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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 10:38:03 AM

Japan $1 billion aid earmarked for northern Africa

Japan earmarks $1 billion development, humanitarian aid for boosting northern African security

Associated Press -

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivers a speech as U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, second from right, listens during the official dinner hosted by Abe at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in Yokohama, near Tokyo, Sunday, June 2, 2013. Japan announced Sunday a plan to provide 100 billion yen ($1 billion) in aid over the next five years to northern Africa for economic development and humanitarian efforts, including help with security and counter-terrorism measures. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye)

YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -- Japan on Sunday announced a plan to provide 100 billion yen ($1 billion) in aid over the next five years to northern Africa for economic development andhumanitarian efforts, including help with security and counter-terrorism measures.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced the assistance in a speech at a conference in Yokohama, near Tokyo, where officials from 50 African nations have gathered to talk about trade, growth and other issues.

The $1 billion is part of the 3.2 trillion yen ($32 billion) in government and private-sector aid announced Saturday.

Japan is eager to court Africa, which is rich in resources and is growing as a market, after having fallen behind Asian rival China in trade with and infrastructure projects in Africa.

The three-day conference, which ends Monday, has been held every five years since 1993.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 3:56:26 PM

Chemist Hopes 'Artificial Leaf' Can Power Civilization Using Photosynthesis

Imagine an artificial leaf that mimics photosynthesis, which lets plants harness energy from the sun. But this leaf would have the ability to power your homes and cars with clean energy using only sunlight and water.

This is not some far-off idea of the future. It's reality, and the subject of a jury-prize-winning film in the GE Focus Forward Film Competition.

Jared P. Scott and Kelly Nyks' short film, " The Artificial Leaf," showcases chemist Daniel Nocera, the inventor of the artificial leaf, a device that he says can power the world.

"The truth is stranger than fiction," Kelly Nyks, a partner at PF Pictures, told ABC News. "What I think is so exciting is that Dan has taken this science and applied it in a way that makes bringing it to scale to solve the energy crisis for the planet real and possible."

Nocera's leaf is simply a silicon wafer coated with catalysts that use sunlight to split water to into hydrogen and oxygen components.

"Essentially, it mimics photosynthesis," Nocera told ABC News.

The gases that bubble up from the water can be turned into a fuel to produce electricity in the form of fuel cells. The device may sound like science fiction fantasy, but Nocera said he hopes one day it will provide an alternative to the centralized energy system - the grid.

Worldwide, more than 1.6 billion people live without access to electricity and 2.6 billion people live without access to clean sources of fuel for cooking.

"This is the model: We're going to have a very distributed energy system," Nocera told ABC News. With the leaf, "using just sunlight and water, you can be off the grid. If you're poor, you don't have a grid, so this gives them a way to have energy in the day and at night."

With just the artificial leaf, 1.5 bottles of drinking water and sunlight, you could have enough electricity to power a small home, but the cost is still a problem, though Nocera said he believes that will come down with time and research.

The artificial leaf is cheaper than solar panels but still expensive. Hydrogen from a solar panel and electrolysis unit can currently be made for about $7 per kilogram; the artificial leaf would come in at $6.50.

Nocera is looking for ways to drive down the costs make these devices more widely available. He recently replaced the platinum catalyst that produces hydrogen gas with a less-expensive nickel-molybdenum-zinc compound. He's also looking for ways to reduce the amount of silicon needed.

In 2009, Nocera's artificial leaf was selected as a recipient of funding by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E), which supports energy technologies that could create a more secure and affordable American future.

Nyks and Scott said they hope "The Artificial Leaf" will bring awareness to the public that sustainable energy solutions do exist.

"We make films for social action," Scott, also a partner at PF Pictures, told ABC News. "We see films as a tool for social change. And what I think Dan sketches out is that we start with energy. And if we solve the energy crisis, we'll solve the climate crisis, and then we'll solve the water crisis, and then we'll solve the food crisis. But it starts with energy."

The directors were one of 30 filmmaking teams asked to make a movie that could highlight an innovation that could change the world as part of GE Focus Forward, a series of three-minute films created by award-winning documentary makers including Alex Gibney, Lucy Walker, Albert Maysles and Morgan Spurlock.

Anyone with an Internet connection has access to the videos online. The winning entries are featured at

So far, total media impressions for GE Focus Forward have exceeded 1.5 billion. In addition, the films are screening at all the major film festivals around the world and have played on every continent, including Antarctica.

Nyks and Scott said they hope to take the success of the short and turn it into a feature-length documentary.

HT artificial Leaf nt 130524 16x9 608 Chemist Hopes Artificial Leaf Can Power Civilization Using PhotosynthesisDan Nocera, inventor of the artificial leaf.
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 4:57:00 PM

Maitreya Interviewed on Hour with an Angel, June 3, 2013

The first thing on my mind....

As we said earlier this week, on this Monday’s Hour with an Angel, we hear from Lord Maitreya, long expected as a central figure in the Return of the Masters. He’s hailed as a World Teacher and says he’ll begin his world speaking tour later this summer.

Who is Maitreya? Well, as Benjamin Creme has noted:

“He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know him as the Christ, (1) and expect his imminent return. Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.” (2)

Airs Monday at 5pm PT/8pm ET

Call 323-784-9697 or click this link to listen live or to the archive after the show:

Archangel Michael called him, in a reading I had May 29, 2013, “the Buddha of Love and World Teacher.” You recall that Sanat Kumara listed the Masters who’ve made or are making their return to the planet:

“All of the Apostles as you have known them are already on the planet, as are most of the disciples that have walked with Yeshua, including his family — no, excluding the mother, of course, and excluding Jophiel [who was Joseph]. …

“Saul/Paul, Mohammed — in aspect or expression; Moses, Abraham, most of the old prophets, as you have known them; many of the what you would think of as the eastern beings — Djwhal Khul, St. Germaine pops in and out as aspect; Kuthumi, Maitreya — in and out, not fully anchored as yet. … A blue Tara, green Tara. An aspect or an expression of Quan Yin. So they are already present upon the planet.” (3)

Maitreya has long been expected to return. In this interview Maitreya goes over his plans as World Teacher, discusses what’s more essential to know about events like 9/11 than who was responsible, addresses the situation of women on this planet, warns us to ignore the children who are here at our peril, and much more.

I’ve since been told that Maitreya has given numerous radio interviews, oftentimes masking his identity. For much more on him, see Benjamin Creme’s website:

I’m quite sure that the Return of the Masters is coordinated with Disclosure and NESARA. This news is again another indication that the main events are starting to occur.


(1) That is, as a Christed One. Jesus is the Christ and Maitreya and Jesus are not the same being.

(2) “Who is Maitreya?” at

(3) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:02:04 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian Council of Nine: This Moment of Now is Divine


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

You are learning to sharpen your focus as your perceptions begin to broaden quite exponentially, and along your magnificent Earthly journeys you’ve experienced the difficulty that we’ve long wished to assist you with in any and every moment.

We wish for you to understand that what you experience at present is very carefully planned-out and coordinated, because your ability to understand that your Lives are running along a Divine script and that everything is truly okay in every moment, despite the nature of difficulty you experience, determines the amount of satisfaction you are to gain from your experience on the Earth.

It will aid you greatly to understand that joy, harmony and bliss are meant to be the prevalent energies and emotions experienced and felt in every moment.

You are learning to tap-into increasing levels of joy as you pick-up on and radiate the ever-purer frequencies being delivered from the higher realms, and the time of humanity being unable to understand the realms beyond your conscious understanding has come to a close.

Pioneering Ascension

You are helping to lead the way in experiencing the physical ascension process yourselves before the rest of your collective catches up. Many of you have come to the Earth from the higher realms of consciousness wherein you saw the suffering that was taking place and being fed in every moment, and simply had to lend a helping hand and offer as much of yourselves as possible to the ascension of dearest Earth.

You have largely helped to achieve such ascension, and your aim has been to balance-out the collective energies as you work to introduce your collective to the realms beyond their conscious understanding and to we souls existing in these realms.

We have indeed taken actions ourselves in making our presence on and around your dear planet known to your ancient and recent civilizations, and our aim has always been to help initiate you into the pure states of consciousness that have been required to be reached each time we’ve made our contacts.

We ask you to nurture the growing happiness many of you find within yourselves, for it’s not going anywhere and rather, it’s to grow and grow until the lower emotions that previously held precedent over it are simply things of the past.

You are doing so very much in the way of transmutation of the old energies and the prevalent established feelings that a plethora of Earthly souls have been feeding for a millennia, and this work is not always the easiest to perform.

This is why we will forever be with every one of you, if you feel you require the assistance of we or of your guides along the way of performing your collective and individual transmutations.

Congratulations are in Order

The dense energy being put-out by humanity has not been fully dissolved and transmuted; though the actions of the Lightworker public in taking-on such density full-force and working to transmute it as much as you possibly can, have been quite noble indeed. You have been looked upon by a plethora of souls in the higher dimensions for the wonderful and honorable work you are doing.

We do not wish to inflate the egos of any dear Lightworkers when we congratulate you for the work you’ve been doing but truly, you do deserve congratulations. If you could see how unbalanced the playing field’s been and how needed your actions are as a result, than you would understand fully why we choose to give you such praise.

Indeed, your very missions have included coming to the Earth and spreading your natural Light whilst standing up for the rights of humanity and proclaiming your sovereignty from tyranny in every form it’s come about, and it’s truly been a joy to watch every one of you anchor the Light in the various parts of your world, in the most exponential of ways.

Every one of you are where you are on your Earth for a very specific and needed reason, and some of you awakening souls who look around may notice that there are little-to-no fellow awakening souls in the areas you find yourselves in.

We’d say it’s quite on purpose that (some of) you find yourselves alone what you believe, in the specific areas many of you have instated yourselves into, but we of course would Love to see awakenings take place in the minds and hearts of every soul in every area of your dear Earth.

However, the incarnation of each of you, even unto places where you feel isolated or lonely in what you feel and know; this has been quite a purposeful move on your end so that you could anchor the Light in your area of the world, when few others are doing so.

Situated Conduits of Light & the Divinity of Now

The majority of humanity has been kept conditioned and unaware for far too long and thus, souls are needed in various parts of your world to be situated and to anchor the Light they possess and feel within. Every one of you who has taken-on this mission perform a great act indeed for the ascension of the Earth.

When you can unlock the understanding of the higher dimensions and learn to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of our Creator, any worry or concern related to your ascension process will fly out the door and you’ll find yourselves understanding that everything, in every moment, is not only okay but is truly Divine.

This moment of Now is Divine, dearest souls. Feel this moment; appreciate it and thank our Creator for it, for it is everlasting and eternal.

Harmony is meant to be found and gained in the entirety of your collective and before this can be done, personal harmony and peace must be found in the minds and hearts of every Earth soul. This seems like a large feat indeed, but the rising energy levels will strongly help your collective to awaken en-masse to realities that are so much more different and indeed, more harmonious, than what you currently experience.

We’ve long explained that you dear Lightworkers are to be acting as healers and calmers in the time ahead, and we bring this up to expand-upon the discussion of just what you are going to be doing.

Healing the Effects of Propaganda

A plethora of Earthly souls, when greeted with the initial disclosure announcements, will have a very hard time absorbing the truths of our existence and will likely take to anger as a result of the orchestrations that have taken place in your reality.

Deep down, plenty of souls on your Earth are vastly afraid of a perceived outside source from another world, making ourselves blatantly known to you.

This is because of the propaganda and fear that’s been drilled into much of humanity. We ask for you all to see the very real effects that movies, television shows and other forms of media have upon your minds and hearts, for they’re much vaster than you’ve been led to believe.

The lower frequencies being emitted from various televisions and move screens, paired with propaganda that displays us in a less-than-favorable light, have conditioned a plethora of souls on your world to be fearful of our presence and of any presence that’s deemed too far outside of the perception of humanity.

This spell of illusion and fear will simply have to be broken; though we must take care with doing so, which is why we will rely on many of you dear souls to help calm fear and quell chaos in the time ahead. In doing so, you will find yourselves inundated with the most joyful of feelings and indeed, these feelings will arrive on the back of the realization that you’ve truly made it.

(Disclosure) will have hit by this time we speak of, and while many of you will initially be too busy playing your roles as calmers to take-in and understand the implications of what will have happened; it will hit you dear souls and when it does, you will simply be exuberant.

We note the difficulty that’s been waiting for our presence to be made known, and we can only request you dear souls continue to be as active as possible in disclosing our presence; because doing so is so very important to our full disclosure and to the planet-wide recognition of our existence and our wish to assist you along your collective evolution.

Glimpsing the Spiritual Realms

The impressions you’re finding from the higher realms are only to pick-up and expand in quantity and purity. Already, so many dear Earthly souls are discovering and understanding your fruitful links with Source, and with a plethora of souls in these higher realms we’re blessed to speak with you from.

Souls who’ve glimpsed the other side of your existence and have come back with fantastic stories detailing how closely your evolution is being watched, were given a glimpse into our realms and into the multitudes of beings who are looking after humanity and assisting you in an evolution that, for the most part, your collective has been led away from understanding or even believing in.

Souls on your world who believe in no benevolent Creator; no realms of spirit; no understanding that happiness and joy are derived from the higher realms of existence; these souls will have to be reeducated to the fact that there truly are brimming other reams beyond your conscious understanding, and that physicality isn’t the only reality there is.

Indeed, the physical paradigm will be broken in plenty of souls when the revelations of our existence come to the forefront of your collective consciousness.

With the continual stalling on the part of the cabals and the continual attempts to impede progress related to disclosure, we’ve seen the importance of stepping-up and disclosing our existence ourselves. To that extent, we await the collective energy levels to reach the necessary states wherein we will know that overreactions on the part of the unawakened humanity will not affect Life on your planet in a negative manner.

When every dear soul on your planet can find the Light and the understanding that there’s never anything to be in concern over, the difficulty and lower-dimensionality experienced and fed on your surface will be things of the past, and we’ll have no concern for any overreaction to our presence.

Shining your Healing and Blessing Energies

It’s important for you dear souls to remember that your outer-realities are always reflective of your inner.

What you see and notice about your outer-realities that seems to be directly out-of-resonation with the realms of full consciousness you’ve both come from and are growing toward, you can understand that you’re actually witnessing aspects of your Selves that are exposing themselves to you for the purpose of having your Light and healing shown unto them.

Shining your Lighted, blessing and healing energies upon everything around you and refraining from judgment or bias when doing so, is the best form of service you can provide for the Earthly public.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we express that the Love and joy so many of you find growing within you as you find yourselves able to expand upon the feelings they bring up, will continue to grow as much as your perceptions of the unlimited metaphysical realities before you are.

You’re coming to rediscover the higher dimensions, and in doing so you anchor them unto the Earth with the grace of our Creator. We Love you all so very much, and we ask you to remain steadfast in the face of an Earthly experience that will test you and, in the same moment, help you to find and feel the purest of Earthly Love.

Find and expand-upon this Love, for it is leading you ever-onward to the brimming realms of full consciousness.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 5:04:36 PM

Hilarion: Think Upon the Activities Which Bring You Joy and Make That a Priority

hilarion2Hilarion: Think Upon the Activities Which Bring You Joy and Make That a Priority, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 2, 2013 at

Beloved Ones,

You, as our beacons of Light, are igniting the very atmosphere around you as you move through your daily activities. You are each powerful in your own ways and contribute much to the stabilization of your planet. More of you are now stepping out of the dense fields of expression into greater feelings of joy and happiness, peace and harmony and this in turn adds to the collective field of humanity.

You are aware that your thoughts, words and deeds have a greater influence on those around you than you ever thought was possible and you are ever more discerning in the ways in which you interact with your sisters and brothers, always mindful that the impact upon their fields of energy be one of blessing, empowerment and goodwill.

This is not to say that you cannot express your human moments as old issues come up for review, for indeed, this is all a part of the process of letting go and becoming more centered and aligned with your true divine essence. Anything that is not in alignment with the higher aspects of your true self will continue to come to the surface to be acknowledged and accepted as a part of your total self, human and divine.

What happens when you work on yourselves in this way is that as you release all the aspects within you that do not serve you on your ascension journey into higher consciousness and expression, you start to appreciate and love yourselves more and when you love yourselves unconditionally, without judgments and justifications, you begin to love others in the same vein.

This can only help to further clear and alleviate the heavy dense energies and this work on self ultimately helps all, for ALL is energy, frequency and vibration. By being mindful of your effect upon those around you, it is always beneficial to remind yourselves of your true nature and that of course is, that you are a Being of Love. Love is the bottom line in all things and in all situations; sometimes, however, it needs a deeper introspection within yourself to connect with your heart in order to feel it. Many of you, at one time or another have been hurt or wounded in some way in your interactions with others and this has caused you to put shields of protection around your heart which can keep you from experiencing all that is good in your life now. It is time to release these now, Dear Ones.

Dare to become vulnerable as you open your heart wide. Your inner light must shine bright and it is important to daily maintain your rituals and practices to accomplish this, whether that is through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, visualizations, mantras, decrees, listening to music that uplifts and inspires or even singing. These are many ways to keep your light shining bright and we are sure that there are many more we have not mentioned here that you know of and utilize.

The point we are making here is that the time for playing small in your world to conform to outdated paradigms has come to an end. It is now a new time, a new beginning where all souls have equality in their right to pursue their passions, that which brings joy to their inner being and outer self. Think upon the activities which bring you joy and make that a priority in your daily life. Spend some time each day in this activity for your soul’s highest and greatest good.

It does not matter if the passion that gives you joy is something that will never bring fame, fortune or accolades from the world around you, all that matters is that you begin to connect with feeling good about yourselves so that the gifts you bring to bless this world begin to surface. Each of you has gifts that you bring to this world and it is now time to find and connect with yours. The world is very rich and there is enough for all, connect now to the world within and let yourself shine!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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