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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:45:03 PM

The Paradigms of the Third and Fourth Dimensions Compared – Part 2/2

Doorways 33(Continued from Part 1.)

It’s my hypothesis that, while these are threshold states to those whose consciousness is located in Third Dimensionality, they are normal states to those who are located in Fourth-Dimensionality.

I’m not saying that being in these threshold states automatically mean we’re in Fourth Dimensionality but we’re at the bus stop waiting for the bus.

And once in Fourth Dimensionality my further hypothesis is that our lives take on the quality of flow. Here are the Arcturians saying that the Third Dimension is based on resistance but the higher dimensions are based on flow:

“Time is based on resistance. Hence, time does not exist in the same manner in realities that are NOT based on the hard boundaries and resistance of the third dimension. Instead, time in higher realities is based on the timeless Flow of the ONE. When there is nothing to resist, such as going to work, wishing to leave work, escaping traffic, fighting with your boss or mate, getting well and/or reaching your location, time will flow much as light flows.” (4)

Here is SaLuSa of Sirius also saying that the higher dimensions proceed by flow.

“Time for you has dominated your lives, but as you immerse yourselves more into the higher vibrations so it will have less importance. You will begin to understand the concept of all being in the Now, and you will simply go with the flow.

“We know you are used to working to plans of how to use your time, but when you can allow things to happen naturally without having any rigid thoughts on the matter, life will flow much more easily for you. It is difficult for you to contemplate life without time as you understand it now, but you will feel absolutely free and enjoy a life that is peaceful and fulfilling. As your perception of time changes, so will your experiences.” (5)

Archangel Michael and Saul also point out to us the centrality of flow in the higher life. First Archangel Michael:

“In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light.

“This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of Ascension.” (6)

Now Saul:

“Everyone on Earth is here to learn lessons personally selected or chosen, and to help everyone else to see the illusion for what it is. There is really only one lesson, despite the innumerable forms in which it can be and is presented, and that is to accept the Love that your Father offers you constantly, and to be a channel, a conduit through which that Love passes to all with whom you interact so that a spontaneous and constant flow of Love envelops and embraces you all.” (7)

For Saul the flow of love is all there is.

“[Love] is all that exists; It is the flow of God amongst his beloved children, seeking only to embrace them and see them peaceful, content, and happy, always.” (8)

When Archangel Gabriel advises us how to be with the new, she too recommends surrender and flow.Doorways 44

“We will simply remind you to stay in a state of surrender and flow, of acceptance and of focused creation. Listen to your bodies. Be the nurturers of yourselves. Honour yourselves and give yourselves what you need to keep your balance, to bloom, to shine and to navigate with grace and ease.” (9)

It’s quite common to counsel us to flow with the changes. Here the Orion High Council through Karen Doonan suggests that we “be guided at all times by how you Feel and allow the transformation of all parts of your human life experience to flow.” (10)

So let’s summarize. The Third Dimensional paradigms which the planet’s controllers have propagated are empirical materialism and Social Darwinism. Collectively these legislate that only what can be seen and heard are real and that our lives are a struggle for existence in which only the strong survive.

Drawing on these paradigms, life involves much suffering and we construct ourselves a persona that’s designed to see us win in life and avoid suffering. But it also removes us from being in the present moment with life.

However, as we continue with our shift and brush against or enter Fourth Dimensionality, we exit the constructed self and enter the present moment.

We enable ourselves to reach threshold states of full participation with life and may find that these are the normal states of being in higher dimensionality. We become aware that life proceeds in the higher dimensions by flow rather than strategy and manipulation.

These are my hypothetical speculations on the differences between Third and Fourth Dimensionality.


(1) Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 132.

(2) Many people have used the term. See

(3) Lin Chi [Rinzai] in Burton Watson, trans., The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-Chi [Rinzai]. A Translation of the Lin-Chi Lu. Boston and London: Shambala, 1993, 58.

(4) “Message from the Arcturians – Point of Perception, Part 2,” by Suzanne Lie, Dec. 24, 2012, at

(5) SaLuSa, March 1, 2013, at

(6) “Archangel Michael – Assuming Your New Galactic Mission,” transmitted through Ronna Herman, Sacred Scribe – December 28, 2012

(7) Saul, Jan. 16, 2013, at Saul, Jan. 16, 2013, at

(8) Loc. cit.

(9) “Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: The Time is Now,” April 28, 2013, at

(10) “High Council of Orion via Karen Doonan: Anchoring of New Coding In the Human Vehicle,” May 9, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:46:16 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 314

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 314, May 24, 2013 at

The time of change has been a long time coming for you all, but now, it is as if you can feel the breath of fresh air coming at you, even if your physical and mental bodies may feel more than worse for the wear at the moment. Much has indeed changed already, but there are still some pockets of resistance within as you all go through this last uphill towards that final goal you have been seeking for many a lifetime.

Remember, you started your quest for this freedom a long, long time ago. It has been a journey that spans more than one lifetime, and even if you have not been aware of it for most of these lifetimes, you have had a yearning for that day almost forever.

You see, the seed that has been lying dormant for so many generations has not been completely silent, and its small voice has been perceived in all sorts of ways. Some of the actions taken on by mankind have always been governed by that small voice, whether they may be looked upon as ”good” or ”bad”, because that small voice has in many ways been like a tiny little grain of sand itching away inside. There has always been ”something” there, indefinable, that has pushed mankind ever onwards.

Of course, the road chosen for this ”onwards” has not brought only joy and happiness. In fact, you have been effectively waylaid by other forces so that your quest for finding the place that will silence this urge within has brought you all out on a limb. But now, mankind has finally found a way to interpret the calling from this voice in the way that it was originally meant to be. And that original intent was this, and only this; as a beacon of light that would lead you all to regain your former glory in all intents and purposes.

For some, that small inner voice will still act as a mere irritant, something that leaves them no option but to lash out in frustration and despair. For they have long since given up the urge to really, really listen to this voice and heed its call. Instead, they look upon it as nothing more than an irritating pest, buzzing ceaselessly around them. And they swat and they duck and they try all sorts of things to eradicate this voice, but to no avail.

But then one day, someone like you comes along. Someone who has taken the time to sit down in silence and really, really listen to what this inner voice has been trying to tell you all along. And you have seen the truth in its message for change. For it is not a grain of sand gnawing away at your soul any more. It is a shimmering, iridescent pearl of such beauty it takes your breath away when you finally see it emerge form the deep layers within.

For you have all seen the beauty of this pearl, this inner seed of knowledge that has been lying there dormant, waiting for the light to start to sprout and grow. And now, that seed, that pearl within, has not only started to sprout, it has started to grow so much it is already enveloping much of you in its radiant and lush foliage of bliss and joy. True, you still feel the ravaging storms hit you hard at times, but when they subside, you can savour the bliss from within your new abode of light and love that is stretching and growing and covering more and more. Not only of you, but your surroundings as well.

And when one of you, who has allowed this inner seed to emerge and to flourish, comes across one of those still carrying that seed as a dormant little grain within, the light and the exuberant energy you exude will also call to that inner, hidden seed. And when your vibration comes into contact with this small, still dormant seed, it literally wakes it up and gives it the signal that now, the conditions for growth are so much more favourable than before. And then magic can start to happen.

For there are those becoming even more irritable as that inner seed starts to make its voice heard more and more because of these signals to start to grow. But there are so many others finally starting to heed that call, and to listen to it in a way that will make them too allow that inner sprouting to take place. And so you will see these inner gardens starting to emerge all around you. Some of them are vibrant and lush from the very get go, while others are more prone to staying too close to the shadows and need some extra coaching and light to attain a more vigorous growth.

So you are in a way all gardeners in this, not only by maintaining your own healthy and vigorous growth, but also by helping others to nurture their inner gardens. For every healthy garden there is, many others will be inspired and indeed spurred on by merely watching your growth. For, as we have told you earlier, you are no longer invisible, for you carry with you the signals of this newfound vitality wherever you go.

Granted, because of these growth spurts you will feel less than vital yourselves at times, but that is only to be expected. And remember, this seeming lack of vitality and this torpor you experience are not because of a lack of energy, far from it. It is merely a signal of a super boost having taken place, and so, your physical body needs a little down time to accomodate it all. But you are all growing dear ones, and you are turning into these mangificent, lush havens that will help to nurture mankind and indeed this whole planet forever.

So remember to rest in the shade of your own beauty, and try not to feel too downcast on those days when you feel yourself flagging. For you have already passed that stage of growth where you are at your most vulnerable, so there is no stopping you now. We salute you all on this mangnificent day, as we see you standing shimmering in the light, getting ready to step forth with all the magic you carry within.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:47:58 PM

Sananda via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Your Soul’s Expansion to Infinity


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

Sananda: Your Soul’s Expansion to Infinity, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, May 24, 2013 at

VIDEO (recommended)


It is quite a while since I spoke to this channel. I observed her following her own heart to communicate what her soul wanted to express and I Am pleased that she gave herself permission to do this!

Likewise I encourage each one of you to find your own way to express your heart and to allow your soul to come forward – if you haven’t done so yet – because each one of you is bearing a unique precious gift to share with others.

Each one of you is equal in this and is part of the totality of all souls of humankind Who exists as the One Great Soul and Consciousness of humanity.

Each one of you is an individual and specific vibration in the united song of humanity. And if only one of all these vibrations is missing, humanity’s Grand Song is not complete.

The wisdom of each soul is flowing from the Eternal Source in Which it exists, and each soul has its own color or unique combination of colors. But together all colors are transcended into the One Great White Light.

However none of you is separated from this One Great White Light! A soul that seeks to Unite with its Origin Is very much blessed, as this soul is starting to surrender to the Greater Existence in Which it is arising.

With It the tone of the soul starts to vibrate on a greater scale and a volume, that is not louder but is increasingly expanding multidimensionally until it Unites with Source.

It is due to the Blessings of this time that is is now possible, that a soul is able to participate in the expanded Field of Divine Consciousness, – simultaneously while being the individual soul. This is a new Divine Creation That was unknown to humanity as a whole. In the past only very few extraordinary souls could do this. This is one of the important aspects of this evolutionary quantum leap in the Heart of the Divine: to be conscious as an individual and as the Ultimate at the same time.

Before this new creation a soul who entered the Ultimate lost its existence in the Vast Ocean of Divine Love-Bliss-Consciousness.

How can an individual soul be both? Understand that this is a matter of a kind of “channeling”. The soul “channels” the Infinite Source and opens itself to Its Vastness, but can switch in the blink of an eye back to the more limited state of its individuality at will.

So that this could happen, the Divine Creator Forces have changed the structure of the soul in a way that it is more translucent and less solid in its geometry as it has been before. Meaning that the soul of the human being has now more scope to change from a particle to a waveform, to use this analogy! And this can be done by will, as soon as the Absolute has become conscious to the experience of the soul.

It has been your observation that as soon you integrated a new scientific insight into the nature of creation, that this always coincided with expanded consciousness. Expanded awareness and new insights in your scientific endeavours signified therefore also the evolutionary expansion of your spiritual growth.

I suggest that you all use your understanding of quantum physics, which is in the Knowing of your heart, to expand the awareness of your soul. The symbolism that is expressed in your advanced science of physics is a doorway to understand yourself and the Nature of Consciousness better.

Ultimately you will find, that many observations in the field of physics which are depictions of reality, point to the same Truth. And soon you will be able to interchange them, recognizing that they describe the same what your soul increasingly is able to feel, intuit and Know as Divine Reality.

However, this applies only to the world of phenomena. As soon as structure is released there is no science and no spirituality. Both are transcended in the Gigantic, Infinite and Undivided Source of Ultimate Reality, in which no structure exists, but from which all structures are arising.

This is important to understand, because without this understanding you cannot recognize what is beyond your soul and you cannot surrender to What is Greater than your soul. Although your soul is a beautiful Emanation of the Divine, it is still in some sense separated from its own Source. You can comprehend this, because you know that there are many souls, not just yours.

And this tells you that the soul is not the Ultimate, in and of itself. But Source is Only One, and not many. It cannot be divided, It cannot be diminished. It Is Pure Radiance, Infinite Consciousness in Which and from Which Everything arises.

What arises can be given a name and can be objectified. Source cannot be objectified. It Is forever Subjective Substance of all objects. When you Realize Source, you transcend any object-subject relation, and objects are recognized from a Subjective “Point of View”. However this is not something we can speak or think ‘about’, it must be Realized, you must become It.

It is dear to My Heart to show you your Infinite Perspective, to inspire your soul to growth and expansion.

Thank you for taking this into YOUR heart.

As always, I AM your loving

Message conveyed by Ute

My heart was singing with joy, dearest friends, while writing this down. What about your heart, did it start singing too?

Much love!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 9:24:19 PM

Lift Your Spirit – So the Energy of the New Can Circulate

Lift Your SpiritOver the past three weeks hosting Lift Your Spirit, I’ve enjoyed talking with and hearing from those of you who have been brave and caring enough to open your hearts and share where you are in your Ascension journey. And I’m sure all of you who have tuned in to the show have, too.

Marianne, Lambros, Amber, Janine, Jay, Barbara, Waverider, DD, Pat, Louise – and also last week’s special guest, Suzanne Lie, channeler of the Arcturians – are among those of you who have stepped up into the new energies and have generously given the rest of us a special glimpse into the Ascension process, as it stands today.

Stephen Cook hosts The Light AgendaIn doing so, they brought a lot of enjoyment and a lot of themselves to those of you who have been sitting back at home and enjoying the stories.

When I started what was originally planned as a possible one-off special back on May 5, I said that Lift Your Spirit wouldn’t be able to fulfil its mission without All of YOU. That mission, as I saw it, was for as many of you as possible to come together and lift your spirit – individually and collectively.

Well, the initial response was great. Emails flowed in. People said they loved that we were gathering together to share our stories. And so a second show was planned. Then, last week, a third.

But, just as suddenly, the well of those of you willing to go public and share with one another, and thus help one another, seemed to be on its last bucket…

One of the unsurprising things I’ve found while serving on InLIght Radio and here onGolden Age of Gaia (even when it was previously named the 2012 Scenario) is that, just like most things, it’s the same, kind generous souls who are stepping forward week after week, show to show. Whether it be sharing on Lift Your Spirit, calling in and contributing on other programs, like Heavenly Blessings, or providing news tips for Geoffrey West on Cosmic Vision News. And those same few people are the ones who are often making donations to support the work we all do. You know who you are; we know who you are. And we reallyappreciate you.

But that’s the issue as I see it – there are still far too many of us sitting back and enjoying others’ stories: letting others lead the way; letting others give and give – while some of us receive and receive (and a small group even complains about what they receive – yes, I’m sorry, but it’s true)…

So, my gut is telling me that, collectively, we all need to recognise that we ALL have to step up into the light if we’re all going to come together as a community; one where we are all one. To do that, we need to ensure we are ALL participating in an energy exchange – on every level.

This is really important because, as we move forward, we must move forward together and share and give and receive and, in doing so, circulate that all-important energy.

We must also assist ourselves and others as we do so, because everything we’re all doing now is part of that new energy exchange. And If we don’t all participate in this cycle then the energy doesn’t circulate the way it should.

It’s also more than just an energy of talking or listening or opening up one’s heart and soul. It’s an energy of reward and appreciation for those who are doing the ‘hard yards,’ so to speak. Those giving while others of us receive. (Yes, those who are willing to put themselves out there also need to also feel valued and acknowledged for their contribution to the rest of us in some way.)

Yet, at the same time – and I have to say this because it’s just as important – there are still many of us believing that we are in lack: in lack of the perfect ascension experience; in lack of being able to give; in lack of feeling that we’re able to contribute to the wider collective. Or maybe we just lack interest. I don’t know. ..

In saying that, maybe Lift Your Spirit has simply been just that little bit ahead of that fifth dimensional energy exchange to be an ongoing contribution to the discussion right now. Maybe some of you were just a little bit shy. Or maybe you felt you didn’t have something important to say or share.

But the things is, we are all important and we all have something to contribute. Yet we must do this together. We’ve come this far. And we are all one, after all.

So for all those reasons above, Lift Your Spirit is now ‘On Pause” – because without YOU there is no show featuring YOU. Thus, there will be no show on Sundays for the immediate future.

I’m not disappointed by this. It just IS. It was a decision I needed to make and it may be back at some time – in a slightly different format; as a series of specials only; or as a completely different show. Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the energy of the new is one that needs to continually flow, to circulate. And as it does, it picks up speed, momentum and strength.

If each of us is not prepared to put our deepest wishes into action and ‘be there’ for each other, how can we ‘be there’ for the rest of the world – our fellow human beings, Starseeds, Lightworkers, family and friends, neighbours, work colleagues; the man, woman and child in the street?

So, let’s see how we can truly come together to share, help, relate and appreciate each other. Let’s say to ourselves, no matter our situation: “I have something to give and I have something to share. I want to be part of this growing, caring community. I’m willing to actively participate in the new energy exchange. I will no longer sit around going ’I’m having a hard time, someone help me’. I recognise that the time for sitting back and letting others do all the work is over. We ALL have ‘work’ to do.”

Let’s get that energy circulating by giving, sharing, receiving, accepting and appreciating. And let’s LOVE watching it gain momentum.

And let’s make this commitment to not only lift ours and everyone’s spirit but the world’s – and let’s lift it ALL together!

I’ve left the Comments open, in case you have something you wish to share about this post.

Meanwhile, in case you missed any of the three Lift Your Spirit programs here they are:

Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 5 -

Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 12 -

Lift Your Spirit, Sunday May 19

And a big thank you to Suzi Maresca, for wonderfully woman-ning the switch for each show.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 9:27:43 PM

The Group via Steve Rother: Pyramid Power

pyramid-energyThe Group: Pyramid Power, channeled by Steve Rother, May 15, 2013 at

This is an excerpt from May’s monthly message from The Group, ‘November Harvest – Re-seeding Planet Earth

All of humanity has turned a corner, and in doing so your attachments to those things that reflected your power has been quietly released. Many of you have seen the remnants of those who put the protective shields in place originally to protect Earth. This is when you talk about who built the pyramids. Much of the unexplainable becomes explained when you see from where humanity is now. Many of the artifacts of Earth still have no traditional explanation about where they came from or what they are doing on Earth.

These shadow memories have been intentionally blocked from you by your own design. The pyramids have always formed a protective shield around Earth, even though they have been covered and forgotten in many places on Earth. These are not all pyramids because some are manmade pyramids that have copied the original designs with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Pyramid Power at Work

The network of pyramids on Earth have formed a protective shield around the planet, which has kept specific meteors and comets from hitting it. That has been released and for a very specific reason. You have heard about the two big meteors that have come in and made the front pages of your newspapers, but you are not aware of all the small ones that are coming in now.

Because this protective shield that was in place from almost the beginning of Earth has been released, you will receive a planting of these comets in November of this year toward the end of the month. You will have a comet that will come by and sprinkle life on Earth. We tell you that specifically, because all life was planted originally from comets.

Your scientists do not agree with us on this point, but we will tell you, you are not from Earth nor is anyone. You have been very carefully placed here by yourselves. Now you are going through an evolution. It was always necessary for you to die and leave the physical body, then go Home to recycle and reincarnate to come back and do it again.

This is the first time that humans walked through the gate without going Home, without dying.

You are walking in an ascension process right now and every step of the way you are higher than you were yesterday; all of this is a beauty that you hold in front of you. All of you have control of this. Do not fear these comets, as they are bringing a new form of life for they are sprinkling life forms. You have been losing life forms on planet Earth for a very long time and now it is being re-seeded in a new way so watch and celebrate the November comet. You have already given it a name, but I will hold off on telling you because my names are not the same as yours.

Your scientists know of this comet that is coming and it is sprinkling dust along the way. It is basically disintegrating every time it passes and when it does, it will sprinkle cosmic dust on planet Earth. In fact, your scientists are now trying to calculate to see if you will actually be able to see the dust falling. That is how much dust they are expecting from this November comet.

In fact, the comet would have never hit Earth except that you went through the portal and released every part of it. It is not going to hit Earth; it is going far away from it and hooking around the sun, but it will sprinkle all these beautiful seeds of life on planet Earth. You are here, dear ones, at an incredibly beautiful, critical time in all of humanity and all the timelines of Earth herself, the entire energies of Earth are being re-energized—even the ley lines, the magnetic ley lines that form the magnetic grid that carries your Earth are reducing.

Your magnetic structures on planet Earth have reduced 12% over the last 100 years. That is also leading to your awakening from the dream. Very beautiful. You have done well; you have carried it here and you are here. You made it. Not only did you make it, but you are sitting here asking what can you do next?

You are in the perfect position to be conscious creators of planet Earth and we hope that you enjoy this journey, dear ones, for you have signed up and waited an eternity for the opportunities that now lie in front of each of you. You know the way Home and if you will stop thinking with the brain and start feeling with the heart, it will lead you Home. You know the way and we will greet you with the most incredible open arms and welcome you Home when you finally do decide to shed those bodies to re-turn.

Dear ones, even now you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and we mean that in all sincerity. We have never seen what has happened on Earth and we are so proud of you. You have created magic with your eyes wide open. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and hold those doors open every chance you get and play well together. Espavo.

The Group

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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