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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2013 5:52:13 PM
Dear friends, here is part 4 of Steve Beckow's latest great article:

The Return of the Masters is Underway – Part 4

Religion 22(Continued from Part 3.)

One of the reasons the masters are coming is to take the religions of the world and restore them to the truth.

My personal interpretation is that “religion” refers to an organized system of beliefs that explains the relationship between humanity and God. “Spirituality,” however, is less organized and concerns itself more with how to achieve the purpose of life; that is, to solve the eternal mystery of who we are at our essence to help us to realize God.

The masters come to restore the truth of spirituality. Their teachings will transcend the different religions and in most cases make them obsolete.

SaLuSa’s colleague, Atmos of Sirius, describes the Masters as “great Beings coming to Earth as teachers of the Truth.” (1) SaLuSa tells us that the Masters come at the behest of the White Brotherhood, who are in charge of Ascension: “The White Brotherhood has sent many Masters to spread the truth, and present you with the facts concerning Ascension.” (2)In June of 2008, St. Germain revealed that “for almost the last century [these] more highly evolved souls have entered … Earth, and they have since played their part in bringing even more Light to you. It is all part of the Plan for Man that is now revealing your true selves, and showing you the way home.” (3)

The Masters have no intention of bringing their truth into line with existing religions but vice versa, SaLuSa tells us.

“The different religions will have to bring their teachings into line with the truth about your origin and the true purpose of life. They will however, continue to exist all of the time that they are needed, by those who are unable to accept changes.” (4)

The current generation, the Arcturian Group says, are ready to to correct religion’s faulty stewardship.

“You who are reading this are coming out from this umbrella of falseness. You are awakening to the truth of your identity and are now ready to take back the power you in your ignorance gave to the many (not all) loud and ego-driven voices of government, churches, media, etc. etc. Trust your intuition on all matters. If any teaching rings of separation and duality, then know it is of the old energy. You are one, and that is a never changing truth.” (5)

SaLuSa predicts that the Masters’ revelations will end divisiveness and bring people together.

“Once it is accepted that you are All One, and you remove religious differences and beliefs that are not aligned to the truth, you will blossom and find your true path.” (6)

“As the truth is revealed it will … bring people together as far as their understanding of what God is, or is not. The truth will no longer be able stand side by side with that which is false, and you will find that many teachers have had their words changed to suit the ambitions of those who desired to control you. Indeed, they have also made additions to support their own interpretations.” (7)

The worst parts of religion will be discarded in favor of spirituality, Matthew tells us.

“It will not be quite like religions being ‘totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden Age.’ When the truths come forth…, people whose consciousness has risen beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling aspects will fall by the wayside.” (8)

SaLuSa tells us that a belief in God is the starting point for the understanding of anything profound in the universe. He describes the foundational beliefs of a new spirituality.

“The starting point is a belief in God whatever name you use and acceptance that God is All That Is, and is the fountain of Love and Light. Nothing can exist except that it has its existence within the energy of God, which is why you should respect all life forms.” (9)

“He/She is not [made] in the image of Man, or an individual as you would understand it. God is the very essence, the energy that everything has its existence within. God is Love and all powerful and is the Father/Mother of all life. We acknowledge the Source and give due gratitude for all that we have, the most precious being life itself.” (10)

It isn’t that one religious teaching is better than another, SaLuSa says: “No one teaching is really better than another, although some have a more accurate explanation for God.” (11) But the truth revealed will set our feet firmly on a productive path.

So the returning Masters will release spirituality from religion and set our feet on the path Home – that is, the path to God or more specifically the path to the realization of our Oneness with God.

We can expect people to draw together when religions are no longer being used as tools to divide us. And the rise of more truthful accounts of the nature of reality and of God will cause our spirituality to blossom.

While the Masters will accomplish much more than just the extraction of spirituality from religion, there is no higher purpose that I’m aware of than returning truth to our ways of worship and self-discovery.

Thus the Masters are returning, including the world teacher, Maitreya, a new buddha, and incarnations of angels, archangels, and the ascended masters of the White Brotherhood.

But one more group of ascended masters will also be returning and that is us. Tomorrow we’ll look at the ascended masters that we are.

(Continued in Part 5.)


(1) Atmos of Sirius, Oct. 13, 2008, at

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 9, 2009, at

(3) St. Germain, June 25, 2008, at

(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 13, 2012.

(5) The Arcturian Group, Aug. 16, 2011, at

(6) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at

(9) SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.

(10) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2012.

(11) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2013 5:53:13 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: These Last Moments of Your Illusory Life Experience are Very Intense

jesus-4-258x300Jesus: These Last Moments of Your Illusory Life Experience are Very Intense . Channelled by John Smallman, June 2, 2013.

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

We are one Consciousness, God (our Source), all those in the spiritual realms, and all those in physical form throughout all physical Universes. Love and all Its many aspects are conscious energy waves in infinite abundance flowing freely throughout creation, and anything not in alignment with Love is completely illusory.

God is Love and He could not and would not wish to create anything that was not in perfect harmony with Himself. In Reality, in the Divine Presence there is brilliant, awe-inspiring Light, in which there is total clarity, total understanding, total wisdom, and unconditional loving acceptance of all of God’s creations.

What you experience within the illusion – fear, anger, anxiety, suffering, in fact general alarm, pain, and confusion – is UNREAL! You built and maintained the illusion to experience lack of Love, and it seems that you succeeded! But that is because you focus your attention on it to maintain and support it, and you are afraid to let it go.

You have convinced yourselves that bodies are real and need protection, and therefore that does seem to be the case because your imaginative powers are very effective. And because you have chosen to convince yourselves that your illusion is real it appears to be so. However, as you have been told, you have now collectively decided that the time for the illusion is past.

As you look around you with your human eyes and register with your human intelligence all the suffering that is being constantly experienced, it has inevitably become apparent that living like this makes absolutely no sense at all. Remember, the illusion lasted but an instant. However, when you are experiencing it and being part of it, time seems almost eternal because the Universe appears to be so old in comparison to a human life.

Human life therefore seems very frail, very fragile, and indeed human bodies are. But you are not frail and fragile, you are immortal Divine Beings playing at being frail and fragile, and you have decided that the time for these kinds of illusory games is coming rapidly to an end.

These last moments of your illusory life experience are very intense because issues that have perhaps lain dormant for years, even for lifetimes, are coming up for you to address and release. That does not mean engaging with them, analyzing them, or judging yourselves for them. It just means accepting the discomfort, the strange, uncomfortable feelings, observing them, and allowing them to flow, through and away.

Crying is good! And totally acceptable. It releases the stress and tension in your bodies, even screaming or thumping a pillow if you can find a space where you can do it undisturbed and without embarrassment. The process is rather like the way you watch a movie, or read a story: you focus your attention on it while it lasts; you feel the emotions that the actors are demonstrating; and when it finishes you let it go — although memories of it may come to mind for a day or so afterwards. But. . . you are not in any way attached to it. Likewise the stuff coming up will pass, unless you try to bury it or obsess about it.

For eons, humanity has been burying feelings, denying them, and making themselves insensitive to them in order to avoid feeling the pain. And the result has been that the denied pain is then inflicted on others as a form of release. You cannot do that any longer; you have to allow it into your conscious awareness, feel it, and release it. It sounds simple, but many of you are finding it hard and exhausting work, so ask your Guides for help in clearing away the anxiety and discomfort, and for a love-squeeze!

Remind yourselves that every experience is a lesson you have chosen to undergo. You do not necessarily have to understand it, and attempting to find the reason for its sudden appearance in your life or a solution to the experience (i.e. reacting to it, in the hope that that will make it go away) is to engage with it, which merely prolongs the experience unnecessarily and wastes time that could be better used to surrender to it and thus let it go.

Humanity is necessarily releasing enormous quantities of buried and denied fear, anger, and resentment so that Love can fill the parts of yourselves where you have held on to them, and bring you back to wholeness. Many of you are helping with this general release as well as releasing your own stuff. You volunteered to do this because you saw that it was necessary, and in loving compassion you incarnated to be helpful to others in this way. You are all doing wonderful work, and when you awaken and understand what you have done it will bring you tremendous joy and satisfaction.

Remember that each one of you, without exception, chose to be on Earth at this time to help alleviate suffering and release it from the collective. By taking time out daily in quiet relaxation, prayer, or meditation you can observe the suffering without being drawn into it. That is true compassion, as is a listening ear, a loving hug, a gentle smile for the one(s) you are helping, or an intent to send them love when you cannot be physically present with them, and an understanding on your part that it is something that they themselves have to let go of, that no one else can do it for them.

And of course, this is also true of your own issues: face them and let them go — they are illusory. And you are Divine Beings, created perfect for all eternity. So you can and you will let them go.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2013 5:54:30 PM

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Our God-Self – Retreat into the Heart of Being

Retreatsig.Our God-Self: Retreat into the Heart of Being, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 1, 2013 at

VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved Ones, I Am your God-Self!


Yes, at this time the currents of events are now sprawling into all directions, because so much is happening in the mind of humanity.

Where else does all this happen but in the mind? Content of consciousness not being played out in the human brain for eons is coming to the surface and is being registered by those who have opened themselves up for a bigger picture. In that case you have opened your awareness beyond your individual interests, as you care for your whole species and your planet and beyond.

In this vast pool of information from all the many sources, there is also a major campaign of false information going on. In the midst of this chaos there is very few true knowledge available, because who is searching for information, but is lacking foundation in Ultimate Truth is opening themselves for and is attracting and even creating information that can only confuse. Since whose foundation is in the realm of the volatile mind only, is being prone to deception and seduction.

And so illusion-land is easily created. Many only want to hear and see what sounds to be consoling. They do not want to learn the lesson of Me Being Everything, because they do not rest in the Divine Heart, Which I Am and Which You Are in Reality and That you Share with Me as an incarnated being, who has a human body-mind as a chosen tool for experience.


I AM. I AM whatever happens. I AM What cannot be spoken about. I AM is the Zeropoint of all happening. All happening happens in and As I AM.

What is Truth: I AM or happening? Nothing can Happen without I AM, but Happening without I AM does not occur. Without I AM nothing happens.

Retreat from the periphery of perception to Your Divine Root-Center I AM. Retreat from the locus of your mind without regret and not looking back, into the Heart of Being. From Here naturally connections are made with the fields of thought, although there is also much more truly intelligent hearthinking in the heart itself. Then the fields of thought are obedient to the domain of heart and follows I AM. Indeed it is all initiated from there and not independent.

Let the world ascend or not. I AM. I always have been.
Let there be peace or conflict. I AM. I always have been.
Let there be the dark age or the Golden Age. I AM. I always have been.

Too much mind chatter in the fields of possibilities and hopefulness, while I AM always Happy, while I AM always Satisfied, while I AM always Light of lights and Beyond body-mind. While I AM always Radiance and Love-Bliss.

The lesser lights come and go. The dimensions come and go. Galaxies, worlds, civilizations come and go with the currents of color and creation.

But I AM always. You Are I AM always. So why do you fall so much for the always perishing waves of change, why do you hunt so much the short sunshine blinking perhaps here and there sometimes through the clouds?

You might experience right now much happiness, because ….. this and that in your life.
And you might experience right now much suffering, because …. this and that in your life.

But I AM always Happy. Always. As you forget me in the pleasures and in the storms of life, you are taken by them, consumed by them.

In My I AM That You Are, the pleasures and the storms of life are the winds of experience that touch like a breeze your Radiant Skin.

The Love of I AM, of GOD, of the ULTIMATE, is a Fire that never burns. But It Is Deep and It Is Wide and all-Consuming. It Is You when You Are the All of Silence and using your thoughts and your voice, and movement and dance, and love and tears, because I AM.

I AM even when your universe dissolves, I always Have Been Prior. I AM and You Are It. So why then so much tumult about the rising waves of renewal of life, as I AM the very Substance of Life. Therefore only I can bring you True Renewal. How much happier could you Be by firmly being grounded in ME, enjoying whatever comes your way.

You can be very unhappy even in the midst of the brightest event, and you can be very happy in the midst of your darkest hour. You see what I AM pointing to? Your true Happiness is always Me, and never what I AM not. It is only with happy events that you seem to remember Me.

If you understand the secret of My Paradox, you will not search any longer for happy events, for improvement, because in Me there is neither improvement nor decline. All of this is the kaleidoscope of I AM.

I AM your God-Self and all Wisdom Is Me. There is no True Wisdom in the currents and waves of happenings alone. You must ride them As Me and As I AM. For the mind I speak in riddles. For the Heart That Knows I speak Eternity and Truth, I speak Reality That Always Is. It Is always Happy and does not need or Know Happening. It is Ignorance, It Is Being-ness, It Is Fulfillment.


Do not be afraid of the world and what the world will play out. It will play out what it will to approach Me in a better way. But whether the world will approach Me or not, I AM always undisturbed by it. You Are That. To be disturbed is a decision you make, as you leave your seat I AM.

Do not speculate what will come. It will come as the world’s mind thinks and wishes. You are a part of it only with your body-mind. But body-mind is not You. You Are Eternity, not as soul but as I AM. I AM knows no boundaries and shape and qualities. It Is. And if It is Joy, and if It Is Love, It Is Highest I AM Brilliance, but I AM also beyond Joy and Love as it is known to you.

There is a Joy and Love That I AM, beyond your senses and imagination. This is True Freedom and True Ecstasy and the Beauty of Me Reality. I Exist and I AM the Deep of You into Whom you must fall to find Me and to Be the True That I AM.

I AM Your God-Self!
Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/2/2013 5:55:51 PM

Aisha North: Welcome to the Second Gathering Around the Pond, Sunday June 2

Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNTAisha North: Welcome to the Second Gathering Around the Pond, Sunday June 2, May 30, 2013 at

Dear friends!

Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me.

I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue colour as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.

It was so beautiful, and I could feel how the love flowed through me, into these butterflies, and into each and every one of you. But then I started to think ”isn’t this supposed to be about receiving also, not just giving?” And then I saw how all of these butterflies were drinking in the light from all of the people they had landed on. For the light within these persons was just like the nectar of a flower, and suddenly, every person changed into this beautiful flower, feeding the butterfly sitting on it.

I could feel how I was nourished by all these tiny droplets of nectar that each butterfly drank in. And then I looked down on myself, and I saw that I was covered by hundreds of butterflies in many, many different shapes and colours, and they were also drinking from my light, my nectar, and then I realized that there are so many others out there who have also started to learn the lesson of opening up their hearts to the light, and to let themselves be nourished by receiving this gift, this nectar, from people around them, and from our helpers on the other side.

It was such an intensely beautiful experience, and it was also the most perfect picture of what this Gathering is all about. For this time, it is our turn to receive, our turn to drink in this nectar of love and light that not only every person here, but the whole of Creation is offering us. The CCs described it like this in a message to me this morning:

”Tomorrow, you will all be invited to sit down and once again connect with your innermost being. Then, you will also be invited to open up your innermost sanctum, and to let the light from above fill this sacred space to the max. For the light is here, dear friends, it is here to give you a helping hand in order to make you let go of any hindrances that may still be standing in your way. For many, these hindrances carry much weight, while for others, they might be as light as a feather, but to us, they all carry equal importance. So this time, we ask you to say yes to receive this light in a way that will enable you to free yourself fully from whatever you are still carrying with you within.

For this journey is a journey that can only be accomplished if you are devoid of any old baggage, and this time, you will get all the help you can by simply allowing yourself to receive this heavenly gift of love and light that will pour forth in an unending stream. It will help to wash away anything that you do not need any more, and it will also help to uncover any hidden treasures that you all carry inside. For there is so much more to you than you have yet seen dear ones, and now, that greatness will finally be able to start to shine forth. For it is there, inside each and every one of you, and whether you think you are worthy or not to receive, and indeed display it, we see it, and we will do all we can do to help you do the same. For this time, the time has come for you to start to shine in all of your glory.

Again, this process is not something you have to accomplish single handedly, far from it, for the more you open yourself up to outside assistance in this, the stronger you will become. For you are a part of something so vast and all-powerful, but unless you see yourself as this single, shining point in a huge grid of light, all feeding each other with endless light, your own light will become too weak after a while. For you need to acknowledge this connection, for you are no longer these solitary beings floating in a dark ocean.

You are just the visible apex of a huge interconnected grid of light, and your light will only become stronger the more you open up to this forcefield that you are a fully integrated member of. So the solo journey is indeed over, and on Sunday, this will become even more clear to you all, as you will be once again invited to step fully into this vast ocean of love and light, and we ask you all to please make sure to drink as deeply as you can of it. ”

I know I will do my best to drink my fill, and I hope you will all do the same. For we all deserve it, every precious drop of it, no matter how hard we try to make ourselves think that we do not. We have all given all we have to this journey, and now, the time has come for us to refill our cup again, and to not stop until it literally runneth over. For the Source that will offer to fill it for you, can never ever run dry. So tomorrow, on Sunday June 2, at 21:00 Oslo time, I will sit down and connect with myself, and then I will invite the Source to fill me up with light, every single particle of me, so that I can sluice away whatever needs to be removed from my channel, so that this stream of light will never be slowed down in any way ever again. And I invite you all to do the same.

Morpho rhetenor rhetenor MHNT

Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:

London: 20:00

Helsinki: 22:00

Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM

New York: 03:00 PM

El Paso: 01:00 PM

Los Angeles: 12:00 PM

Singapore: 03:00 AM Monday

Tokyo: 04:00 AM Monday

Sydney: 05:00 AM Monday

You can find your local time here:

And remember, you do not need to connect at this exact time in order to be a part of this Gathering. All you have to do, is to find a time to sit down and connect with this energy with the intention of opening up to refill your own cup, and to let this light help to wash away anything that may still be clogging up your own channel.

With love and gratitude, Aisha

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/3/2013 12:02:15 AM
June 2, 2013

Saul, via John Smallman: Some Startling Revelations are Shortly to be Disclosed

Morning Glow at Havasu Falls, Arizona
Photographer: Timm Chapman
(my other half) May 2013 (film, not digital, no mucking about)

You may listen to John read this passage aloud here: (recommended)

Here in the spiritual realms, where we truly are not separated from you, excitement is building; in fact, we are bubbling over with it! I know you have been told this countless times over the last few years, but it is incumbent on me to tell you yet again, humanity’s awakening is divinely ensured and the moment for it to happen is very close. Many of you are feeling tired, angry, and depressed, almost as though you had been short-changed, conned, or even swindled by those who are telling you of the wonders that await your awakening. It seems that you have been waiting and waiting and waiting. The waiting seems to have been interminable, so it is no wonder that you are feeling upset and that your doubts and anxieties have been intensifying.

However, the end is in sight, and the joy that will replace your present life experience will cause you ecstasy as you finally understand completely what has been going, and why. Hold firm to your faith in the divine plan, about which you have been given very limited information in order not to overload you, and in order to ensure that the pain and anxiety of waiting do not overwhelm you. Remember that although you are experiencing life in an illusory environment, for you it seems very real, and too much information about the wonders to come would cause a severe drain on your already limited energies as you recognized the vast disconnect between life as you are experiencing it now and the way it should be, and into which you will awaken.

Within the illusion signs of the breakdown, of the crumbling away of the systems of so-called civilization established on Earth are visible everywhere, and even your mainstream media is beginning to report on it. Confusion and disbelief are growing as the numbers of whistle-blowers, shaking off the fear of retaliation for their actions of disclosing and releasing information which has been hidden under the tightest of security, continue to build inexorably. They can no longer be contained, silenced, or ridiculed; the truth will out. Therefore, I promise you that some startling revelations are shortly to be disclosed which will make a return to the old and secretive ways of running society impossible.

The group which has for eons been controlling politics, religious organizations, and all the large multi-national corporations – which are all covertly and inextricably interlinked while remaining shrouded in the darkness of secrecy – have now lost that control. Its members are in severe disagreement with each other and are living in a state of dread and anxiety never before experienced by them, because they know that their identities, their agendas, and their innate corruption are about to be publicly exposed.

They will experience intense shame – self-imposed, of course – because they have known for a long time that their behavior was unconscionable, and yet they persisted in it. Do not judge them. Just leave them in their ivory towers where they can do no further harm, to contemplate their utter and inexplicable incompetence and unwillingness to engage with the field of divine Love which, like all sentient life, is their inevitable destiny. Eventually they will turn to the Light and be most joyfully welcomed Home as the prodigal children of God which they most certainly are. Heaven is not complete until allthe wanderers have returned. However, the fact of their absence (asleep and still dreaming) will not be permitted to intrude on the intense joy of those who have chosen to awaken.

Love is your nature, and only what is in perfect alignment and harmony with Love exists, because that is everything that God so lovingly created. Anything unloving is most definitely, wholly unreal. Discover that divine Truth now – by engaging only with Love in every thought, word, and action. When you do you will find peace and contentment that is available nowhere else, because there is nowhere else. You can do it while you remain sleeping within the illusion, and then the suffering around you will cease to make you sad or anxious because you will see the ephemerality of it and understand that by intending to send love to those who are suffering you are easing their pain and assisting them in their efforts to awaken into Love. The tide of Love now surging across the planet is irresistible, and daily more and more of humanity is surrendering to its warm embrace. Humanity is firmly established on the path to awakening, the path Home, and nothing can divert it. Give thanks for the infinite wonder of God’s eternal Love for you, and how it is drawing you back to the brilliant Light of His Presence.

With so very much love, Saul.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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