Over the past three weeks hosting Lift Your Spirit, I’ve enjoyed talking with and hearing from those of you who have been brave and caring enough to open your hearts and share where you are in your Ascension journey. And I’m sure all of you who have tuned in to the show have, too.
Marianne, Lambros, Amber, Janine, Jay, Barbara, Waverider, DD, Pat, Louise – and also last week’s special guest, Suzanne Lie, channeler of the Arcturians – are among those of you who have stepped up into the new energies and have generously given the rest of us a special glimpse into the Ascension process, as it stands today.
In doing so, they brought a lot of enjoyment and a lot of themselves to those of you who have been sitting back at home and enjoying the stories.
When I started what was originally planned as a possible one-off special back on May 5, I said that Lift Your Spirit wouldn’t be able to fulfil its mission without All of YOU. That mission, as I saw it, was for as many of you as possible to come together and lift your spirit – individually and collectively.
Well, the initial response was great. Emails flowed in. People said they loved that we were gathering together to share our stories. And so a second show was planned. Then, last week, a third.
But, just as suddenly, the well of those of you willing to go public and share with one another, and thus help one another, seemed to be on its last bucket…
One of the unsurprising things I’ve found while serving on InLIght Radio and here onGolden Age of Gaia (even when it was previously named the 2012 Scenario) is that, just like most things, it’s the same, kind generous souls who are stepping forward week after week, show to show. Whether it be sharing on Lift Your Spirit, calling in and contributing on other programs, like Heavenly Blessings, or providing news tips for Geoffrey West on Cosmic Vision News. And those same few people are the ones who are often making donations to support the work we all do. You know who you are; we know who you are. And we reallyappreciate you.
But that’s the issue as I see it – there are still far too many of us sitting back and enjoying others’ stories: letting others lead the way; letting others give and give – while some of us receive and receive (and a small group even complains about what they receive – yes, I’m sorry, but it’s true)…
So, my gut is telling me that, collectively, we all need to recognise that we ALL have to step up into the light if we’re all going to come together as a community; one where we are all one. To do that, we need to ensure we are ALL participating in an energy exchange – on every level.
This is really important because, as we move forward, we must move forward together and share and give and receive and, in doing so, circulate that all-important energy.
We must also assist ourselves and others as we do so, because everything we’re all doing now is part of that new energy exchange. And If we don’t all participate in this cycle then the energy doesn’t circulate the way it should.
It’s also more than just an energy of talking or listening or opening up one’s heart and soul. It’s an energy of reward and appreciation for those who are doing the ‘hard yards,’ so to speak. Those giving while others of us receive. (Yes, those who are willing to put themselves out there also need to also feel valued and acknowledged for their contribution to the rest of us in some way.)
Yet, at the same time – and I have to say this because it’s just as important – there are still many of us believing that we are in lack: in lack of the perfect ascension experience; in lack of being able to give; in lack of feeling that we’re able to contribute to the wider collective. Or maybe we just lack interest. I don’t know. ..
In saying that, maybe Lift Your Spirit has simply been just that little bit ahead of that fifth dimensional energy exchange to be an ongoing contribution to the discussion right now. Maybe some of you were just a little bit shy. Or maybe you felt you didn’t have something important to say or share.
But the things is, we are all important and we all have something to contribute. Yet we must do this together. We’ve come this far. And we are all one, after all.
So for all those reasons above, Lift Your Spirit is now ‘On Pause” – because without YOU there is no show featuring YOU. Thus, there will be no show on Sundays for the immediate future.
I’m not disappointed by this. It just IS. It was a decision I needed to make and it may be back at some time – in a slightly different format; as a series of specials only; or as a completely different show. Time will tell.
Meanwhile, the energy of the new is one that needs to continually flow, to circulate. And as it does, it picks up speed, momentum and strength.
If each of us is not prepared to put our deepest wishes into action and ‘be there’ for each other, how can we ‘be there’ for the rest of the world – our fellow human beings, Starseeds, Lightworkers, family and friends, neighbours, work colleagues; the man, woman and child in the street?
So, let’s see how we can truly come together to share, help, relate and appreciate each other. Let’s say to ourselves, no matter our situation: “I have something to give and I have something to share. I want to be part of this growing, caring community. I’m willing to actively participate in the new energy exchange. I will no longer sit around going ’I’m having a hard time, someone help me’. I recognise that the time for sitting back and letting others do all the work is over. We ALL have ‘work’ to do.”
Let’s get that energy circulating by giving, sharing, receiving, accepting and appreciating. And let’s LOVE watching it gain momentum.
And let’s make this commitment to not only lift ours and everyone’s spirit but the world’s – and let’s lift it ALL together!
I’ve left the Comments open, in case you have something you wish to share about this post.
Meanwhile, in case you missed any of the three Lift Your Spirit programs here they are:
Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 5 -http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/05/06/lift-your-spirit
Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 12 -http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/05/13/lift-your-spirit
Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 19 –http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2013/05/20/lift-your-spirit
And a big thank you to Suzi Maresca, for wonderfully woman-ning the switch for each show.