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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:43:18 PM

Poof: May 26, 2013 – The Continuing

poof 1Stephen: Some very sad news today: Poof passed away three days ago, on May 23. We knew he had been very unwell recently, but it seems his short illness has got the better of him. Please see a more detailed tribute in the separate post above.

So today is Poof’s last ever message (sent out by his ‘assistant”, who I believe is his wife Susan who, according to the addendum at the end, will be carrying on his work) on the ins and outs of the financial changeover. The news remains positive, as he explains:

Poof: The Continuing

Greetings and Salutations;

So, it’s the end already. The work is done and it’s all over but the shouting! That’s what you said last week now what in heaven’s name is the hold up. NOTHING!

Let’s just cut the crap and let me explain things to you, if you’re man enough to take it. IT AINT NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE! Now there. That’s as crystal clear as if Mark Twain himself had said it. Besides I said “it’s close enough to smell.”

The hard cold fact is nothing is wrong and everything is rolling smoothly, as this mechanical process is working ‘pedal to the metal’. But some documents handed down through the generations need to be handled carefully, which slows things a bit.

Also, returning the “Republic” to it’s glory days is a very delicate process (that) needs to be massaged into place. We are on a week-to-week schedule for final completion. Like preparing a gourmet meal, the process at times is meticulous but oh, the wait is so worth it. “A Promise is a Promise”. The masses are next and very, very soon!

While you’re waiting a minute, reflect on these words……..How can you call yourself a Christian and not follow what the master said about taking care of the ‘least’. There are principles of nature that even affect govs (governments) , greed will get you in the end.

The St Germain Trust exists because it’s intention was always to shift the wealth of the world from the greedy to those in need and make life’s principles real for the common folk. Nature will always make a balance and no amount of politics can change that. They joined with the Dragons because their purpose was the same. The elders joined them both for the same reason.

The elders could see the eddies of time moving to the big shift and they have ‘age’ on most. They broke the code on longevity and have lived accordingly ever since. The secret is ‘attitude adjustment’. Change your mind, change your life. Take ownership of your own crap. Man, it is time to end serfdom for the masses. The lords are being whupped big time, from the top – and not a thing they can do about it. They borrowed and failed to pay back. The casino has been foreclosed upon.

The skies have been rumbling and the weather forecasts rain on all the crops. A harvest for the world, as it were is close at hand. Reagan’s appointee will finally be able to take a much needed vacation from his labors and I can go sit my butt on a nice beach and drink umbrella drinks…and never speak of this change over again.

Thank you all for the prayers for my continuance. My job keeps going. I celebrate your ability to hold your ground and a promise, made so long ago. That day of arrival is shortly and like a lightning bolt on a clear day.

Love and Kisses


Today’s accompanying song: Promised Land by Elvia Presley

Footnote to post above – From the Office of Poofness:

As we were going to press with this newsletter our hearts were saddened as we learned of Poof’s passing. After a very brief illness, “Poof” has gone to be with his MASTER. Thank you, to all of our loyal readers for your prayers and support at such a very sad time for us all. Poof can now finally see clearly the “Big Picture” that he has worked so hard for all of these years! He will forever guide our thoughts and deeds as we seek out our future in the “bright new world” that awaits us. With love and gratitude for all you have done for us all through the years be assured that we will always remember you!

Courage, brother! Do not stumble,
Though thy path be dark as night;
There’s a star to guide the humble,
Trust in God and do the right.
- Norman MacLeod

Please be assured the office of Poofness, under the direction of Susan, his longtime assistant, will continue Poof’s work as we publish the weekly newsletter to keep you all informed until that final moment.

Please accept our thanks in advance, as many of you may wish to email your condolences. Our email box is so backed up that we may not be able to give each of you a personal reply.

Love and Kisses,


From the office of Poofness

Please listen to this Beatles selection with fond memories of “POOF,” as he had a lot of Love to share with us all! Do You Want To Know A Secret

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:53:44 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 315

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 315, May 24, 2013 at

The days have become more and more intense in so many ways, as you see the light shining through not only yourself, but also those around you. In addition, the nighttime will also bring much information. And although much of this information is in many ways still hidden from you, it is already having quite a profound effect on you all.

Let us explain. As always, whenever we refer to information, it is not necessarily in the manner that you refer to information. In other words, it may not be such that is given in words or clear pictures and that leaves you feeling wiser and more ”on” to what is going on. Not because you are in any way lacking of abilities to comprehend what all of this information is about, but because this is a form of communication that talks to all levels of your being.

And as such, at least for now, you are not able to consciously connect with all of these levels of communication. And so, you will in many ways feel as if you are still left out in the dark as it were, and that you have no, or a only a small fraction, of clarity into what is truly being exchanged here.

Again, that is only because you have not been able to access these deep seated channels of information that is fairly teeming with activity, and now, that activity has been amped up even further. So many of you may have noticed this already, either in the form of thoughts or ideas that seemingly surfaces at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected of circumstances, or by the fact that your brain seems almost incapable of focusing on any thing at any given moment.

And the explanation for both of these occurrences are one and the same. For now, the amount of information that is pouring into each and every one of you has increased to a veritable avalanche, and so, some of it will indeed be made public as it were by your increased ability to pick up on these signals that are being beamed into you. While on the other hand, the easiest of tasks seem impossible to even contemplate because you feel as if deeply fatigued in the very center of your every day being.

In other words, mundane tasks may seem to be insurmountable at times, while you during this same period of mental fog may get sudden and profound insights that will make you literally sit up in your chair, or perhaps we should say bed, for many of these instances occur during the nighttime. And we are also aware that another not so fortunate outcome for many of you will also be the seeming inability to get a good night’s sleep.

You will toss and turn, but no matter how hard you try, it is as if the lights within your head simply refuse to dim down. This inability to detach and turn off everything that is going on within may leave you feel more than a little bit exhausted, because there seems to be an almost ceaseless activity going on in your head. It is as if you can literally feel the humming and buzzing, like a beehive within your brain. And indeed, that can in many ways be a perfect picture of it all, because all of your neural passages have been turned into a veritable beehive of activity, with signals going to and from new passages and connections being put together at the speed of light. And this in turn, is accompanied by some other, and at times rather confusing signals too, in the form of sound or even vibrations that will make it even harder to fall asleep.

And so, you are all super charged in that part of your being that is the control center, and so, much of the rest of the body will feel the outcome in all sorts of ways as this frenzy of activity starts to interfere with other, more mundane processes that is part of your daily routines. But we do hasten to add that although irksome, they are in no way harmful, merely annoying. And the upside is so beneficial, we think you will all have it in you to find a way to accept these small and large quirks and quakes that accompany all of these injections of information. For what you gain from all of this frenzy of activity far, far outweighs any irritations it will leave in its wake.

And so we say just stay the course, and know that what you are taking part in now, is such a monumental shift for all of humanity, and it is all happening within each and every one of you. It cannot be likened to anything that has happened before, as this upgrading and information is on a level that no physical being has ever been subjected to before. That in itself can be enough to set off the alarm bells in many a timid soul, but again we do assure you all that the levels of supervision and careful adjustments are so precise, there is no harm that will befall any of you. For you are here to do a task that will change the outcome for this whole planet. You are each and every one of you a vital part of this monumental operation, and so we would not risk this by doing something that may set you back even a fraction.

So again we say keep breathing and stay centered, and even if your mind and indeed your physical body may seem to fluctuate wildly at times so that you may feel on top of the world for one moment and then down in the basement the next, you are being lifted higher and higher every second of the day. And know also that even if you become more than frustrated by the seeming lack of access to any or all of the information that you are actually being a party to even as we speak, it will come to you in every glorious detail, when the time is right.

And yes, we do know that this will elicit more than one frustrated groan, for we do know your eagerness to literally plunge into the thick of it. But again, timing is everything here, and this information is literally useless unless it is being used in the right context and within a timeframe that will ensure its feasability.

So know that all is well, and even if you feel more like horses still caged up behind the starting gates at times, know that this race to the finishing line is already taking place, yes, at the speed of light. We will leave it at that for the moment and invite you all to try to tune into some of that information stream you already have within. For not all of it is closed to view, and the tidbits you can come across there will certainly help to assuage your voracious appetite, at least for a little while.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:55:05 PM

Hilarion: You are the Catalysts for the Changes that are Now Taking Place

hilarion2Hilarion: You are the Catalysts for the Changes that are Now Taking Place, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, May 26, 2013 at

Beloved Ones,

The way forward and upward in your consciousness has now become more aligned with the joy and beauty that abides within your soul and this gives rise to feelings of expansion and infinite possibilities. Open yourselves to the vista of new beginnings and allow yourselves to receive the bounty of the Universe as it brings to you the fruition of your deepest and long held dreams.

The way before you is being cleared and all that is required is the opening of your heart to allow it in. Let your imagination soar with joyous anticipation of the arrival of a new day, one that is a blank slate upon which can be written the life of your choosing, all that is required is your active participation.

Follow the guidance of your heartfelt desires and dare to dream big. See the possibility that you can receive all the good that life has to offer. Many of you are ready to move beyond the old paradigms as you watch their disintegration taking place before your eyes. You are the catalysts for the changes that are now taking place.

You have arrived at a point on your path that requires faith and belief that all is well and that the new life beckons. Carry this belief each day and persist in your intentions to bring it into manifestation. There is a lot of activity taking place on the etheric realms in ways that can assist you in your endeavors. These times require a constant reevaluation of your expectations and perceptions of how things are supposed to be. In truth, if you have already noticed, most of these never transpire as envisioned and that is because there have been forces at work to keep you occupied with more immediate concerns such as the need for the basic necessities of life.

These forces conspire to keep you distracted from focusing on the more important values in life that are life enhancing and which would bring a measure of freedom from want or lack. It is a consumer world that you live in and you it is, who must decide to discern to what extent you will continue to be an active part in it.

A more simple life with lowered expectations of acquiring the latest gadgets and objects would give room to foster a life filled with the enjoyment of simple and profound pleasures that require only one’s notice and appreciation. A beautiful cloud formation in the sky on a lovely day can bring great moments of joy and appreciation. A beautiful sunset at the end of a day can bless you with its inspiring and uplifting message of endless beauty that is available to drink in and enjoy in abandoned pleasure. All around you is the existence of a quality of life that requires little monetary cost. These are freely and abundantly given by the elemental beings who serve you each day simply for the sheer joy of it.

Take notice of all the wonders of nature that surround your home and neighborhood, for everywhere you look there is beauty. See the beauty in your loved ones hearts as they strive to create a life that brings more ease and pleasure for your enjoyment. See beyond expectations to the wonderful little gifts that they give each day without demanding anything in return. Make the happiness of another person your priority and you will discover that in bringing happiness to the other you also bring that happiness to your own self. Give thanks daily for all that you have and all that you receive, for in this way, it will bring you more of the same.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and website address is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:56:14 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Humanity’s Future Is Brilliant, Brighter Than You Can Possibly Imagine

Saul's Channel, John Smallman

Saul’s Channel, John Smallman

May 26 2013 at

Hear John’s reading of today’s message here:

Humanity’s journey towards awakening is almost complete! Because so many of you are intending to engage with the divine field of Love enveloping you – and it is your intentions that make it happen – its influence has now intensified to such an extent that all on Earth are now in communion with it. True, many are not conscious of this engagement, but it is a little like dropping some dye into a jug of water, stir the water and it all assumes the color of the dye.

Everyone on Earth is now being deeply influenced by the field of divine Love. This has been planned since the moment of your apparent separation from Reality as an essential part of your awakening process, and due to the stalwart efforts of so many holy ones over the eons and the Light-bearers and wayshowers presently on Earth it has now come to pass.

There are still some wrinkles and distortions that have to be ironed out, but humanity is firmly and irreversibly ensconced on its path to awakening.Awareness of the desperate need for change in almost every area of human activity is bursting forth globally, and many new organizations are forming to cooperate and coordinate activities which support, encourage, and enable these changes to be put into effect.

Continue to pray, meditate, and send love to all who are suffering, because that is also an enormously powerful and effective use of intention, and it helps in the establishment of firm foundations for these essential new organizations. Their aim, even though many of them are not yet fully aware of the power of their collective intent, is harmonious cooperation across the globe for the welfare of humanity and the planet that supports you. And that aim will be gloriously achieved.

The power of your harmonious and coordinated collective intent is unleashing a copious flow of energy – Love, on a scale never before seen on your planet – which will join with your individual energy fields and unite them into one potent whole, which will forever change the energy field of the planet, dissolving all that is dark and unloving. Humanity’s future is brilliant, brighter than you can possibly imagine, because the dark, the unloving has been filling your minds with nightmares and doomsday scenarios that have caused an almost constant sense of alarm to invade your personal space. Love will replace and sweep away that unreal sense of angst with which so many of you have lived for so long.

Awakening from your long and seemingly interminable nightmare of fear and suffering is to be an occasion for rejoicing on an unprecedented scale. The happiness and the wonder into which you are going to arise will far surpass your wildest hopes and dreams. All that you have to do is to continue holding the intent to awaken, and as you do so, allow all sense of fear, anger, bitterness, betrayal, resentment and unfairness to just fall away, thus allowing Love and all its aspects – compassion, acceptance, understanding, generosity, and forgiveness, to name just a few – to fill your hearts.

You know at the depths of your being, at your center where the flame of divine Love resides eternally, that any aspects or concepts that are not in alignment with Love and to which you are still holding on are like a cloak of darkness under which you are hiding from the Light. Just release them, let them go, and allow that Love, your life-force, to fill you and bring you back to Life.

Love is the answer. It is the only answer, and yet you allowed yourselves to fall into fear and remain there, convincing yourselves that fear must be overcome by the denial of Love, by judging and condemning those whose beliefs are not in agreement with your own, and then by demonizing and attempting to destroy them. When you are driven and guided by fear your hearts are closed off, shut down, in a state of hibernation and unawareness, to enable you to use your fear as a tool that you think will provide you with the means to build impregnable defenses against your enemies.

You have been doing this for eons, and always this belief in, and engagement with, the forces of destruction have failed you. Wars have been constant, and in the long run their outcome has always been the same: total failure to achieve lasting peace. Why? Because the forces of fear and destruction demand retaliation, restitution, and vengeance. There can be no end to it until you let it go and recognize and respond to the call for Love – which fear should always elicit – with Love. It is really very simple, but fear encourages you to believe otherwise, despite the evidence that demonstrates to you over and over again that when violence rules there are only losers.

The constant assistance offered to you from the spiritual realms and from the depths of your own hearts will strengthen your courage, your invincible courage to embrace Love, to engage with Love so that you can awaken from the nightmare that has held you in its thrall for far too long. Allow Love, the wisdom of your hearts, to guide and motivate you as you enter into the final stages of the awakening process – because you know it is the way Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:59:55 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Comes A Growing Light

imageMay 26, 2013 at

Today we bring your attention once again the topics of self-worth and deservedness. There is no possibility that too much stress can be put upon, nor too much attention paid to these subjects. They indeed are things which almost all of you do not feel and cannot believe. Why is that?

It is because you have indeed judged yourselves when even your divine Creator has not, nor will He ever judge you. And you have many times asked for forgiveness for that which you have judged yourselves guilty of, yet mostly refused to accept forgiveness of yourselves, from yourselves.

You have heard it told you over and over that you are divine beings, co-creators with the All. You nod your heads sagely. Yet you cannot find the real belief of that in your hearts.

But now, dear angels on Earth, around the edges of the veil you have hidden behind all these millennia, comes a growing light. Now comes the possibility, the maybe. Skills, feelings, thoughts, and memories that have been unfamiliar to you for countless lifetimes are peeking through. You feel the urge often to turn away as you always have done. Yet more and more you find yourselves beginning to accept the possibility of the truth. Am I? Could I be? Will I be?

We tell you once again, hoping that this time you will accept, with no reservations, the message that has ever been given. More than one messenger has given a life to bring this to you. Hear it now. You, dear one that is reading this, are a divine face of the ONE. You hold within your heart, no matter who you are, where you are, or what you have or have not done, a portion of the perfect love and life of the Creator of ALL.

By extension of that thought, you are a part of the Creator, as is every other life in the universe. There is nothing which you lack. There is nothing of which you can dream which is not possible. If there is anything to which you might need to exert yourselves, it is in the acceptance, allowance, and realization of this truth. Turn your attention to the finding of this within you.

You, your neighbor, your world, and your universe are waiting with bated breath for you to make this realization now. We are waiting. And we and uncounted others are sending love and light as never before in the grandest effort you can imagine in support of your efforts. We see your success as an accomplished fact. You are still waiting. Well, it is flooding into you now. Allow it and celebrate it. If your circumstances seem to deny it, turn its flood of energies upon those circumstances. It is real, the circumstances are not.

Love and light are real. They will go where you send them. That, dearest ones, is who and what you are in the most basic of terms. Our celebrations of you have begun, but we still stand ever in support and comfort of you whenever you ask.

Be in joy and we will speak again soon. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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