By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – May 28, 2013
Do you feel like you are in a blender? Well, you are not alone. The good news is that you have the ability to transcend the chaos, and the entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to help you do just that.
In your heart-of-hearts you know the Truth of that statement; in fact, that is why your God Self, your I AM Presence, has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness. Please open your heart and mind and allow your I AM Presence to reveal to you the magnitude of YOUR Divine Plan during this unprecedented moment in the evolution of Planet Earth.
Whether you have noticed it or not, with the shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness you have experienced since the beginning of 2013, you are now able to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” All you have to do to prove that to yourself is to go within to the Divinity in your heart. Once you are there, focus on the unfathomable Love that is now reverberating through your Heart Flame with every breath you take.
Revel in the wonder of this new 5th-Dimensional frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love and allow it to permeate every fiber of your Being. When you tangibly experience this Gift from On High, no person, place, condition, or thing will be able to dispute your Inner Knowing that something miraculous has taken place on this Planet, and that YOU now have a critical role to play in the Divine Plan that is now unfolding.
Because of the incredible Light you and the rest of awakening Humanity added to the world during the past 26 years, the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her God Victoriously Ascended through the Shift of the Ages. In 2011, Lightworkers joined together in Unity Consciousness to co-create a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. In 2012, we again joined together in Unity Consciousness and birthed a Renaissance of Divine Love.
These life-transforming events allowed the Earth to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System on December 21, 2012 as she aligned with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way. This victorious Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light created the sacred space for the Birth of the New Earth which was successfully achieved on December 22, 2012.
The success of these events cleared the path in unprecedented ways for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This will involve Earth’s transformation into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, and Humanity’s shift of consciousness from separation and duality to Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.
As is always the case, this will not occur by happenstance. It will occur through the unified efforts of you and me and every other willing Lightworker on the Planet working together in harmony with the entire Company of Heaven. This should not come as a surprise to you. After all, this is the Divine Plan you have been preparing lifetimes to fulfill.
I know that many people thought that with the victory of Earth’s Ascension in the Light their mission would be complete. But the Truth is that this is just the beginning of what we have all been training for lifetimes to accomplish. The difference is that now our work is going to be much, much easier. We are no longer going to feel like we are walking through tar into 150 mile an hour winds to accomplish the slightest trace of progress. In the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth that we are now abiding upon, everything is much more rarified and the changes we are going to work together to accomplish will manifest much more easily.
The reason that things seem so chaotic and that we have not experienced the full joy and bliss of the New Earth is because we are actually walking with our feet in both worlds. On one level, we are walking in the higher frequencies of the New Earth and we are assimilating the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with this 5th-Dimensional Love-based Planet. But on another level, we are being inundated with the denser frequencies of the old Earth and the painful human miscreations that are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted into Light.
These miscreations are the things that Humanity created either deliberately or inadvertently through our negative thoughts, feelings, words, actions, and beliefs. These human miscreations, which are based in the consciousness of separation and duality, are responsible for all of the pain and suffering in the world.
It is very important for us to realize that this is a transitional situation and that we are not supposed to stay trapped with our feet in both worlds. On the contrary, we are supposed to quickly transcend this part of our Ascension process. This is in fact the next phase of the Divine Plan that we are ALL BEING CALLED TO FULFILL.
According to the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth the greatest need of the hour is for willing Lightworkers to assist Humanity out of this dichotomy. Our sisters and brothers in the Heavenly Realms said the fulfillment of this facet of the Divine Plan will help to raise the consciousness of people in profound ways. This will secure a critical mass of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.
Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness. This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth.
When we are fully embodied in the higher frequencies of the New Earth, we will be able to project the new 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into Humanity’s human miscreations and transmute them and the residue of discordant frequencies from the old Earth into Light, without having to be immersed in the dense and painful frequencies of that surfacing chaos.
Even though this may seem like a daunting task, remember that during the past 26 years our unified efforts have changed the course of history. We actually transcended even the greatest expectations of Heaven. Through miraculous Activities of Light and unprecedented acts of Divine Grace, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child was given permission to decide, on behalf of that person’s lower human ego, whether or not he or she was willing to do what was necessary in order to transmute their karmic liabilities, so they could move forward in the Light with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System.
With that unprecedented Gift of Divine Grace from our Father-Mother God, every single person on Earth chose to move forward in the Light. With the fulfillment of that miracle, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Fiat and the two Earths became one, thus allowing every person evolving on this Planet to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the next octave of his or her learning experience.
We have now birthed the New Earth, and our I AM Presence is at long last able to take full dominion of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. Through our unified efforts, we are now going to accomplish the miracles that will fulfill the prophecies of old and transform Humanity and the Earth in “the twinkling of an eye.”
The Divine Plan that will God Victoriously accomplish this has been set into motion by the Company of Heaven. This plan will require the conscious participation of you and me and the myriad Lightworkers around the world who are willing to be the Open Door for the Light of God. This monumental influx of Divine Light from our Father-Mother God will permanently raise a critical mass of the Family of Humanity into the frequencies of the New Earth.
The vehicle that will be used to accomplish this vital facet of the Divine Plan is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10-16, 2013, in Tucson, Arizona. This annual event is a powerful Activity of Light that has been building in momentum for 26 years.
It began with Harmonic Convergence in 1987. Since that Cosmic Moment, every year hundreds of thousands of people all over the world participate in this unique opportunity to add to the Light of the World. Some are inspired by their I AM Presence to be physically present at this event so they can serve as an Instrument of God and a surrogate on behalf of ALL Humanity. Others are guided to join with us in consciousness and to add their Light to this event from wherever they are on the Planet.
The World Congress on Illumination is not like other conferences. It is orchestrated each year through the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven, and it is designed to fulfill the greatest need of the hour on behalf of Humanity and the Earth.
Every year the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth evaluate how much Light has been added to the World through the conscious efforts of Humanity. Then it is determined how that Light can be utilized to serve the greatest need of the hour, and to fulfill the Divine Mission that will most effectively help Humanity to move forward in the Light.
Once that decision is made from On High, the mission is revealed to those who have volunteered to organize this global outer-world Activity of Light. We then consecrate our hearts, and our very Lifeforce, to bring this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition through the World Congress on Illumination.
This year the Annual World Congress on Illumination is being raised to a new and infinitely more powerful Activity of Light by the Company of Heaven. This is possible because of the victory of Earth’s Ascension into her rightful place in our Solar System, and the birth of the New Earth. It is also being made possible because of the Divine Alchemy that has taken place within the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity since the dawn of 2013, this wondrous year of New Beginnings.
The Beings of Light want you to know that every person who has ever added his or her Light to the Annual World Congress on Illumination is a perpetual Open Door for this Activity of Light. Through your dedication to the Light and your heartfelt participation, the Light of God flows through your Open Door year after year to accomplish the Divine Mission of fulfilling the greatest need of the hour for Humanity and Planet Earth. For this, our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth are eternally grateful.
Know that during this auspicious time on Earth nothing is happening by chance. This information has been brought into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because you have something rare and precious to add to this Divine Plan. Take this sacred knowledge into the deepest recesses of your heart and ask your I AM Presence how you can best fulfill your part of this Divine Plan.
The Divine Plan
Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers, this includes YOU and me. We are being asked to gather within the portal of the most powerful Forcefield of our Father-Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love.
This portal is in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow to help raise the consciousness of Humanity. This will secure a critical mass of the energy, vibration, and consciousness of the Family of Humanity in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. Once a critical mass of the collective Family of Humanity is secured in the frequencies of the New Earth, we will experience an unstoppable shift.
This will allow Humanity to easily detach from the oppressive frequencies of the old Earth. This will greatly accelerate our efforts to manifest the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form, which will tangibly affect all of our lives in wondrous and powerful ways.
It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present to form through their unified Heart Flames the transformer through which the Light of God will flow to fulfill this facet of the Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. All of the Lightworkers who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Pay attention. Your Light is needed now!
In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand a thousand times a thousandfold.
Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be physically present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.
The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 27th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 10-15, 2013. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love. All of the information you will need to participate in this wondrous opportunity is available on our website through the link below.
God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical plane. This is our New Beginning. It is the beginning of the New Earth that Humanity is destined to co-create in the physical world of form as we live, move, breathe, and act out of this new reality. Let’s do this together.
This sacred conclave will be a Celestial experience for everyone involved. We have wonderful and inspired presenters, musicians, meditations, and various other activities of Light that will enlighten you and guide you through this profound experience. Each day, as we successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Company of Heaven will reveal the next phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be victoriously accomplished.
The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the World with whom you have been serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in your monumental service to the Light.
The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.
Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute ability to succeed God Victoriously.
Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are truly blessed beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on this New Earth in this wondrous way.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
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©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles