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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 5:04:25 PM

Notes from Inside Turkish Spring

Turkish Spring 22The Golden Gaia discussion group has a reporter on the ground in Turkey who sends these reports. Clearly it isn’t wise to identify our source. We shall call him “Kamal.” Stephen has cited from Kamal’s earlier report. I include both reports here and will update us as new reports come in.

We are so busy with daily resistance work :) ) and so happy with this being so calm and loving on our side. I could not inform most of you guys. We are on the streets for most of the time and internet is problematic. We use our phones and you know batteries end. I believe this is a huge step on change. Huge step for the whole world… Millions are on the street here, you can not believe it. And nothing cabal is doing is harming people’s loving attitude. I am so proud. Cabal really is ending. Love you all. Could you please be so kind to tell my message to the group? We would love their loving energy and prayers. Thank you so much for this message. It means a lot to us…

In Love


Dear friends… I want to thank you most of all for your support and comfort.

We have a little over 80 million citizens here in the republic of Turkey… and something wonderful is happening here. Millions have not slept over the past 36 hours; we are all really on the streets. Large cities, small cities, suburbs are full of people who know how they will be treated. [Young] and old people, professors, actors, writers, workers all know that they will be beaten bloody, be bombarded with teargas and agent-orange. This is not stopping anyone from helping those in need.

This was not planned, we did not organize this. We were all siting in our living rooms and saw in Halk TV and read on Twitter what was being done to peaceful demonstrators.

None of us thought long about this, we simply put on our shoes and ran out to help. Not even in my years as a student, have I ever taken part in a demonstration. But this is so natural that you don’t think of yourself and your own security any longer. It is so strange to experience this sort of thing… ALL ARE ONE…

Dear friends, I and many millions of people are experiencing this here and now and I tell you it feels absolutely wonderful… The POWER and ONENESS… and it is all so simple and it all went so fast… only when it has been awakened, do you realize, that the power was there all along and that we simply forgot it… WAKE UP… what is happening today here will be happening tomorrow in your country, the game is the same… what is fascinating me and probably baffling the powers that were – is that their system is as easy to bring down like a house of cards when you just stand as one.

In Love


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 5:05:41 PM

Today is Turkey’s Turn

Turkey 22In times past, when I used to sit on refugee claims from Turkey, I used to wonder what would be the final outcome for the Turkish people.

Their country was a strange amalgam of democratic tendencies combined with the usual admixture (for that region) of military rule and fascism. The Grey Wolves, an ultranationalist group, was feared not only inside Turkey but, outside it, by emigre populations as well. Human rights were slender and imprisonment for a range of dubious crimes a constant worry for Turks who had aspirations for freedom that went further than authorities were willing to go.

I long suspected that the Kurds in Turkey served the same purpose as Muslims in America are made to serve: a convenient target, scapegoats and distractions used by the authorities to maintain a hold over the people that was never far from anyone’s mind – or so it seemed.

But still Turkey seemed to be slightly ahead of the curve in its region – an almost-democratic state with an almost-responsive government, a past master at smoke and mirrors both domestically and internationally.

Turkey’s ties to NATO and the EU community lent it a cachet of progressiveness. Its possession of nuclear weapons gave it credibility among states for whom that kind of muscle means something.

But now its population has tired of living under a regime whose repression has become unbearable, even if less than the repression of a Gaddafi or an al Assad. And the spontaneous uprising of the Turkish people is every bit as much of a sign of the times as Arab Spring proper.

Elsewhere, Vatican officials are resigning. Financial structures are collapsing. Rumors fly that North Korea has tired of posturing militarily. Attempts on the life of Ahmadinejad are reported and cabalists in Israel seem to be under seige.

While many people continue to believe that we face Armageddon or that the cabal is much stronger than it is, all around us we see the people tire of living in chains and one by one the countries face the need to pay attention and reform. Not the faux reform of the Right, hijacking genuine reformist measures but real reform that will see the end of political repression and economic banditry.

The wheels of the gods are grinding ever more rapidly and repression is retreating in the world. Today, I hope, is Turkey’s turn. Tomorrow many more countries’.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 5:13:28 PM

Turkish Protests Continue: Deputy PM Sorry for Violence

Turkey protests in picturesStephen: Our Turkish readers, such as ‘Z’, have been updating us that protests have continued to intensify in Turkey.

A recent post on Facebook, which I have included at the end of this news story, also shows us all what else is intensifying…

From Al-Jazeera – June 5, 2013

Twenty more protesters were arrested after a fifth day of protests, even as Turkey’s deputy prime minister has apologised for “excessive violence” against protesters trying to save a park in Istanbul.

It is unclear whether the remarks made on Tuesday by Bulent Arinc, who is standing in for the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while he is out of the country, were towing an official government line.

Arinc admitted the state had acted harshly when it sent in police to clear environmentalists participating in a sit-in protest to save Istanbul’s Gezi Park last week.

“At the beginning of the protests, the excessive violence used against people concerned about the environment was wrong. It was unfair and I apologise to those citizens,” he said.

“The government has learnt its lesson from what happened. We do not have the right and cannot afford to ignore people. Democracies cannot exist without opposition.”

However, Arinc refused to reconcile with those who joined the later anti-government demonstrations, in which two people died.

“The ones who caused the destruction to the public property and the ones who are trying to restrict people’s freedoms, we do not need to apologise,” he said.

Arinc was speaking after a meeting with President Abdullah Gul who, contrary to Erdogan, has praised the mostly peaceful protesters as expressing their democratic rights.

Yavuz Baydar, a political analyst for the Today Zaman daily, said the comments were significant and amounted to a rebuke for Erdogan from within his AK Party.

“Most probably [Gul and Arinc's comments] did not have the sanction of the prime minister,” Baydar told Al Jazeera, noting that both were among the founding fathers of the AK Party.

“[Arinc] apologised clearly for the police brutality and the excessive use of tear gas, and he sent some ambiguous but clearly understood messages to Erdogan for his perceived arrogant speech. Also, he raised the possibility of a referendum on [the] Taksim building project.”

Police crackdown

Thousands of people have been injured in five days of demonstrations amid attempts by the police to contain protesters with tear gas, water cannons and baton charges.

The latest crackdown in Istanbul came on Tuesday evening, with police arresting at least 20 people in the Istanbul district of Dolmabahce, Al Jazeera’s Gokhan Yivciger said.

A 22-year-old man died during an anti-government protest in a city near the border with Syria, with officials giving conflicting reports on what caused his death.

The Hatay province governor’s office initially said Abdullah Comert was shot on Monday during a demonstration in the city of Antakya.

It backtracked after the province’s chief prosecutor’s office said an autopsy showed Comert had received a blow to the head and that there was no trace of a bullet wound.

Celalettin Lekesiz, Hatay governor, did not specify whether the man died after being hit in the head by a gas canister.

Another man was killed in an accident with a taxi in Istanbul.

Solidarity strike

In Tuesday’s other major development, thousands of public-sector workers began a two-day strike in solidarity with the anti-government protesters.

The confederation, which has an estimated 240,000 members in 11 unions, said the strike would last until Wednesday.

Al Jazeera’s Rawya Rageh, reporting from the capital Ankara, said that the strike was significant.

“They are trying to send a message,” she said, “that this is not just youth on the streets, this is not just about a park or individual demands – this is about something bigger.”

Turkey’s Human Rights Foundation claimed more than 1,000 protesters were subjected “to ill-treatment and torture” by police.

Despite facing the biggest challenge to his rule since he came to office in 2002, Erdogan left Turkey earlier on Monday on an official visit to Morocco, where he insisted the situation in his country was “calming down”.

He earlier rejected talk of a “Turkish Spring” uprising by Turks who accuse him of trying to impose religious reforms on the secular state, and dismissed the protesters as “vandals”, stressing that he was democratically elected.

Erdogan has blamed the protests on “extremists”, “dissidents” and the main opposition Republican People’s Party.

facebooklogoFrom Facebook

Dear friends… I want to thank you most of all for your support and comfort.

We have a little over 80 million citizens here in the republic of Turkey… and something wonderful is happening here. Millions have not slept over the past 36 hours; we are all really on the streets. Large cities, small cities, suburbs are full of people who know how they will be treated. [Young] and old people, professors, actors, writers, workers all know that they will be beaten bloody, be bombarded with teargas and agent-orange. This is not stopping anyone from helping those in need.

This was not planned, we did not organize this. We were all siting in our living rooms and saw in Halk TV and read on Twitter what was being done to peaceful demonstrators.

None of us thought long about this, we simply put on our shoes and ran out to help. Not even in my years as a student, have I ever taken part in a demonstration. But this is so natural that you don’t think of yourself and your own security any longer. It is so strange to experience this sort of thing… ALL ARE ONE…

Dear friends, I and many millions of people are experiencing this here and now and I tell you it feels absolutely wonderful… The POWER and ONENESS… and it is all so simple and it all went so fast… only when it has been awakened, do you realize, that the power was there all along and that we simply forgot it… WAKE UP… what is happening today here will be happening tomorrow in your country, the game is the same… what is fascinating me and probably baffling the powers that were – is that their system is as easy to bring down like a house of cards when you just stand as one.

In Love

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 5:17:27 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Humanity’s Liberation Requires Impetus


I give this writing as a part of my continuing effort to help build and contribute to humanity’s spiritual revolution.

We work toward nothing less than the complete and full liberation of humanity.

We seek to spread the very idea of spiritual and physical liberation, and we seek to spread the joyful truths of the brimming higher dimensions we’ve each come from.

We seek to help uplift the minds and hearts of the people, and to help others see the need to arise and begin working together to build a society that works for every human being. We seek to help those who’ve already started and built-upon real movements for change and truth, and to unite with everyone around us as a tsunami of Love hits this planet.

We seek to organize ourselves into a coherent collective body, who understands the great responsibilities involved both in purging our world from the darkness that’s run rampant, and in running our world after such darkness has been purged.

To this extent, every last one of us must galvanize and come together.

In my previous writing, I suggested getting into groups to build and spread a coherent message, and I don’t intend to abandon that rhetoric anytime soon. This is because our level of activity and interest in building our New Earth and purging our world of the evil rampant within many of the power structures in place, will determine the amount of work we get done.

The level of interest we show in repairing our world and helping break the carefully-instated illusion, so that those around us can rediscover who they really are and where they have really come from, will naturally determine what gets done. Truly, no outside force aims to intervene in our affairs any more than our collective freewill measures will allot.

This is ultimately a good thing, and it serves as a catalyst for our collective growth.

Think about it: does anything less than every one of us galvanizing and bringing about real and solid change ourselves, rather than waiting around for glorious changes to come without our involvement in them, make sense for a spiritual revolution driven by humanity?

If we’re to enjoy the fruits of a built-upon Galactic society in the fifth dimension, than we must first put-in the work required to get to that point. We must recognize where evil still runs rampant in our society, and actively stand-up to the forces perpetrating such evil; no matter the power they’ve assumed themselves to have.

In my opinion, one of the biggest principles of the new paradigm we’re entering and building will be that of hard work. I don’t speak of the kind of work that sees one slaving away at a job or task that ultimately doesn’t matter, but I certainly speak of the kind of driven, inspired and enjoyable work that builds societies and turns individual awakenings into collective revolutions.

When I say “let’s get to work” I request for each of us to tap-into that unprecedented motivation to build-upon our new paradigm and to stand up to the forces of injustice, in every form they’ve come about.

If kept apart, we can individually do great things but if we unite with the knowledge and inspiration every one of us possesses within, we’ll be unstoppable and the paradigm we wish to build will fall into place gloriously (again – as long as we put the work in).

There are still some first steps to be taken but overall, we’ve done quite a good job up to this point.

We’ve awakened; gotten together and utilized the internet and social media to raise awareness of the truth of our existence, as well as the manufactured societies that have been created in an effort to distract us from the realms of spirit.

We’ve reconnected with the beings actively assisting us in our ordained evolution, and we’ve worked to spread the message of Source, as given through various hosts and conduits.

Truly, what we’ve already accomplished has been enormous and because of this, I’m more than confident in our ability to directly, collectively uproot the cabals from their positions of power and influence.

I’m more than confident in our ability to take the reins from the one percent of people on this world who’ve been running things, and I know we can build the brimming Galactic society we’ve fantasized so much about and worked so hard toward.

If you’re ever in doubt of our massive collective ability – just remember the enormity of what we’ve already built.

Wes Annac – Working to galvanize the awakening masses. It’s time to build what we’re all ready to establish!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 5:25:10 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Blame and Guilt are Illusory Concepts Which Tie You to the Illusion

Jesus postingJesus: Blame and Guilt are Illusory Concepts Which Tie You to the Illusion. Channelled by John Smallman, June 5, 2013.

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

The New Age has arrived, and signs of it are apparent everywhere as the field of divine Love continues to flow across the planet, embracing all in Its path; and there are very few who are not in Its path. A major and very determined effort is required of anyone who might choose not to be influenced by Love’s ever intensifying and entrancing energy field.

It is God’s Will that humanity throw off the mantle of pain and suffering in which it has chosen to envelop itself for so long, and humanity has now chosen to align its collective will with God’s – that is what the New Age is all about, aligning your will with God’s – and is doing so by throwing off the ephemeral veil of fear and separation in which you had wrapped yourselves, temporarily.

Many of you are making new and delighted connections with strangers as Love enters into every heart that has not made an exceedingly determined effort to remain closed. You are flowing along on the current of Love towards your inevitable awakening, so be glad, relax, give thanks, and know that all is divinely taken care of, as it always has been. Expect to make new friends and acquaintances as your hearts open into the field of Love embracing you, and bask in the warmth of that shared Love.

There is no such thing as “predestination.” That is a concept, based on fear, which was invented to try to explain suffering as something inflicted by God upon those who displeased Him, and were therefore effectively damned as opposed to those who were “righteous in His sight” and would be saved.

The idea was that you were predestined for salvation and heaven, or for damnation and hell, and that you could do nothing to alter that state of affairs. Obviously that is nonsense. All sentient life is dear to God’s Heart, and all will come to experience the infinite wonder of His eternal Love for them, regardless of any “crimes” or “evil actions” that they appear to have committed.

Only Love is real, and it is therefore eternal. Anything unloving, no matter how much pain and suffering it may appear to cause, is unreal and will fade away with the illusion once you release yourselves from any apparent need that you have to hold on to it. And that is what you are presently in the process of doing: shaking the dust of the illusion from your feet as you leave it behind, and moving forwards as you make the constant intent to be loving in every moment.

Once you make that intent, and ask for help from your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms to maintain it, then you are on your way Home and nothing can prevent your arrival. It is still possible for you to deviate from your path if you become intentionally unloving in a situation, but very quickly awareness of this deviation will break into your consciousness, allowing you to release the unloving intent and forgive yourself and anyone you may have unwisely judged or blamed.

Love is your nature. And the distractions of the illusion are becoming less and less appealing for you, which is why you have made the irreversible decision to awaken. Any deviations from your loving intent to align yourselves with the holy Will of God will be brief, because the flame of Love within your hearts is burning ever more brightly as each day passes, and to remain unaware, unconscious, insensitive to Its constant presence within you is impossible.

The flame of Love within each one of you — the guiding Light leading you Home — is intense, powerful, and there is no way that you can keep it permanently hidden, denied, or ignored. It will shine forth, and even if you have spent lifetimes denying or ignoring It, It has never left you even for a moment, but has waited patiently and lovingly for the first and smallest change in your attitude or belief that demonstrates that you are becoming ready to acknowledge It once more.

That moment is now, and it is becoming ever harder for anyone to bear a grudge or a resentment. Whereas before, many on Earth enjoyed holding on to grudges with a sense of bitter satisfaction as they planned vengeance or restitution against the one who had hurt or offended them; now that sense of satisfaction is hollow or lacking, and they are puzzled.

That is an early sign of awakening. If it happens to you, welcome it and rejoice. Your times for bitterness are at an end! Maybe you were even unaware of clinging to rancor or a need to punish, but now that the sense of closure it brought is fading, you are becoming aware of it. That can be shocking because you maybe saw yourself as kind and accepting, and your satisfaction came partly from your self-image as a person who did not hold a grudge, whereas in truth — as has now become apparent — you did.

Forgive yourself! There is no advantage or redemption in self-blame or guilt. You made an error; you have seen it and corrected it, and by doing so, you have released another unloving aspect of self, making more space available within you for Love to dwell. In truth, you are blameless and guiltless.

Blame and guilt are illusory concepts which tie you to the illusion by making you feel unworthy of knowing God, much less of basking in the warmth of His eternal embrace. But that is where you belong! That is where you have your eternal existence. You just forgot that momentarily, as you played in the illusion. Now that unreal playtime is ending as you prepare to return to enjoy eternal, totally absorbing and creative play in Reality — your only Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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