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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2013 4:43:48 PM
Dear friends, a short but most important article by Steve Beckow today:

At the Crossroads

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2013 4:47:53 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: The New Age Has Arrived and the Evidence of That Is Becoming Apparent to All Who Choose to See It

jesus-4-258x300Jesus: The New Age Has Arrived And The Evidence Of That Is Becoming Apparent To All Who Choose To See It. Channelled by John Smallman, May 26, 2013.

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

In the spiritual realms we are very well aware of the strain that waiting for awakening to occur is placing on you, the Light-bearers and wayshowers. Many of you are perceiving the state of the world as steadily deteriorating, as bad news follows bad news in so many areas.

And indeed there is a great shake-up in progress as the New Age makes its presence felt, and awareness grows of the enormous changes that must be made in your attitudes and behaviours if humanity is to avoid destroying itself, either by making the planet virtually uninhabitable through the continuing damage being wrought by rapacious harvesting of its natural resources, or by self-annihilation through conflict and war.

Neither of these depressing scenarios will occur! The divine field of Love is making inroads into the collective heart of humanity and the shake-up resulting from it is a wake-up call that is being heard and responded to by ever larger numbers of Earth’s population.

You are not alone. Assistance is pouring in from the spiritual and Galactic realms in response to your prayers for help, and those who would suppress the world populace for their own selfish agendas are no longer able to maintain either the authority they unlawfully gathered unto themselves, or the support of the enforcement agencies they built to suppress those they would control.

The incredibly damaging activities which have been going on for decades all across the planet are to end. The materials supposedly essential for running your economies via excavation, mining, and drilling are not needed because far more user-friendly materials are readily available to replace them – knowledge of which has been concealed in order to create a belief in scarcity and to maintain the power of the self-serving and self-appointed elite.

The knowledge and technology necessary to release and develop this abundance of ecologically sustainable materials is soon to be unveiled, and this will enable the total eradication of world poverty while providing abundantly for all your physical needs. The New Age has arrived and the evidence of that is becoming apparent to all who choose to see it.

Be uplifted! Be inspired! Then share your energy and your Love with enthusiasm wherever you are and in whatever you are doing, and be aware of it being returned to you intensified and with boundless gratitude. You are beings of Love, and although that Love has lain seemingly hidden and unrecognized within you as you searched for It outside yourselves, It has always been there awaiting your choice, your decision to recognize and engage with It.

Now that you have made that choice, immerse yourselves in It with enthusiasm because that increases your energy levels, and the light of optimism that arises within you will dispel the darkness of habitual patterns of pessimism, enabling you to deal with all your issues and problems far more easily – until you find yourselves saying “That was easy!”

Your abilities, your competences, and your talents are far more powerful and effective than you have been led to believe, because all human cultures have for eons worked on convincing the young that they were inadequate and should therefore follow the example of their “elders and betters” who would teach them the skills they needed to live fruitful lives.

And indeed there has always been much that the young can learn from the older and more experienced people in their lives. Unfortunately the elders often used their positions, their authority to subdue and repress the bubbling and creative enthusiasm that the young have in abundance, then taught them to distrust those of whom the reigning hierarchy disapproved, and finally sent them off to fight wars against them in their stead. And it became a pattern that seemed irreversible as war followed war.

This will no longer occur because the pattern has been broken. The wisdom of the elder ones amongst you will be freely propagated, as it should be, while the inflexible, rigid, and ingrained beliefs that have turned you one against another in your multitudes will be abandoned, as the damage they have caused bursts into the awareness of the collective and its insanity is acknowledged.

You all chose to be here at this time to help humanity (which naturally includes all of you) change course. And that is what is happening as Love blossoms and entrances those with whom It connects, enticing them to engage with It and release all within them that is not in harmony or alignment with It.

And that is what you are doing – aligning, harmonizing, and engaging with your true nature. And nothing could be more natural, more appropriate, or more satisfying. At first you are a little nervous because it feels unfamiliar, strange, even unwise after eons of distrust and betrayal, but as you find others doing likewise and experience the shared joy of trust and co-operation, your confidence in the rightness of the path you are following grows.

There will still be instances where you experience attitudes that are unloving, even hurtful, but because you are now choosing to accept the incontrovertible fact that you are beings of Light, permanently in communion with the divine field of Love which embraces you, you will recognize these instances as calls for Love to which you will find the strength and confidence to respond lovingly.

Already many of you are doing this, and as others observe you, they too are finding the courage to recognize attacks as calls for love and to respond accordingly. Your path to awakening has been firmly established and recognized, and more people are turning to follow it daily, and your arrival there remains divinely assured.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2013 4:49:05 PM

Millions March Against Mosanto and GM Crops

Protesters make their point to Monsanto in Los Angeles, California, May 25, 2013. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Protesters make their point to Monsanto in Los Angeles, California, May 25, 2013. Photograph: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images

Organisers celebrate huge global turnout and say they will continue until Monsanto and other GM manufacturers listen

By Associated Press, The Guardian – may 26, 2013

Organisers say that two million people marched in protest against seed giant Monsanto in hundreds of rallies across the US and in more than 50 other countries on Saturday.

“March Against Monsanto” protesters say they wanted to call attention to the dangers posed by genetically modified food and the food giants that produce it. Founder and organiser Tami Canal said protests were held in 436 cities across 52 countries.

Genetically modified plants are grown from seeds that are engineered to resist insecticides and herbicides, add nutritional benefits, or otherwise improve crop yields and increase the global food supply. Most corn, soybean and cotton crops grown in the United States today have been genetically modified. But some say genetically modified organisms can lead to serious health conditions and harm the environment.

The use of GMOs has been a growing issue of contention in recent years, with health advocates pushing for mandatory labelling of genetically modified products even though the federal government and many scientists say the technology is safe.

The “March Against Monsanto” movement began just a few months ago, when Canal created a Facebook page on 28 February calling for a rally against the company’s practices. “If I had gotten 3,000 people to join me, I would have considered that a success,” she said Saturday. Instead, she said, two million responded to her message.

Together with Seattle blogger and activist Emilie Rensink and Nick Bernabe of, Canal worked with A digital anarchy to promote international awareness of the event. She called the turnout “incredible” and credited social media for being a vehicle for furthering opportunities for activism.

Despite the size of the gatherings, Canal said she was grateful that the marches were uniformly peaceful and that no arrests had been reported.

“It was empowering and inspiring to see so many people, from different walks of life, put aside their differences and come together today,” she said. The group plans to harness the success of the event to continue its anti-GMO cause.

“We will continue until Monsanto complies with consumer demand. They are poisoning our children, poisoning our planet,” she said. “If we don’t act, who’s going to?”

Monsanto, based in St Louis, said on Saturday that it respects people’s rights to express their opinions, but maintained that its seeds improve agriculture by helping farmers produce more from their land while conserving resources such as water and energy.

The US Food and Drug Administration does not require genetically modified foods to carry a label, but organic food companies and some consumer groups have intensified their push for labels, arguing that the modified seeds are floating from field to field and contaminating traditional crops. The groups have been bolstered by a growing network of consumers who are wary of processed and modified foods.

The Senate this week overwhelmingly rejected a bill that would allow states to require the labelling of genetically modified foods.

The Biotechnology Industry Organisation, a lobbying group that represents Monsanto, DuPont & Co and other makers of genetically modified seeds, has said that it supports voluntary labelling for people who seek out such products. But it says that mandatory labelling would only mislead or confuse consumers into thinking products weren’t safe, even though the FDA has said there is no difference between GMO and organic, non-GMO foods.

However, state legislatures in Vermont and Connecticut moved ahead this month with votes to make food companies declare genetically modified ingredients on their packages. And supermarket retailer Whole Foods Markets Inc has said that all products in its North American stores containing genetically modified ingredients will be labeled as such by 2018.

Whole Foods says there is growing demand for products that don’t use GMOs, with sales of products with a “Non-GMO” verification label spiking between 15% and 30%.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 10:40:43 AM

In prior overhaul, legalized farmworkers prospered

Associated Press/ Gosia Wozniacka, File - FILE - In this Oct. 12, 2011, file photo, one of the few remaining crews of workers harvest and package cantaloupes near Firebaugh, Calif. With Congress considering a new immigration reform proposal that includes a speedier process to legal status for farmworkers, experts say, the best indicator of how such reform would play out is to look at the fate of the generation of farmworkers who were legalized over two decades ago. (AP Photo/ Gosia Wozniacka, File)

MADERA, Calif. (AP) — After Paulino Mejia crossed the border illegally into the U.S. in 1980, he picked grapes, peaches and other crops in California's agricultural heartland, lived in crowded rental housing, hid from immigration agents and sent paychecks to family in his native Mexico.

His life, however, changed in 1986, when Congress agreed to allow immigrants who were in the country illegally to get legal status — with a special provision that focused on farmworkers.

Mejia then stopped living in fear. He left agriculture to join a construction company that hired only legal workers, sent his two daughters to college and bought a house in Madera, near Fresno, instead of wiring money to Mexico.

"Immigration reform changed my life. It gave my family freedom," he said. "It allowed us to reach the American dream."

With Congress considering a new immigration proposal that includes a speedier process to legal status for farmworkers, experts say the best indicator of how such an overhaul would play out is to look at the fate of the generation of farmworkers legalized over two decades ago.

In Central California, the nation's agricultural powerhouse and a region with one of the highest poverty levels, the 1986 law had a profound impact on people like Mejia.

And like him, many other farmworkers legalized after 1986 have left the fields, moving to jobs in packing houses, warehouses and factories, attending college and working as professionals. And many who remained in agriculture became supervisors, crew leaders or labor contractors.

As their wages soared, they bought cars, houses and trailer homes — and many airplane tickets to visit family south of the border.

Workers, advocates and experts say immigration reform could again lift many farmworkers, one of the poorest groups of immigrants, out of poverty. But this time, they say, legalization's impact would be much bigger: in 1986, many farmworkers were single men; today most have families.

Unlike in 1986, growers and worker advocates say the current reform proposal would also ensure that a poor, illegal class of farmworkers isn't created again — by including a viable guest worker program that would allow for a flow of legal temporary workers into California's fields.

"Nobody knows the future, but if the past is any guide, the farmworkers who get legalized, many of them will leave agriculture pretty quickly," said Philip Martin, professor of agricultural and resource economics at University of California, Davis.

More than 1 million farmworkers applied for legalization under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

After the corresponding drop in the number of farmworkers in the country illegally, federal data show that farmers failed to retain their legalized workers and turned again to hiring employees from the groups of people entering the U.S. illegally.

Today, experts say, at least two-thirds of the nation's farmworkers are in the country illegally and those legalized thanks to the 1986 changes make up just 12 to 15 percent of the agricultural workforce.

Experts say newly legalized farmworkers sought non-seasonal, year-round employment with a steady income and benefits such as health insurance or vacations, which are rare in agriculture.

"If you're a seventh-grade educated worker, after legalization you're still a seventh-grade educated worker, but you have more confidence that you will get another job and more opportunities are open to you," Martin said.

Even those who remained in the fields due to lack of language skills, little education or other barriers still benefited, because they were able to claim unemployment insurance and other benefits when farm work dried up for the season.

Other farmworkers went to college.

Fausto Sanchez, of Arvin, Calif., left agriculture for a job as a certified interpreter of Mixteco, an indigenous Mexican language spoken by many farmworkers.

He then got his high school diploma in adult school and an associate's degree in human services. He now works for a nonprofit, educating farmworkers about pesticides, heat rules and workers' rights. He and his wife own a house and two cars — and he is planning to return to college to become a social worker.

"If I didn't get legalized, all this would not have been possible for me," Sanchez said.

California growers and labor contractors acknowledge many farmworkers would leave the fields if granted legal status.

"There's no question that once farmworkers get a green card, many will apply for other jobs and leave agriculture," said Tom Nassif, president of Western Growers, an industry group that represents California and Arizona growers. "We support the pathway to citizenship at our own peril, knowing we will lose the people who are most skilled and most productive employees within a short time."

But the flight from agriculture may not happen as fast, Nassif said, because the current version of immigration reform requires farmworkers to remain in agriculture for at least five years to qualify for the speedier legalization process.

The current reform proposal, Nassif said, also includes a viable guest worker program to provide a future flow of workers.

And once legalized, some farmworkers will choose to stay in the fields — as was the case with Julia Cervantes, Mejia's wife, who still occasionally picks grapes and other crops. "I like fresh air. I sincerely like working in the fields," she said.

For Mejia, it came down to wages: He and his wife could not make ends meet with what farmers paid in the fields. "Our family started growing, and we didn't have enough to survive," Mejia said.

Legalization allowed Mejia to get a job erecting the metal frames of big box stores. His brother became a roofer. Other friends became plumbers and electricians, or field supervisors. "The work is easier and the money is better," Mejia said of his new profession.

Prior to the 1986 Amnesty, Mejia wanted to return to Mexico and wired money to build a house in Oaxaca, in southwestern Mexico. But after reform, Mejia's new construction job and his newly acquired social security number allowed his family to buy a home in California. Paying a mortgage and taxes cemented their decision to remain in the U.S.

"Before reform, we were afraid to buy anything or to settle here, because if they deported us, we would lose everything," he said. "Reform helped us to invest here."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2013 3:42:01 PM
Dear friends, we got sad news today.

Poof Has Passed Away – A Tribute

poof 1Stephen: As indicated in the update from the office of Poofness today- posted below, Poof sadly passed away on May 23, 2013. This tribute was written by one of his friends, Zap.

I was in contact with Poof last year, when I was seriously courting him to come on The Light Agenda and talk about his life and story. Unfortunately, he felt he needed to remain anonymous and told me politely ‘no thank you’. I was told by someone who knew him later that even sharing anything of his life story, which apparently is quite remarkable, would place him in a position of possible danger. It could also affect the ‘master plan.” But as Poof’s message today indicates, that master plan is in its final moments. Things ARE about to change for the better.

Meanwhile Zap’s tribute reveals Poof’s real name was James. It may also give you some insight into the man who was Poof and who has been updating many of us with his latest musings and information over many years. Vale Poof. Much Love and Light to you and your wife, Susan. (P.S. Wherever the letter S appears below, I believe this is meant to be Susan.)

A Tribute To His Poofness, James (Serenius) – Passed May 23, 2013

Greetings all,

This is in great loving memory of one of our pillars of humanity: James was called and he gave his all with his partner and loved one over decades of service to us all.

He is an example to us all, and by definition, so too his counterpart, as in her time of “grief” she has great strength and compassion to carry the message regardless of S’s loss.

His sacrifice can be likened easily to the example shown by the other part of us, our dear brother that “gave it on the cross” in that metaphor. Simply, he cared.

Quan Yin welcomed him home. As did Obishida; Michael, the lad; Mary: Sananda; Buddha, notably the blue dragon lord, Misty, Smokey, Foggy, and all others too numerous to mention. He is well celebrated, and yes it sucks he’’s gone, but we are all here to take strong example from his actions.

He (Poof) reminded us that our purpose of light and the evolution of our humanity to that which is inevitable is a reality, and that we are all loved in equal measure and strength in all forms whether s or otherwise, and is the singularity to which we identify in the end. He taught us the nature of all things in the metaphor of ‘all is one and one is all’.

He reviled the oppression imposed by the forces of dark and strove to reveal that corruption to the light, in face of virtually impossible odds.

He was appalled by the subjugation of mankind, and cried out many a time” ‘Can I take the gloves off, ’cause I’m sick and tired of wearing these Mickey Mouse mitts until ‘M’ tells me they can come off – and…’ poof.’ ” Now that is a very cool thought; to be able to see that if a condition is met, then it becomes real and provable, not only definable.

James taught this in his weekly, of so many years and so many lifetimes.

He has done so much for our understandings. This brother of ours was precious as the likes of some of the greatest Lightworkers so dedicated to us.

He gave us all a great gift of looking at the truth in front of us. And this gift will continue to grow in greater strength; this growth being the uncomplicated definition of the martyr.

There is no finer service to be in that then that of your fellow, and James exemplified this excellent quality with great vigour. Nothing escaped his piercing insight and scrutiny. Trusted by the moles of the system, he brought to light the dark things that must invariably serve the light. Humor and incisive eye revealed convoluted events into simple systems.

James always spoke his mind and said what we wanted to say, and did so at great peril at times. Many attacked and tried to push him under and discount him, but like all voices speaking truths, he was not to be silenced.

Given the freedom that is our legacy, he believed in our humanity and what we could accomplish.

James did a magnificent job of sustaining hope for us, and to our benefit. He and S created the web of contact with us that had enough brain cells to rub together to have a listen and understand the message and spread the word.

Vocal to a fault, and pretty pissed off at the crass games of the “other side’s” attempts to maintain positions of oppression, he gave of himself to create the circumstance for change.

For all that you have done James, I thank you deeply.

You were a friend, brother, and confidant. You and S accomplished what very few attempted, and fewer succeeded. You were and are truly of the light.

Rest well, and rest easy, James…. We are here to pick up the ball and keep going.

In love and light and in our service,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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