About Me
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About Me
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The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the oppportunity." - Helen Rowland My carreer started at 12, when I read and memorized over 2,000 books and texts, My lifelong education continues and it encompasses many Universities. It has not yet stopped. I was Director of Research and Development at Kysor International when I was struck by a truck in the driver's door. My neck vertabrae were crushed. This began an intensive investigation into Anatomy, BioTechnology, Biomechanics, Biophysics and ending with Naturopathy, when I obtained my Doctorate of Naturopathy. in N.C. When I was able to get out of my wheelchair and walk, I started to market on the Internet. I have helped many people and still continues to this day. I would like to meet: People that need help with Health problems in conjunction with thier Medical Doctor. Other Professionals in Internet Marketing I'm passionate about: Watching my knowledge and wisdom help people to improve thier health. Teaching Internet and Computer Technology I live to: Find and nurture Unconditional Love I most want to improve: Interpersonal Relations is an area for which I am still in the learning process, even though I thought I had mastered this, I have learned that I need some improvement.
My Interests
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My Interests
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