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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 5:53:50 PM

A New Day Dawns

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 5:57:48 PM

Montague Keen, May 26, 2013

The light of truth is exposing so much. Those within the cabal are desperate; they are floundering. People no longer accept without question what they are told. They now check the evidence, and they wonder how they could have just accepted what they were told in the past.

You believed that those who governed you, had your best interests at heart. Now, you can see that this is not true. The cabal rules and is plans do not include you! You have watched one false flag operation after another, wheeled out to cause FEAR and to create enemies that foolish, mindless people, attack without question.

You are not puppets. Take responsibility. Do not do the dirty work of the cabal; by doing so, you are assisting in your own demise. Do not attack your fellow human beings. You must all come together as the 99%, for you have a common enemy which wants the planet for itself. Would you, by your actions, assist them in achieving their goal. Is this what you really want?

Listen to those who are speaking out at this time. They are brave souls who put their lives on the line for the good of humanity. David Icke, Kevin Annett, Gilad Atzmon, Miko Poled: these are four such men, who risk all to expose what is planned for humanity by those you are encouraged to trust.

Remember that the Cabal has used the Divide and Conquer technique throughout history. This was done to ensure that mankind never came together as one and realised that there is a problem and that it is necessary to WAKE-UP and deal with it.

Religion was devised to keep people apart and to create suspicion and mistrust. This has created differences that were all man-made with a distinct purpose in mind. There will be many more false flag operations, so it is good that people are awake to them now. Sooner or later, the cabal will have to accept that its plans will never come to fruition.

The Vatican, through fear of punishment that never existed in the first place, has ensured that you willingly sign over to it your babies, by means of baptism. So they alone, have dominion over their souls. This evil practice must stop. The Vatican stands on a precipice and each new exposé pushes it nearer the edge. Soon, it will fall without trace. Their evil empire is being exposed and dismantled. Never again will mankind be exposed to such evil. The FEAR it thrives on, will be exposed; for the Vatican is based on lies that are all designed to keep the masses under control. It controls every aspect of your lives; but at last, people are waking up to this.

It does not matter one jot, which religion you belong to, since the Vatican controls all. Its tentacles reach far and wide into every aspect of your lives, irrespective of race or creed. It is time to embrace your own spirituality and become who you truly are. Live in love, not fear.

You must return your planet to the light and civilisation to the path of love and forgiveness. Extend the hand of friendship to the countries you have waged war against and to the people you have been encouraged to mistrust and fear. It will all come together as it should, for the time has come when it must come together. You will have all the assistance that you need. Then, soldiers will remove their uniforms and refuse to kill. They will come to realise how they have been used to keep the cabal in control.

You, my dear, have experienced first hand, how the cabal operates. It is sometimes difficult to help others to see what (to you) is blatantly obvious. Money is always used to entice people to leave the path of light and to become controlled like a puppet. It is foolish, at this late hour, to fall for this, as soon, money will be a thing of the past. It will not be needed. This is hard to imagine now, but I promise you, this is what will happen. The more the cabal tries to block the changes, the bigger mess they get themselves into. Change is inevitable. It was planned by greater minds than theirs, so it cannot fail.

The energy changes are obvious to many of you. Bear with them and you will understand, in time, that all is done for your higher good. The end justifies the means. When you look back and see what it took to bring light and love into your world, you will see that it was worth every moment of pain and discomfort. You will see humanity living in peace and harmony. Communication will be telepathic, so no misunderstandings are possible. Gradually, food and sleep will not be necessary and will fade from memory. You are embarking on an incredible adventure. So enjoy it.

Be prepared to assist those who are still caught up in the old way of life. It takes courage to embrace the new, and as yet, untried. Doors are opening all over your world. Doors that had kept secrets hidden behind them, like your true history and your origins, etc. The important fact is that you are powerful beings of light, whose light was deliberately darkened in order to enslave you.

It is time for the shackles to come off and for you to take back your power. All the countries need to come together and encourage each other through the hand of friendship. Presently, you have an ‘US and THEM’ scenario: you know who THEY are, and it is obvious who the US is. When the US come together in friendship, you know you are home and dry.

Refuse to see differences, as they are man-made in order to separate you. You, my dear, being Irish, should feel at home in many countries, as you will find pockets of Irish DNA, thus proving that in ancient times, the Irish travelled far and wide spreading love , light and knowledge. All one big, happy family, until the Cabal forcibly took control and used the sword to destroy all that was good.

Now, you will come together, for the love of humanity and your planet will be all that is necessary as you expose the dark deeds of the past that have led to the destruction of all that was good and pure. You will look at the greed of the past with disgust and you will refuse to be part of it, ever again. It was called the Rat Race. How appropriate! Look forward, and never seek revenge. For it brings you down to the level of the cabal, and you are better than that. Study the history of ancient times, as all you need to know is there for you to explore and move on.

You, my dear, learned recently, that in ancient times in Egypt, there was NO WORD FOR DEATH. Egyptians believed that they would return to the WEST from where they had come. When someone died, they would say that they were “WESTING”. How interesting. Take note of what it is telling you . . . Were they returning to Ireland? Did they believe that they were?

You will have such fun researching your history, my dear. I do not wish to spoil it for you. There are many pyramids yet to be discovered, and some underwater cities also ready to reveal their secrets. Exciting times ahead !

The truth will excite and amaze you. Go for it. Share it. The time is right.

One word of caution . . . be ever vigilant ! There are those who are happy with the status quo. They want to keep things as they are, so they will try to infiltrate and disrupt, causing mistrust where none exists. You all need protection from the dark cabal and its minions. Always remember to ask for protection and keep grounded. Be alert at all times, as you know people are sometimes overshadowed and are not personally responsible for what they do. This must be taken into account. The cabal will do everything in its power to hang on to control. It will fight dirty, as that is all it knows. But it can only hurt you if you show fear of it.

Appreciate friends and family, and extend this appreciation to all who work in the light.

My love, together, we will walk this path.

Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 6:01:34 PM
Sorry friends, I missed Blossom's message yesterday. Here it is.

The Galactic Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: May 27, 2013

Blossom Goodchild newThe Galactic Federation of Light channeled by Blossom Goodchild: May 27, 2013 –

Blossom: Hello. So many loved your last communication. Thank you.
Today I would like to ask a question if I may?

Galactic Federation: Welcome to you all. That would be suitable and we are eager to explain that which you wish to ask.

Oh good. So I am assuming you know my question then? I have noticed lately more beauty in the very air … in the trees … the stars and moon at night etc.

In my thoughts I realised that these things have not become more beautiful … they have always been that way … yet now … I am able to appreciate that beauty due to ‘lifting up’ a little. That’s all cool. I accept that. It makes sense. Then I got to thinking about this ‘hologram’ that we are told we are in.

If we are moving up to 5D … then I am assuming that is not going to be a hologram … so how come we are ‘experiencing’ more of the 5D when we are ‘looking at’ the same hologram of the 3D we are in.

Does that make sense? And also … please answer as if you are explaining to an eight year old as I have no idea what I am talking about … I just don’t understand the ‘hologram’ thing … AT ALL! Thank you.

You have indeed chosen a subject that may confuse many. It is for us to give to you knowledge that will enhance your daily lives and we feel that the stage one explanation of this … is ready to commence.

I’m all ears.

Yet … you are not … You are all LOVE. You are an expression of LOVE that is living in a reality that is not real.

Confusion No 1! It is real to me … for it is all I know …

It is all you have created … for yourselves. Yet, would we say … it is super imposed.

Confusion No 2! Is this going to be too hard??

Only if you allow your mind to get in the way. So with grace … let us ‘rattle off’ a few ‘KNOWINGS’.

That which is Earth is a reality … and yet at the same time … it is not. For do you see?


Therefore EVERYTHING that is created is from LOVE.

It is a creation of thought. That which you choose to KNOW as real … is TRULY A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION. There is no reality other than the energy of LOVE . So we would then add that there is nothing that is actually REAL … for there is only LOVE.

You know of energy that is transformed into matter. This is not new to you. So … we suggest you take that thought a little further and imagine that the entire cosmos is an illusion. For it was created through thought to ‘experience’ LOVE.

Yet … if you say everything is created from THE LOVE Energy … then the LOVE energy is real … so is not that which is created from it real ?

It is a thought transferred into action. Your thoughts are real … yet you believe … many of you … that THEY control YOU … rather than YOU controlling THEM. We do not wish to divert away from the original question …

You assume that the 5D concept will not be a hologram. Yet EVERYTHING IS! Because it is created through LIGHT.

So when we enter into 5D reality … that’s a hologram too?

Yes. For there is nothing! Only that which you choose to create from your thoughts … no matter how long ago … these first impressions were ‘thought of’.
You consider your bodies to be real. They affect you … you find ailments and patterns that these vehicles undertake. Yet you have created them … either for your learning (or so you think) … or because you BELIEVE that this is what ‘can’ happen to a body. Yet … if you were to change your thought patterns and KNOW that although IT FEELS like the body exists … it is only in ‘your reality’ that it does. What happens to it when the soul presence leaves? It disintegrates for it is no longer of use.

Ahha! So it was there then … in physical reality.

Let us delve deeper. In your physical reality … you FEEL that you can touch … you imagine that you can ‘see’ … you experience that which you consider necessary for your growth in a physical manifestation. Yet … it is just an expression of energy.

So does it actually exist then?

In YOUR creation.

How about in yours?

Of course … your creation is part of A CREATION! A manifestation of a mass movie … that extends itself in each ‘take’.

It HAS to FEEL REAL to you in order for you to ‘get’ that which you decided you needed for evolvement of the soul.

You must remember that it is a game. One that has been taken far too seriously. You have forgotten your vast capacity to create and why you chose to be part of it. Oh the miracles that you are capable of.


Yet you have ‘trapped’ your minds into a ‘not knowing’.

Would you say it was ‘us’ that have trapped it … or would we not say that ‘we have been trapped’ by those who wish us harm?

Those who have fallen by the way side have led you to the place in which you find yourselves. Yet … we say to you …


The more you learn of the ‘traps’ that you FEEL are ‘out of your control’ the more you wonder how you shall ever free yourselves from them. Yet … you are trapping yourselves within that ‘regime’ … by ‘thinking that you have no control’ over it.



The Awakening process is growing with each moment of your time … and with that Awakening comes the KNOWLEDGE that you are FREE.

YOU WERE GIVEN FREE WILL. You do not understand this fully.

Well, some would say that FREE WILL has been taken from us … with all the mind control via media etc. and all the poisons that we have been ‘fed’ in one way or another … without our KNOWING. The more that is revealed … the more we find out how we ‘ARE being controlled’. Sometimes it feels so hopeless for many … as there seems no way out.

That is their choice of thinking.

THERE IS NOTHING THAT TAKES AWAY FREE WILL … Even though many of you could come up with an argument to the contrary.


I understand then that perhaps we are breaking free … yet wouldn’t you say that we have been ‘caught up’ in it all … not through choice?

What have you as a race learned? What have you as an individual learned through this ‘entrapment’? You have learned more of LOVE. If you were not in a position to experience the duality … how would you know what LOVE is? … There is nothing to ‘compare it with’.

Yet the duality is ALL LOVE right? Some wonder how you can say that even the dark ones are an expression of LOVE?

They ARE! You look at all the atrocities they have imposed … yet you do not look at how those atrocities have taught you to BE.


Such matters have stirred the very core of humanity. They have created a way out! For each is now searching for a better way TO BE.

That which is not of service has been of great service.

Again we say the bigger picture is too big for you to comprehend from the density of vibration that you HAVE been residing.

You have said that we came down here as LOVE and free will would not be interfered with. Although you have also said that there has been the need for certain laws to be reviewed. Why /how did we ever get in such a mess in the first place … if we only ever knew LOVE … when we arrived?

The ‘mess’ as you call it … and indeed we have ‘thought sometimes’ of this expression … and yet it is just part of what occurred. This game plan COULD NOT KNOW WHERE IT WAS HEADING. For it is being created as you go. Therefore … as spoken of in other times … we did not KNOW where it was going until the game was well underway. And there certainly has not been another experiment like it .

How come we did not stay in the HIGH LOVE VIBRATION that we arrived in? Where did the ‘lower vibration’ come from if we did not know it?

It was created through ‘thought’. It was an unusual concept that one would FEEL envy or greed.

So if we only knew LOVE … where did that thought come from?

It came from a FEELING that entered in due to the experiment. It was for one to ‘continue forth’ on their Earthly journey in ‘their own creation’ of that journey.
Different ‘ideas’ were introduced through an individual’s creation of ‘self’ … which then ‘sparked’ the FEELING within another that they wished they had had that ‘thought idea’. They wanted what another had.

Yet how could LOVE want that?

Because LOVE was experimenting also. All aspects of it. There is infinite expression of LOVE itself.

That expression is CREATION.

That expression is each one of you. It is everything that ‘doesn’t exist!

So … would you say that things may appear to exist for a time whilst it is in our thought energy?


Oh rats! I thought I was onto something there! You did note I said ‘appear’ to exist did you?

We did. Yet we would say it does not exist … for nothing exists other than LOVE. You just believe it does.

So what then are we actually creating if nothing actually exists?

You are creating a hologram! A game!

Yet our very souls are involved in this ‘game’ …

And that is the most relevant aspect of the entire scenario.

Your soul is LOVE. You have been given this opportunity to express LOVE in a 3Dimensional version of this game.

And what of the 5D? We have been told this is a whole New World that we are moving into. Where war and famine are no longer … And that 5D shall be our reality.

Indeed … you have created a 5D reality long ago … that you are now preparing to move into.

Yet it’s not real?

Nothing is real!

Yet as you move up into Higher Dimensions … your self expression of LOVE shall CREATE a FEELING that is more like a TRUE REALITY for you. As you move on up throughout the Higher Dimensions … each shall BECOME more like a TRUE reality for you … because you are moving back into your TRUTH … LOVE.

Those souls who can only now reside in THE HIGHEST REALMS are TRUTH.


They are ‘beyond’ … THE GAME. Yet so very aware of the game itself.

Remember dear friends … that the closer you return to your TRUTH … the closer TRUTH is acknowledged through/by you.


We thank you for the ‘flow’ Blossom … We thank each one for your consideration of who you are … for in doing so … we consider you to be ‘THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH’.

Until YOU arrive!!

And we shall. You KNOW we shall.

Indeed I do my little ‘Lovemonauts!’ … Did you put that in my head ? I love it.


Many thanks to you … many thanks indeed! Love and Light all ways!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 6:06:02 PM

Australia’s Top Catholic Cardinal: Church Put Paedophile Priests “Above the Law”

Cardinal George Pell at the Victorian inquiry into child abuse. Photo: Joe Armao

Cardinal George Pell at the Victorian inquiry into child abuse. Photo: Joe Armao

Stephen: Australia’s top Catholic Cardinal, George Pell, was finally called in to give evidence yesterday in the first of Australia’s multiple state investigations into decades of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. This current inquiry is being held in the state of Victoria, where Melbourne is the capital.

Pell’s admissions, both yesterday and again today, are now making world headlines. Yet he didn’t accept any personal nor overall church liability for what has gone on both during and preceding his watch. Rather unsurprising. What’s most telling is that in a survey today (see screen grab at end of first story), 77% of survey respondents said they didn’t believe what the Cardinal said. A leading Queen’s Counsel has also said that Pell’s evidence was ” a cynical exercise in damage control” – see second story below.

Pell Makes Admissions

By Barney Zwartz, Religion Editor, The Age – May 28, 2013

Cardinal George Pell has admitted the Catholic Church had put paedophile priests ”above the law”, covered up abuse and moved abusers.

In a gruelling session of more than four hours, he told the Victorian inquiry into child abuse that the church had changed the date on a document making serial abuser Des Gannon a priest emeritus and had kept paying a stipend to another paedophile, Ron Pickering, who fled Australia to avoid police.

The Sydney Archbishop said he and his successor as Melbourne Archbishop, Denis Hart, took moral responsibility for helping victims and that the church was open to paying higher sums in compensation – whatever the law deemed necessary.

The church would be happy to contribute to an independently managed redress fund for victims, provided ”others are asked too”.

He denied that he was like Pontius Pilate, washing his hands of the abuse problem, or that the $30 million hostel that the Sydney archdiocese had built in Rome with permanent rooms for him was ”a palace”.

Cardinal Pell said he accepted Victorian Premier Denis Napthine’s challenge at the weekend to be ”fully apologetic and absolutely sorry” and lashed former Melbourne archbishop Frank Little even more strongly than Archbishop Hart did last Monday, calling his actions ”totally reprehensible”.

Of former Ballarat bishop Ronald Mulkearns, Cardinal Pell said he only learnt recently that Bishop Mulkearns had destroyed files on abusers, and that his actions had disastrous consequences.

But Cardinal Pell defended his own record, particularly in establishing the Melbourne Response system for dealing with abuse victims within 100 days of becoming archbishop of Melbourne in 1996.

He said he did not regret not having done more as the Melbourne Response was adequate at the time. He did not believe he had ever moved a paedophile priest and had certainly never covered up criminal behaviour.

In other evidence, Cardinal Pell admitted that the church had kept sending money for a decade via a Melbourne parishioner to paedophile priest Ron Pickering after he fled to England to avoid police investigation.

He also attacked the state government, which he said could have forced the church to do more, as the Wood inquiry did in NSW, and an ”intermittently hostile media”.

Agreeing that the church’s ancient canon law was inadequate for dealing with clergy sex abusers, he said the church was open to further improvements, such as those the inquiry might recommend, and he expected Victoria’s Catholic churches would co-operate in ”taking matters forward”.

He defended clergy celibacy, saying ”marriage is no deterrent to paedophiles”.

There were several lively exchanges with committee members.

Andrea Coote challenged the morality of limiting victims to a ”mere $75,000” when the $30 million hostel in Rome could have doubled the compensation for hundreds of victims.

”The church has never claimed it would be unable to pay appropriate compensation,” Cardinal Pell replied.

Frank McGuire: Do you agree that the Catholic Church placed paedophile priests above the law?

Cardinal Pell: In some cases, unfortunately.

Mr McGuire: ”It was see no evil, hear no evil, do nothing by the church?”

Cardinal Pell: ”That’s an objectionable suggestion with no foundation in the truth.”

On forging the date on a letter about Des Gannon, twice jailed for child sexual abuse, who was allowed to resign on health grounds, David O’Brien said: ”It’s utterly reprehensible isn’t it?” Cardinal Pell: ”It is”.

The cardinal continued: ”You’ve got to blame the archbishop. The way he did it was totally reprehensible.”

Cardinal Pell was questioned at length about supporting serial rapist Gerald Ridsdale in court 20 years ago to the day. He said that because he had always been on the side of victims he did not realise the angst and distress it would cause them.

Another case was the Foster family, two of whose daughters were repeatedly raped over years from the age of five by another serial abuser, Kevin O’Donnell, against whom the church received allegations in 1946, 1958 and 1986.

Anthony Foster told the inquiry last year that Cardinal Pell showed ”a sociopathic lack of empathy” when he met the parents in 1997, and on Monday the cardinal described the meeting as unfortunate. After challenging them to go to court, the Fosters won a settlement of $750,000 plus costs.

On the ”deeply irreligious” Jeff Kennett, who called him in when he was appointed archbishop and said ”if you don’t clean it up I will”, Cardinal Pell said he admired the former premier in many ways, and that they were ”not entirely dissimilar characters”.

In his concluding statement, Cardinal Pell regretted that the church had not been called earlier during the inquiry, which had begun with searing criticism and a response written by Archbishop Hart had not been published until much later.

”Because these charges were unanswered, many people in the public think not only were there many mistakes made a long time ago but there’s been no progress at all over the last 20 years,” he said.

”I don’t think that’s borne out by the facts of the case, but that’s for people to judge.”

Child abuse victim Stephen Wood said his expectations of Cardinal Pell’s testimony had been low and that he had ”lived down to them”.

With Jane Lee.

What Pell Said

Frank McGuire: Do you agree that the Catholic Church placed paedophile priests above the law.

Cardinal Pell: In some cases, unfortunately.

Mr McGuire: You were playing Pontius Pilate over this. You were washing your hands.

Cardinal Pell: That’s a complete misstatement, a complete misunderstanding.

Mr McGuire: “It was see no evil, hear no evil, do nothing by the church?”

Cardinal Pell: “That’s an objectionable suggestion with no foundation in the truth.”

David O’Brien (on protecting Des Gannon) “It’s utterly reprehensible isn’t it?” “It is”.

Mr O’Brien: “It’s un-Christlike.” “I would have to agree.”

pell poll

Bryan Keon-Cohen, QC

Bryan Keon-Cohen, QC

Pell’s Evidence Was ‘Damage Control’: QC – May 28, 2013

Cardinal George Pell’s appearance at Victoria’s child sex abuse inquiry was “a cynical exercise in damage control”, a barrister and victims’ advocate says.

Bryan Keon-Cohen QC says Cardinal Pell’s statements at Monday’s inquiry hearing lacked conviction and he tried to evade responsibility.

“My response to Cardinal Pell’s evidence, being as fair as I can, is that it was to me a rather cynical exercise in damage control,” Dr Keon-Cohen, president of community lobby group COIN (Commission of Inquiry Now), told ABC Radio in Melbourne.

“He offered a lot of words, he offered apologies, remorse, but to me it lacked conviction.”

He said Cardinal Pell, who is a former Archbishop of Melbourne, followed the line used by Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart last week at the inquiry.

Both said their predecessor, the now deceased Archbishop Sir Frank Little, was derelict in his duty and that there was not much they could do to rectify it, he said.

“But that is completely wrong,” Dr Keon-Cohen said.

“These people have to accept a continuing tragedy from one archbishop to the next, and they all must assume responsibility for now, for historic events, and for current events.”

He said victims should pursue “for all it’s worth” Cardinal Pell’s statement that the church was open to claims being re-investigated and the possibility of payouts being increased.

“If the church is serious about making appropriate compensation, and if these statements by George Pell to the committee are themselves honest and serious and intended to be followed, then victims should pursue this opportunity,” he said.

“If the church wants to resile from Pell’s statements we’ll soon find out.”

Here’s some edited factoids from a separate Reuters story – Thanks to sage.

Cover Up

By James Grubel, Reuters – May 27, 2013 –

The parliamentary inquiry has heard child abuse by members of the church was covered up, and that the Catholic church was more concerned with protecting priests than protecting victims.

It has been told that Pell’s predecessor as Archbishop of Melbourne, Frank Little, dealt with complaints confidentially, kept no records, and moved accused priests to new parishes where some continued to sexually abuse children.

Little died in 2008. But Pell acknowledged Little covered up the issue and did not discuss it with advisers or other bishops.

“He inherited a situation where there were no protocols, no procedures. And he never spoke to anybody about it. He didn’t know how to deal with it,” Pell said.

Pell has also been criticized by victim support groups for his decision to accompany an accused pedophile priest into court in 1993, but said the action was not meant as a slight against abuse victims.

The priest, Gerald Ridsdale, was convicted and jailed for 19 years for molesting and raping 40 children between 1961 and 1987. Pell said he was aware of the “terrible crimes” and knew Ridsdale was going to plead guilty, and his decision to walk with him to court was not meant as a sign that he did not support the victims of his crimes.

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has set up a rare Royal Commission, the highest form of investigation in Australia, into how churches, government bodies and other organizations dealt with child sex abuse cases.

Pell has said the church would fully cooperate with the Royal Commission, which has yet to start hearing evidence and could run for several years.

The Catholic Church is Australia’s largest, with 5.4 million followers, representing about one in four Australians.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 10:19:37 PM

Mahatma Gandhi’s Thoughts Make Debut In China

gandhiTimes of India – May 27, 2013

BEIJING: The first Chinese version of a book on Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts was launched here on Monday, marking the debut of Gandhian philosophy in a country intensely dominated by the ideology of ‘Chairman’ Mao Zedong.

‘Gandhi’s Outstanding Leadership’, written by former Indian diplomat-turned-Gandhian Pascal Alan Nazareth, was released at the Peking University’s Centre for India Studies in the presence of Indian Ambassador to China S Jaishankar.

Prof Shang Quanyu, a history professor with the South China Normal University, translated the book into Madarin. He described the book as a “trail blazer”.

Indian officials said in many ways the book was an “official debut” of Gandhian thoughts in Mao’s China as the revolutionary leader, a contemporary of Gandhi dominated the Chinese thought like a colossus for over six decades until the country began loosening its the grip over his ideology in recent years.

Officials said this was the first time a book in Chinese was launched with official permission with world wide rights in Chinese language though ‘Gandhi a Memoir’ by American journalist William L Shirer hit the book stores here last year.

Launching the book, Nazareth, who retired from Indian Foreign Service in 1994, said Gandhi’s thoughts are more relevant to the world, especially to China.

He also spoke about how Mahatma opposed Japanese attack against China during the 2nd World War in an open letter to Japanese people calling how he “intensely disliked it”, criticising the move “you have descended to imperial ambition”.

Gandhian philosophy is relevant to China as it is experiencing too much of consumerism after a rapid economic growth bringing in deleterious social effects, Nazareth said.

“It is everyone’s interest to know what might be antidote for this. You can have very shining smart cities but if you have distress in the countryside,” he said, highlighting the problems faced by India in dealing with Naxal attacks.

“In China’s context, most well established regimes are brought down by peasant uprisings. So therefore to keep track the deleterious impact of the rapid economic growth, this is where Gandhi’s philosophy is relevant,” he said.

Also Gandhi emphasized truth which is missing in all the countries today with “spin-masters at work, to make untruth the truth”, he said.

“All the countries are suffering as dishonesty has become rampant. I do not know about China. Gandhi is the only modern leader who has spoken about the importance of sticking to the truth,” he said.

In a meeting attended by a number of students specialising in Indian studies, Nazareth also dealt with the contradictions between Mao’s power flows through the gun philosophy and that of Gandhi’s non-violence.

Citing problems faced by US in putting down Taliban in Afghanistan despite over a decade’s war, he said “when people are not afraid to die there is no way you can defeat them. So power does not grow out of the barrel of gun.

The forces of the soul are much more powerful than what comes out of the barrel of the gun. The world history in the last 50 years has shown that,” he said.

About how Gandhi prophesied about terrorism, Nazareth said: “9/11 has ushered in a new and dangerous era of asymmetric warfare where the powerless have retaliated devastatingly utilizing the assets of those that have wronged them.”

“The enemy is not from foreign state but few suicidal terrorists” he said adding that Gandhi is the first 20th century leader to fight against racism, colonialism communalism, casteism while fashioning an effective strategy to fight them

Also the Gandhian outlook also could help to improve India-China relations bringing about “transformation of the relationship”.

“One of the problem is national national interest. Beyond that is the interest of the humanity at large. We can not be insisting on national interest. We need to look beyond national interest. We need to look at the larger picture,” he said.

“There could issue where there is conflict of interest. But there are whole lot of other areas with mutuality interests,” he said, adding “art lies in mutuality of interest and try to promote them, then we solve the other problem”.

He also appealed to India and China to set up an institute of Gandhian studies in China.

“Because the more progress we make, we need Gandhian perspective as economic progress have deleterious effects on society and on nature. I believe Gandhi is the only one among the modern leaders who have taken an all inclusive view of this,” he said.

In his speech, Jaishankar said, “What has made Gandhi different from other similar figures is that with the passage of time, his message and example has acquired an increasingly universal relevance”.

“It explains the components of Gandhi’s leadership and dwells on his achievements in India” and written in a form to make it more relevant particularly to the younger generation.

Recalling improvement in relations and recent visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to India, he said, “This event is taking place at a time when there is a growing interest in China to understand other cultures, particularly the neighbouring ones of Asia”.

“The situation in India is not very different in that regard. Although we were proximate civilisations with a long history of cultural interaction, our modern day intellectual contacts have been more limited,” he said.

“As India and China develop further, re-establishing our links is an important aspect of that process. We are attempting that through a variety of initiatives in people-to-people contacts. That includes teaching Chinese language in Indian schools, bringing out a common encyclopedia on cultural contacts, expanding university linkages and promoting tourism,” he said.

“The just-concluded visit of Premier Li was an understanding to promote sister-city relationships and an agreement to undertake translations of classics and contemporary works,” he said.

Interestingly, Rabinndranath Tagore and Jawaharlal Nehru were voted as among the 60 most foreign leaders who influenced China in a poll conducted in 2009 in connection with six decades of establishment of Peoples Republic of China.

The name of Gandhi whose philosophy of non-violence is in sharp contrast to Mao’s thoughts like “power flows through the barrel of gun” did not figure in the list, which many say was due to total lack of awareness about his works.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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