(Continued from Part 10.)
Many religious people will choose not to ascend
The discovery that they have been manipulated by religious leaders will cause a great deal of pain to many devout people, the Angels say through Tazjima.
“Many pious good people are in for major shocks as they discover how manipulated and controlled they have been by those spiritual leaders that they trusted. Already layers of cover-ups, deceptions and lies are beginning to be revealed. More will come, and as a result reactions and tempers may flare. (1)
SaLusa tells us that the disbelief of true believers has been anticipated and many masters whose word is being relied on will return to reassure their followers.
“Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen, and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based will return to explain what their true message was.
“Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers’ hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured.” (2)
Nonetheless, many will not accept what’s happening, SaLuSa says.
“We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead.
“For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored.” (3)
One of the truths that the believers will have to accept, Matthew tells us, is that their religions “were designed in darkness to deceive and control the peoples, by the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap wealth for the heads of churches.” (4)

Matthew describes the gamut of shocked emotions that those who’ve deceived or been deceived will go through when that truth emerges.
“That religions are teaching the ‘word of God’ will be shown in the fullness of the deception that spawned that falsehood, and among the challenges you will encounter are the many individuals who will not believe the truths that will be revealed.
“Some will do battle, convinced that it is their divine right and duty to defeat the Anti-Christ or the infidels through bloodshed. You will witness the shock, confusion, anger, disillusionment, and, yes, very likely fear [among] the deceivers who made a vengeful God have been masterful for eons of people whose minds are not totally closed to the revelations.” (5)
He tells us that many will choose to leave rather than accept that their religious dogmas are flawed.
“Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught.” (6)
He predicts that everyone dogmatic in their beliefs, whether religious, scientific, or nationalistic, will experience tremendous shock when the truth is revealed.
“Individuals whose rigid beliefs are founded on false religious dogma and flawed science will be the most resistant – their beliefs are the very foundation of their lives or their livelihoods.

9/11 was not caused by Muslims, but by supporters of the New World Order
“And when the facts about ‘9/11’ and the reasons for wars in Afghanistan and Iran – ALL wars! – are revealed, families and friends of all who died may be disbelievers because knowing why their loved ones died could be overwhelming.
“All of these people need compassion and understanding – they will be able to accept the truth after they transition to Nirvana.” (7)
They’ll choose “at soul level” to leave, but they’ll have other chances to ascend, he says.
“After a suitable time in Nirvana, where they will see how they veered from their soul contracts wherein they had chosen to awaken, they will welcome the opportunity to embody in other third-density placements and resume learning at the level where it left off.” (8)
“They will embody in a third-density world where their beliefs can remain intact until once again the truth emerges about religions’ false teachings, and they will have another opportunity to open their minds and accept that truth.” (9)
Matthew counsels us to provide safety and intelligence when people start to question deeply.
“Provide a compassionate safe haven for their questioning and rely on your intuition for the best responses – they will be there when you need them. However, it is not your responsibility to convince them that the foundation of their beliefs – maybe even their very life purpose – is a lie.
“Rejoice, just as we shall, when your efforts succeed, but please do not feel despondent when they don’t. The resistant souls, like all others in the universe, will continue their evolutionary pathways wherever their needs shall best be served, and the eternal and infinite love of Source will undergird their way.” (10)
He acknowledges that some of our near and dear ones will refuse to accept what’s happening.
“Please do not feel sad if persons dearest to you are among the non-receptive. Spiritual evolvement comes at a pace that is as unique as each soul itself is – when the time is right for your beloved people to have conscious awareness of universal knowledge and grow spiritually, they will.” (11)
The Angels through Tazjima advise us to be islands of calm as this turmoil and these separations occur.
“Learn to be an island of calm in the storm so that those who you interact with will see that there is another way to be, calm, serene and balanced, letting that whose time it is to leave, go.” (12)
Truth and Ascension
Saul congratulates those who are now seeing through the designs of the deceivers.
“This newly expanded sense of awareness throughout humanity is leading to the realization that authority in the form of government agencies, and throughout educational, health-care, political, social, and religious organizations is a means to control and suppress individuals and deprive them of their human rights. …
“In this New Age people no longer feel automatically beholden to those who claim authority over them, and as authority only works when people generally accept it, the age of massive agencies of control is finished.” (13)
This is a welcome outcome because to ascend we must accept spiritual truth and divest ourselves of false beliefs, Matthew tells us.
“To physically ascend with Earth … does require more than living a good life, a godly life. It also requires leaving behind third density’s deceitful foundation of religious beliefs and accepting the brilliant light of spiritual truth. (14)
Those who reject spiritual truth deny “that they are god and goddess selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this universe.” (15) But if they don’t accept our oneness with God and all that is, how can they open themselves to unitive consciousness? And without unitive consciousness, how can they enter the Fifth Dimension?
He explains:
“The truth is, as equal parts of God – by whatever name you call the ruler of this universe – all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited powers to manifest whatever you choose to think, feel and do.” (16)
SaLuSa agrees: “In recognizing the Oneness of everything you are taking your place alongside of those ready to move further along the path of Ascension.” (17)
Matthew calls the acceptance of these spiritual truths our “final exam.”
“The ‘final exam,’ if you will, is whether they can accept the truths that shortly will start emerging about the darkness that for so long has kept your world ‘in the dark,’ especially control of the masses through religious dogma.” (18)
Thus, Ascension to the Fifth Dimension actually means something more than simply opening to the rising energies. It means an acceptance of certain spiritual truths which make possible the attainment of the very unitive consciousness which is a feature of life in the Fifth Dimension.
To leave duality, we have to let go of our dualistic and separative beliefs, many of which have been inculcated by those in charge of our religious tenets. Holding that only Christians will go to heaven, preaching death to infidels, holding on to resentments from centuries ago all stand in the way of our ascending and limiting the degree to which we can assimilate the light.
Those who cannot make the jump will decide at soul level to leave the planet and reincarnate on another Third-Dimensional world. From there they will begin again and at a future date accept the spiritual truths whose spaciousness allows one to evolve into the higher dimensions.
There are many, many more Illuminati truths to be revealed. But I plan to leave this series for now and resume it at some point in the future.
(1) The Angels, “Metamorphosis – All is in a State of Flux,” 26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima at http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/02/26/tazjima-message-from-the-angels-metaphorosis-all-is-in-a-state-of-flux/ http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/02/26/tazjima-message-from-the-angels-metaphorosis-all-is-in-a-state-of-flux/
(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 9, 2010.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010, athttp://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(5) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.
(6) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.
(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
(8) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.
(9) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010.
(10) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.
(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.
(12) The Angels, “Metamorphosis – All is in a State of Flux,” 26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima at http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/02/26/tazjima-message-from-the-angels-metaphorosis-all-is-in-a-state-of-flux/
(13) Saul, Jan. 6, 2013.
(14) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.
(15) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.
(16) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013.
(18) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.