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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2013 2:11:14 AM

Twister heals Ala. town fractured over immigration

Within hours of a tornado touching down in Kilpatrick, Ala., church members and other volunteers from outside the community showed up to help pick up the pieces, and wary immigrants found out not everyone resented them being around. (May 28)

KILPATRICK, Ala. (AP) — For years before a tornado hit, few besides the immigrants who work at nearby poultry plants ventured down the pothole-rutted dirt roads of "Little Mexico."

The community, whose official name is Kilpatrick, comprises a large population of Latin American residents who previously mingled very little with the white, English-speaking natives.

Oddly enough, it was the twister, with its 125 mph destructive winds and home-wrecking fury, that began bringing the two groups together, even as it tore much of what they owned apart.

People began working together clearing away debris and wreckage after the storm without regard to language or culture, and folks suddenly were getting along better. Jacky Clayton, assistant police chief in Crossville, which includes part of Kilpatrick, doesn't know exactly what happened, but he said things seem less tense now.

"Maybe it's just a little more understanding of brotherly love," Clayton said.

Ivan Barrera, of Puebla, Mexico, the 31-year-old owner of a full-service Latin grocery store in the town, noted that for much of the seven years he has lived here, he has felt a certain "neutrality" between the immigrant and native communities. No blatant animosity, but no meaningful connection, either.

"I think things have gotten better since the storm," he said, speaking in Spanish.

The tearing down of cultural walls was a rather remarkable achievement in a state that two years ago passed the toughest anti-immigration law in the nation and is now bracing for the results of a protracted debate in Washington on immigration reform.

Located about 75 miles northeast of Birmingham in DeKalb County, Kilpatrick has drawn hundreds of immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala and other Latin American countries who moved to the rural area over the past decade to work in chicken-processing plants.

An estimated 2,000 immigrants live in Kilpatrick. An exact number is hard to nail down given the transience of some of the workers and the fact that many moved here without legal permission.

But their influence is unmistakable: The 600-student elementary school in nearby Crossville that many children from Kilpatrick attend is more than 60 percent Hispanic, unusual in a state where the population is only 4 percent Hispanic.

Driving through the area, it's not hard to see why so many people call it "Little Mexico" or, alternately, "Little Tijuana." Signs in Spanish advertise everything from $1 tacos at the El Taco Unico roadside stand to pastries, pinatas and Mexican spices at a Mexican bakery where Latin music plays quietly. On a main road a mile away, customers come and go from Barrera's grocery store.

On a recent sunny spring afternoon, families strolled down the road to a small neighborhood store while boys played soccer in yards next to bleating goats and clucking chickens. Most of the children spoke Spanish, with a little English sprinkled in.

Rosemarie Chavez is a bilingual native of Texas who moved into the area about 16 years ago when hardly anyone else was around and has most recently taken on the role of unofficial liaison between the immigrants and Alabama natives. She said the Hispanic population grew quickly once landowners began subdividing pastureland and selling acreage and mobile homes to the families who were moving in to take the poultry jobs.

The more the town grew, however, the more it became a target of the anti-immigration sentiment that had begun growing in the South and other parts of the country. For advocates of the tough anti-immigration law passed by Alabama's Republican-dominated Legislature in 2011, Kilpatrick was a prime example of unregulated immigration — many of the recently arrived workers had come to the United States without legal permission.

The new law allowed police to check immigration status during routine traffic stops and detain those who couldn't produce the right papers. The legislation also required schools to verify students' immigration status.

Police began to make Kilpatrick a focus of frequent traffic stops, and many residents were scared, said Chavez, who is also a community outreach worker for Quality of Life Health Care Services, which provides medical services throughout the area.

Many Hispanics left Alabama in the weeks after Gov. Robert Bentley signed the strict immigration law. They gradually returned, however, as courts gutted the measure's strictest provisions, officials relaxed enforcement, and the public's attention went elsewhere, Chavez said.

Still, their renewed physical presence did not translate into cultural assimilation. Kilpatrick's residents seldom veered far from the route that led to their jobs at the poultry plants and their native neighbors showed little interest in getting to know them.

That all began to change on March 18, the day two twisters plowed through DeKalb County, damaging 270 residences countywide. A total of 27 homes were destroyed, 19 of them in Kilpatrick, which was hit by an EF2 tornado, said Daryl Lester, deputy director of the DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency. Tornadoes are considered significant when they are rated EF2 or higher.

Students and volunteers from English-speaking churches accompanied the police, rescue squads and fire departments that descended on Kilpatrick within hours, helping to deliver food, right overturned vehicles, pick up fallen limbs and rescue photos and other precious keepsakes from the wreckage of the homes.

The immigrants were initially spooked by so many officials with badges, and some fled to the homes of friends and family instead of taking advantage of local agencies' offers of food and shelter, Chavez said.

But Chavez and others helped spread the word that authorities were there to assist tornado victims, not to arrest or deport anyone.

Both immigrants and natives learned valuable lessons that day and in the weeks afterward as they found themselves working side by side. The newcomers discovered that not everyone resented their presence in town. Alabamians with family roots reaching back for centuries discovered that the Hispanics down the road were a lot like them: family folks just trying to scrape by.

"We were helping a lot of the Hispanics and they were reaching out to help others," said Clayton, the police officer.

Barrera said that in the weeks since the twister, English-speaking firefighters and church groups have continued to help the Hispanic community by taking up collections. Just two weeks ago, a man who has sold land and mobile homes to residents in the Hispanic community dropped by Barrera's store to let him know that food and replacement furniture were available at a nearby church.

Miguel Gomez, 24, a native of Mexico's Michoacan state who has worked at the Guelaguetza Bakery in Kilpatrick for four years, said he felt a welcome change after the tornado, which did minor damage to the mobile home where he lives with his wife, child and mother.

"A lot of Americans came to offer us help, to offer shelter and food," Gomez said, speaking in Spanish. "It did surprise me a little to see it because not everyone tries to help the Mexicans."

Signs of the tornado are still evident: Blue tarps still cover damaged structures, and some of the mobile homes brought in to replace destroyed trailers appear ramshackle and rickety. Meanwhile, immigrants and natives are far from being the best of friends in Kilpatrick, where immigrant residents say they still see the occasional police car pulling over drivers whose legal status might be in doubt.

But few deny that important progress toward tolerance and unity has been made since the day the twisters landed.

"A great bridging has taken place," said Zach Richards, pastor at the local Union Grove Baptist Church. "It's beautiful to see."


Associated Press Writer Lisa J. Adams in Atlanta contributed to this report.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2013 10:15:30 PM

Solar Energy's Sunny Future

Over the past several years, the solar industry has been trying to recover from a crash in the price of silicon—a key component in the construction of solar panels.

For most of us, the effects of the price drop were masked by the tinge of scandal: Among the victims of the crash was the infamous Solyndra, which went bankrupt at the cost to the country of hundreds of millions of dollars. Conservatives seized on the company's collapse as a reason for the government to divest itself from renewable-energy projects. Campaigning outside Solyndra's shuttered headquarters in Fremont, Calif., last year, Mitt Romney argued that the company was a symbol of "the president's failure to understand the basic nature of free enterprise in America."

But amid the right-wing outrage over President Obama's investment choices, we lost sight of what Solyndra's collapse really meant: A boon for solar energy in general.

The story begins and ends with China. Sensing vast opportunities in green technology, China began mass-producing solar panels in the last decade in ever greater quantities, flooding the international market. The United States joined Europe in pledging stiff tariffs against Chinese dumping, but not before dozens of Western solar-panel manufacturers went bankrupt. Beijing, because it can do this sort of thing, responded by buying up some of the excess and built lots of solar farms. The country plans to install 10,000 megawatts of solar capacity this year, three times as much as last year.

The intervention seems to be working; prices of solar panels appear to be recovering. And even better, the glut that closed Solyndra has helped drive the overall price of solar energy down to what economists regard as a magic number—about $1 per watt.

In the United States, politicians held up Solyndra as an example of why solar isn't a viable energy solution. But in fact, it may have been just the opposite. What caused the company to go belly-up has also made the solar industry more competitive relative to other forms of energy.

Still, solar panels aren't going to start cropping up on everyone's homes, said Danish statistician and climate skeptic-of-sorts Bjorn Lomborg.*

"The reality is, solar panel costs are only a tiny part of it. You also need installation in individual homes," Lomborg told me. "And the other part of it is, you need to have some sort of backup."

Learning to store solar energy for when it's cloudy has been one of the technology's biggest challenges. Still, the crash of silicon has some analysts predicting that solar energy will actuallybecome a good investment—not just an ambitious one—by as early as 2020, if not sooner in some other countries. Here's a chart of what that might look like (click for an interactive version viaBloomberg).

Energy analysts predict that as the price of solar energy continues to fall, it'll start becoming an attractive investment. (Bloomberg New Energy Finance)

*In his defense, Lomborg isn't a climate-change denier; he simply believes the world would be better off addressing other problems first.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2013 10:17:00 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

Astral Travels: Blessing the 9-to-5


The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

(Note: This week’s exercise is longer than usual. Be forewarned!)

This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth to bless representations of the people on our world stuck in the daily trudge of 9-to-5 living.

What I mean is that we are going to bless the unawakened souls who are stuck within the confines of a daily job which, in many cases, keeps them from being able to awaken as they are stuck in a fashioned and conditioned environment for most of their time.

The aim of this exercise is certainly not to discourage having a physical job that requires one to be in an office or a similar place, for as long as the old third dimensional paradigm is still being enforced than an inflow of this little illusory thing we call money is still more than necessary and as such, even plenty of awakened souls are forced to trudge on with 3D jobs while also working toward Earth’s Golden Age.

Those of you reading this who continue to face a physical job every day could benefit from this exercise and the blessing we are to perform, and during this exercise we are going to absorb the mannerisms and tendencies of the employees we are to bless. Overall, we will get a glimpse into how feeding the third dimensional paradigm sees one naturally resonating with the environment they find themselves in during most of their experience.

We are going to observe representations of unawakened souls who sometimes-happily exist in the confines of an office nearly every day of their Lives and when our observations are complete, we will then bless these souls in hopes that our blessings will reach every soul on this world who maintains an active unawareness of the true reality of their existence.

To begin our exercise for this week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth in a different way than we previously have. We are going to visualize stargate travel as our means of reaching the New Earth this week, and the very-large group of fellow New Earth travelers who are always with us in this realm will be waiting for us as we make our travels.

Take a few deep breaths or get into a light meditation if you would like (it’s always recommended) before visualizing yourselves floating in a beautiful, colorful field similar to that of our dear tree friend, which is boasting with flowers and happy, ascended animals. Feel the exuberant and brimming nature of this land, and visualize the potent, pure vibrations swirling all around you in the form of the quite-visible energetic “air”.

Visualize yourselves floating in front of a very large stargate, with swirling blue-violet energy encompassing it and moving all around it. This stargate is similar to what has been seen in science-fiction movies, and one can notice and see the beautiful, spherical portal of energy encompassed within it.

There is intense blue and violet-colored energy swirling around the outside of this stargate and encompassing it, while in the center our separate spherical portal (which has various different intense colors swirling all around in it) is excitedly awaiting our entrance. The violet energy encompassing the stargate is forming a background of sorts for the colors and energies of the center-portal, and both energies/colors can be noticed in the center of the stargate.

As you enjoy the colors of the swirling portal with me and your fellow subscribers performing this exercise, notice as a scene or landscape of sorts appears in the center. The violet-swirling energy is still prevalent all around the stargate, but the multicolored energy that was the center-portal has given way to this beautiful landscape.

The “scene” we are viewing is of a landscape very similar to where we are already at.

The only difference is that along with the wondrously-intense higher dimensional colors and energies swirling all around the land, we are viewing a large stage and a very-large crowd of excited and exuberant higher dimensional beings who are eager to greet us to their landscape when we make our way to them.

Really observe this scene we are seeing via the stargate, and visualize specific features of this land or of the infinite amount of higher dimensional souls actively observing us and awaiting our presence. After doing so and upon continuing to meditatively “focus” on the landscape, visualize and feel as you, I and everyone else begins to be drawn closer to the landscape, and into the stargate.

The scene seems to expand and boast more detailed features (which I will leave up to you to visualize and Create) that we can recognize and enjoy as we enter through the stargate. Actually going through the stargate may feel a bit different for each of you but personally; I saw and felt the scene expand and get bigger and at some point, I felt myself in a beautiful “in between” land with intense blackness accompanied by beautiful, swirling colored energies.

I felt myself observing the scene as I entered into and began to emerge from this beautiful, black yet colored portal-existence and eventually, I felt myself come all the way through and emerge with the rest of our group of subscribers. As we all emerge through the stargate, notice that the large crowd of fellow New Earth travelers begins to cheer.

They are cheering more happily and excitedly than could be expressed, as it is quite a big deal to them when any individual Earthly soul is able to visualize or otherwise find themselves actually on our New Earth; whether such Earthly soul is here to bless visualized representations, explore and see what is descending down unto our physical reality, or anything else.

They are quite happy and excited for the presence of a large group of astral-physical Earth humans, and are certainly expressing their excitement in what is the largest display of applause we can visualize. Cheering, “clapping” and even whistling can be visualized and heard as our fellow New Earth travelers express every last bit of their gratitude for our presence and mission here.

Eventually, the celebrating clams and we are all left to exist in the wonderfully-advanced vibrations of our New Earth.

Visualize the numerous features of this land; allow yourselves to Create the most wonderful and unexpected higher dimensional marvels to behold, and hold the focus of this moment with the rest of our New Earth travelers before we move on to the reason we are in this glorious and blissful realm.

With you and every fellow subscriber standing/floating on the stage looking out at the crowd, notice as a large and broken down-looking city begins to become visible off in the distance. Longtime subscribers will recognize this city as the one we have worked in fruitfully during previous exercises, and we are going to travel to this, what is a representation and nothing more, of an Earthly city plagued with lower dimensionality in various forms.

This type of environment would obviously not exist on our New Earth, but representations are being used by our New Earth travelers and by every soul who finds themselves here with the intent of performing Lightwork, to funnel the blessing energies manifested for the representations on to the actual, physical things they represent that are in need of blessing and transmutation.

Just as we floated into the stargate to make our way to the New Earth, our entire group of subscribers followed by our New Earth travelers are going to begin arising and floating toward this city as we notice it off in the distance. You may find yourselves in the city by traveling there instantly, or by flying/floating high up in the air with the rest of our very-large group.

We are all floating nearly like a flock of birds toward this city we are planning to bless and as we get closer and closer, notice the broken-down elements of this city that are feeding the lower vibrations exponentially. Feel various things about this city; notice, for example, that there are liquor stores and bars on nearly every corner and yet, no libraries.

There are plenty more things that can be felt and observed about this city but specifically, we are going to travel to an office in this city where souls who know no other lifestyle than to work away are doing just that, rather than looking beyond their broken-down city to the fifth dimensional utopia waiting just away from their perception.

As we make our way to the building of the office we are to visualize, notice that while being in a broken-down city, it is in okay condition. It harbors a business type of environment, but one can feel the spiritually-dead vibrations being emanated from every office in it. One can feel the sheer starvation of anything of the higher dimensions in favor of the same old physicality and lower dimensionality and yet, as we will see, the souls we are blessing are in fact quite comfortable where they are.

Visualize as our group of subscribers specifically (not the entirety of the New Earth travelers with us) floats up to a window in the dead center of the very-tall building, and enters the office via the closed window by quite literally materializing through it. We are astral spirits in this higher dimensional land, and we might as well utilize the benefits!

Our group of subscribers now exists in and is feeling the vibrations of this spiritually-starved office we have materialized into.

Notice the various people sitting in their various cubicles and work spaces. Feel the energies; the vibrations being emitted from them and visualize/Create specific things about this office environment. As we look at each individual soul, notice that little portals emerge from within them that they cannot see which, just like our stargate portal, display a scene of sorts for us to view.

With each individual person in this office, the scene shows something different. We are being shown little scenes that display “facts” about the individual people and how they go about their existence, and notice that each person holds different mannerisms that keep them ensnared in the lower dimensional environment they’ve grown used to.

One of the souls is reliant on alcohol; not in a physically-addicted way, but in an emotionally-dependent way that sees them needing it just to get through the day. Likewise, another soul in this office is quite severely addicted to caffeine and needs it just to be able to go about their day.

Another soul is dependent upon office gossip and other related gossip to get through the day, and thrives on drama and taking in or witnessing conflict.

Another soul in this office relies on judgment of others to get through their day. The people they are forced to see and deal with every day are given their own judgments in the mind of this soul, and they thrive on the feeling they get from judgment over another.

Envision specific habits and tendencies in the rest of the souls in this office, which are displayed in various ways through the little portals that have emerged in front of them. The main quality we can notice in every one of these souls is that despite their existence in a place nearly-completely devoid of spirit, they are actually comfortable where they are.

Even the soul dependent upon alcohol is happy to be where they are; as even though they do not enjoy many facets of what they do every day, they are still happy to hold down a job and keep that ever-important flow of money going. Every soul here is comfortable where they are, and our blessings are certainly not intended to uproot any unawakened soul who is happy with the perceptions they exist in and the “working away” lifestyle they lead.

Rather, we are giving our blessing and Lighted energies to these souls because quite frankly – they deserve them for the continual existence they have led in offices and at jobs. Even if one is comfortable there, to do so is a valiant thing and every person on this world who maintains a “9-to-5” is truly a trooper.

With that, we will begin our blessings.

As we view every one of these souls and get a last peek and the environment they exist in, begin to affirm your personal Light come up through you; through your spine as it flows gently out of every one of your chakras.

Our higher dimensional astral bodies carry many more chakras than our current physical bodies and as such, we can affirm and feel as Light begins pouring out of our astral bodies from each and every chakra they possess. We’re becoming quite literal portals or conduits for the purest and most Lighted of blessing energy to come through, and I ask you to visualize and feel every facet of your astral body swimming in pure Light.

We are each doing this individually and in doing so, we are adding an immense amount of pure blessing energy to the already-large collective cloud of energy we have built during this exercise. Hold the focus of this moment, and continue to add as much and as pure blessing energy from within you as you possibly can.

Whenever you are ready, we are going to visualize as our cloud of energy washes over and permeates every aspect of this office and the souls who work in it.

Visualize and see as this office is washed and cleansed with a tidal wave of collective blessing energy, and notice then as the environment returns to features similar to what they already were, with slight improvements.

The office is improved slightly in terms of its spiritually-allowing environment, and the souls who were quite hooked on their various things are slightly less immersed in them than they were before and are convening together. Generally, they are happier.

Why was the change so small with such large and pure blessing energy? Because that is the nature of change in our physical reality (which is being represented) and while our previous blessings have not garnered such results; it’s good to get every view of how these energies steadily affect our physical reality rather than immediately witnessing the after-effects.

When pure and needed energies are given to the physical Earth, such energies have to move through our physical concept of linear time rather than making an instant effect as they otherwise would. Our blessing energy is certainly to heal this situation and the very real situations and people it is representing; it is simply that it will take a bit longer and the energies will steadily work their way around the environment and the people we have blessed.

So will it be with these blessings affecting our physical Earth and for now, you are always and forever encouraged to stick around these lands and Create/bless specific things or representations. I always try to end our astral exercises each week with something snappy or inspirational but to be honest, the power each one of you have expressed and worked with this week is inspiration enough. You’ve inspired me!

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2013 10:24:18 PM

I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You?

wanderer ufoMy initial impression was that OpEd News had accepted this article. But I was incorrect. In fact they declined to publish it so I will publish it here. I’m surprised but I suppose we’re not there yet.

I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You?

Steve Beckow, submitted to OpEd News, May 28, 2013, but declined

Now that the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has taken place, perhaps it’s time to review what we know about the galactic visitors who’ve been visiting this planet for millennia.

First of all, I’m not directing my attention to the so-called negative aliens such as the little Greys (Zeta Reticulans), Annunaki, and the like. These species, together with their terrestrial allies such as the U.S. Government under George Bush and previous presidents, are the cause of the abductions. My understanding is that the U.S. Government itself is the cause of the cattle mutilations.

These species have been escorted away from Earth years ago and are prevented from returning.

I’m reserving my attention for the friendly galactics who are gathered around the planet in numbers at this time. They hail from such star systems as Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and many others that would not be readily recognizable to us.

TR3-B 22

American TR3-B Aurora spacecraft

They respect the universal laws; we do not. Hence they haven’t been intrusive and await our fear subsiding before announcing their presence. They’ve gradually made appearances over the years, including the odd fleet flyover above New York, London, Lima, Mexico City and other places. Videos on these flyovers existed but many have been banned or taken down from such sites as Youtube.

SETI listens for beeps and clicks, but many of the galactic visitors communicate with terrestrials telepathically and their messages can be followed quite easily on the Internet.

To my knowledge, SETI is a distraction and part of the massive cover-up of their existence. But the evidence of it is becoming overwhelming and undeniable.

The crop circles are another means by which they communicate with us.

The United States itself has had a space fleet (Solar Warden) since at least the 1970s and has bases on Mars and the Moon but few people know about them. The TR3-B Aurora is one example of an American spaceship. NASA is just for show and to distract the population. Far more advanced space-travelling technologies exist than anything NASA has, including teleportation.

The galactic visitors came in force after we exploded atomic bombs and thereby caused damage to other areas of space. Although the authorities will deny it, no one has been able to explode a nuclear device in space or on Earth (for hostile purposes) since decades ago.

They will not allow us any longer to make war on each other. If the media was not controlled, we might know that many weapons will not function at the present time.


For more on this subject, see “I Know My Galactic Family is Here. Do You?”


They’ve removed depleted uranium and other forms of radioactivity from the air. Depleted uranium alone would have ended life on Earth, it is so destructive in even miniscule amounts. They prevented the Japanese tsunami from being much worse than it might have been. They removed a lot of the Fukushima radiation from the air.

They’ve forced the closure of such malevolent programs as HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project, a weather-warfare program), rid the air of the polluting elements in chemtrails, halted numerous pandemics (SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, etc.), and forced the closure of many deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) where torture was being practiced and from which nuclear warfare was being planned.

You’ll notice that we haven’t had an earthquake in some time. Many of these were HAARP-induced, as were many floods, hurricanes, etc. There’s much more to say about their benevolent influence on us. They come from civilizations much more advanced than ours and promise us much good, if we choose to meet with them.

So far the governments of the world and their militaries, along with a controlled press, have concealed their existence but they won’t be able to conceal it much longer.

When the cover-up breaks, this planet stands to benefit from many new technologies that will do away with fossil fuels, eliminate diseases whose cures are known but have been withheld, bring peace and prosperity to the world, and many other advances which they make freely available to us, just as they’re freely available on their home planets.

They are human like us. In fact it was they who seeded the Earth in the first place. The human template, called the Adam/Eve Kadmon template, is more common in the universe than we imagine.

It really only takes us opening our eyes and our hearts to enter a new epoch in human history. They have patiently awaited us extending the invitation to them, all the while cleansing the Earth and keeping us safe from world war.


Steve Beckow
Editor, Golden Age of Gaia

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/29/2013 10:27:06 PM

The Remarkable Month of May – Part 1/2

WesakThe nonworking URL linked to Part 2 has been fixed.

May with Wesak, the day we celebrate the Buddha (May 24-26), and three eclipses has been an extraordinary month, according to our sources.

The energies coming directly from Mother/Father God were amped up, our extra DNA is being activated, and other surprising and often bewildering changes are taking place in all of us. Let’s review what has been said about the energy acceleration in May.

On May 12, 2013, Archangel Michael through Ron Head predicted that May, with its three eclipses, would be most remarkable.

“We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses. This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before.

“Some will be bewildered by this. Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long. This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator.” (1)

While the rate of change will be impressive, he tells us, it will be eclipsed by what comes later.

“You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon. As with all things, one change will begin several others, and the effect will be like an avalanche.” (2)

He advises us to relax into these changes, which may turn our worlds upside down.

“Some of you have begun to feel this approaching. You try to prepare yourselves. Just relax and prepare to enjoy it, dear hearts, for you cannot be prepared for what is in store. Your world will be turned upside down by even one or two of the things you will soon see, and there are more than one or two in the offing.” (3)

On May 19, 2013, Saul told us that “all of humanity is poised, expectant, sensing an intense energy of change flowing around them, about to impact their lives in ways that they cannot begin to imagine.” (4)

“Change is in the air, and everyone is feeling it. It is unsettling because you are unable to identify it or compare it with anything that you have previously undergone, although some are dismissing it as mood swings, which you are also experiencing.

“What is occurring planetwide at the level of energy – unseen and unmeasurable by even your most sensitive scientific instruments – is something so new and so startling that when it is recognized, as it will be very shortly, it will totally overwhelm your ability to be amazed, stunning you into open-mouthed astonishment.

“Wonders that will delight you are to burst into your awareness like an unexpected, and unforeseen sunrise. And far, far brighter than that could ever be.” (5)

Sue Lie’s Arcturians told us on May 13, 2013 that our extra DNA is at present being reactivated.

“What is occurring in your NOW is that the higher Light is activating your 97% DNA and creating evolutionary changes in both your state of consciousness and your Earth vessel. Once this DNA is fully activated it facilitates the recall of multidimensional thinking, which leads to higher states of consciousness.

“The DNA also works on the cell bodies to initiate the transmutation of the body into a higher resonance. In this case, an outside source is assisting both the consciousness and the container/body to resonate to a higher frequency.” (6)

We’re enabled by the higher frequencies to participate in this process of physiological change, they tell us.

“Through raising the resonance of your consciousness, you can survey the inner adjustments in the frequency of your form. Thus, your consciousness is actively involved in your physiological changes and the entire body works as ONE being to keep all vital organs and other life supporting mechanism working in harmony with the expanding resonance of your consciousness.” (7)

Hilarion told us that these energies will require us to be more and more accountable, a statement that supports the notion that we are going into threshold states in which full accountability becomes desirable. (8)

“The times before you demand a greater accountability and acceptance of personal responsibility for all that you create by each thought, word and deed. This is the ideal that you are all working towards.

“It is not expected of you to transform immediately so be gentle with yourselves and with others in your sphere of influence. It is an ongoing process and this is something that happens moment by moment allowing your human operating system to adjust in a way that is more comfortable. …

“Stay in your personal integrity in all that you do and all will continue to be well.” (9)

He tells us that the greater levels of light should lead eventually to a lifting of the denser energies for many people.

“The more of you who allow your greater divine essence to become integrated with your consciousness and in your cellular structure, the greater the force field of Light becomes in the surrounding atmosphere.

“As this continues, you will find yourselves feeling at greater ease and at some point that is individual for each one of you, the heavier and denser energies will one day be considerably lessened and this will be felt as a lightening of your spirit.” (10)

He advises us to work with St. Germaine’s violet flame for purification.

“We suggest that you call upon and work with the Violet Flame each day to help bring in these higher frequencies, as this has every potential to accelerate the purifying of everyone and everything in a safe and balanced manner. Calling upon St. Germain often will bring in the new Age of Light that much sooner.” (11)

(Continued in Part 2. Those who wish to read ahead are welcome to do so.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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