By Jennifer Hoffman – June 2, 2013
There is a phrase that comes to mind as I think about the month of June, “You can’t unring the bell”. It refers to the truth that you cannot undo the past. We have been addressing many of our past issues since January 2013, especially in May, and have become very aware of how the past has impacted the present moment.
In June we have the chance to undo the past, in a way, by setting a new course and direction for our lives. While we may not be able to unring a bell, we can get a new bell to ring and that’s what June offers us, if we can see it and if we are ready for it.
The days leading to the Solstice on June 21 are powerful decision points for us, each one offering us with a choice of past or present, expansion or contraction, fear or love, transformation or retreat, evolution or revolution. At times it will feel like we are faced with so many different choices but there is really only one issue — are we being served by our connections and our life path, and how are they aligned with our intention.
June will provide us with many opportunities (some of them ‘in our face’ opportunities) to firmly and powerfully state our intention and then support it with our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions. Are they aligned? If not, we will see where they are out of alignment and can make necessary adjustments.
Mercury goes into retrograde shadow on June 9, with the full retro starting on June 26. So while we’re pondering our connections and past, and what we want to do about them, Mercury will be giving us extra support. The Solstice of June 21 is a turning point for all of us and is the next significant pit stop in this cycle. Have we gone far enough or too far? Are we going in the right direction? Interestingly, the annual Sun/Jupiter conjunction also happens on that date, so the energy around that day will be expansive and supportive of anything we choose to do.
But this isn’t about undoing the past, it’s about taking the lessons of the past and using them to create a new and different present. When we try to undo the past we are acting out of regret, fear, and our pain, as we think that we could have chosen a different path, but we could not have, not at that time.
The choices we make in each moment become the path that leads us to a point of transformation, where we consolidate our learning and use it to create a new path. While we may see that as an option, our readiness to act on it depends on our willingness to let go of the past, without regret, and evolve into a brighter, more self aware, more expanded version of ourselves. Not by simply moving forward but by creating a full, 360 degree expansion so we move outwards in every direction. What new bells do you want to ring in your life? Are the old ones beginning to sound dull and flat?
As I wrote in the 2013 predictions, (you can read them by clicking here) there will be so much happening in the months of June through August that they will go by quickly. The process of making choices, disconnecting from the past, and considering new potentials and life options begins in June.
We’re separating from our past, which includes our biological connections and that may make us feel like we have to abandon every familiar connection as we realize that their energy no longer serves us. But we are releasing our biology to embrace our true nature, which is energetic. For every biological connection we release, a new, energetic connection will take its place. Our energetic families will become our new means of support and guidance and they will provide us with a level of connection we have never before experienced in our lifetimes.
It does look like the world is in serious trouble and on some level it is, but that is because the world, as it exists today, has been built within a paradigm that is no longer sustainable. The foundations of 3D are crumbling and we are seeing the polar shift that has been predicted but it is energetic, not geographical.
As our collective energies rise, we can no longer tolerate or be part of ideologies and practices that are not at their vibration. This shift is uncomfortable but it is one phase of the evolution we are part of. Embrace the transformation and potentials you see, use the energies of June to expand, express yourself, and find your point of joy. The Mercury retrograde supports review, renewal, reconsideration, remembering and release.
While we have a choice in all things, sometimes the Universe gives us a little push in a direction and we are all being ushered into higher dimensions of being by releasing a past that no longer serves us and embracing a new path that we can empower to serve us, and all of humanity, in every way. Have a wonderful month.
Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, link to and quote this article, in its entirety, by mentioning the author name and including a working link back to this website. All other uses of this article are strictly prohibited.