Dear friends, here is part 5 of Steve Beckow's latest great article.
The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 5
Posted by Steve Beckow on June 3, 2013
(Continued from Part 4.)
Many of the Returning Masters are Us
Many years ago, my understanding was that the Return of the Masters referred only to the return of Jesus, Lao Tzu, Buddha, etc. But more recently Archangel Michael has revealed that, while these masters will return, others who return are really early risers or early ascenders (in other words, us lightworkers) who return as gatekeepers and pillars.
The mission on which we as lightworkers have come is to assist as many as possible to ascend, as Archangel Michael told us through Debbie Erasmus: “Your mission as a Lightworker is to help us help others through the Ascension portals that are coming up.” (1)
I raised the matter of our being part of the returning masters with AAM on Sept. 15, 2011, in a personal reading prior to the start of the series An Hour with an Angel.
Steve Beckow: So some people will disappear, and so they’ll go to the Fifth Dimension. And now will these people that go early like this, are they part of the masters who will be returning later?
Archangel Michael: Yes, but also, many of these people who, shall we say ‘take early exit,’ will also have the ability to travel back and forth and communicate with those still stuck in the Third. No, not in physical form, well not in physical as you think of it. But their reality will be completely different.
S: OK, so when you say not in physical form as we think of it, they will have a physical form, … they’ll be physically visible?
AAM: That is correct. It is like when you see many of your star brothers and sisters, … they are visible, but they’re not completely present. (2)
AAM broached the matter again in a second personal reading on Oct. 1, 2011.
Archangel Michael: We have also spoken of the waves of ascension.
So there will be a period of time when there will be a window, shall we say, that those who have already gone through the door can peek back or reach back, or what we call ‘exhibit,’ so that they are also helping those who are in preparation for the next wave.
Steve Beckow: Is that what is meant by the Return of the Masters?
AAM: Yes. Only you always think of the masters as the ascended ones. But, of course they will be. [Laughter] So, yes. Think of them as Gatekeepers. (3)

Later that same month, in a personal reading with Susan S., he went into more detail on the identity of these gatekeepers or returning masters.
“Now there are those who will say at the last minute ‘No, I do not wish to go’ and there will be many more who will say ‘wait a minute, I’m coming.’
“And that is part of the reason for what we would call a staged process or event. So there will be those, what we will call the gatekeepers or the ‘in-betweeners,’ who will go through an Ascension process and be anchored in the full reality, not partial reality, not a glimpse, not an out-of-body experience, but the full reality of the 5th dimension.
“But they will manifest and be observed, as it were, in the 3rd dimension because they are coming back to help, they are the doormen, they are helping with this onslaught of ‘last minute shoppers.’” (4)
Archangel Michael reassured us through Ronna Herman that we have expert credentials.
“You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.
“You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.” (5)
There can be pitfalls to knowing these facts, as Sanat Kumara intimated in An Hour with an Angel on May 28, 2013:
“Some of you have what you tend to think of as elevated positions in other realms or in other planetary systems. …
“We do not put emphasis on who is who. Who is the head of this planetary council? Or who is the commander of what ship? Or who has been, for example, Abraham or Moses? Or who has been Mary Magdalene?
This is not the situation we want to create.
“Each of you came because you had reached a point in your evolution back to the One where you had the capacity and the will, the design and the plan, in terms of your own plan, to evolve and to embrace this level of full consciousness.
“If you were not at that place, then you would not have been able to be assigned, if I can put it that way. You could not have been assigned to this mission of Ascension at this time.” (6)
Saul advises us that our blinkered condition prevents us from full knowing ourselves right now: “There are none among you who do not know that you are divine beings created in Love for eternal happiness. It is just that your illusory state of existence has temporarily hidden this divine truth from you.” (7)
The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac expands on what Saul is referring to. They describe some of the circumstances of our own histories.
“Some of yo
u have come to the Earth from planets or other objects in our star system, the Pleiades, while others have come from states of consciousness much purer than those that would require Living on a planet.
“What we mean is that the pure states of consciousness some of you have made your way to the Earth from, garner a natural experience of pure higher dimensional (Love) and Light magnified to the extent that the wish to have any type of archetype or identity to Live or experience through, which can include Living upon a planet, is simply unwanted.” (8)
Those of us from much higher dimensions may not be attached to a planet or even have bodies. But we’ve taken on a veil of forgetfulness and don’t now remember our own backgrounds.
“We are speaking, of course, of vastly pure states of consciousness that, while many of you have come from, you have not yet grown back into and we can say with happiness and Love that you will be able to fully remember these states of consciousness upon growing back into them.
“Indeed, there will be so very much for you to learn that will help you adjust to the pure states of consciousness you have long begun growing toward, and we mean this for your personal Lives and for the world stage.
“Personally, you are going to uncover and remember revelations that will help you to adjust to the states of consciousness you have come to the Earth from, and on the world stage you will be given truths and disclosures that will shock much of your collective back into awareness.” (9)
Why is the recovery of our memories a slow process? The Pleiadian Council explains:
“Every one of you have maintained the strongest and purest connection to the higher realms; it is simply that such a connection cannot be made known to you all at once for indeed, this would burn you out, dearest souls. We do not wish for that to happen, and you as well would not want to gain a perspective that you have not naturally grow into because again, you would be overwhelmed.” (10)
We then are among the masters returning. Some of us will ascend and come back to serve as gatekeepers and pillars. Others of us will not ascend but still serve as bridges and gatekeepers. We all have our roles to play. Whether we ascend or not now, we all have ascended in other lifetimes, which is why we can play the roles we do now. So, in considering the Return of the Masters, the picture is not complete unless we factor ourselves in it.
This concludes our look at the Return of the Masters and hopefully sets the stage for Lord Matreya’s talk on May 3, 2013 on An Hour with an Angel. Maitreya is quintessentially the epitome of a returned Master here to tutor us and the world in what we need to know about Ascension.
(1) “Archangel Michael via Debbie Erasmus: Wayshowers Will Become the Guiding Light for Many of You in the Next Couple Weeks,” Dec. 10, 2012, at A gatekeeper helps the ascending ones through the portal. A pillar remains to help stragglers having difficulty.
(2) “Archangel Michael: Creating a World of Peace,” through Linda Dillon, Sept. 15, 2011, at
(3) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Oct. 1, 2011 – Part 2/3,” through Linda Dillon, at
(4) “Archangel Michael to Susan S. on Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree,” through Linda Dillon, Oct. 30, 2011, at
(5) Archangel Michael, “You are Courageous Souls,” through Ronna Herman, August 2011, at
(6) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at
(7) Saul, April 26, 2013, at
(8) The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac, April 29, 2013 at
(9) Loc. cit.
(10) Loc. cit.