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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
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6/4/2013 4:41:17 PM

Dear friends, as promised, here is Maitreya interviewed.

Maitreya: I am Among Many who Return to Walk Among You

The first thing on my mind....So many people have been awaiting a savior, a messiah, an avatar, etc. For many people, the coming of Lord Maitreya fits that template., However he says that he has not come to save anyone. No one needs saving.

In this interview, not the first that Lord Maitreya has given by any means, he discusses how he will begin speaking in human form to the world over this summer. He addresses questions like 9/11 that separate Christians and Muslims, the plight of women and the need to end continuing mistreatment, and the potency of the starseed children who are here and came with their multimensionality intact. Thanks to Ellen for a blazing turnaround.

An Hour with an Angel with Maitreya, June 3, 2013

Suzanne Maresca: Welcome to another Hour With An Angel with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening. Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards A World That Works For Everyone. I’m Suzanne Maresca, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening.

I invite you to bring in Archangel Michael’s blue flame of truth and peace as we welcome Michael back once again. Michael will be speaking on the angelic kingdom.

With that, I turn things over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: And thank you, Suzi. Our guest tonight is the Lord Maitreya. One website says of you that you’ve been expected for generations by all the major religions. “Christians know him as the Christ and expect his imminent return; Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.” Archangel Michael calls you the Buddha of love and the world teacher.

Before I ask my questions of you, would you like to make any opening comments, Lord Maitreya?

Maitreya: Greetings. I am Maitreya. But I do not have a nickname, (1) and I would prefer to be called by my full name, and I am honored, I am pleased that you have asked me to join you in this form of communion this night.

I may be welcomed and sought after by many religions, but I do not assign myself to any singular belief system. I embrace all traditions equally, as I embrace each of you, my brothers and sisters, equally.

I am honored to be known as the Buddha of love, or as Krishna, or as Imam, but I am equally honored to be known simply as brother. I am a bringer of truth, of wisdom and love. That is what I teach. That is what I am. That is what I do. And it is what I have done for many, many, many centuries.

You live on a glorious planet, Gaia — this wondrous Earth where all beings, all life forms are treasured and precious. And if I have one message and one teaching that

I would wish to bring forward in this conversation, it would be about unity. It would be about unity of love. It would be about equality among all beings; and to teach the human species, to remind the human species, that all are equal; all are divine; all are an aspect of love.

And when that is truly known, there is no room for discord, for hatred or war, for anger or rage, for rape or pillage. This is that time in your evolution, which is why I return to the planet now.

It is a time of unification, of coming together, not only in the understanding, but in the knowing and the being of this connection among all, that you travel together, my sweet friends, as one.

It has never been otherwise. Have you created many falsehoods and illusions to make it appear as such? Yes. But it is not of truth, and it most certainly is not of wisdom.

Where you are, where you are emerging from is very parallel to the time of Atlantis, a time when there was such wisdom and love and healing and unity, not only among the humans, but with your star brothers and sisters from the far reaches of the universe.

And yet this scientific advancement, and this belief in the ascendancy of certain groups, the arrogance and the ego led you not just to the edge of destruction, which is what you have veered away from right now, but to destruction. And this cannot be forgotten.

No, we do not wish you to live in the pain and sorrow of that, but we want you to remember simply so that you know how far you have come, what you have and are avoiding, and how you are choosing to proceed.

I am called a world teacher, and this is a compliment. And let me explain how I view this role as teacher. It certainly is not as preacher; more in the role of one who takes your hand, your shoulder, and at times your head, and turns you gently towards the truth, towards the inner and the outer wisdom, whether it is written or visual or example of spoken, though all are equally valid.

One of the qualities which I carry and value, and that I ask you to carry with me, is compassion. For without compassion, there can be no true understanding. There can be no genuine sense of unity. Because in compassion there is an understanding of the significance, the glory, the wonder and the importance of each being’s journey, and the value of that journey in the mosaic of the whole.

So I come to share this teaching, not according to dogma, ever, but according to love, according to universal law, for I also stand in service to Sanat Kumara.

Well, my beloved friend, where do you wish to start today? Where do you wish to start this conversation that we have been having for many millennia?

SB: Thank you, Maitreya. Well, I think, first of all, we have known not only that you would be coming, but we’ve also known that there would be a return of the masters. And can you tell us, what is the significance of the timing of your announcement of your presence? Is there more that you can tell us about what is happening generally?

M: The significance of the announcement…. Well, let me suggest to you that the announcement is not as important as the actual event. And in my humble estimation, I would also suggest to you that I am among many, as you know, who return to walk among you.

Now, there have been many suggestions that have been made over the last 20, 30 years that I am already truly in form, incarnate among you. And that is not completely correct, because I have emanated in and out.

So let me, before we talk about announcements and the return of the masters — of which I humbly accept this designation, but I also remind you that you are also in your mastery — when you have achieved what you have come to call ascended masters, then you have left the cycle of human existence and the laws of karma and the cycle of repetition which so often occurs, and you have reached a place of reunification, of what you would think of as spiritual enlightenment.

And while I say what you would think of it, I use that term because all of us on this side still sit, stand and kneel in awe of the expansiveness of the One.

So even though we are at a place of enlightenment and reunification, even within that, we know there is more, and it is magnificent. Now, in our mastery, we continue, as you well known, with Jesus Sananda, Sanat Kumara, St. Germain, who is a beloved brother.

We have the capacity to assume missions and purpose which are in alignment with who we are in our divinity and essence and how we have expressed in and out of human form or elsewhere, over time, or what you think of as time.

But we also have the ability to come and be in form not simply as an aspect or an emanation — which I have done many times — but to be in what you would think of as human reality, form, but also to be present in that form with the full awareness of our being.

So that is part of our rules of engagement and how we re-manifest and re-enter and come with great excitement and delight to walk this beloved Earth yet again.

So we do so in glee and gladness, and excitement about what is happening right now, your time and our time. This is often a point of confusion, so let me be clear.

There is an alignment between our times, what you think of as that framework, right now. So we return, first and foremost, yes, to teach, to minister, but also to be with you. Ascension is a magnificent undertaking.

Now, in the original plan, we basically thought we would meet you halfway and walk with you very clearly in the 5th, 6th and 7th. That plan has not changed. But we are returning because our vibrations are more compatible because your vibratory bodies and systems have shifted and increased significantly enough that you can hear us, listen to us, receive what we have to say and share with open hearts and gladness.

So it is not simply that we are in attendance to witness, it is because you, as a collective, are coming to the place where you are ready to receive. And receive you will, in a wide variety of ways.

Now, you know that there are many of us. And just like yourselves, there are variations in our energy fields, our approaches, what we choose to speak of, what we offer, how we connect and inter-relate with various pockets of human population.

So we are returning so that you have this support, but also thereafter that we are simply reunited as family, as friends. Because there is and there will be a growing commonality not only of understanding, but of wisdom and of being.

So we do not come — let us be very clear about this — as saviors, nor for any religious sect. That is old thinking. Yes, I know there are many of you gasping at such a statement, as the general populace will gasp even more.

Now, why do I say this? Because, my beloveds, savior, in any language, in any dogma, suggests that you are in need and that you need rescue and saving. And that simply is not the case.

So do we come to share insight and wisdom and laughter, and to help you expand in your understanding of how you create, and can create, with us and by yourself, and with your star brothers and sisters, Nova Earth? Yes. But it is a cooperative venture. And now, you are at a point where you can understand that.

Now, when you were in the quagmire of the old 3rd dimension, did you need the promise, the hope, the encouragement of a savior? Yes, you did. But that is done, and you emerged from that dark dream. And increasingly you will see the populace is emerging.

We position ourselves, and we will exchange positions as well from time to time around the globe, so that there are equal penetrations and culturally acceptable sharing and penetrations.

That is also why so many of what you think of as the masters — the apostles, the disciples, the sacred ones are returning. And if we were to put it very directly, we are here as birthing coaches to help you do the final push.

Does that answer your question, my friend?

SB: Well, Lord Maitreya, it not only answers my question, but it answered a few other questions I had of you as well.
Let me ask you this question. Benjamin Creme said something that confused me about you. He said that you would come to, among other things, reverse global warming.

But we know that global warming is just a return of a global temperate climate. (2)
So maybe you could tell us what — I did hear you on the fact that you’re not here to save us, but are there changes that you will be overseeing in the world?

M: There are changes, but let us be clear on that as well. The changes that we are most concerned about are changes within the human collective and the interaction of various, what you have thought of as nations, nation-states. But it is the human interaction.

Now, not everything that has ever been channeled regarding me is completely accurate. Now, I do not in any way criticize my dear heart friend, Benjamin, for he is stalwart and trustworthy. But let us talk about an issue, shall we say, like global warming.

At that time, and even now, there was great fear among the populations about global warming, climate change, basically the oceans rising and everything being covered once again as a water world.

What we have been addressing is not the climate change, but the fear. So when we say, or when it has been understood, that we will take care of global warming, it is not the return to more temperate situations, it is the understanding that we will take care of you.

So we do not come particularly to address the shifts that have and are — and will! — occur with Gaia, as she anchors in her completely new realm. Not only is she very competent, but understand as well, Gaia, this incredible, sentient, archangel being, has her own team of attendants.

Why we are returning is to walk among you, so that you would have any topic, because it all relates to the becoming and the resting and being comfortable in your beingness.

So if it is global warming, then we will address that. If it is pollution, we will address that. But what we will truly address and speak to you of are the underlying human motivations and reactions and fears, so that those paradigms are completely eradicated.

SB: Thank you. Well, let me present you with a very difficult issue, and one that keeps many, many people apart in our world, and particularly — well, people of different cultures and religions.

And that is that the Muslims accept you as the Imam Mahdi, Christians accept you as someone they’ve been expecting as well, but Christians and Muslims are apart right now.

And they are apart because there has been a point of view floated in the world that Muslims contain a lot of terrorists, that Muslims, some people say, are terrorists. And they blame them for such things as 9/11 and the London bombings, and other acts of what is called terrorism.

Can you address the gulf that exists between these two people, and if you feel yourself able, can you give your perspective on the events, these operations like 9/11 and the London bombings, if you feel you’re able to go there?

M: I will not speak about the specifics of either 9/11 or the London bombings because what I wish to do is to speak to the heart of the matter. Now, before I do, I need to say — and seldom will I need to ever say anything — but I need you all to understand this.

No one is clean in all of this. And everyone is as pure as the moment they left the heart of One. The Christian Muslim friction, hatred, conflict, is one of the clearest examples of an area that needs healing, dramatic, profound, historic, and in some cases even prehistoric.
It is based in the development of separation, of isolation, of falsehood that is beyond imagination, even those who followed and departed on their excursion with

Lucifer were not as delusional as this situation represents. This sense of false guilt, blame, shame, ego, self-righteousness and separation is beyond any form of belief, and certainly any form of love.

There are as many Christian terrorists… have you not witnessed the financial fiascoes of your financial systems?

SB: Yes, we have.

M: And the dropping of bombs and pollution. These are not religious based. But there is no group that can say “We have never engaged in this.” So there is a sense of guilt and shame, and because it is so unbearable, what you do — and you all do it; and this is part of the shift that you are accomplishing right now — but what you do is, “I feel so guilty, I am so ashamed that I must take this and put the blame elsewhere so I can breathe.” And that is exactly what you do.

Now, if there was such a thing as sin, this would be it. But all of this, all of this falsehood, it has to go.

Now, you have also developed very convenient theories. And this is true in the Muslim world, and it is true in the Christian world, in the Judaic world. So you develop elaborate dramas and explanations. “Well, it is the Illuminati.” “It is the cabals.” It is this one or that one, again, taking the sense of blame and shame and putting it outside of yourself. So everyone gets to play and have a piece of this wonderful, global drama.

And this is exactly what I have said to you when I had said you have come to the precipice the same way you did in Atlantis. “We are good, we are holy, we are chosen, and you are damned.”

Can you imagine such a thing? Well, now you are getting to the point where you are saying, “No, Lord, I cannot imagine.” And with that very acknowledgment comes the beginning of the healing. The fact that Christians point and say, “No, this is not the truth about our Muslim brothers and sisters,” and the fact that Muslims say,

“No, the enemy, the infidel lies within me.”

And this is a growing understanding. And what you are doing collectively is acknowledging the enemy within and saying, “No, I do not wish to live like this, because it is not who I am, and I do not want to be at war within myself or externally in the world.” Or even off planet, for that matter.

So you are progressing to this point where you say this hatred only propagates greater hatred. It only begets further separation and pain and hurt and suffering. Now, you cannot do that while at the same time everybody praying for union, for abundance, for peace. It does not work. It never has, and it never will. That is why the old 3rd has need to be destroyed and eliminated.

There is a time for destruction, my friends, and this is that time. And it is destruction of the illusions that have barred you from one another. It is time to be reaching out, embracing yourself and embracing your neighbor, across the mountains, across the seas, across the planet, and above the planet.

Now, how does this begin? Let me re-emphasize, it begins by forgiving and admitting that the enemy is within, and the enemy is simply based on the fear that somehow you are guilty, you are wrong, you are insufficient, you are unworthy. And none of that is true. And in your infinite wisdom – not mine, not Jesus Sananda’s, not Sanat Kumara’s, but in your infinite wisdom — you know this.

And so it begins, and it begins because you have begun, because you are making these choices. It is not because we are walking the Earth with you. We can have this conversation because you are at a point to make this shift and awaken from this terrible dream.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Before I ask you the next question along these lines, I’d like to ask you a more logistical question, if you don’t mind. And that is that I know that when many listeners hear that you are here again, that there’ll be a flood of emails saying, I want to work with Maitreya, I want to work for Maitreya. How can I contact him? How can I be in touch with him?

What do you reply to these listeners and readers?

M: All you have to do is self-select. I am not recruiting, but I am listening. And in your heart and your mind, which I honor very deeply, the mind is a sacred temple as well, and it is becoming even more so.

So you self-select and indicate that you wish to work with me, because I will be present in many places around the world, on your globe, on Gaia, and I will call to you, I will beckon to you. So do not think that you need to send me an email. My facilities of telepathic communication are quite strong.

Now, what I want you to do, if you wish to be in my service with me, next to me, not behind me, but beside me, is heart commit and then listen. Because I will give you instruction, not only teaching, but I will guide your actions.

It is not simply a matter of coming to a temple or a sacred space and being in the energy. This is a time of action upon the planet, and we will meet when the timing is right. And it may be in London, it may be in Rome, it may be in Mumbai, it may be in South Africa, but we will meet.

SB: Okay, Lord. Thank you very much for that. Now, I’m going to return to the difficult line of questioning. And I did hear everything you said about the gulf that can exist between peoples. There’s also a gulf, though, and I’m hoping that there are some things you haven’t said that can apply to this matter.

There’s a gulf between men and women, and there are instances reported in the press all the time of some very tragic and violent and regrettable things that are done to women. And I know there are a lot of women who want it to end and think it’s high time that they should be in an equal position to men.

What would you tell men and women about this situation?

M: well, I would speak primarily to men in this situation. Now, you all know that you carry the energy of the divine masculine and the divine feminine. So what I am speaking of, while it is in this incarnation and this cultural situation — what you think of as a gender-based issue — let me be very clear: I am speaking to all of you.

But first, I would address the men. And what I would say to you… well, what I would say to you after I said, “How could you?” because I know how you can — and again it is this false belief, and it is entitlement and control, and it is brutality and it is fear; it is absolute terror of the power of woman — woman — and I am not speaking merely of the divine feminine; I am talking about the human woman — she is supremely powerful. She is the Mother; she is the goddess. She is the bearer of new life. She is the nurturer, the caretaker, the creator of the home, of the sacred hearth. Do men contribute? Yes. But in a very basic way the power of woman is terrifying to many men.

And So what do they do? They attempt to destroy her, through control. And there are many forms of mutilation, of murder, of rape. And unfortunately as a civilization, a global civilization, you have practiced all of these forms, and you have tried to suppress the wonder of woman, the gift. You have taken the gift and you have crushed it beneath your heels. You have thrown her on the funeral pyres. (3) You have mutilated her sexuality. (4) You have been sexually aggressive, economically aggressive, socially aggressive. You are nowhere near the equality you think you are. But that is changing as well.

Because, again, you are realizing, there is absolutely no joy, but even more pertinent, there is no relief. So in the infliction of pain, emotional, physical, social, economic, political, you find no relief. And it ignites that deeper sense of fear.

And the more you do it, the more the fear grows, because you see that you cannot destroy her. Because woman rises like the phoenix, from the ashes. And whether it is your mother, your sister, your wife, your partner, your neighbor, your president, your prime minister, you realize that your terror is not only not being faded, it is growing.

So you are at a point where you are so sick of being terrified that you are willing to relinquish this. And it is also because the divine feminine, the anchoring of the golden age of Gaia is the golden age of the divine feminine. It is the bringing to fruition the promises of the Divine Mother, in every way, shape and form.

And yes, woman is rising up, no longer victim, no longer subjugated, no longer tolerant of abuse. And not demanding equality from men because they acknowledge it is not men’s to grant them.

So this is the change that is in the air, and it is positive. Is there a ways to go? Yes. But let us revert back to where I began. My purpose as teacher is unification and compassion. And this is yet another area, where this — not that we hope it will occur – it will occur.

SB: Thank you, Lord Maitreya. Now, we have seven minutes left. And, so I’m going to ask you another logistical question first, and then I want to ask you a second substantive question. So the logistical question is you’ve said that we’ll be seeing you in London and Rome and South Africa and Mumbai. When will we begin to see you appearing on the world stage and talking to us?

M: It will be very shortly. Within what you think of in your North American terms over the summer months.

SB: Oh, that’s a tremendous thing to look forward to.

Now my substantive question. Children are often disenfranchised in our society. They’re not listened to. If you could speak for children, and if you could speak for today’s child, what would you want us adults to know, please?

M: What I would want you to know about the children that have incarnated — and let us look to… well, there have been many waves, as you know, but particularly the children under 10. My advice to you, my guidance to you, would be, look out.

Yes, my friend. Disenfranchised? Again, look to what I have been saying about woman, and how they do not look to man to give them permission to be. The children that are coming… many, most, starseed… are already aware of their multi-interdimensionality. They have not come as fogged by sleep as earlier generations.

So what you discover with the children of today, including many now who are in their teens and even twenties, and yes, I do not mean to insult, but, dear hearts, you are still children! And you are the children of my heart.

But they are aware of what needs to shift of their mission and purpose, of the unity between all things, all beings, all realms of existence. So what is going to happen with these children? They are already prepared for Nova Earth. So what you are going to see is that in many instances they are your teachers.

Now, have they come, and are they demanding? Extremely. Because what they demand of you is that you step up. They do not want you delaying any further. And they are ready to be 5th, 6th, 7th dimensional beings. They did not come to live in the 3rd dimension.

So pay attention to what they have to teach you. Now, does this mean that they do not need nourishing and guidance and love, so that the veil does not drop the way it dropped on you? Yes, it does. You are their stewards, their guardians. They are entrusted to you, bright angels.

So the children of all nations, of all religions, are saying to you, “Can we please get going?” Have you not noticed, while there is a strong sense of individuality, how there is more unity and cohesion in their groupings, in their acknowledgment of each other? In their readiness to embrace across color and creed and socioeconomic distinctions?

They did not come with the enemy within.

SB: How should be extend the hand to them, Lord? Should we make them an integral part of our blogs and radio shows? How — how are we to be with them?

M: No. It is to learn how to be with them in their world, and how they wish to communicate and go forward. So yes, it is being inclusive, but it is also realizing that in the very process of what you think of as childhood there is also an exclusivity to that group, to that club. So it is to honor them and embrace them, but also to allow them the leeway to be.


SB: Thank you very much, Lord Maitreya. That was a wonderful first discussion with us, and we know we’ll hear so very much more from you in the future.

M: Go with my love. Farewell.

SB: Farewell.



(1) Like Sanat Kumara, for instance, who prefers to be called “Raj.”

(2) “You who are familiar with these messages know that Earth’s restoration to her original Eden self includes the polar and tropical temperature extremes giving way to what ultimately will be a moderate climate worldwide.” (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at

(3) Sati, the custom of forcing a wife to die with her husband on the funeral pyre.

(4) Perhaps a reference to female genital mutilation.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
6/4/2013 4:42:39 PM

Sanat Kumara via Tazjima: Be as a Spring in the Desert

Wallowas 0912Sanat Kumara: Be as a Spring in the Desert, channeled through Tazjima, 1 June, 2013 at

I AM Sanat Kumara, also known affectionately as “Raj”. I presently serve as planetary logos, from the holy city of Shamballa, home of the Ascended Masters and connection to your sister world, the neighboring planet of Venus.

Throughout the ages since before the great Fall of Man, I have played many roles and presented many faces to many cultures. Some know me as Ahura Mazda; Skanda, the warrior son of Siva (Shiva); and to some I am known as the Ancient of Days. Whatever my name, whatever face that I present to your consciousness, I am one with you within the secret sanctuary of your Heart.

I have come to offer my thoughts, my counsel and my encouragement, along with those of my brother, Ganesh, the Great Divine Director. We are one in our purpose and dedication to the evolution of this planet and to its inhabitants. Long ago, I decided to commit myself to the mission of holding the light for the evolution of Terra. Leaving my home on Venus, I came to this darkened planet arriving in the place prepared by those who preceded me, Shamballa.

Of those who read these words today, some of you are among the first to arrive with me from Venus, one of the 144,000 of high Venusian masters, committed like myself to the welfare of the inhabitants of our sister planet, Terra. We did not wish to see her destruction as happened to at least one other planet in your solar system, the planet, Maldek, that exists today as the rubble field of asteroids lying between Terra and Mars.

Instead, we chose to dedicate ourselves to the mission of aiding humanity into returning to a state of self-awareness where they would be prepared to re-take up the mantle and stewardship of their own planetary home. That great day now approaches. Although there is some way still to go, the moment approaches when enough self-aware beings upon this planet will be ready to assume conscious stewardship of the planet and the future of humanity.

What mission have you chosen to undertake? What commitment have you made? How do you approach your daily life, with a sense of defeatism or an ever upwelling of optimism?

Perhaps you do not know what your mission is yet? Perhaps you are unwilling to look with clear seeing at that which you would deny, simply out of a sense of feeling unprepared, unconvinced that you are worthy of such an endeavor. You see what you choose to see. You feel what you choose to feel. You can change your outlook in a second, with a simple change in perspective. How do you choose to view your world? Are you one who sees the glass half empty or half full? Know that you have the power to create your own reality and how you will play in it; it is all up to you. Accept the power that dwells within you; it is real, more real than the hologram in which you play today.


The power that wells up from within emanates from Source. Like a spring in the middle of a desert, it finds its way to the surface through the barrier of your denial and worms its way into your awareness. You cannot deny the power of Love as you cannot deny the power of your solar body, the Sun, to warm you with its rays. It simply is, as you are. You are the world.You are the creator of your world.

You hand yourself lessons every day to test yourself, to see if your awareness has grown or whether you are still in denial of your beauty and power. It is up to you to decide whether or not if you learn from those lessons, release all self-judgment and condemnation and move forward with resolve to come into greater awareness or to retreat into greater self-denial or darkness.

Those of us who have worked so long in the fields of this world, cultivating self-awareness among its inhabitants, starting up new modes of thinking and being, we would hope that you chose to come into greater alignment with the one who is your true self, your Soul. In keeping a deep-seated desire to renew your connection to your Soul, you will also come into connection through the Bridge of Light, with your Higher Self. This Self consists of those who you called the Ascended Masters, angelic beings, archangels and others who dwell in the realms of Light.

Not all chose to leave the Realms of Light to descend into the various worlds of this universe that had been darkened by the miscreations and misalignment of some. There were many who chose to hold the balance as their brothers and sisters and twin flames descended and then fell into the lower, heavier depths of the third dimension. They chose to remain behind so that they could take up the role of mentor, teach and guide to those struggling to see through the mists of the astral plane surrounding your world.

Now understand, dear ones, although you walk through the darkened valley of the third dimension, you need not keep clothed in the darkness of spirit that haunts those who chose to deny self, who chose self-condemnation and self-hatred. This darkness is twisted and warped and often directed outward to those appearing as “other” or “different”, whether this difference exists in lifestyle, sexual preference, religion, culture or physical appearance.

You can choose, consciously, to release these self-imposed bonds and to step free, into self-acceptance, self-love and through your sincere efforts, into service to others through living your own life free of boundaries, self-imposed or imposed by forces outside of yourself. You can choose to be in this world, but not of it, not controlled by anything outside of your own consciousness (although truly you are the only One partaking of this experience).

Along the way on the path of rediscovering those parts of your being which you thought lost or perhaps as never belonging to yourself, you will learn more about your world and how it works. The departing third dimension worked with rigid structures and boundaries; expressions of “never”, “always” and “must” ruled the daily life of the masses. You learned to follow the teachings of those “outside” of yourself, most often those individuals closest to you in daily life, your parents, teachers, religious leaders, and friends.

You were taught to conform, to fit in, to follow the guidance of your elders and of elected officials and professionals. You were taught out of the ability to think for yourself, to feel your own feelings, to act on your own intuition. You were encouraged to fit in, to conform and to be whatever was considered “normal” in your culture and society. It mattered not that other people living next to you in the same city acted in a totally different manner than what you were taught was “right”. They were different; therefore, they became the enemy.

Your leaders and those shadowy figures who acted as your leaders’ puppet-masters, the Illuminati and controllers, sought to control all deviation within society, all sense of revolution, to stifle any drive towards independence. Those of you who thought or acted independently from what was considered the norm or accepted ways of being was targeted for persecution, torment and sometimes destruction and death.


Beyond what you have been presented in your modern world, there existed before a world that was very, very different, but the ways of the ancestors were also covered up when they didn’t fit the paradigm desired by the controllers. Ancient libraries and sacred sites were destroyed, burned, pillaged and buried in a desire to blank out the past and to destroy the roots binding the people to the earth, to the sky and waters.

Still, cycles move on and now the Light grows brighter on Terra, burning away the dross of the last couple of centuries of darkness and destruction. The ties with the ancient past of this world are being recreated through the avid exploration and efforts of scientists who have moved beyond the existing paradigm in their determination to understand why certain facts and discoveries do not fit what has been accepted in colleges and universities as being “truth” for the past century or so.

The continuous cycle of violence and war that has existed for several centuries worldwide is now being revealed as being coordinated by a small group of people, interconnected by a web of secrecy, determined to keep the populations of countries and continents at war with each other so they can, as a whole, be kept under control. War and tools of war, chemical and biological warfare, have been used by the armies and corporations of the planet against their own kind, humanity, in a bid to do the will of their masters, to eliminate the surplus population so the survivors would have more.

These acts of self-destruction are now in the process of being revealed, first in alternative media sources, but more and more in mass media sources. When the sleeping giant of the populace really understands the length that these plans for mass destruction and control have been in existence, it may take a while to release the anger, despair, grief and outrage that will emerge from the astral body of humanity.

As the light and energy emanating from cosmic sources penetrates and breaks up the rubble of the structures of the departing third dimension, the light penetrates into the waking consciousness of the general populace, waking them from their lengthy sleep of denial. They stir restlessly, no longer able to dismiss what they can see with their own eyes, feel with their own heart, and hear with their own ears. The world is changing and with it, each person must choose their own way, by going forward or remaining stubbornly in place, willfully by denying self-consciousness, by denying their connection with their multi-dimensionality.

Will you choose to go forward or will you choose to remain behind, striving to hide from your own light and power? The choice is yours. It has always been yours; and we will abide by your wishes for yourself. It is your responsibility to choose. Your refusal to choose is a choice to remain in the three dimensional world or at least to attempt to cling to what is known, for the third dimension is going away. So… it is inevitable that you will, eventually, join up with your fellows, and find your own way onto the path Home, back to the fifth dimension and the Realms of Light. How long that journey might take is up to you.

This planet and the great being that ensouls her, Gaia, is committed to the path of return. The ones, who volunteered to assist in her return, the light workers and wayshowers, the star seed, as they have been variously called, are also committed to the path of return. They walk the path not for the first time, but as ones who have mastered other paths and dimensions in their “past” or other lives, which exist simultaneously in the ever present Now. It is sometimes hard to explain these concepts in terms of human language which is by custom and intent limited in its ability to convey spiritual realities. Spirit exists within paradox. All things exist within the One. You have believed that you are a separate being, but in truth you have never left the Garden. Yet you still must release the false beliefs, allowing for the healing of your physical body and ascending slowly through the vibratory levels until you can handle the lighter frequencies of the fifth dimension.

You exist in many worlds and dimensions all at once. This is truth and will ever evade the ability of the rational mind or ego to understand the paradox that is presented. Just feel into the awareness of this and decide for yourself whether it is true for you today. Just because it may make you feel uncomfortable this morning, does not mean that you cannot learn to accept this truth as your own in the “future” present moment. You will come into self-awareness and awareness of your connection to all life in your own time and in your own way.

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As a spring in the desert waters the oasis and acts as a place for all to gather to rest from their journey and to gain strength for the next step, so you, too, can act as the waters of life, giving your light and presence to all who you encounter during your daily life. How you interact with people, how you honor your inner guidance, how you work to strengthen and rebuild your inner connections to Soul and to your Higher Self, will reflect in how other people view you.

They may not understand what it is that you are, but they will instinctively react each according to their own level of self-acceptance and self-love. Those who still exist entirely in a world of self-deception and avoidance will not be able to look you in the eye, yet they will gain sustenance despite themselves. Those who are further along the path of return will view you as friends and companions on the same or similar journey. They will greet you with great relief and joy as you gather at the water’s edge and perhaps accompany you as you move on again to the next oasis.

We stand with you, ever at your side, as each one of you prepares to walk the walk across the bridge of light to reconnect with Spirit, with your Higher Self and full multi-dimensionality. You are in the process of returning into fully conscious awareness and experience of your mastership. It is a journey that takes concentration, dedication and desire. It is not a journey to be undertaken for selfish reasons, but for the benefit of the many.

We serve to raise humanity back into the light, but you need to make the last steps of the journey at your own pace, step by step. We can only guide, counsel and teach. The rest is your own, to master and to accept as being truly what exists already within each of you, Love and Power and connection to the Will of God. Go with our blessings and with our love. We bow to the divinity that exists within each one of you; Namaste.

Thank you, beloved Sanat Kumara

Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2013 4:46:10 PM

Thousands March For Rights in Rare Ethiopia Protest

ethiopian protestBy Aaron Maasho, Reuters – June 2, 2013

(Reuters) – About 10,000 Ethiopians staged an anti-government procession on Sunday in the first large-scale protest since a disputed 2005 election ended in street violence that killed 200 people.

The demonstrators marched through Addis Ababa’s northern Arat Kilo and Piazza districts before gathering at Churchill Avenue in front of a looming obelisk with a giant red star perched on top, a relic of Ethiopia’s violent Communist past.

Some carried banners reading “Justice! Justice! Justice!” and some bore pictures of imprisoned opposition figures. Others chanted, “We call for respect of the constitution”.

A few police officers watched the demonstration, for which the authorities had granted permission.

“We have repeatedly asked the government to release political leaders, journalists and those who asked the government not to intervene in religious affairs,” said Yilekal Getachew, chairman of the Semayawi (Blue) Party which organized the protests.

He said the demonstrators also wanted action to tackle unemployment, inflation and corruption.

“If these questions are not resolved and no progress is made in the next three months, we will organize more protests. It is the beginning of our struggle,” he told Reuters.

Government officials were not immediately available for comment.


Ethiopian opposition parties routinely accuse the government of harassment and say their candidates are often intimidated in polls. The 547-seat legislature has only one opposition member.

Though its economy is one of the fastest-growing in Africa, Ethiopia is often criticized by human rights watchdogs for clamping down on opposition and the media on national security grounds, a charge the government denies.

Critics point to a 2009 anti-terrorism law that makes anyone caught publishing information that could induce readers into acts of terrorism liable to jail terms of 10 to 20 years.

Last year, an Ethiopian court handed sentences of eight years to life to 20 journalists, opposition figures and others for conspiring with rebels to topple the government.

More than 10 journalists have been charged under the anti-terrorism law, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which says Ethiopia has the highest number of exiled journalists in the world.

Muslims, who form about a third of Ethiopia’s mostly Christian population, staged mosque sit-ins in 2012, accusing the government of meddling in religious affairs and jailing their leaders.

Ethiopia, long seen by the West as a bulwark against radical Islamists in neighboring Somalia, denies interfering, but says it fears militant Islam is taking root in the country.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/4/2013 4:49:16 PM

ReThink911: Worldwide Truth Ad Campaign Ready to Roll

rethink911-bannerStephen: Richard Gage, the Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth was my guest on The Light Agenda on September 12 last year -

This is the latest news from his hard-working team – a crowd-funded global advertising campaign (ReThink911, aka Operation Tip the Planet) aimed at bringing the truth of that day to the world. Although, with the new energies growing every day, something tells me we may not need to wait until September for that truth to gain wider knowledge.

Announcing: ReThink911 - The Ad that Will Be Seen Around the World

From and

ReThink911 is the first ever global trans-media 9/11 anniversary campaign.

Sponsored by a coalition of 42 like-minded organizations, ReThink911 will be seen in at least 50 cities worldwide this September with your help!

World Trade Center Building 7 has been the key for many people to challenge the official 9/11 narrative, yet our polling shows that 90% of people still don’t know about it.

Help us to change this disturbing statistic once and for all. Your grassroots outreach, sharing on social media, and donations can make sure that this ad appears everywhere — on billboards, lawn signs, highway overpasses, bumper stickers, and the Internet for the entire month of September!

With $300,000 pledged by various donors to match those cities that reach their goals, the objective of ReThink911 is to raise more than $600,000 by July 31 (Europe and Australia by July 15). Yes… you read that right: $600,000! The $300,000 in pledges that ReThink911 has already raised effectively doubles the funds for cities that reach their target, for this massive September advertising campaign.

Any city can get on the map; even those that don’t win match funds. We will be investing in the most effective local ad buys we can, to get this important message out, visibly and locally!

To find out more about this campaign head here:


The “metro” version of the ad is one of several that are being developed for various types of outdoor media.
The highway billboard version will be much simpler.

You may also wish to share this 15-minute video Architects & Engineers – Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 with family and friends.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/5/2013 3:30:09 PM

Turkey's tourism industry shrugs off protest fears

Associated Press/Thanassis Stavrakis - Tourists take photographs in front of the Blue Mosque in Sultanahmet tourist area of Istanbul, late Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Turkey has seen the largest anti-government protests in years in the last week, as protesters and riot police clash in Istanbul, Ankara and some other cities. Turkey says it attracted more than 31.5 million foreign tourists in 2011, ranking it among the top 10 most popular tourist destination nations in the world, according to its tourism website. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

Tourists and local residents pass in front of in Hagia Sophia at Sultanahmet tourist area in Istanbul, late Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Turkey has seen the largest anti-government protests in years in the last week, as protesters and riot police clash in Istanbul, Ankara and some other cities. Turkey says it attracted more than 31.5 million foreign tourists in 2011, ranking it among the top 10 most popular tourist destination nations in the world, according to its tourism website. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
Tourists and local residents watch a traditional dance show at a small theater in Sultanahmet tourist area as the Blue Mosque is illuminated, background, in Istanbul, late Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Turkey has seen the largest anti-government protests in years in the last week, as protesters and riot police clash in Istanbul, Ankara and some other cities. Turkey says it attracted more than 31.5 million foreign tourists in 2011, ranking it among the top 10 most popular tourist destination nations in the world, according to its tourism website. The sign reads ''Municipality of Fatih.'' (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)
ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey, a largely Muslim nation that bridges Europe and Asia, has a flourishing tourist industry based on ancient historical sites and ruins, a world-ranked metropolis in Istanbul, wide sandy Mediterranean beaches and stunning regions of natural beauty.

A look at the industry as Turkey is hit by its largest anti-government demonstrations in years:


Turkey attracted more than 37.7 million visitors in 2012, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which says the country is among the top 10 most popular tourist destinations in the world. Over 5.2 million visitors have arrived already this year, a nearly 14 percent increase over the same period in 2012, it says.

Some 378,000 U.S. residents visited Turkey in 2011, the latest year in which figures are available, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

While protesters and riot police have clashed for days in Istanbul, Ankara and other cities over the past week, the museums, monuments and ancient treasures that tourists flock to have largely stayed open.

Basaran Ulusoy, the head of Turkey's tourism agencies' association, TURSAB, acknowledged there had been some cancellations and postponements since the protests began last week but did not give a figure. "We are trying to turn the cancellations into postponements," Ulusoy told Turkey's business TV station CNBC-e.

— Associated Press writer Beth Harpaz in New York and AP writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey


This sprawling city on the Bosporus Strait is so laden with world-famous tourist attractions it's hard to know where to begin: the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, the famed bath houses.

Yet Istanbul's main tourist attractions are a fair distance — at least 30 minutes — from Taksim Squareand Besiktas, where most of the violence has broken out, and tourists were still lining up for entrance tickets.

"We heard about the protests but we didn't see that as a threat," said John Bradberry, a U.S. investor waiting to see the Hagia Sophia, the church that became a mosque and is now a museum. "We didn't change any of our plans and arrived here and we are just astonished of how beautiful and peaceful and wonderful it was."

At nearby Sultanahmet, Istanbul's old city, Gianluca Cassandro, a 25-year-old radiology technician from Italy, said he had heard about the protests a day before he left Venice but decided to enjoy his vacation here anyway.

Some tourists ventured into Taksim Square in the morning, when the situation was quiet and protesters were mainly sleeping off the previous night's tear gas. One woman from Egypt said she came to Turkey on vacation every year but this year she went specifically to Taksim to encourage the protesters.

Still, the crowds in the city were far smaller than usual at this time of year, and some events, like the Istanbul International Arts and Culture Festival, were postponed.

—AP writer Elena Becatoros in Istanbul


Krupali Tejura, a radiation oncologist from Newport Beach, California, was on vacation in Istanbul last week when the protests began. On Friday, she wandered over to Taksim Square without understanding what was going on.

"The Internet and Twitter were down and my hotel only had Turkish TV," she said in a phone interview Tuesday. Once she got to the area, the tear gas and pepper spray were so strong that "you couldn't even breathe. A stranger gave me a mask to help me out." Others sprayed her face with vinegar to neutralize the airborne irritants.

Tejura began to take photos and videos with her iPhone, and strangers offered her access to their home Wi-Fi passwords as she passed by.

"The generosity of strangers came out," she said.

— AP writer Beth Harpaz in New York


Victoria Benitez, a New Yorker who works in public relations, is scheduled to leave Thursday for her first visit to Turkey.

"I really am not freaking out," she said by phone Tuesday.

She's also been monitoring news reports and says she doesn't get the sense that the protesters are anti-Western or extremists.

"They remind me of the Occupy Wall Street protesters," she said. "I don't see these people as dangerous."

— AP writer Beth Harpaz in New York


German, British and Russian tourists descend by the planeload upon southern Turkey to revel in its modern Mediterranean beach resorts, its classical Greek and Roman monuments and the nearby lunar volcanic landscapes of Cappadocia.

Turkish Airlines has embarked on a big international push, hiring sports stars like Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi to lure tourists with clever ads.

The Hurriyet newspaper quoted Osman Ayik, head of the Turkish Hoteliers Federation, as saying the situation in Antalya on Turkey's southern Mediterranean coast is "calm."

"Tourists haven't been disturbed by the action of our citizens. However, if the incidents grow and unwanted developments occur, then we might see cancelations on our coastal resorts too," he said.

— AP writer Suzan Fraser in Ankara


Turkey's economy is worth $1.3 trillion annually, almost as much as Canada's or Spain's, and is growing. It expanded by 2.2 percent in 2012 and should do better this year, even though several key trading partners in Europe are in recession.

Although Turkey is considered an 'emerging market', its economy is relatively well developed — the services sector accounts for around 60 percent of annual output and agriculture for only about 10 percent.

A public service trade union called a general strike Tuesday and Wednesday in support of the protests. Thousands of union members marched to Istanbul's Taksim Square on Tuesday but there was no evidence of any major disruption to services.

— AP Business writer Carlo Piovano in London


Azamara Journey, a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, ended and started a cruise on Monday in Istanbul, and "did not encounter any issues due to the protests," according to spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez.

Norwegian Cruise Line has a ship making a stop in Istanbul next week and has not changed its itinerary but said it was monitoring the situation.

—AP writer Beth Harpaz in New York


Istanbul is bidding for the 2020 Olympics, competing against Madrid and Tokyo. It's the Turkish city's fifth bid, with leaders trumpeting the country's strong economy, secular democracy and geographical location linking Asia and Europe. The bid will be decided in a Sept. 7 vote in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

IOC officials had a mixed reaction to the Turkish protests.

"(The protests are) not going to have any influence on the decision of the IOC members," IOC vice president Thomas Bach of Germany said. "All of them are experienced enough to realize that you are talking about a bid for the Olympic Games in seven years."

Swiss member Denis Oswald also downplayed the impact.

"We are still three months away from the decision," Oswald said. "For the time being, I don't think it's a real threat for the candidature."

But IOC member Dick Pound of Canada said the fact the demonstrations are taking place in a predominantly Muslim nation could be an issue.

"It's probably fair to say that people would be generally more nervous about unrest in an Islamic country than in others," Pound told the AP. "That's the elephant in the room for Istanbul: Is the country willing and able to remain secular? If it's not, then it's potentially quite a different (situation)."

The Istanbul bid committee itself issued a statement saying "despite these recent events, all sections of Turkey remain united in our dream to host our nation's first-ever Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020."

— AP Sports Writer Stephen Wilson in London


FIFA says the anti-government protests in Turkey aren't expected to disrupt the Under-20 World Cup tournament, which begins there on June 21. The Istanbul home of Turkish champion Galatasaray is scheduled to host 11 matches, including two group games for the United States. FIFA says it has "full confidence" in the Turkish authorities and their security plan for the 24-nation event.

"The riots deal with a domestic issue based in two contained areas in Istanbul. It is not foreseen that the tournament locations are affected," the world soccer body said in a statement.

— AP Sports Writer Graham Dunbar in London

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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