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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 10:47:21 AM

Teen Invents Tiny Device That Can Instantly Charge Phones

An 18-year-old has invented a device she says holds a charge 10 times longer than a regular battery and can fully charge a cellphone in 30 seconds.

It tied for second place at this year’s Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, alongside a space simulation that could teach astrophysicists new things about dark matter. First place went to an artificial intelligence for a self-driving car.

Super-capacitor inventor Eesha Khare, who lives in Saratoga, Calif., won $50,000. A San Francisco CBS affiliate says the money will help pay for her Harvard education beginning in the fall, and that Google has already expressed interest in her.

Khare’s prize also comes with some international prestige. The science fair featured about 1,600 young scientists from 433 affiliated fairs in more than 70 countries, regions and territories, Intel said.

Her device is small enough to fit inside a cellphone battery, and is also flexible enough to be incorporated into developing technologies such as roll-up devices, says. The device might even be used in car batteries, Intel said.

You can see Khare (and about halfway through, her wonder device) in this three-minute YouTube video.

This article was originally published on as 'Teen Invents Tiny Device That Can Instantly Charge Phones'.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 4:08:00 PM

North Korea Invites Its Favorite South Korean Hostages Back to Work

North Korea Invites Its Favorite South Korean Hostages Back to Work

In what may be the latest sign that North Korea is willing to stand down — or at least shut up — the nation has invited South Korean managers back into the countries' jointly-run Kaesong factory, the last major economic link between the two Koreas. But considering the hostage situation in April involving the same South Korean managers, don't expect them to come rushing in all at once. "In a statement carried by the North's official media on Tuesday, the government agency in charge of relations with Seoul said Pyongyang is ready to talk about reopening the Kaesong complex if the business owners visit," reports The New York Times.

RELATED: How Gin & Tonics Explain North Korea

The possibility of North Korea opening up the factory is symbolic — in the same way that shutting down the eight-year-old complex and sending some 50,000 South Korean workers back home in April was interpreted as a sign that diplomacy between the two countries was waning and that war (or whatever the North was calling it that day) could be imminent. The re-opening of the massive industrial park could signal that North Korea is ready for peaceful talks, or at least open economic arms. And the invitation comes on the heels of North Korea's Choe Ryong-hae, a diplomat close to Kim Jong-un, telling Chinese President Xi Jinping that the country "is willing to take positive actions"toward "peace and stability" in the Korean peninsula.

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So, yeah, North Korea's neighborhood foot-stomping might be over for the moment, but there remains doubt: Could this all be a plot to gain political bargaining chips in the form of South Korean business managers? "Attention-seeking toddler seeks to have toy placed back in pram," Quartz's Senior Asia Correspondent Adam Pasick tweeted this morning, suggesting that North Korea is out of options and is either seeking a reward — or something that will garner it yet more attention.

RELATED: The View of Kim Jong-il's Oddities from Space

And Pasick's suggestion would be right. North Korea in recent weeks has scaled back its nuclear war propaganda toward the South — at least somewhat. Their leverage over the region doesn't appear to be what it was a couple of months ago. But taking a few South Korean managers hostage could change all that. Almost one month ago, on April 29, when North Korea shut down the factory, it detained seven South Korean managers and demanded that outstanding bills were paid. The managers eventually came home on May 3, after trucks loaded with money paid off their <strike>ransom</strike> "wages." Should be an interesting next few weeks at work.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 4:13:27 PM

Okla. Animals Taken to Chicago No-Kill Shelter

By | ABC News Blogs – 4 hours ago

Okla. Animals Taken to Chicago No-Kill Shelter (ABC News)

After seeing the staggering devastation in Oklahoma City area from a mile-wide tornado, one Chicago animal shelter decided to try and help the region by helping out the smallest and furriest residents .

More than 300 volunteers from the PAWS Chicago Animal Shelter brought 75 dogs and cats that were at risk to be euthanized at the crowded Oklahoma City Animal Care and Control Center to a no-kill shelter in Chicago.

The Oklahoma City Animal Care and Control Center had been overwhelmed when more than 150 lost and displaced pets were brought in following the storm. By taking the dogs and cats already at the shelter, the PAWS volunteers were able to create more room at the center and hopefully allow owners to be reunited with their pets who were lost during the storm.

"One of the most emotional moments was the fact that the shelter director [said] ' You're giving us hope and giving my team hope," Rochelle Michalek, executive director for PAWS Chicago, told "It's brought a smile to everyone's face."

Michalek said hundreds of volunteers assisted first by driving down 850 miles on Friday to Oklahoma City. Volunteers then packed up the animals for transport in just a few hours before making the return trip. After arriving back in Chicago around 2 a.m. on Saturday, the animals started receiving medical treatment a few hours later.

"It's been such an emotional few days," said Michalek. "Just seeing the devastation that this area has witnessed [and] loading [the animals] in the vans and receiving them at 2 a.m. [in Chicago.]"

The animals brought to the shelter include beagles, tabby cats and Labradors among others and all that don't need additional medical attention are available to adopt.

While most of the animals were already in the shelter before the storm hit, Michalek said one woman had to give up her six dogs because she was not able to take care of them in the storm's aftermath. A few of the dogs needed medical treatment after being injured in the tornado. "Just imagine in the morning you were getting ready for work, and getting your kids to school [but] by the evening your life is destroyed and everything you know and love is gone," said Michalek. "The emotional trauma is [overwhelming.]"

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 5:47:03 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

A Spiritual Revolution: Getting to Work on Cultivating Peace


RevolutionDuring a communication I was blessed to have with the Pleiadians recently (I’ll admit I channel quite a lot) they discussed a subject that I’d like to explore a bit here. It’s a subject I believe to be immensely-important to our evolution as a species and specifically, to our standing up to the forces of darkness and Creating a society more in the interests of every sovereign human being.

The subject they discussed was peaceful, spiritual revolution.

I’ve already begun to discuss this subject with my previous writing on it, though the term I used was “humanity’s spiritual uprising”. As both terms essentially describe the same thing, I’d like to take a look at the very idea of rising up as an awakened collective body and asserting ourselves to the current power structures in place.

The term “revolution” is quite powerful.

If one looks at how plenty of revolutions have been started in our past, one sees that, in many cases, war has been involved, be it war derived from the people standing up to their oppressors, or from the oppressors inciting false revolutions in an effort to gain more control over the people when encouraging revolution.

Any ideas of a bloody or violent revolution are vastly out of alignment with the paradigm I personally feel we’re entering into, and I can imagine most of you reading this would agree. Keeping that in mind, now’s a better time than ever to stand up to the forces that have infiltrated our governments, militaries and plenty of other institutions, to proclaim our sovereignty from their perceived “rein”.

I speak of the Powers that Were: the cabals; whatever one wishes to call the individuals who’ve worked to keep humanity stuck in states of unawareness and resulting subservience.

I speak of those who’ve kept the average person stuck in a system of perpetual debt, and who’ve covered-up and hidden the overwhelming majority of our history. I speak of those who’ve kept humanity in the industrial age by suppressing advanced technologies that will lead us into an era of collective peace, cooperation and harmony.

I speak of those who’ve orchestrated mass pandemics and natural disasters; all to distract humanity from what they’ve been doing and to keep devastation fed on a widespread level. I speak of those who are responsible for keeping clean food and water from starving and thirsty people, and who’ve vastly polluted the food and water most of us consume.

It’s time for these individuals to know that their perceived reign on this world has come to and end and that we the people, rather than a celestial force or entity, will be the ones to uproot them from their positions of power.

It’s time for us to collectively arise and proclaim our sovereignty from tyranny in the most peaceful yet assertive ways possible, and our strength in numbers is much more powerful than we would be led to believe.

I’m of the opinion that if every last one of us stands together as a strong, collective body, then we won’t need violence to assert ourselves and we’ll be able to work out the clear message we wish to spread and aptly work to spread it.

We can end starvation on a massive level on this planet.

We can stop the brutal treatment of women and children in so many countries.

We can put a stop to the suppression of abundance and clean food and water in so many countries whose citizens, in many cases, also have to deal with tyrannical rulers and despots who brutally control them.

We can put an end to the reign of tyrannical leaders who’ve been put into “figurehead” positions (yet powerful positions nonetheless) in an effort to control the public and to distract us from who’ve really been running things.

There are so many things we can do in this very moment and, indeed, we can all do them in peaceful yet incredibly-assertive ways. Imagine every last awakening human being “taking to the streets” as it were; utilizing peaceful protest or any other means to let the current power structures in place know that we’re ready for a real change.

In my opinion, the most important aspect of our peaceful revolution will be for every last one of us to begin forming into groups, to discuss the various ways we’ll spread the clear message we’ll neatly formulate.

When every last one of us can form into individual groups with a clear message to spread and then merge those groups – we’ll create a very powerful collective network of awakening people who are ready for true yet peaceful revolution. The work is here to be done and personally, I’m happy to be on this Earth to do it; but I can’t do it alone.

Every last one of you reading this must work with as much of yourselves as possible, in any ways you can, on humanity’s spiritual revolution.

Upon getting into groups and working out the template for our revolution, we can perhaps unite with other protest groups working for the betterment and advancement of humanity in their own ways.

With every last one of us actively involved in the restoration of the Earth and in purging the cabals’ influence and “reign”, we will move mountains and bring about the strongest and most positive changes this world has ever seen.

Beyond the work needing to be done in our outward reality to spark a peaceful revolution and bring about real change, we must see to it that we’re in alignment with the qualities of the New Earth we’re ultimately working toward.

If we wish to build and be a part of a new paradigm, it’s important for us to actively monitor our actions and to see when they’re out of alignment with how we want our society to function.

It’s been said that any expected outward change must first come from within, and if we’re going to build upon the greatest spiritual revolution humanity has ever seen, than it’s important for our own actions to resonate with what we wish to build.

This is one reason I personally don’t resonate with the idea of a violent revolution, as mentioned above.

Warfare, even if it’s against the people who’ve oppressed us, will only feed the gruesome and low vibrations we’re ready to move away from. If we wish to ignite revolution, we must recognize our strength in numbers and we must see as well that what we feed, individually or collectively, determines the experience we’ll have.

It’s long been said that our thoughts, actions and emotions are registered onto a collective grid of energy that helps determine what happens on the world stage. Recognizing this, we can make sure our thoughts and actions are in alignment with the peace and Love so many of us want to see grow.

Ultimately, we’re working to see the higher dimensions anchored unto this Earth as we subsequently grow toward them. When we can closely monitor every action, thought and emotion we give out and actively work to be in alignment with the Divine qualities in every moment, the collective vibrations will benefit immensely.

Nurturing and feeling peace within will naturally see its influence grow because we’ll be tasked with helping the collective understand the importance of peace and every other Divine quality we wish to see everybody cultivate.

While many religions on our world have enforced dogma and attempted to control humanity in so many ways, what we’ll establish will teach liberation and sovereignty for every person. The only “rules” we may live by are those that should be taken as a given in our society and overall, one of the biggest things humanity will benefit from changing is the amount of respect and Love we show for our fellow man.

As the revolution we’ll ignite won’t be based in dogma or in making a person act a certain way, our aim won’t be to attempt to enforce peace and cooperation. If humanity doesn’t want to come together and cultivate peace amongst each other, than there’s little we’ll be able to do but as we’ve heard, the influence of peace and Love is growing.

That means every person on this Earth is learning to let the very idea of peace in, and to start practicing it in their lives. Peace is, of course, a simple aspect of the overall Divinity we wish to express in every moment and with our non-forceful yet educative efforts, every aspect of the Divine existence we wish to re-find will be understood by everyone.

It is for this reason we’ll have to worry little about having to “enforce” the basic ways to live and treat those around us. The consciousness of our collective is growing as the Light being beamed our way continues to increase in purity and as such, every person will find an individual cultivation of peace and so much more.

Despite that the rising energy levels will help humanity awaken to the importance of employing peace, harmony and cooperation, it’s important for us to remain as active as ever in spreading the message of peace and in attempting to ignite peaceful revolution in the most assertive ways we possibly can.

I’ll continue to do my part by writing out the inspiration I’ll only continue to feel, but it’s essential for every last one of you to get together and expand upon every last aspect of what I and others have written concerning our spiritual revolution.

There are innumerable facets of the initiating of this revolution for us to actively focus on and discuss and again; the fruitful work is here to be done and is ready to see our eagerness to do it, grow.

Wes Annac – Rubbing two sticks together to spark the flame of revolution

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2013 5:51:58 PM

Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: The Eternal Love of the Heart Chakra

Master KuthumiMaster Kuthumi: The Eternal Love of the Heart Chakra, channeled by Natalie Glasson, 27 May, 2013 at

A constant aspect of acting as a tool and beacon of receiving light upon the Earth is to be observant of the need for constant cleansing of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is a tool which fuels all experiences upon the Earth, the level of the openness of your heart chakra allows you to perceive your reality, self, the Creator and even your own healing process with varied levels of understanding.

When the heart chakra is open then you are abundant in your ability to accept and to give the vibrations, wisdom and essence of the Creator. Your energy vibration shifts to a quicker frequency and you are able to move into a state of clarity throughout your entire being especially the mind.

With the openness of the heart chakra it can seem as if you are connecting to higher dimensions and aspects of yourself as you are receiving a constantly vibrating current of yourself and the Creator flowing throughout your being. The openness of the heart chakra to whatever degree allows for higher aspects of yourself to ground into your embodiment.

When the heart chakra is closed or closing it can signify that the heart or the mind has become focused upon pain within the heart chakra. This pain may have always been present or it may have emerged recently due to experiences but the mind can become besotted with the pain, reminding your entire body of the pain in the heart constantly.

It is as if your focus wishes to send the vibration of the pain into the entire body as if to become the vibration of pain. To enter into the vibration of pain in this way may seem as if it could bring forth a healing or solution to the pain but in actual fact allows your entire vibration to slow down and your heart to close or protect itself. It is often when pain is experienced in the heart chakra that the heart closes taking on the pain or even becoming the pain, finding love within the heart chakra can become increasingly difficult unless the focus of the mind is altered. Remember, that which you create or focus upon you experienced. So if you focus upon pain in the heart chakra the heart chakra seems to embody the pain because of your focus.

In many ways you experience an illusion created by yourself and your focus, you allow yourself to enter into a reality where pain is real and the pain that you focus upon in your heart becomes your reality. The truth is that the pain is merely a blemish upon a clean and loving canvas of love. Your heart is always filled with the love of the Creator; love is eternally present and cannot be dissolved by pain or fear. If you imagine your heart chakra as a clean window, but you notice a blemish upon the window, once you notice the blemish it becomes all that you can see, the clean window no longer has value or relevance because of this blemish which is almost consuming your attention. It can be the same for the heart chakra.

It is true that within your heart chakra you can store much pain and fears, in many ways you could imagine your heart as a storing cupboard where you not only allow yourself to hold the love of the Creator and your soul but you also store energies, memories and wisdom that you perceive as valuable. Sometimes you store things within your heart chakra because they need to be hidden until you are ready to acknowledge or address them.

Not only is your heart chakra an instrument of love for you to experience and express the love of the Creator but it is also a space in which you store energies, memories and wisdom. Sometimes fears can be locked within your heart acting as tools, they will emerge at the most appropriate time to aid a healing and inspire you with a new realisation about yourself. The heart chakra is also a tool of magnification and this can be why pain held within the heart can become overpowering within your being and mind.

It is important to remember that when you experience pain of the heart chakra that love is always and remains present within your heart chakra, you have a choice whether you wish to acknowledge the love or not. The presence of love within your heart chakra can allow for a quick and beautiful healing of any pain that is experienced but the key is to remain observant of the pain but to draw your focus away from the fear and to place it in the realisation that your heart chakra is always abundant with love.

When you feel alone, afraid, sad or any kind of emotion that causes pain in the heart chakra to emerge, it is important to remember and to remind yourself that love still remains within your body, being and reality. Love is eternal within your being and just requires your focus in order to bring it to the forefront for experiencing. In moments of heartache you have chosen to bring pain to the forefront to be experience, this is your choice and you always have the opportunity to change your choice and to choose the experience of love through reminding yourself that love is always present within your heart chakra and can be summand forward in waves to aid deep healing.

The heart chakra also has the ability to download the higher self into your being and embodiment. Your higher self is constantly downloading its energy and presence into your heart chakra for your further understanding and expression. Your higher self can be explained as the aspect of the Creator that is needed to be merged with your being. You hold within your being your soul which is your essence, truth and is an aspect of the Creator.

Your soul in some ways can never be complete because there is no separation between your soul, your soul group and the Creator. These are all aspects or quicker vibrations of the Creator. When you are accepting your higher self you are accepting a quicker vibration of the Creator that will serve you in that moment so it may be an aspect of your soul, soul group or the Creator but it is an aspect which holds insights and realisations to aid your embodiment of the Creator.

With this understanding your heart chakra is constantly downloading, realising or attuning to your higher self. It is often that when you seek guidance or inspiration that you cannot comprehend which part of yourself you require assistance from, but when you call upon your higher self you are allowing a part of yourself, whether your soul, soul group, Creator or even guide to step forward and provide.

I am aware that many experience confusion with labels such as soul, soul group, higher self, Creator and so forth, but it served me while within a physical body upon the Earth to understand my higher self almost as the next stage of integration of or with the Creator, it is a vibration that is constantly evolving and increasing in vibration because you are constantly accepting your higher self which is akin to pieces of the Creator.

Your higher self is a part of yourself and the Creator which is always providing to you all that you need. It is akin to a bridge that allows you to easily access all that is the Creator in order to embody the Creator more fully within your being. Your soul could be explained as the essence of the Creator that is attached to the incarnation, your soul group is the source from which your soul extends, your higher self is the bridge between your soul and soul group and all of these aspects including your physical body are aspects of the Creator.

You may wish to ask me, Master Kuthumi, to come forward to be of service to you in cleansing your heart chakra. The love that I now share with you as I exist before you will assist you in allowing your heart chakra to expand and open appropriately. Allow yourself to breathe the love that I share with you deep into your heart centre. Your focus is upon your heart chakra being open and expansive. You may wish to repeat;

‘My heart chakra is open and expansive.’

Then call upon your soul which is attuned and can be expressed through your heart chakra to come forward and cleanse your heart chakra of all unneeded energies. Ask your soul to cleanse your mind of all unneeded focuses within the heart chakra also. Imagine the light of your soul washing and purifying your heart chakra or the space of love within your being.

Allow love to flow from your heart chakra, sending it into your surroundings to focus upon the flow of love and the ample love that you hold within your being.


‘My heart chakra is attuned to my higher self; I allow the vibration of my higher self to flow into and through my heart chakra. My heart chakra is an expression of my higher self.’

Allow yourself to experience this integration.

‘I allow myself to recognise any pain in my heart chakra if and when it needs to be released and to inspire further growth. I realise that I do not need to allow the pain to consume my heart chakra completely but that I can observe the pain while remembering that my heart is filled with love eternally. It is my realisation of my eternal love that allows me to constantly cleanse, realise and heal my heart chakra allowing for the greater expression of my higher self.’

Allow time to experience, observe and integrate.

May your heart chakra be your greatest joy,

Master Kuthumi

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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