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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 10:18:55 PM

Karen Doonan: The Death Throes of The Old World

Male femaleMay 23, 2013 at

There has been talk of the death of the old 3D earth for long enough and many of you may now be heartily sick of hearing the phrase and beginning to wonder where all the chaos will end and why there appears to be little sign of the earth falling into some sort of order and “sense”. Events over the past few days have highlight many things to us but the main thing is the dissolving of the old earth paradigms in relation to male/female energies.

Let us explain a bit further. If you are male and reading this, the chances are that you are finding this time more challenging than if you were female and there is good reason for this. The old paradigms of 3D earth are beginning to break down, but as with anything that begins to dissolve in relation to the old earth, the old earth is still up to its “old” tricks. It is still putting up the smoke and mirrors that are trying to show that nothing has changed and many are buying into this.

Traditionally on planet earth, human males and human females have been taught a set of behaviours and a set of “rules” that have gone unchallenged since the beginning of given human history. Even today you will, if you are awake enough, see how male children and female children are treated completely differently. It may be that as you read this blog that you can feel your opinions about what it means to be male or female begin to arise within you. It may be that you will feel challenged by reading our words, and that is the key for the next stage of unfolding across planet earth.

You need to be challenged, for all that is not Truth will dissolve and all that is will remain. To feel challenged and to feel that familiar feeling arise within you of going into defense mode, shows there are teachings lying unchallenged within your energy signature. Teachings that remain unchallenged play out, and in effect can blind to you that which no longer serves. For many males at this time, this is a time of complete meltdown and many males are not coping with this at all. This is compounded by the attitude and the response of many human females, after all are men not meant to be men?

In the old 3D world men are the heroes or they are taught that they are. They are taught to be strong, to be silent, and to be at the call of all. You just need to watch any of the recent films that have come out and there they are – at the front line single-handedly saving the world. They dont need anyone or anything because they are “heroes”. So how comfortable with this scenario are you? How you answer the question will, of course , depend on how much training in being a traditional man you have had and how many within your human life experience are holding you in this frequency pattern.

At the time of the last eclipse, there was a huge outpouring of emotion and most of it was around the human male. This may have gone “unreported” as such, after all there is a huge distortion across the planet around males and the old earth is not going to roll over and say “ok we admit it, all is changing”. And that is what must be acknowledged for ALL is changing and what is changing is its frequency.

As the frequencies begin to change across and within planet earth, they begin to break down social structures and they begin to break down all that is not Truth. The male “hero” is not Truth for human males are human males. The roles that they have been forced into are not real. The old earth worked to divide the human race and what better division than to divide the males from the females and then divide the males from the males and the females from the females? To understand the need to break down the human male “role” let us look at the “hero” and understand why he is not real.

In any blockbuster film at present you will either be presented with an alien invasion, the end of the world, or a combination of both. This is deliberate – to try to stir up the hysteria that is needed for the old earth in to remain and for subconsciously, a large section of planet earth will keep bracing itself for an alien invasion. Within these films is the “hero”, the man who is strong, silent, and who uses his sheer strength of will to save humanity or whoever he is saving in the film.

Many who watch these films identify with this and this is a dangerous scenario to offer to human males for within the population there are males who are trying to live up to this role. Many adolescent boys are aligning with these “role models” and emotionally this is dangerous for them. Traditionally boys are taught to repress their emotions. This distortion across planet earth is so intense that many males have lost any sense of what it means to be a human male. There is no surprise to realise, then, that the most “at risk” of suicide age group and gender is males between the ages of 17 and 25 years old and the figures year on year climb.

In a world that is completely out of balance, many are calling for more feminine energy, completely ignoring that to pour more female energy across a world that it out of balance for BOTH males and females, would do nothing more than further distort the human race. Each human being is made up of both male and female energies. The “hero” only plays to the male energies, wildly taking the human vehicle out of balance.

For all that the films play on the “hero”, they fail to look at the fact that he is in all aspects DE-humanised. So traumatised by his leaps of “bravery” and all out fighting that he is but a shell. He is in full survival mode and if there is one place not to be in the new earth, it is in survival mode, for survival mode would indicate that you are in danger, and if you are in danger that produces fear, and if you produce fear, you feed the old earth.

Now at the start of this blog I stated that there is good reason this outpouring of emotion is related to the human male. Let me explain further. In order for the fear to be reduced upon planet earth and begin to dissolve, it is vital that the human male comes out of his survival or “hero” mode. To feed the bottom 3 chakras of your human vehicle above any other will see you wildly out of balance and will see you feed the old earth and all its smoke and mirrors. To look at the world at the moment, it may seem appropriate to be in survival mode, but this is the smoke and mirrors of the old. As we have stated, the old earth is not going to roll over and say “ok, sorry the games up, we give in”. It has survived for too long and it is also in fear. It knows no other way to survive. There is that word and concept again: “survive”. If the human race is to move into a new way of living and a new way of being, it must move out of surviving and into Living.

Those who have closed down their hearts and are operating from the bottom 3 chakras are in survival mode. They react, theyey do not Feel, and the reaction is out of fear. In other words, they are creating chaos for they go from one reaction to another, all the time cut off from the Feelng and the heart. The heart is the only place of Truth within your human vehicle. When you are connected into the heart and Feel, then the world is shown to you in Truth.

This is a world of change, a world where yes, the old is breaking down, but the new is emerging and blossoming. The new earth asks you to Feel. It asks you to become responsible for how you feel, for how you feel is how you create. If you create from reaction and from fear, then you will create chaos. As this is not Truth, it is not supported and cannot manifest fully. It will appear, then dissolve, then appear, then dissolve. This of course fosters further frustration and anxiety which produces fear which feeds the old earth.

We have looked at the male “hero” now lets look at the human female for in order to have a male “hero”, there must be a female victim. The hero needs someone to save does he not? Do you see how this distortion plays out and plays to the energies of each sex whilst dividing them? The power of the human male is vast. The power of the human female is vast, but the power of both together is even greater. The old earth does not want them to work together and to compliment each other for it realises that in doing this, the human female will allow the Love that IS to flow freely and so will the human male.

The human female does not need a hero, she needs only to feel safe and loved. The human male does not need a victim to save, for he too needs only to feel safe and loved. Yet the old world has both cut them off from each other as both are racing around trying to be something that is not real, and in doing so, cuts both of them off from their heart. For every human female that is waiting for a “hero” to come and save her, is a female in survival mode who believes that the world is a scary place and she needs a “hero”.

Unfortunately, the price to pay for the hero is love, for the hero is cut off from his heart and us in full survival mode and reacting to all the perceived dangers that are out there while unaware that he is CREATING those very scenarios. Alll the whilst cutting himself off more and more from his heart, he has no time to go into his heart for there is a world to save. The female will then not go into her heart for her “hero” is unavailable emotionally for her. She too is in survival mode and braced against a world that is out to get her. Thismscenario is exaggerated by a world that teaches the males that they don’t need to talk about their feelings – in fact, they should not bother with their feelings at all – and teaches the females to nurture and to mother, but to never expect to be loved in return for men do not love like females do.

This paradigm has been in operation since the human race was given their history and as it is not Truth, it will begin to dissolve, But, because many are holding tightly on to the labels they have been given on birth, chaos in now unfolding. The gulf between the males and the females is seen as widening. At the end of the day in Truth, all human beings regardless of which human vehicle they have incarnated into want to be loved and to love. That is the base line for all and yet this is hidden in plain view by the old earth with its labels and its definitions.

Many males are now Feeling the new earth energies and are now releasing the frequencies that have kept this paradigm in place all this time. However, there are many males who are asleep and who are still feeding the old paradigm and not letting it dissolve, and who are blind to the paradigm, believing their “place” and “role” in the world is under threat. This, of course, will put them straight into survival mode, which then feeds the very distortion that is trying to dissolve. Many females are also feeding this distortion without realising it. Mothers, how do you react to your male children? Women, how do react to your male relatives? Women, how do you view your male partners?

To write things off as “oh males are always like this – just ignore him he will come round” is to play to the old earth. Many males are in pieces at this time, overwhelmed by an outpouring of emotion and with little tools available to cope with the outpouring. If you have been brought up to ignore your feelings, and suddenly you are overwhelmed with them, who do you turn to? Your friends? What if they are playing out the paradigm that is dissolving? Your partner? Well that may bring up lots of teachings around what it means to be male for you.

Many women do not fully understand just how terrifying it may appear to a male to have so much emotion and not know how to deal with it. Yes there are men who are ok with crying but the outpouring of these emotions is intense and it may at times feel overwhelming and this needs to be addressed. The pressure on human males is intense at the moment and as explained in this blog, this is Deliberate for in putting pressure on the males, then the fear is fed at greater levels for men have also been taught to hold on to their anger. Many males are angry and are holding on to this anger which will of course feed the old earth paradigms.

So how does the human race begin to address this and allow the breaking down of this paradigm? By lifting its vision from the difference between males and females and understanding the Human Being. . To allow the human race to look to each other and see the BEing and not just the male or the female. To let go of the labels and the assumptions that come with being either female or male. All alive on planet earth regardless of their gender, their colour, etc, are human BEings. The old world taught the human race to see the differences, to place labels on these differences, and to exaggerate these differences. Now the new earth asks that we understand and anchor that ALl Are One, all are human beings, and all need and deserve to be loved and to give love.

So at this time of heightened energies, and as we approach a full moon, take a moment to reach out to those around you regardless of whether they have incarnated into a human make vehicle or a human fesle vehicle, and take off the labels. See them as a human being just as you are a human being, and allow the old to dissolve. Love is the answer, no matter the question. But it is the Love that IS that is the frequency that will dissolve the old earth. Love justt IS. Do not love someone “because” and then have a list of reasons. Love them for them and love them unconditionally for all just ARE.

Too many in the world are basing their “love” for their partners on what they do for them – filtering out the energy that they are in Truth. It is not about being a “hero.” It is not about being “the damsel in distress.” It is about BEIng. Let go of the labels and the roles and you will then begin to discover Truth. This, of course, may bring a whole new scenario into play, for as you begin to let go of the labels, your energy signature will begin to find balance and will begin to elevate. Relationships at this time on planet earth are changing rapidly.

Truth is only found in the heart. Love justt IS and Truth just IS. Many are holding on to relationships and labels. Lovebis a frequency. In order to anchor this frequency, you must allow it to flow through you. You cannot pour Love out into the world unless you have anchored it within the heart space. The words “I love you” are used to often and for too many reasons upon planet earth. They have lost their meaning. Love is not 3 words. It is a Feeling and that Feeling resides within the heart space. To love, you must first love self and then allow this to pour out into the world. As more and more allow this to flow, the old will begin to dissolve more rapidly and the human race will begin to come back into balance once more.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:16:20 PM

Balloons bring smiles in war-weary Afghan capital

Associated Press/Ahmad Jamshid - An Afghan woman holds a portion of some 10,000 pink balloons handed out by artists and activists in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, May, 25, 2013. The project brought smiles to surprised Afghans on the street a day after a major Taliban siege on an international compound.(AP Photo/Ahmad Jamshid)

An Afghan woman holds a portion of some 10,000 pink balloons handed out by artists and activists in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, May, 25, 2013. The project brought smiles to surprised Afghans on the street a day after a major Taliban siege on an international compound.(AP Photo/Ahmad Jamshid)
Afghans prepare some of the 10,000 pink balloons handed out by artists and activists in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, May, 25, 2013. The project brought smiles to surprised Afghans on the street a day after a major Taliban siege on an international compound.(AP Photo/Ahmad Jamshid)

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Artists and activists handed out 10,000 bright pink balloons to residents in Afghanistan's war-weary capital on Saturday, bringing smiles to surprised Kabul residents a day after a major Taliban siege on an international compound in the city.

Each balloon contains a written message of peace from volunteers around the world, said Colombian-American artist Yazmany Arboleda, who organized the "We Believe in Balloons" day.

More than 100 Afghan artists and other volunteers were up before dawn Saturday to put the messages inside and fill the balloons with helium. Then they took to the streets of downtown Kabul's riverfront to distribute them to passers-by.

The colorful spectacle clearly delighted many Afghans, even as the war with Taliban insurgents grinds into its 12th year since the U.S.-led invasion that ousted the Taliban's hard-line regime.

Just the day before, a militant assault in the heart of Kabul killed four people plus the six attackers.

"This brings color to Afghanistan and I want to see my people smiling and happy," said 22-year-old Afghan volunteer Nargis Azaryun as she passed out the balloons. "We hope that by giving away 10,000 pink balloons, we will give this city 10,000 ideas of life beyond war."

Arboleda, who has launched similar events in India, Japan, and Kenya, said the Afghan version is important to allow the world to see the country's people, not just the conflict.

"I see this project as a platform that transforms the single story of catastrophe that the world sees in Afghanistan into multiple narratives that highlight our shared humanity," he said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:35:42 PM

Spiritual Recapitulation

Baby 22Everywhere in nature are metaphors that hint at the Divine Plan for life.

Nowhere is that clearer than in the conception and embryonic development of the human being.

Consider first the Divine Plan itself for there is a plan, Krishnamurti tells us.

“The really important thing is … the knowledge of God’s plan for men. For God has a plan, and that plan is evolution. When once a man has seen that and really knows it, he cannot help working for it and making himself one with it, because it is so glorious, so beautiful.” (1)

The Divine Plan sees the Father send a spark of itself, called in the Bible the fire ever burning on the altar (2) and a firebrand plucked from the burning, (3) out into the world of matter, mater, Mother.

There, the Mother ensconces the spark in a body: “Wisdom [Sophia, the Mother] hath builded her house, she hath hewn her seven pillars.”(4) The seven pillars are the seven chakras and the spiritual house or temple is the body.

The spark is nurtured by the Mother who creates, preserves and transforms everything in her lawful domain. With the law as its teacher, she raises all her children from the most elementary stages of consciousness to a superconscious being.

Under the Mother’s perpetual guidance and always in her world – or womb – of matter, the spark evolves, traversing all the kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal, human, and so on – and grows in consciousness through one enlightenment after another, to full maturity as a God-conscious being.

As Rumi has said:

“I died as mineral and became a plant.
I died as plant and rose to animal.
I died as animal and I was man. …
Yet once more I shall die as man, to soar
With angels blest; but even from angelhood
I must pass on: all except God doth perish.
When I have sacrificed my angel soul,
I shall become what no mind e’er conceived.
Oh, let me not exist! For Non-existence
Proclaims in organ tones, ‘To Him we shall return.’” (5)

The journey leads from God to God. Once the divine spark begins, through enlightenment, to know who it really is, to know that it’s no other than God, as is everything that is and is not, it begins the return journey to God which culminates in divine mergence.

Now consider that the male in the reproductive cycle of many species, not just the human, introduces the sperm into the female’s womb. There it penetrates the mother’s egg. The mother immediately begins to build the body. The foetus gestates and develops, growing in consciousness until it reaches full term, at which time the mother delivers the child into the “real” world, where waits the father.Tree 22

The reproductive cycle of father and mother captures in its major features the divine cycle of life, from the spark being released into the womb of the Mother’s world of experience, there to learn through a law-governed round of life first who its Mother is, then who its Father is, and then who it is itself, to be born into divine life.

When it learns who it is, truly, at essence, it’s said to have completed the journey of life and a new journey begins, about which we know nothing. As Hilarion tells us:

“When after ages of struggle and many victories the final battle is won, the final secret demanded, then you are prepared for a further path. When the final secret of this great lesson is told, in it is opened the mystery of the new way — a path which leads out of all human experience, and which is utterly beyond human perception or imagination.” (6)

Thus, embryonic development is a metaphor always available to us of the spiritual journey of life.

In the same way, every element of nature bespeaks some aspect of the Divine Plan. The life of a tree also repeats the divine journey. The seed takes root in the ground of Mother Earth and grows into a great tree.

It draws its sustenance from Mother Earth and carries it as sap up from the roots to the trunk and out into the branches and leaves, where the seed is produced for the next generation. So we draw our sustenance from the Mother of all life through the heart and up into our trunk and branches to produce the seed of new life.

The leaves fall off but the tree never dies. Our bodies fall off but the soul never dies.

Like the tree launching seeds, the Father continuously launches new life out into the world.

The tree raises its branches to the sky, seeking the warmth of the sun and seemingly praising the Mother/Father God. It can be seen as a metaphor of us seeking the warmth of God’s love and raising our arms to the sky seeking God’s Light.

All of life is a metaphor, bespeaking its divine origins and destination. Many of life’s processes recapitulate the spiritual journey.


(1) J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974; c1910, 17.

(2) Leviticus 6:13.

(3) Amos 4:1.

(4) Proverbs 9:1.

(5) Rumi in Anne Fremantle and Christopher. In Love with Love. 100 of the Greatest Mystical Poems. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1978, 58.

(6) Hilarion, channelling through Mabel Collins, channel. Light on the Path and an Essay on Karma. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974, 11-2.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:41:22 PM

BP, Shell, Named in US Class Action for Price Rigging

BP is one of the companies under investigation by the EC. Photo: Getty

BP is one of the companies under investigation by the EC. Photo: Getty

Stephen: What’s curious here is that, despite this story having its origins in Chicago, I couldn’t find any articles about it in US media outlets (nor really, anywhere else, actually) when I did an online search. I wrote last year how media stories can sometimes be strangely (or should that read ‘purposefully’) isolated to one country even if it’s a global news event. Price-rigging of petrol is certainly of major global interest, affecting billions; but this story of what is very likely a worldwide collusion hasn’t broken around the world – yet.

BP and Shell Face Lawsuit Over Oil Rigging Claims

By Emily Gosden, The Telegraph UK – May 24, 2013

BP, Shell and Statoil have been named in a proposed class action lawsuit over alleged oil price rigging, following the launch of a European Commission investigation into the oil giants.

Chicago-based commodities trader Prime International Trading named the companies in a suit on Wednesday, accusing them of misreporting trades for the Brent oil benchmark.

It is seeking civil damages, arguing that it would have its conducted trades based on the inaccurate prices.

The EC is investigating whether the companies colluded to distort the benchmark of oil and other products by reporting distorted prices to agency Platts for more than a decade.

The Brent benchmark is used as the basis for trades and contracts for numerous products worldwide.

The EC said that small distortions to the benchmark could potentially have had a “huge impact” on prices paid by consumers at the petrol pumps.

However, the investigation is at an early stage and no charges have been brought.

The lawsuit accused the oil companies of reporting “inaccurate, misleading and false information” about Brent crude and said it planned to include up to 50 other defendants, Reuters reported.

The plaintiffs in the case are being represented by Lowey Dannenberg Cohen & Hart, one of the firms involved in securing a $101m settlement in a class action over manipulation of the US natural gas price indices a decade ago.

Meanwhile, BP has made a “significant” gas discovery at its first joint exploration well with Reliance Industries in India. Reports suggested the find exceeded pre-drill estimates of 819 billion cubic feet of gas. BP and Reliance both said it was too early to estimate the volume.

BP and Shell face lawsuit over oil rigging claims

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2013 5:43:56 PM
Dear friends, a new article by Steve Beckow here. In two parts.

The Paradigms of the Third and Fourth Dimensions Compared – Part 1/2

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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