desperation. That which is unreal seems to be real, and you end up living in a dream world that can never find Reality. This is because the ego is never satisfied, and can never ever discover the feeling of being totally fulfilled even moments after a desire manifests. The ego just keeps chasing the dream, until one day it tires an d realizes that the only reality is the one where the mind is absent, still and silent.

The grand master secret to shifting from suffering to instant success is not found through increasing your consciousness through meditation. The golden secret here is that you'll be transcending your ego through the minutes you spend in deep stillness and silence. In this sweet stillness, you drop deeper into your true enlightened essence in an easy and effortless way. The silence paves the path for the soul to rise above the ego, allowing you to see beyond the culmination of ideas that cloud the mind. The silent mind is the most powerful mind of all, and with it you will find it is impossible to experience anything that is without pleasure.

Only through practicing daily meditation can you discover that all struggle and potential suffering is bliss and ecstasy in disguise. When there is a gentle merging with the core of your consciousness, then everything you do comes from "success consciousness". This is where there is no winner and no loser, because you see everything is Divine. From this place, your life becomes a big orgasmic release into the unknown and you can naturally, effortlessly and easily remain focused on what your life purpose is and remain on a perpetually expansive experience of life all the time.

Through increasing your consciousness through meditation, you also empower yourself to manifest anything you want to experience in your world. You become a manifesting magnet for success and everything you want in life simply finds its way to you. The great secret to mastering meditation is learning how to let go of life and surrender your mind to its source. This means that you are no longer identified with the mind, and you are more identified with the source from which consciousness springs from. This is the path of total freedom and always leads one instantly out of suffering and into the vibration of success.

Anytime you are in a safe quiet space try holding your breath in a way that is not forceful or exerting stress on your body. It will slowly quiet the mind chatter and instantly bring you into a state of meditation. You don't have to try to control the mind or force it to be quiet or still. The stopped breath will simply pull you back into a state of witnessing, and return you to look at life from the sweet source from where all thoughts arise from. This is the key from where you can shift out of any state of suffering and step immediately into a light, loving or successful feeling.

When you simply can remain in the infinite center of you, you gain control over your entire experience of the existence. As I've mentioned before, whatever you focus on is what manifests into your life, and when you simply hold your divine attention on the infinite source of your being, you will naturally experience a state of joy, freedom and ecstasy that is beyond anything you could buy with a zillion dollars. This place of profound freedom can only be discovered through the greatest surrender, and the tremendous joy you find will bring true inner peace into your life everyday. You'll soon find yourself walking down the street bubbling with happiness and suddenly feeling blissed out for no reason at all!

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2011 12:08:41 AM
Hello again friends,

My dear friend Sundararajan Mohan brought the following important teaching to my attention today.




There is milk in the body of the cow; the milk has ghee (clarified butter) latent in it. But the cow cannot derive any strength through that latent ghee. The milk has to be taken out of the animal, boiled, and a little sour curd poured into it in order to curdle it. Then, when the milk is transformed into curds, it has to be churned and the butter separated and rolled. After this, the butter has to be melted and clarified, only then can ghee be obtained. The ghee thus prepared can be fed to the cow which would make it stronger. So too, God is omnipresent. Yet, He is not easily available or perceivable to individuals unless they undertake the required sadhana (spiritual practices).

– Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 12: "Values in Later Texts"

Courtesy : Radiosai Newsletter dated May 22, 2011

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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