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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 4:01:41 PM

Japan Gives Myanmar $504M Loan, Forgives Debt

Thein Sein, Shinzo AbeBy Aye Aye Win, AP – May 26, 2013

Japan’s government on Sunday extended its first loan to Myanmar in 26 years and canceled the remainder of the Southeast Asian country’s debt, as Tokyo looks to re-establish strong economic ties with the former pariah nation.

The 51 billion yen ($504 million) loan agreement was signed in Myanmar’s capital, Naypyitaw, after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with Myanmar President Thein Sein.

Abe arrived in Myanmar on Friday on the first visit to the country by a Japanese leader in 36 years, a major part of Tokyo’s effort to reassert its position as a top economic partner after decades of frosty relations with the previous military regime.

Abe had met with Myanmar democracy icon and lawmaker Aung San Suu Kyi in the main city of Yangon on Saturday.

The low-interest loan was signed between Japan’s ambassador to Myanmar, Mikio Numata, and Myanmar’s deputy minister for finance and revenue, Dr. Lin Aung, Japan’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Japan also canceled the remaining 176.1 billion yen ($1.74 billion) owed by Myanmar, after forgiving 326.3 billion Yen ($3.58 billion) in debt in January.

The loan is Japan’s first to Myanmar since 1987.

“The government of Japan considers it important to continue to back up the progress of Myanmar’s reforms and will continue its support to Myanmar,” the Foreign Ministry’s statement said.

According to the notes exchanged Sunday, 17 billion yen ($168 million) is to be used for infrastructure improvement in Myanmar, 14 billion yen ($138 million) for electricity generation, and 20 billion yen ($198 million) for power generation and transmission and distribution of energy at a special economic zone.

The development of the 2,400-hectare (5,900-acre) Thilawa Special Economic Zone, located near Yangon, is Japan’s biggest investment project in Myanmar, led by trading companies Mitsubishi Corp., Marubeni Corp. and Sumitomo Corp.

Japan, Myanmar’s largest aid donor, helped clear part of its unpaid debt in an effort to boost Myanmar’s democratic reforms and open ways to resume fresh loans for infrastructure building and major development assistance that will support Japanese business interests in the Southeast Asian nation.

Japan had close ties with Myanmar before the junta took power in 1988, prompting Tokyo to suspend grants for major projects. Although it scaled back most business activity and cut government aid when the U.S. and other Western nations imposed sanctions in 2003 after the military regime put Suu Kyi under house arrest, Japan did not impose sanctions on Myanmar.

But with no major development grants or Japanese loans, major Japanese corporations maintained branch offices in Myanmar with minimal business operations during the previous regime, while neighboring China gradually became Myanmar’s major trade partner and investor after Thailand and Singapore.

Japan’s investments and involvement lag far behind those of China and India, but that is fast changing. A high-powered delegation of business leaders, including top executives from Toyota Motor Corp., Hitachi Ltd. and Sumitomo Chemical, toured Myanmar, also known as Burma, in February and pledged to cooperate in encouraging more investment.

As of late February, Japan was the 11th-largest investor in Myanmar, with $270 million in overall investments, way behind the $14.2 billion committed by China and $9.6 billion by Thailand, the top two sources, with 33 percent and 23 percent, respectively, of total foreign direct investment.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 4:34:34 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council: Pure Love Creates and Sustains Your Realities


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Note: It’s my twentieth birthday today (May 27). I give this message from the Pleiadians with exuberant happiness and Love. :)

The awakening of the collective of humanity is proceeding quite marvelously, though we know that it does not seem to be so from the point of view of those of you who continue to struggle. We ask you to stand strong in your efforts, dear souls, for the Divine is much closer than you would readily believe and we are, in fact, with every one of you right now.

We feel such a strong Love for the awakening collective of humanity and indeed, for all of Creation.

We feel the strongest Love and desire to assist you along your personal and collective evolution processes because truly, what you are doing is unprecedented. You are allowing a planet whose surface has been brimming with negativity for far too long to find the Light and find ascension as a result, and your efforts up to this point have been more than needed.

This is because every single Earth soul is feeding their thoughts and emotions into a grid of energy, which has been discussed before. You are feeding your thoughts and feelings into the collective consciousness, and what you manifest comes as a result of those thoughts and feelings.

This is why we encourage positivity and Love in all endeavors because truly, those emotions and energies will not steer you wrong.

Peek Into the Unknown

Souls on your world throughout a plethora of ages have taken to mental means of understanding Life and the Universe around you, and this has proven an ultimately-fruitless way to look at your Lives for truly, everything around you is brimming with the purest of spirituality; even when it doesn’t seem to be so.

Yes, your lower realms will boast continual physicality that seems to be quite unchangeable at times, but a simple meditative peek into the unknown will help remind you that Divinity and spirituality are present everywhere and that all one needs to do is honestly search for such things to find them.

Those on your world who refuse to believe in the existence of spirit or realms beyond your conscious perception will find their increased understanding of these realms in their own perfect timing; it is simply that the density and physicality of the Earth experience have fogged the minds and hearts of too many Earth souls who feel as if the reality they experience is the only one in existence.

We ask for you to see how untrue such an idea truly is in the face of the vast planets, galaxies and Universes that lay beyond this one. Indeed, it would make little sense for an entire Creation to be envisioned up only to have one small, blue planet in the corner of the Cosmos be the only one hosting Life and conscious experiences.

The purpose of Creation is for you to experience yourselves as the Creator in a more distorted form than you had originally existed in, and your return to full consciousness will herald your complete and uninhibited understanding that you are God, in every single form God has come about.

Source Created the Lower Realms to Experience

This is because the Creator; Source; God; whatever you wish to call the entity who Created and continues to sustain (all of) our conscious experiences until we grow back into the understanding that we are such Creator; this soul has formed lower, dense realms from His/Her own omnipotent structure, for fragmented aspects of His/Her ultimate Being to experience, play around in and eventually grow away from.

You have certainly had your fair share of play on the Earth, but we again note the level of trouble and difficulty experienced by many of you who simply wish to feel and remember what it is like to exist in the realms of full consciousness.

You are gaining small yet potent glimpses into the higher realms with each bit of intent and effort you make to seek them and as has been said, your connection to Creation; the Source of all that is, is perfectly instantaneous. You need only make a request that the Creator be with you and quite instantly, you will find yourselves in the vicinity of the Creator’s energies.

Indeed, in so many senses we all already feel and exist as a part of the Creator’s energies, but we know that many of you dear Earthly souls would like even more of a glimpse into the energies making up your conscious experience of reality and leading you ever onward toward purer dimensions of consciousness.

Cleansing and Healing Orchestrated Pollution

We are constantly in your skies, helping to mitigate and in some cases, neutralize altogether, the pollution that is continually manifested and fed on your dearest Earth.

The cabals have quite purposely taken to harming Gaia by way of polluting Her ground, skies, waterways and atmosphere and as such, we take to stationing ourselves in dearest Gaia’s sky so that we can send out formulas and energies that help in the mitigation of the negative affects the massive pollution being fed would otherwise have.

In so many areas of your world the cabals have established refineries, mills and other things that are intended to produce commodities and foods on your Earth, but that pollute Her surface and atmosphere drastically.

We ask for the collective of humanity to begin getting as active as you possibly can in raising awareness of the massive pollution that is being fed, because as a collective you can truly get so much more accomplished than you would readily believe.

Your collective power is quite strong indeed, which is why you have been kept separated for so very long.

When it is understood that no man is different from another and that all are Loved equally by a Creator who doesn’t judge or send any souls to any hellish landscape if they do not follow a strict set of rules or dogmas, humanity will unite with the grace and ease of our Creator. We excitedly await such a time when you can fully come together and express yourselves as facets of an infinite oversoul of consciousness.

Merging with your Twin Flame & True, Unconditional Love

As humanity comes together and finds an unprecedented collective growth and learning, your Oneness will become increasingly clear and some of you who are particularly close may eventually find yourselves merging as you discover your ability to do so.

What we mean is that you are all comprised of the same spiritual energy, and many of you who feel very close with each other at present may eventually choose to merge back into a fragmented aspect of the One oversoul that you truly are, which is made up of both (or more) individual souls who wish to rejoin together.

Many twin flames have incarnated on your world and physically separated despite the fact that at a spiritual level, they are aligned and united. Pure Love Creates and sustains your realities and when we use the term Love, we do not use it in the hollow sense many on the Earth have been accustomed to.

Rather; we speak of true, pure unconditional Love, which is sent out to every facet of our Creator’s inexplicably-large Creation. Every single Godspark on your dear Earth and far beyond can begin to unlock and understand the true, full and awesome power of the energy that is Love.

This energy helps to sustain and keep your conscious experience of reality in place and as you evolve and find purer dimensions of consciousness, perception and understanding, you will see that the energies formulating each experience on each octave of consciousness you are to undergo remain the prevalent force helping you to Create the realties you will exist in upon evolving.

So many aspects of your current experience will fade away or be transmuted altogether as you grow into greater perceptions, but the energy that is Love will only come to be understood more and more as the ultimate, infallible energy that it is.

Your Infallibility & the “Barriers of Negativity”

Being comprised of this energy, you too are infallible and you can affirm this to be so in every moment.

You have had to deal with very real barriers that would and will attempt to get you to feed the strongest of negativity, separation and hatred, but we trust that you dear souls can recognize when a clear malevolent influence is attempting to take control over your emotions and rightly work to transmute the aspects of those barriers attempting to hold negativity in place.

Psychic attacks are indeed real, but we do not want for you dear souls to fear any type of malevolent entity coming through and “attacking” you. Rather; psychic attacks will come in the form of being sent discordant energies and impressions, and negative or low emotions are usually attached to such discord as the entity sending them attempts to get the soul receiving them to feed such negativity.

If an attempted psychic attack comes your way, there is truly nothing to fear as you can call upon dear Archangels Michael, Raphael or any one of us to help you with the full and clear (stopping) of such attacks. Your and our blessing energies will go to the entity attempting to send them to you.

The cabal-heads specifically (who have been behind many of such attacks) have had their day in the sun, and currently experience pure forms of containment that we are indeed stepping-up, until their influence has dwindled down to nothing in terms of what they are able to do or achieve.

Intensification of Containment & Humanity’s Responsibility

Your society as it is today has been quite fabricated and planned-out, and the cabal heads who have played very large parts in the engineering of your society have, for quite a while, attempted various different schemes and attacks against the collective of humanity which, little did they know when planning them, were not to ever be brought about because they are not in alignment with what humanity is intended to experience via your ordained freewill contracts.

We speak of these souls existing in a holographic reality wherein they think or assume they are pulling a massive, malevolent deed off, only to find that the events they planned so rigorously have not happened at all.

This is one of the strongest aspects of the containment the cabal heads are experiencing at this time and along with this, they are fruitfully contacted in their dream state and are being worked with so that the malevolence that’s closed off their hearts for so long can no longer have the effects or cause the massive suffering and hardship it has.

We do not want for discussions of containment, disclosure or anything else to soften humanity’s personal drive to enact change on your world as while we are assisting you with so many facets of your evolution and this truth simply cannot be overstated; we can only work within the perimeters we are allotted and we must allow your experiences to largely play-out as you Create them.

We can help to neutralize the cabal heads and the dastardly deeds they would attempt to perpetrate upon the Earth, and we can help clean up your environment so that the playing field is fair and humanity does not experience a grand catastrophe as a result of the cabal’s actions or the general unawareness as to the massive pollution being fed on your world but beyond all of this, we must look toward you the awakening humanity to bring-forth exposure and peace for your entire collective to feel, radiate and benefit from.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we again ask every one of you to get as active as you possibly can in restoring the Earth and working to expose to the entire collective, everything about your planet that isn’t in alignment with the freedom and sovereignly every soul deserves to feel and understand.

We will be and have been with you in your inner-realms and so very soon, we will be able to be with you on the ground. Then, the real celebrations can begin.

Thank you to SanJAsKa and the Pleiadian High Council.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 10:02:39 PM

Israel's president calls for return to peace talks

Associated Press - Israeli President, Shimon Peres, arrives to give a brief statement at the World Economic Forum, in Southern Shuneh, 34 miles (55 kilometers) southeast of Amman, Jordan, Sunday, May 26, 2013. Peres says it is possible for Israelis and Palestinians to overcome differences and skepticism over peacemaking and that it is time to restart serious negotiations and conclude a peace treaty that has long dogged the two warring sides. AP Photo/Mohammad Hannon)

SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan (AP) — Israel's president on Sunday urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to overcome differences and resume peace negotiations, saying the sides could not afford "to lose this opportunity."

President Shimon Peres issued his call ahead of a gathering of Mideast leaders on the sidelines of a conference hosted by the Geneva-based World Economic Forum on the shores of the Dead Sea in Jordan.

Sunday's conference included a rare face-to-face meeting between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, with the participation of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who has devoted much of the past two months to restarting long-stalled peace talks.

"We shouldn't lose the opportunity because it will be replaced by a great disappointment," Peres told reporters in Jordan. "For my experience, I believe it's possible to overcome it. It doesn't require too much time."

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed.

"Enough is enough. A lot of our young people have started to lose confidence in the two-state solution," he said to a loud applause from an audience of more than 1,000 business and government leaders from 23 countries worldwide.

He blamed the growing mistrust on Israeli moves, essentially construction in West Bank settlements and detention of hundreds of Palestinians.

Abbas reiterated his rejection of partial solutions. "We will neither accept interim solutions, nor a state with temporary borders or a peace based on economic perks without progress on the political track," he said.

At one point in the closing session, Kerry joked with Abbas and Peres — who exchanged hugs, kisses, handshakes and emotional speeches — telling both from the podium that he had an "agreement you can come up and sign."

Abbas peeked at Peres, pointing to the podium. Then both laughed.

Palestinian-Israeli peace talks broke down nearly five years ago, in large part due to disagreements over Israeli settlement construction on occupied territories claimed by the Palestinians. The Palestinians say there is no point in negotiating while Israel continues to build Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, which they say undermines their quest to set up an independent state. The Palestinians want both areas, captured by Israel in 1967, as parts of their state.

On his fourth visit to the Middle East since taking office in February, Kerry held talks with Abbas andIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week. He said during his latest regional swing that both sides must make hard decisions to move toward direct negotiations.

Peres, who won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize for helping forge an interim deal with the Palestinians, sounded upbeat and determined to help in peacemaking with Palestinians.

"It is time for peace," he said. "I believe this is an important opportunity to (engage), not to waste time, return to negotiations and complete the negotiations with the Palestinians."

He said a peace agreement must be "based on a two state solution: an Israeli state, a Palestinian state living as good neighbors cooperating economically and bringing a message to the young generation."

For decades an ardent supporter of peace with the Palestinians, Peres holds a ceremonial role inIsrael, and his views are highly respected in Israeli society. Netanyahu, who has most decision-making powers, holds more hawkish positions than Peres and has given few signs of how he sees a final peace deal with the Palestinians.

While Netanyahu has endorsed the concept of a two-state solution, the Palestinians accuse him of undermining that goal through his actions. In particular, they object to continued settlement construction and Netanyahu's refusal to endorse Israel's pre-1967 lines as the basis for a future border.

Netanyahu has called for resumption of peace talks without preconditions, saying all those issues would be on the table.

Israeli media reported that Peres discussed with Netanyahu some key issues he is expected to raise at Sunday's forum.

Earlier Sunday, a group of Israeli and Palestinian businessmen at the conference unveiled a plan to push their leaders to begin serious peace negotiations.

"We're using our collective business experience and influence to convince leaders on both sides that peace is a must," said Palestinian business tycoon Munib Masri.

Masri said he was leading the initiative, called "breaking the impasse," along with Israeli high-tech guru Yossi Vardi. He said they would lobby both sides to make peace.


Associated Press writer Jamal Halaby contributed.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 10:03:52 PM

US, China set the stage for Obama-Xi summit

Associated Press/Alexander F. Yuan, Pool - U.S. National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, left, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, attend their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Monday, May 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Alexander F. Yuan, Pool)

BEIJING (AP) — An upcoming summit with President Barack Obama comes at a "critical juncture" in relations between China and the U.S., Chinese President Xi Jinping said Monday, underscoring the challenge they face in confronting divisive security issues and overcoming growing distrust.

Xi told U.S. National Security Adviser Tom Donilon — who was inBeijing to prepare for the June 7-8 meeting — that he expected positive results from the talks, which will be their first face-to-face meeting since Obama's re-election and Xi's promotion to head of the Communist Party last November.

"The current China-U.S. relationship is at a critical juncture," Xi said. The sides must now "build on past successes and open up new dimensions for the future."

In a sign that both sides want to stem a drift in ties, the summit is taking place months earlier than the two presidents were supposed to meet. The setting — at the private Sunnylands estate of the late publishing tycoon Walter Annenberg in southern California — is supposed to be informal, giving Xi and Obama a chance to build a rapport.

Donilon flew to Beijing this week to prepare an agenda and straighten out other technical issues. He told Xi that Obama is "firmly committed to building a relationship defined by higher levels of practical cooperation and greater levels of trust, while managing whatever differences and disagreements might arise between us."

Meeting earlier with State Councilor Yang Jiechi, China's senior foreign policy official, Donilon said the summit is a chance for the two presidents to work through problems. Though they did not identify those challenges in their public remarks, ties are strained across the board, from longstanding differences over the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs to new disputes over cyberattacks and China's more assertive pursuit of territorial claims against U.S. allies Japan and the Philippines.

"The meeting will be an important opportunity for our presidents to have in-depth discussions about U.S.-China relations, and a wide range of global and regional challenges facing both our countries," Donilon said.

That Xi agreed to an informal summit has been seen by Chinese and U.S. experts as positive. His predecessors always preferred formal state visits, splashing images of White House ceremonies and banquets in the Chinese media to bolster their standing as world statesmen.

Good will aside, distrust has deepened in relations in recent years as the U.S. feels its world leadership challenged and China, its power growing, demands greater deference to its interests and a larger say over global rule setting. Chinese officials and state media regularly say Washington is thwarting China's rise, strengthening alliances in Asia to hem in Beijing and discouraging Chinese investment in the U.S. on grounds of national security.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported Monday that ships and submarines from the Chinese navy's three fleets staged drills in the South China Sea late last week. The area is already a flashpoint, with Beijing's aggressive claims to disputed islands having rattled the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.

On Sunday, Li Keqiang — on a visit to Germany in his first trip abroad as China's premier — pressed China's claim to a cluster of East China Sea islands held by Japan. Traveling to Potsdam, where allied powers declared the terms for Japan's surrender 68 years ago in the waning days of World War II, Li told reporters that Japan must not "deny or glorify the history of fascist aggression."

The aggrieved sense emanating from Beijing goes beyond recent flare-ups in old territorial disputes. The website of the People's Daily, the Communist Party's flagship newspaper, is running a recurring column that takes a critical look at Americans and their institutions. First called "Immoral, dishonest Americans," the title of the column was changed to "The Americans you don't know about."

One item on Donilon's summit plans is the guest list. Xi will stop in California after formal visits to Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico where he will be accompanied by a large group of senior officials. If that entourage descends in full on the Sunnylands estate, U.S. diplomats said the White House might feel the need to bring similarly large numbers, making the summit less intimate.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 10:07:23 PM

AP EXCLUSIVE: NKorea relaxes controls on salaries

AP EXCLUSIVE: NKorea relaxes controls on salaries but says move not signal of opening

Associated Press -

In this Monday, April 9, 2012 photo, North Korean women work in a thread factory in Pyongyang, North Korea. A North Korean economist said that the government introduced new economic management methods in April 2013 that relax state control of workers' salaries. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) -- North Korea relaxed state control of salaries last month, a government economist said, outlining a change in policy intended to boost production by giving companies latitude to provide workers with financial incentives.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Ri Ki Song, a professor at the Institute of Economics at North Korea's Academy of Social Sciences in Pyongyang, said enterprises are now allowed to use some of their earnings to pay workers more.

Until recently, most salaries were set by the state. The new policy gives managers of factories and other businesses the right to determine workers' salaries if they are able to improve productivity. The change follows a similar move last year to give managers at North Korean farms more power to make management decisions and to allow farmers to keep any surplus harvest to sell or barter instead of turning them over to the state.

"After repaying the state for its investment, enterprises can set salaries themselves, regardless of salaries fixed by the state, and pay workers according to their performance," Ri said last week. Companies must also put aside funds for investment, continued production, development of technology and cultural activities, he said.

But Ri said the new economic management methods enacted April 1 were not signs that North Korea is adopting a capitalist free market system.

"This is nothing to do with reform and opening," Ri said. "As I've said, the socialist ownership of the means of production is firmly established in our country, and we defend this."

Foreign governments have looked for indications that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un might be open to reform since coming to power in December 2011. North Korea has a per capita GDP of $1,800 per year, according to the U.S. State Department, just a fraction of the living standards in its Northeast Asian neighbors, Japan and South Korea.

Kim, the third generation of his family to lead North Korea since 1948, inherited a nation plagued by chronic food, fuel and power shortages. He has said improving the economy is a priority, acknowledging economic hardship in North Korea and pledging to raise the standard of living.

Kim in a speech in January said the country's most important task is the "building of an economic giant" and called for all of the year's economic undertakings to be aimed "a radical increase in production and stabilizing and improving the people's living standards."

"We should hold fast to the socialist economic system of our own style, steadily improve and perfect the methods of economic management on the principle of encouraging the working masses to fulfill their responsibility and role befitting the masters of production," Kim said.

However, Kim also has made the costly building of a nuclear arsenal a priority at a time when the United Nations says two-thirds of the population is coping with chronic food shortages.

The new policy on salaries went into effect after a trial period, Ri said.

"In the past, the state used to fix standard salaries, which meant you couldn't pay more than a certain amount," he said.

Now, factories and enterprises that perform well will be allowed to raise salaries, Ri said.

"And individual workers who work more can earn more," he said.

Last September, AP quoted farmers as saying new directives aimed at boosting productivity at collective farms give managers more control over decisions on how to farm the land and allow farmers to keep any surplus after they fulfill state-mandated quotas.

By giving farmers incentives to grow more food, North Korea could be starting down the same path as China when it first began experimenting with a market-based economy, analysts said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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