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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:15:39 PM

‘No Nukes’: Thousands in Tokyo Rally Against Nuclear Power

A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013. (AFP Photo / Toshifumi Kitamura)

A protestor holds a banner during a protest march against nuclear power plants, following the March 2011 Fukushima meltdown-disasters, in Tokyo on June 2, 2013.

Russia Today, June 2, 2013

Thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Tokyo to protest restarting of nuclear reactors the government is considering.

Around 7,500 people participated in the anti-nuclear protests in the Japanese capital, according to organizers cited by AFP. The demonstrators gathered in a park in central Tokyo, marched through the city and rallied outside the offices of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant which suffered meltdowns of three reactor cores following an earthquake and tsunami two years ago.

“No Nukes! Un-evolved Apes Want Nukes!” read one of the banners held by Tokyo protesters. Disaster victims and celebrities, including Nobel literature laureate Kenzaburo Oe, participated in the event.

Shortly after the Fukushima disaster in March 2011, the Japanese government pledged to fully abandon atomic energy by the 2030s. However, in about a year authorities realized their promise was a hasty one, as the archipelago nation had hardly any other means to ensure sufficient electric energy supply but to return to nuclear power generation.Earlier this year two nuclear reactors were put back into operation in Japan and plans were announced to restart six more by the end of 2013.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has repeatedly promised the reactors would only be restarted if their safety is ensured by a special supervising body – Nuclear Regulation Authority. But his words could never quell the anti-nuclear moods in the country, where the tsunami disaster took 19,000 lives and lead to some 150,000 residents of the Fukushima area being displaced.

It’s estimated the post-disaster clean-up would take about 30 to 40 years and cost around US$15 billion.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:17:45 PM

Greece’s Creditors Close To Writing Off Some Of Its Debt

Christine Lagarde: 'The assurances from Greece’s European partners that they will consider further measures and assistance … are welcome.' Photograph: Etienne Laurent/Xinhua Press/Corbis

Christine Lagarde: ‘The assurances from Greece’s European partners that they will consider further measures and assistance … are welcome.’ Photograph: Etienne Laurent/Xinhua Press/Corbis

sage: Last week’Japan forgave Myanmar’s debt. Are we seeingmore debt forgiveness in the works?

By Helena Smith, The Guardian – June 2, 2013

IMF chief and head of Eurogroup drop hints that international community may consider lightening nation’s debt load

Greece’s international creditors are edging closer to accepting that they will have to lighten the country’s monumental debt burden if its shattered economy is ever to be fully rehabilitated.

In an implicit recognition that the eurozone’s weakest member state will never recover unless some of its debt is forgiven, the International Monetary Fund’s managing director, Christine Lagarde, said that Athens’ debt pile, projected to reach a staggering 185% of GDP this year, would remain high “well into the next decade”.

“The assurances from Greece’s European partners that they will consider further measures and assistance, if necessary, to reduce debt to substantially below 110% of GDP by 2022 … are welcome,” she said at the weekend in a statement approving the disbursement of extra €1.7bn (£1.5bn) to the country.

Largarde’s remarks came in the wake of the strongest evidence yet that eurozone nations providing the bulk of Greece’s €240bn rescue funds – the biggest bailout in western history — were also coming round to the once off-limits option.

The prospect of restoring debt sustainability through “official sector involvement” – or any other measure — has been fiercely resisted by Germany and others as it would mean European governments incurring losses on bailout loans.

But the Greek finance minister, Yannis Stournaras, confirmed that the issue of debt relief had been raised during a visit by Eurogroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem last week.

“Our goal is to produce a primary surplus by the end of the year,” he said, referring to the surplus that the government can achieve before debt repayments. “We want to do that so that we can ask for the appropriate measures to be activated by the Eurogroup to bring the debt down. [Dijsselbloem] repeated that this was something the Eurogroup would consider. He verified our plans.”

Flying into Athens ahead of a review of the country’s finances by auditors from the EU, ECB and IMF this week, the Dutch politician told reporters that the country’s fiscal adjustment programme was on track, saying sweeping budget cuts and tax increases were finally paying off.

Stopping short of elaborating on what form debt relief would take, Dijsselbloem suggested that the Eurogroup could discuss the issue next year, provided that a primary surplus was recorded first. Loan instalments from creditors are due to end in May 2014.

“If Greece fully complies with its commitments, then we will be ready to do more to help it,” he said. “We will meet sometime before the summer [of 2014] to examine what more Greece might need, always under the condition that the targets that have been set are achieved.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 11:53:30 PM

Montague Keen – June 2, 2013

Posted on

The changes that are happening in your world both energetically and physically cannot be stopped. They will bring about the change in the control system that has kept you in darkness. Many will come forward to speak out and ask forgiveness for having worked against the good of humanity. They will reveal what you are up against and when the Cabal intends to make its move to try and destroy humanity as you know it.

I have no wish to be alarmist but forewarned is forearmed. The cabal is hoping that the element of surprise will catch you off-guard. They have prepared clones which obey all orders without question. Their world of technology, and your world of darkness, could not be more different. To them, you are but ants, that need to be crushed without mercy. Those of you who are awake must act as leaders, to guide the unawakened to safety. Coming together is so important; as together, you have the power to question authority, and without your compliance, your controllers have no authority.

You have seen what can happen when people come together to support and encourage each other. The women of Ireland are to be congratulated. They have proved that when you act together, you get results. They have successfully sued the banks [on Friday 31st May]. They won their case. Now, the banks can no longer sell-on mortgages, and have people removed by force from their homes. It was all done peacefully, legally, and always with dignity. This is the way forward for all of you. Now, they will proceed to sue the Vatican, the Government, and the Police.

This is people power in action. It is but the tip of the iceberg and their success with the banks will lead them on to remove everything that has been set up to destroy humanity. This was the first step in removing all the corrupt practices designed to destroy the quality of life on Earth. Those who sit back and do nothing are guilty of aiding the cabal. By their inaction, they give permission to destroy humanity. Some may foolishly believe that because they have money, position, or a particular religion, they are safe. I must point out here and now, that they most certainly are not. Those who wish to take over your world, pay no heed to such trivialities. They want all that you have and that is the bottom line. They will use all means at their disposal to get it. It is time to wake up and assist those who are trying to prevent this takeover. Do not be taken in by the smiles of reassurance and the platitudes of your so-called leaders. It is all a game to them. They have no respect or regard for any of you.

I am trying to paint the picture as it is, so that you will see clearly what is being done, and more importantly, what you need to do to protect yourselves and those who depend on you. There is propaganda floating around that seems too good to be true. I can assure you it is. The path you are on, is not an easy one, but you will be successful. Your actions can speed it up, but your inaction will enable the cabal to destroy many lives and the quality of life on Earth. Those of you who are left will then have the task of rebuilding and re-establishing all that was good and wholesome on Earth. You will be given the knowledge to do this. The spirit world will assist you. We will have Centres in every country, whose sole purpose is to restore life on Planet Earth to be as it was intended to be since the beginning of time.

The cabal has used fear and suffering to create its empire. We will use love to bring all humanity together again. You have been entrusted with this great task. It is a huge responsibility but it is one you chose to undertake. Do not allow yourselves to be distracted from your path by false prophets. They come in all guises, so be ever vigilant. I know that this is very difficult for those of you who are awake, to have patience with those who seem to refuse to see what is clearly before their eyes. They still accept what they are told about what they are seeing, instead of seeing it as it actually is. These people depend on others to tell them what they are seeing and feeling, as they have handed over all responsibility to others. This practice must stop. It makes mindless puppets of you.

Protect the little ones. Encourage them to question everything, as in this way they will become intelligent, responsible beings of light, who are independent and able to research and think for themselves. If they adopt this approach to life, all that was false and corrupt will quickly disappear, never to return. The illusion you now live in, will be exposed and it will quickly fade from memory. You will then see mankind as having many different aspects which are all equal. These differences will be accepted as the norm and they will never again be used to cause fear and mistrust. Divide and Rule will never again be used to create war and false enemies. You are being used to attack innocent people and their property because you believed the lies that these people are your enemies. By doing this, you are acting as robots, helping those who wish to destroy you and yours.

You are not just a body. You are a soul, and your essence is the real you. Your body is just the outer shell. However, the cabal has put all the emphasis on the body. They never mention your essence which is all important. Some call it your higher self. It matters not what you call it, but it is important that you get to know it. Your essence is forever; your body, just for one lifetime. The body is of no importance at all. Your essence is where all the knowledge from all your lifetimes resides. Everything you need to know is stored there, just waiting for you to tap into it.

What are you waiting for? Just think for a moment about discovering just who you are, and what you have achieved in other lifetimes. There is so much more to life than you have been led to believe. It has all been kept from you. Have you ever wondered why?

When Veronica and I were together on Earth in the last lifetime, she constantly asked me, “Who are you? Who are you, really?” She always knew in her soul who I was, for she recognised me, as I did, her.

Go forward with confidence in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path. Together, we will create the light necessary for all to become part of it.

My love surrounds you at this difficult time. Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2013 4:24:40 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of June

jennifer-hoffmanBy Jennifer Hoffman – June 2, 2013

There is a phrase that comes to mind as I think about the month of June, “You can’t unring the bell”. It refers to the truth that you cannot undo the past. We have been addressing many of our past issues since January 2013, especially in May, and have become very aware of how the past has impacted the present moment.

In June we have the chance to undo the past, in a way, by setting a new course and direction for our lives. While we may not be able to unring a bell, we can get a new bell to ring and that’s what June offers us, if we can see it and if we are ready for it.

The days leading to the Solstice on June 21 are powerful decision points for us, each one offering us with a choice of past or present, expansion or contraction, fear or love, transformation or retreat, evolution or revolution. At times it will feel like we are faced with so many different choices but there is really only one issue — are we being served by our connections and our life path, and how are they aligned with our intention.

June will provide us with many opportunities (some of them ‘in our face’ opportunities) to firmly and powerfully state our intention and then support it with our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions. Are they aligned? If not, we will see where they are out of alignment and can make necessary adjustments.

Mercury goes into retrograde shadow on June 9, with the full retro starting on June 26. So while we’re pondering our connections and past, and what we want to do about them, Mercury will be giving us extra support. The Solstice of June 21 is a turning point for all of us and is the next significant pit stop in this cycle. Have we gone far enough or too far? Are we going in the right direction? Interestingly, the annual Sun/Jupiter conjunction also happens on that date, so the energy around that day will be expansive and supportive of anything we choose to do.

But this isn’t about undoing the past, it’s about taking the lessons of the past and using them to create a new and different present. When we try to undo the past we are acting out of regret, fear, and our pain, as we think that we could have chosen a different path, but we could not have, not at that time.

The choices we make in each moment become the path that leads us to a point of transformation, where we consolidate our learning and use it to create a new path. While we may see that as an option, our readiness to act on it depends on our willingness to let go of the past, without regret, and evolve into a brighter, more self aware, more expanded version of ourselves. Not by simply moving forward but by creating a full, 360 degree expansion so we move outwards in every direction. What new bells do you want to ring in your life? Are the old ones beginning to sound dull and flat?

As I wrote in the 2013 predictions, (you can read them by clicking here) there will be so much happening in the months of June through August that they will go by quickly. The process of making choices, disconnecting from the past, and considering new potentials and life options begins in June.

We’re separating from our past, which includes our biological connections and that may make us feel like we have to abandon every familiar connection as we realize that their energy no longer serves us. But we are releasing our biology to embrace our true nature, which is energetic. For every biological connection we release, a new, energetic connection will take its place. Our energetic families will become our new means of support and guidance and they will provide us with a level of connection we have never before experienced in our lifetimes.

It does look like the world is in serious trouble and on some level it is, but that is because the world, as it exists today, has been built within a paradigm that is no longer sustainable. The foundations of 3D are crumbling and we are seeing the polar shift that has been predicted but it is energetic, not geographical.

As our collective energies rise, we can no longer tolerate or be part of ideologies and practices that are not at their vibration. This shift is uncomfortable but it is one phase of the evolution we are part of. Embrace the transformation and potentials you see, use the energies of June to expand, express yourself, and find your point of joy. The Mercury retrograde supports review, renewal, reconsideration, remembering and release.

While we have a choice in all things, sometimes the Universe gives us a little push in a direction and we are all being ushered into higher dimensions of being by releasing a past that no longer serves us and embracing a new path that we can empower to serve us, and all of humanity, in every way. Have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, link to and quote this article, in its entirety, by mentioning the author name and including a working link back to this website. All other uses of this article are strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2013 4:25:42 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 318

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 318, 4 June, 2013 at

As you have already noticed, the passage of the light through your entire body was nothing if not profound, and it has left many of you feeling as if floundering in its wake. Do not fret dear ones, as all of this is only proof positive that you did indeed allow these healing powers from above to touch your inner sanctum, and as such, much will be altered within you all over a very short period of time.

But again, as the physical body has been used to perceive change as something to be avoided, it will once again try to hold back and preserve ”business as usual”. But in this case, it will be futile, as now, the most profound wake up call ever has been given to your very core, and as such, every cell in your body will become alert to this call.

And so, you will feel yourself affected by the stretching and yawning, and indeed also some rather intense protests, as so much starts to awaken and change within.

But know that this too will pass, as your whole system will soon find a way to settle into this new flow. For that is truly what this is, a chance to enter a more effortless phase, where the removal of many obstacles, some superficial, some more deeply hidden, will allow you to enter the deeper and faster flowing channel of this energetic river that is carrying you all onwards and upwards. But still, your body is not as fast on the uptake as the more energetic and spiritual parts of your being, and as such, it needs a little bit more care and support in these upcoming days than what is usual.

So again we say, stay focused and breathe, and ease yourself into this new part of the river at a speed that suits you the best. For you do not need to force anything, it will come of its own volition, but trust your body when it tells you to either slow down or speed up. For it will guide you, as it always does, for it is indeed your ally, and not your opponent, even if the creaks and groans that accompany this large adjustment may make it sound more than a little petulant.

So care for yourselves as deeply as we do, and nurture yourself and each other by once again remembering to connect. For the best solace may indeed be found outside yourself, even if the issues that needs attention lies within. You have so much at your disposal right now, so just open up and ask, and it will be given, not just from us, but from your compatriots as well.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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