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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:06:24 PM

Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You Are the Love-Bearers of the World

imageJune 2, 2013 at

Hello sweet ones, my beloveds. I come before you with great news. For all around there are shifts of magnificent and gigantic proportions.

You are the love-bearers of the world and as such you must hold it constantly, in spite of seeming evidence to the contrary. That ability to hold it, no matter what, is what sets you apart, my dear ones, and is what makes you so invaluable.

Yes, you may need to pause at times and gather your strength and refresh yourself. But it is in your make-up and mission to continue on holding Love for all around you, and for your beloved Mother Earth who takes such good care of you.

My dears, you are no doubt discovering that even when it feels like you are in a lull, much is going on beneath the surface, and sometimes you are holding the Flame of Love out of pure faith and persistence in spite of the barrage of negativity that you may feel around you. You set this up to test your strength and you come out every time knowing how strong you are.

Persistence and constancy is what keeps bringing you through, and you exhibit magnificent perseverance even when it feels like there is no end to your clearing and to your experiences of intermittent doubt. This, my dear ones, is what sets you apart from others around you, for you do not hold on to the doubt for long before it fuels deeper certainty and Love, and deeper commitment to your mission.

Yes, dear ones, You Are the Love-Bearers of the World, and as such, you encounter many experiences and difficulties designed to strengthen your resolve and commitment. This is how it works, dear ones. No obstacle is too big for you to overcome, no dip in your confidence is too low for you to pull out of it, and you always come out so much stronger, and Glowing with Love that translates to everything and everyone around you.

Sometimes you may feel like you are going around and around to the same thing, and suddenly there opens a path in front of you that takes you out of it, and from this there is always more hope and expansion for you. At these times I light your way, as do many in the Celestial Realm, and we stand cheering you on as you suddenly notice that all is not lost and you begin to grasp the subtle and not so subtle insights and revelations that come from crawling your way through darkness. For that end, you find it necessary to appreciate and also understand the Light at a deeper level.

And always you come back to more Love for yourself and for others. Allow it to fill you up to bursting, dear ones. Concentrate on it even when you feel you are in darkness or uncertainty. For sitting in that darkness is your means for pulling in more Light and Love and more understanding of what you need to clear. Facing the darkness is an act of promise and faith and hope because within the very nature of it is the means to Illumination.

And many of you are reaching the bottom of this relentless clearing you have been going through, and “blue skies” are more prevalent and comforting. You will find that they have really been there all along; alas for the few clouds you have been so diligently facing and clearing. And those “blue skies” are your true nature. Get used to having them more, dear ones. Look for them and be confident they are there even when you are still filtering the fluctuating swirls of old negativity and fears. They are but a wisp away from clearing now, dear ones.

I take you in my loving arms and limitless heart so that you may see the possibility of your expansiveness, of your own limitless Heart of Love. Sit within that possibility, my dear ones, for you will see that the love that you have been nurturing is now serving to keep you in a state of intimate and ultimate peace and knowing of your True Selves. Bask in that Love more than ever, dear ones. For it is your birthright.

I take you with me every time you allow yourselves to experience that Unconditional Love for yourselves. We dance together in the sweet loving embrace of purity that can only be experienced when you discard those dying labels and perceptions of yourself that you have built up in your dance-of-separation over these eons, only to find now that there is little left except an acknowledgement of your beauty, like a gentle glow that lights up your life and the world.

Keep feeding that Gentle Glow that is your True Selves now, dear ones. Let it be the pervading factor and focus in your life now. Nothing else is real. It is your challenge to keep yourselves glowing in spite of any dark patches that may infiltrate. Those patches are just temporary, dear ones, and are so easily transformed with your persistent returning to your God-Spark that is fed with each loving thought and caress you hold for yourselves.

I continue to hold you within my Heart of Love as you hold others in yours.

All my love is yours,
Mother Mary

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:08:39 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You, My Dear Friends, Are The Ones Who Will Carry Out These Changes.

imageJune 2, 2013 at

Today we will focus upon the subject of changes to your world once again. If you are one who gains most of your information from the television or newspapers, then you may very likely have overlooked several hints pertaining to what we are about to tell you. If you also, or exclusively, get information from what has been termed alternate media, then perhaps you have begun to put together a slightly different picture of what is occurring at this time.

The hints of impending change are available for you to see, if you wish to see them. And, as we have told you on more than one occasion to expect, they are beginning to gather a momentum of their own. We have used the terms snowball and avalanche. Well, perhaps they have not reached quite those proportions yet, but they will. And we will have had something to do with the energies and nudges which have produced the climate in which this will happen.

But you, my dear friends, are the ones who will carry out these changes, the ones who will see them through. We suggest you begin to read and listen to what is happening around you with a new outlook. Begin to read beneath and behind what is being told to you. It will not be told to you in obvious terms just yet, although that will come soon enough.

We suggest, also, that you in the North American countries begin to look around beyond your borders, as much that you are not being told is happening elsewhere, and not enough weight is being given to its effect on your world yet.

There was a time when you determined the course of word events almost always. But there is a growing influence that is beginning to balance that out now, and it would be of benefit to understand that. There are immense changes afoot, dear ones. And, no, they are not of the fearful or catastrophic kind. Rather, your world is about to begin changing to be bountiful and beautiful for more than just a handful of its children.

If you can find just one thing to celebrate each day, you will both make yourself feel better and contribute to the progress you seek. Hold that good news in your heart, nurture it, and share it. The one other thing we would urge you to do is to look at what you desire from a situation, and not at what you do not. Be for something and not against something else. We think you understand that concept now.

Be joyful and well and we will speak again soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:10:10 PM

Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele: June 2, 2013

The Arcturian GroupArcturian Group Message. Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele, June 2, 2013 –

We are here to assist any and all wishing to ascend into the higher dimensional energy now available. More and more Light is pouring into the Earth as many sacred portals are now open to assist in this momentous time of awakening.

We hear many of you say that nothing is changing. Do not look for world changes based in third dimensional concepts, for these are simply ideas of what you believe should happen based in limited knowledge of the world as you have known it.

With your intent and permission, energy change first flows into your energy field and begins to dissolve that which is old and untrue – the shadow energy that you carry with you in the form of any false beliefs regarding yourselves and others. The shadows are dissolved in the presence of the Light – higher frequency energies.

Gradually, the individual then begins to experience change within his thinking patterns as well as within all facets of his life and this is often where the “problems” start. He finds that he no longer resonates with people, places, or things as he used to and the evolving student may find himself with some difficult personal choices to make.

These subtle changes usually unfold gradually and lead the initiate into the new as they are ready or able to handle the higher frequencies. This may appear to the student as though nothing is happening. Understand that as you allow and gradually begin to hold more Light, you are changing the energy of the whole planet. All there is to shadow energy is an unawareness of Self – some carry more, some carry less. As each new awareness of truth deepens within you, its Light becomes a part of your energy field.

Many have been expecting a magic wand to suddenly wave and make the world different. No one can do your evolving for you, Dear Ones. Even the belief that the Master Jesus came to do this for you is a false interpretation of his message. He lovingly seeded the consciousness of mankind with the way – the means to do it, but many did and still believe that he will do the work for them. It is your job, your choice, your journey and is why you are on Earth at this time.

We are here to assist if you want assistance. You are free-will Beings and can dilly-dally as long as you please. However, know that you all knew about this shift before entering into this lifetime and choose to be here. Right now is the most powerful time in eons for mankind to move forward and all is in place now.

We would like to talk about the experience of living on Earth in these times. It is an understatement to say that it has been very difficult for many of you. You are seeing chaos in many forms as the old departs kicking and screaming and the new comes in. Many are suddenly realizing that ideas heretofore presented as fact were simply lies given to keep you settled in a state of fear and acceptance.

You, individually and as a whole, are starting to investigate, question, and realize that you have been duped – over and over again. These are signs of awakening – of the veils of ignorance being lifted, for even several years ago you would have just accepted everything presented as truth. The world is not getting worse, it is the Light shining on the shadows, you see. You are beginning to question, to assert your personal power, and trust your intuition. These are the signs of a world waking up to its innate spiritual power and value.

Think of this process as mankind emerging from a cocoon of sleep that it has accepted and comfortably rested in for a long, long time. As a butterfly emerges, it struggles and seems to be having a very difficult time. If someone steps in and pulls it out the butterfly dies, for it needs the struggle as a part of its unfoldment.

So you Dear Ones, are now emerging from the comfortable cocoons you ignorantly believed to be who you were. Some have larger and denser cocoons than others, and that is just fine for cocoons are formed from past life experiences and the resulting state of consciousness.

Begin to trust that all is proceeding according to plan as guided by your Higher Selves. Allow the unfolding process to proceed in whatever ways are necessary which will most likely not be as you had expected. Try not to compare yourself to others who seem to be evolving at a faster pace than you for they may not have had as dense a cocoon to emerge from. Often these souls have done their “heavy lifting” in previous lives.

All will evolve and all are being guided in this process if they choose. Remember you are not alone Dear Ones, there are many of us on this side and your side guiding, assisting, and teaching at this powerful time. All you need do is ask, but without concepts of how the assistance must appear for concepts are based in old beliefs. Allow yourselves to open to the new – to subtle energies of knowledge and awareness now flowing more easily in the higher energies.

Some are choosing to remain in what is old and finished. These Dear Ones are struggling, for the sand they have build their house of cards upon is crumbling and they are going into fear and panic. Living on Earth at this time is not for the faint hearted. You are experiencing a changing of the guard and the old is putting up a great fight. Send them Light Dear Ones, that they may move out of the shadows of fear that hold them in bondage and into Unconditional Love.

Gaia too is moving forward in her Ascension process and you are seeing the results of this in the violent weather many have been experiencing. However, the storms are not just about global warming or Gaia’s Ascension, but are about a spiritual leveling – neighbor talking to and assisting neighbor, strangers stepping in, and the birthing of universal compassion. It is about a higher sense of love and oneness emerging among all who up to now considered themselves separate in some way (racially, economically, intellectually, age etc.) from each other. This leveling process has been necessary in shifting large groups into a deeper realization of oneness.

Each soul receives whatever lessons are necessary to their evolution and each soul is being lovingly guided and assisted no matter what the appearances. Do not doubt that much is taking place for each and every one of you both within and without. Your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are being cleared and prepared to hold higher dimensional energies.

This is an extremely powerful time to be on Earth. Understand that you are privileged to be here at this time for there were many souls wanting to be a part of this process. Never falter Dear Ones through comparing your lives and experiences to what the 3D world would have you believe is how things ought to be in order for you to be content and happy. The third dimensional concepts are dissolving, leaving those ignorant of truth very frustrated in their attempts to reactivate that which is finished.

As the higher truths enter world consciousness, the resulting clash of energies appears as chaos. Remember this Dear Ones, as you faithfully, silently, and secretly, live moment to moment out from your highest awareness and understanding. This is how you grow and evolve into a deeper and deeper awareness of your true Self.

We are the Arcturian Group, June 2, 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:12:55 PM
Dear friends, here is part 5 of Steve Beckow's latest great article.

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 5

Lightworkers 44(Continued from Part 4.)

Many of the Returning Masters are Us

Many years ago, my understanding was that the Return of the Masters referred only to the return of Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, etc. But more recently Archangel Michael has revealed that, while these masters will return, others who return are really early risers or early ascenders (in other words, us lightworkers) who return as gatekeepers and pillars.

The mission on which we as lightworkers have come is to assist as many as possible to ascend, as Archangel Michael told us through Debbie Erasmus: “Your mission as a Lightworker is to help us help others through the Ascension portals that are coming up.” (1)

I raised the matter of our being part of the returning masters with AAM on Sept. 15, 2011, in a personal reading prior to the start of the series An Hour with an Angel.

Steve Beckow: So some people will disappear, and so they’ll go to the Fifth Dimension. And now will these people that go early like this, are they part of the masters who will be returning later?

Archangel Michael: Yes, but also, many of these people who, shall we say ‘take early exit,’ will also have the ability to travel back and forth and communicate with those still stuck in the Third. No, not in physical form, well not in physical as you think of it. But their reality will be completely different.

S: OK, so when you say not in physical form as we think of it, they will have a physical form, … they’ll be physically visible?

AAM: That is correct. It is like when you see many of your star brothers and sisters, … they are visible, but they’re not completely present. (2)

AAM broached the matter again in a second personal reading on Oct. 1, 2011.

Archangel Michael: We have also spoken of the waves of ascension.

So there will be a period of time when there will be a window, shall we say, that those who have already gone through the door can peek back or reach back, or what we call ‘exhibit,’ so that they are also helping those who are in preparation for the next wave.

Steve Beckow: Is that what is meant by the Return of the Masters?

AAM: Yes. Only you always think of the masters as the ascended ones. But, of course they will be. [Laughter] So, yes. Think of them as Gatekeepers. (3)

Lightworkers 22

Later that same month, in a personal reading with Susan S., he went into more detail on the identity of these gatekeepers or returning masters.

“Now there are those who will say at the last minute ‘No, I do not wish to go’ and there will be many more who will say ‘wait a minute, I’m coming.’

“And that is part of the reason for what we would call a staged process or event. So there will be those, what we will call the gatekeepers or the ‘in-betweeners,’ who will go through an Ascension process and be anchored in the full reality, not partial reality, not a glimpse, not an out-of-body experience, but the full reality of the 5th dimension.

“But they will manifest and be observed, as it were, in the 3rd dimension because they are coming back to help, they are the doormen, they are helping with this onslaught of ‘last minute shoppers.’” (4)

Archangel Michael reassured us through Ronna Herman that we have expert credentials.

“You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.

“You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.” (5)

There can be pitfalls to knowing these facts, as Sanat Kumara intimated in An Hour with an Angel on May 28, 2013:

“Some of you have what you tend to think of as elevated positions in other realms or in other planetary systems. …

“We do not put emphasis on who is who. Who is the head of this planetary council? Or who is the commander of what ship? Or who has been, for example, Abraham or Moses? Or who has been Mary Magdalene?

This is not the situation we want to create.

“Each of you came because you had reached a point in your evolution back to the One where you had the capacity and the will, the design and the plan, in terms of your own plan, to evolve and to embrace this level of full consciousness.

“If you were not at that place, then you would not have been able to be assigned, if I can put it that way. You could not have been assigned to this mission of Ascension at this time.” (6)

Saul advises us that our blinkered condition prevents us from full knowing ourselves right now: “There are none among you who do not know that you are divine beings created in Love for eternal happiness. It is just that your illusory state of existence has temporarily hidden this divine truth from you.” (7)

The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac expands on what Saul is referring to. They describe some of the circumstances of our own histories.

“Some of yoLightworkers 33u have come to the Earth from planets or other objects in our star system, the Pleiades, while others have come from states of consciousness much purer than those that would require Living on a planet.

“What we mean is that the pure states of consciousness some of you have made your way to the Earth from, garner a natural experience of pure higher dimensional (Love) and Light magnified to the extent that the wish to have any type of archetype or identity to Live or experience through, which can include Living upon a planet, is simply unwanted.” (8)

Those of us from much higher dimensions may not be attached to a planet or even have bodies. But we’ve taken on a veil of forgetfulness and don’t now remember our own backgrounds.

“We are speaking, of course, of vastly pure states of consciousness that, while many of you have come from, you have not yet grown back into and we can say with happiness and Love that you will be able to fully remember these states of consciousness upon growing back into them.

“Indeed, there will be so very much for you to learn that will help you adjust to the pure states of consciousness you have long begun growing toward, and we mean this for your personal Lives and for the world stage.

“Personally, you are going to uncover and remember revelations that will help you to adjust to the states of consciousness you have come to the Earth from, and on the world stage you will be given truths and disclosures that will shock much of your collective back into awareness.” (9)

Why is the recovery of our memories a slow process? The Pleiadian Council explains:

“Every one of you have maintained the strongest and purest connection to the higher realms; it is simply that such a connection cannot be made known to you all at once for indeed, this would burn you out, dearest souls. We do not wish for that to happen, and you as well would not want to gain a perspective that you have not naturally grow into because again, you would be overwhelmed.” (10)

We then are among the masters returning. Some of us will ascend and come back to serve as gatekeepers and pillars. Others of us will not ascend but still serve as bridges and gatekeepers. We all have our roles to play. Whether we ascend or not now, we all have ascended in other lifetimes, which is why we can play the roles we do now. So, in considering the Return of the Masters, the picture is not complete unless we factor ourselves in it.

This concludes our look at the Return of the Masters and hopefully sets the stage for Lord Matreya’s talk on May 3, 2013 on An Hour with an Angel. Maitreya is quintessentially the epitome of a returned Master here to tutor us and the world in what we need to know about Ascension.


(1) “Archangel Michael via Debbie Erasmus: Wayshowers Will Become the Guiding Light for Many of You in the Next Couple Weeks,” Dec. 10, 2012, at A gatekeeper helps the ascending ones through the portal. A pillar remains to help stragglers having difficulty.

(2) “Archangel Michael: Creating a World of Peace,” through Linda Dillon, Sept. 15, 2011, at

(3) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” through Linda Dillon, at

(4) “Archangel Michael to Susan S. on Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree,” through Linda Dillon, Oct. 30, 2011, at

(5) Archangel Michael, “You are Courageous Souls,” through Ronna Herman, August 2011, at

(6) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

(7) Saul, April 26, 2013, at

(8) The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac, April 29, 2013 at

(9) Loc. cit.

(10) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:14:05 PM

The Office of Poofness: Time for Plain Talk – June 2, 2013

poof 1Stephen: Despite her grief that her husband and ‘forever partner’ Poof (who’s real name’s James Anthony Holmes – as his condolence book, which you can access via the link at the end of this message, states) transitioned on May 23, Poof’s wife Susan and his colleague ZAP are continuing his work. This message today, from the Office of Poofness, has none of Poof’s wry cryptic-ness but I think you’re going to like the level of detail here.

As the header says, it’s ‘time for plain talk’, and that’s what we get – as well as some very, very good news. For some months now, my own inner guidance has been telling me that we just needed to get to the end of May and all will change. Now, on one level, I know why. Read on….

The Office of Poofness: Time for Plain Talk

From Susan, Poof’s wife and partner and the Office of Poofness – June 2, 2012, via email

Greetings and Salutations;

I would like to reintroduce myself. Many know me as Susan, I have “been behind the curtain.” My forever partner has ascended as he promised – not necessarily the way I would have wished. For me, this has been “The Time Travel of Shock,” loss and re-adjustment. I know that Poof, Serenius, believed in you as much as you believed in Him. His transition was fast, shocking and life altering – He lives in your Heart as he will forever live in mine and he remembers that You and I are always in HIS…. Now on to the news…This is a dynamite newsletter today that is sure to grab your attention!

Now is the “Time for Plain Talk” and we are so blessed to have a very special contribution from ZAP. His realm is the “Nose Bleed Section.” He speaks with those in the very top positions in China and around the world. Today he has taken the time to share his knowledge and wisdom of where we are right now and how we arrived here with our newsletter family. Make no mistake this is neither rumor nor conjecture but fact, a time for truth and a “Time for Plain Talk.”

From ZAP:

Poof is gone, but not gone – We are here to continue the information dissemination and provide clarity while wading through all of the “Muck.”

The first piece of real news: It looks like there will be a tad of sunshine peeking through as the “first ever” download of funds for the redemption of historic assets, occurred shortly before the settling bank closed last Friday for the weekend. This is of extreme significance, because before the Global Settlements or the announcement of the RV of the Dinar/Dong could occur, the release of the Matrix Funds (Humanity’s Wealth) needed to be done. None of this would be possible without Basel III being fully instituted globally. This action then allows the process for completely removing all “Historic Assets” (bonds), which have plagued our humanity for decades through theft, obviation of agreements and treaties, and greed in general.

Once these funds start moving through the system paying out to the various holders of these “Historic Assets,” then the settlements will begin and the RV becomes an inevitable reality. Never mind all of the constant rumors regarding the RV, this is the process and sequence of events. Prior to this release all of the Federal Reserve boxes, debt notes, bonds and all other interesting debt obligations had to be not only settled but all had to be completely destroyed after the fact by disappearing into the nearest furnace. Our humanity could not afford to have this historic debit from the bond redemption and other debts spilling into the “New System.” It would be like dragging a 1 ton anchor behind while trying to run a 440 meter race. Now maybe you can grasp the extreme significance of the action that took place last Friday. Let the celebration begin!

Who pushed the button? The correct answer is: The Chinese Royal Family along with the USA, China, and the occasional backing of the Russian Government (in conjunction with all the other countries).

We hear so much regarding China these days in our national news that some may actually fear their involvement in world affairs. Let’s be very clear we are not talking about the Chinese government here. The Chinese we speak of were chosen by the Celestials millennia ago to be the “Keepers” (Guardians) of humanity’s wealth (the Matrix Funds), because they can keep secrets, care for our humanity and they have great integrity.

Over time, the Chinese created many complex systems to keep the secrets, secret. But through the generations when the “Keepership” was handed down Father to Son/Daughter, the Son/Daughter sometimes forgot the true mission and meaning of their “Keepership” and decided the wealth in their keep was actually their inheritance and therefore theirs. That’s where part of the problems started. The other part was the various leaders of our nations who caught the greed bug.

The “Family” is often times called “The Dragons,” the “Elders,” etc. Yes, “The Dragons” come in many colors, white, blue, gold, black, green, etc., with colors designating administartion, treasury, guardian, etc., and to make it even more interesting each dragon is assigned a number. There is no one “Dragon” that is the supreme entity, it’s more like a council of “Dragons.” Or shall I say Dragons, Tigers, Butterfly, Lotus and other animals and fruits and vegetables. I think they are so caught up in themselves they exhibit the intelligence of a parsnip when it comes to common sense, and the true purpose/mission of helping humanity. The hierarchy is comprised of the Dragon Lords (Celestials) with the lesser human Dragons, of whatever color, and earthly councils being in charge of their designated tasks.

The head of the family, let’s call him Grandpa, of the various factions ( there are many and some are vying for position like in all systems) has started an internal cleanup. He is a few centuries old, but still considered a youngster. They don’t really start to take you seriously until you hit 500, but he is an exception. Grandpa supposedly died sometime ago, but he didn’t really and everybody was looking for his replacement. Then as usual the jostling for position problems occurred. In the mean time, Grandpa sat back and watched the circus for a while and made a list of who was naughty and nice. He them announced he was alive, back and ready to start the clean up. This will extend the mass arrests when the clean up hits that level. As you can see and hear in the news part of this clean up has already started.

Remember that as in all cases, there are bad apples in every bushel and the “Family” is no exception. For the most part they are good people with their hearts in the right place and holding the intent high for the benefit of all. Then there are ones who feel the “Matrix Wealth” in their keep is theirs….they have lost sight of what is real and what their mission really is. The “Family” weeds those out and they either disappear if their ego and greed are so great they can actually harm the “Matrix,” or they just get stripped of their responsibility and a replacement is installed. That is a snapshot of the basic system of “Keepers” and why they are here. I could spend hours going into details on this but this will suffice for now.

So, there you go a bit of clarity to munch on! This is a little different for me to speak like this, but my dear brother James showed me something that was needed in these times, so I am happy to speak out a bit. Thanks James for being here for us and shedding light on a whole dump truck full of dark…Here comes the front end loader full of light.

In Love and Light in our service,

Susan adds:

It seems this is a “Time for Plain Talk” with the plethora of questions surrounding the Global Settlements, RV, Basel III, Announcements and Humanitarian Projects. If you have particular questions and wish a consultation to further clarify information presented here today please feel free to contact Susan in Poof’s office. We will contact ZAP when he is available for any answers to questions beyond our scope. There are limits at times to the answers we may be given and sometimes no answers may be given due to the time sensitive nature of the current goings on. Please be patient with us as work through our calls and emails.

For those of you who wish to express your condolences to Poof’s family we have provided a link to our online “Condolence Book” which will allow you to record a brief expression of sympathy to be treasured by the family.

Love and Kisses,

Susan – From the Office of Poofness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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