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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 9:52:38 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: The More Freely You Offer Love, the More It Fills You

jesus-4-258x300Jesus: The More Freely You Offer Love, the More It Fills You. Channeled by John Smallman, May 24, 2013 –

John’s reading of today’s post can be found here:

The reality of the oneness of humanity, your interdependence on each other, and of course on the planet that so lovingly supports you is breaking into the awareness of even those most resistant to such a concept.

This awareness is an essential part of your ongoing awakening process, and even those most impervious so far to the idea are realizing that their children and grandchildren need an environment in which peace and harmony prevail, which is why they too are choosing to become aware and to become the change that human survival on Earth demands.

Those in “failed” relationships, although consumed with bitterness for each other, do love their progeny and want the best for them. Their concept of what is best for them may be faulty, but the intent is loving. And truly there are no “failed” relationships because every relationship is a mutually chosen series of lessons which all those involved chose to undertake – lessons largely in the futility of resentment and blame.

When a choice is made by either partner to see anger, bitterness, and attack as a call for love, the relationship changes – maybe improving, or maybe showing one of the partners that it is time to move on peaceably and calmly, thus freeing both.

Co-dependency is far, far different from interdependency. It occurs when one or both in a relationship use their partnership – adult-adult, parent-child, boss-subordinate, corporation-employee, government-people – as a means to maintain a sense of power over, or a sense of helplessness under, the other. It is unloving and damaging, as you are all well aware, but it does present those engaged in them with enormously powerful lessons that if properly learnt and understood lead to freedom.

Those presently embroiled in such relationships are finding them increasingly untenable, unacceptable, and unworkable as their awareness grows of what it is they are doing to themselves and to the other. This is an indication of Love seeping in where previously it was locked out. Love frees, It brings awareness, It never forces an entry, controls or manipulates, and as the divine love field enveloping the planet strengthens so does its influence, bringing a realization to even the most hurt and damaged among you that they have a right to Love.

They demonstrate this by taking the first steps to disengage from relationships which they feel are destroying them. When this occurs they need tremendous amounts of loving support and understanding, not judgments that suggest that they are to blame for the situation, nor even partially to blame, just loving support where they can find peace and acceptance to enable them to come to terms with what is happening.

They are seeking Love. It is within them, as It is within everyone, but they need help to find It because It has been hidden from them for far too long, under the pain and grief that they have been enduring, and they have no memory of It. Your acceptance of them demonstrates Love in action and helps them to find It within themselves, enabling them to offer It back to you in thanks and appreciation. Maybe it is their first experience of Love, kindling within them a sense that if they can give It they must indeed have It, and a feeling of peace comes over them. Your offering of Love to others is powerful! Even when done silently and unobtrusively. Use that power frequently during the day – and change the world!

Love is yours in abundance; you possess an inexhaustible supply. The more freely and abundantly you offer It, the more It fills you, bringing peace and joy in its wake, and an enormous increase in your own awareness and ability to accept that you are truly divine beings on a mission to Earth to assist her and humanity in the awakening process. Do not attempt to estimate how powerful you are because you will hugely misjudge your effect! Just intend – each time you think about it during the day – to send Love wherever It seems to be most needed and God will use you as a channel for His divine Purpose. When you awaken you will be astonished when you learn what you have been doing so successfully during your seemingly long and grueling earthly sojourn.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 9:55:09 PM

Archangel Gabriel: Full Moon Eclipse and Wesak Awakening

Buddha-within-Lotus-Light1Archangel Gabriel: Full Moon Eclipse and Wesak Awakening, channeled by Shanta Gabriel, May 23, 2013 at

Dear Ones,

As the energy ramps up for the next Full Moon (Friday, May 24 at 9:24 PM PDT), there is a powerful spiritual focus that must not be ignored. This full moon is called Wesak or the Buddha moon and is noted as the most powerful full moon of the year. The fact that there is also a lunar eclipse – the third in a very rare series – only adds to the enhanced energy you are experiencing. (For a full explanation of the Buddha moon, see

It is said that eclipses offer opportunities for course corrections, and can enable you to see what changes you may need to make in the direction you are heading. Know you are in the midst of a profound spiritual transformation, so the spiritual realm in your life is the arena where you need to look for any course correction that is necessary. Remember that you are still in the Wormhole of Radical Transformation until the June 21 Solstice, so now is the time to work on what can be done to enhance your soul path.

The physical realm is still in a free-floating state of process, as the warm Jell-O-like energies mold into the new world that you are creating in 5D. So when you look at your life and see the changes you want to make, do not focus on the physical doing-ness that would be the past 3D tendency. All of life begins with a spiritual focus and then filters down into the grosser physical level.

What is most necessary is your connection to your inner spirit, and you have an opportunity to do that in a way that is unprecedented. In fact, having your focus on a project of any kind would be helpful because many people are finding the free-floating feeling to be the most uncomfortable. It can be misinterpreted as emptiness or loneliness when in fact it is a void space just waiting to be filled with something wonderful, such as the dreams you hold in your heart.

Throughout 2012, and especially from the Solstice of December 21, you have been setting your energy course into motion. All the intentions, desires and clarity that you have created have been a focus currently manifesting as a formal structure yet to be in a form that you can recognize. But if you look within your heart, you will see how you have changed. You can feel the new consciousness, the new awareness that is just behind your heart at a pure Soul level, ready to take flight. It is as if you are growing the wings that you so longed to create in your life, the wings of your spirit unfurling in this new time so you can fly.

The Temple of Your Inner Spirit

There is a sense of magic in the air, do not mistake it. Let it draw you away from the outer focus of your world and create a new temple within your heart for your dreams to become clear. This Temple of your Spirit is a safe haven for you to return to again and again. It is there your Angels await you. They are waiting to soothe you and show how they honor your commitment to your ascension process. They are asking you to remain patient with this process and not to focus on what is still unseen in the world around you. They want you to see that when you turn within to the sacred temple within your heart, the action has been taking place there in great abundance.

Within your inner temple, the Eternal Fire of your spirit is burning with a force it has never achieved in your lifetime. You are gathering a powerful team of masters and angels waiting to assist you in the ascension of your soul as well as the planet. For these beings are very concerned, not only with your soul process, but also with the ascension of planet Earth into a new revelation of Light. The beings you have gathered to you are from many realms depending on your vibrational frequency. Some are Light Beings that have been with you since your very first incarnation and others are new for this time. All have been called by your soul for the fulfillment of your destiny in this lifetime. Latent within you are the seeds of dreams your soul is longing to manifest. These seeds are now awakening for you to call them forward into this potent time to help you create your new world.

It is a spiritual focus that is required for you now and there is not much you can do on the physical realm to force your dreams into fruition. However you can energize them, you can help them to gain vitality and grow juicy with Divine energy, and you can fertilize them with the compost of your emotional history. By doing this, you attract the assistance of those from the realms of Awakened Consciousness waiting to serve you. Indeed, you would be surprised how many Beings of Light are ready to serve you and carry your intentions into the world.

The Silver Lining in the Dark Clouds

As the dreams that may have been dormant begin to awaken, you have most likely noticed uncomfortable feelings coming into your awareness. These can feel like dark clouds erupting from the deep recesses of your subconscious carrying all the things about yourself that feel the most shame-filled, that cause you the most pain, and can lead to a sense of discouragement if you let the clouds take you over. What we want you to know is that there is a huge silver lining in those clouds that offers you the ability and the opportunity to finally clear away those sticky, habitual trains of thought and emotional upheaval. You can put to work that team of empowered Light Beings gathered about you who are willing to go where you command them.

This is a massive opportunity for you because the energy of this full moon eclipse carries the spiritual power to open the gateways to new consciousness. The Light Field of Freedom is there to help finally clear anything that stands in the way of your ascension. Wesak honors the day of Buddha’s enlightenment when he perceived how freedom lies behind the suffering and moved into Self-Realization. You can use that profound energy during this time as well. Recognize these old feelings as a learned response that is not who you are. It may be possible that it never was you, but a way you learned to behave because of your upbringing and environment as you grew.

There is pain in your heart mostly for the suffering you believe you brought into the lives of other people. Although you know that you would make new choices from the perspective of your growth in consciousness, you still have the feelings that cause you pain. It is this pain that you are being asked to lift from the sacred places of your heart. The Wesak Full Moon is a great opportunity for you to release patterns of suffering into the eternal fires of Heart Wisdom burning in your temple. Though you may have thrown it away many times; though you may have processed these painful memories with scores of therapists; though you may have asked and prayed for forgiveness, NOW is the time when the energy is strong enough to disintegrate these experiences and free you to move on.

Recognize clearly that the forgiveness you seek is there for you and offer yourself a huge field of Compassion. You have tried so hard to serve those who you feel you have wronged. You have tried so many ways to make amends for the past, and yet the pain has remained. Take the experiences that burden you, the pain that enslaves you and the old patterns of behavior into your temple now. Offer them to the Eternal Fire of your spirit and know that this time, you have all the support you need to really let go and be free. It is a new time and it is not possible for you to make your ascension dragging these old burdens from the past with you. They are not who you are, but now with the new awareness you carry and the help of your team of “Soul Specialists” you can make the shift of consciousness that will free you to move on.

Consider this a ritual of Spiritual Activation for the ascension of your soul.

A Freedom Ritual for Your Soul

Imagine that you are standing in the Temple of your Heart. Make it magnificent. Create the most beautiful and power-packed space you can imagine. It can be a natural setting that moves you or the creation of supernatural opulence. Whatever you need most. It is helpful if there is vastness and expansive vistas that allow you to sense the exalted expression of this time and place.

In the center of your temple, see the Eternal Fire of your Soul burning brightly. Surrounding this fire are all your most beloved guides, masters and angels. Know that you are safe and these beings are here for you. Being in your inner temple stirs you deep within and awakens in your soul the desires that you came into this life to attain, complete or learn. Your sweet guardian angel is holding you in wings of pure love to help you feel safe. She is letting you know that you are ready, and the time is right to pour your burdens into the fire like the dross they are. You are holding a box that contains the burdens, the experiences and the suffering you feel for the situations of the past. Your soul’s team of Divine Light Beings surround you with Love. When they raise their arms, you feel your consciousness lifting. They are helping you to gain the vibrational frequency that you need to rise above the old patterns. As they do this you feel an impulse of freedom to let go that you have never experienced. You are compelled to toss that box of old patterns into the Eternal fire and let it burn.

You are surprised at how easy it is to let go. It just happens as you follow the impulse from your heart. This is the grace that only comes when you are in alignment with your Soul.

As soon as you let go of your burdening box of old memories, a powerful Violet Transmuting Flame covers you from head to foot. Your energy field is filled with the brilliant Violet Light of your I AM Presence. You are enveloped in Love, Forgiveness and Grace. As you breathe in this Violet Light, you can sense every cell in your body awakening to a new frequency.

You have never felt so free!

You can sense the Beings of Light that surround you beaming Love and Joy through their hearts. And you feel enveloped in the power of their love. You know you have crossed a threshold into new life by letting go of what is no longer you. And it was so easy, so safe, so appropriate. There is nothing else you could have done. Your soul’s team of angels gather you in their wings of Pure Light now. They are inviting you to take the next step. Allow them to escort you toward a Gateway to your New Life in the powerful 5th Dimensional world of Peace now being created.

There are massive Archangels standing at the Gate, and you are ushered through this opening with all the honor you deserve now. Let yourself be led through this gateway and breathe in the Joy of this new world. Let yourself join in the celebration of the heavenly realms, and know you are blessed and cared for as you begin this journey. You are being congratulated for your courage. When one soul has the willingness to let go of their old way of being and calls forth the assistance from the realms of Awakened Beings, the pathways to the Divine are revealed in a new way. The path is opened for those who follow behind you. In celebration, glorious activated energy from the many realms of Light rush in to assist you in your new life path.

We Say Awakening is Simple, not Easy

It does not matter how many times you have made this attempt to let go and be free, or fell on your knees to beg assistance. Nothing matters now except for you to remember the greatest dreams of your soul. Couple that with your willingness to let go and move into new pathways of Light. Accept the Grace being offered so you can participate in the creation of a new world that is based on Peace, Cooperation and Love. These are the motivating factors that will allow you to create the foundations of the life you are choosing from this point on.

Do not let the simplicity of this process negate the power that it holds to set you free. Remember that the vibrational frequencies of this time are more profound than any you have ever experienced, and know you have energetic assistance from the realms of the Great Mystery representing the new world of Divine Love that awaits you. If it seems like magic, just know that you hold the hands of the Greatest Magicians you have ever known. Your dreams are important for they hold the keys to the doorways of your soul’s evolution, and every step of the way you are being held in Wings of Pure Light. You are deeply, eternally cared for, and loved beyond your wildest imagination. Let this profound Truth carry you into the life where you really choose to live. And so it is.

Copyright: May 22, 2013
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 9:57:59 PM

The Truth Will be Revealed – Part 11

prosperitygospel(Continued from Part 10.)

Many religious people will choose not to ascend

The discovery that they have been manipulated by religious leaders will cause a great deal of pain to many devout people, the Angels say through Tazjima.

“Many pious good people are in for major shocks as they discover how manipulated and controlled they have been by those spiritual leaders that they trusted. Already layers of cover-ups, deceptions and lies are beginning to be revealed. More will come, and as a result reactions and tempers may flare. (1)

SaLusa tells us that the disbelief of true believers has been anticipated and many masters whose word is being relied on will return to reassure their followers.

“Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen, and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based will return to explain what their true message was.

“Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers’ hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured.” (2)

Nonetheless, many will not accept what’s happening, SaLuSa says.

“We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead.

“For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored.” (3)

One of the truths that the believers will have to accept, Matthew tells us, is that their religions “were designed in darkness to deceive and control the peoples, by the most divisive element of life on Earth, and reap wealth for the heads of churches.” (4)
Matthew describes the gamut of shocked emotions that those who’ve deceived or been deceived will go through when that truth emerges.

“That religions are teaching the ‘word of God’ will be shown in the fullness of the deception that spawned that falsehood, and among the challenges you will encounter are the many individuals who will not believe the truths that will be revealed.

“Some will do battle, convinced that it is their divine right and duty to defeat the Anti-Christ or the infidels through bloodshed. You will witness the shock, confusion, anger, disillusionment, and, yes, very likely fear [among] the deceivers who made a vengeful God have been masterful for eons of people whose minds are not totally closed to the revelations.” (5)

He tells us that many will choose to leave rather than accept that their religious dogmas are flawed.

“Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught.” (6)

He predicts that everyone dogmatic in their beliefs, whether religious, scientific, or nationalistic, will experience tremendous shock when the truth is revealed.

“Individuals whose rigid beliefs are founded on false religious dogma and flawed science will be the most resistant – their beliefs are the very foundation of their lives or their livelihoods.

9_11 93838

9/11 was not caused by Muslims, but by supporters of the New World Order

“And when the facts about ‘9/11’ and the reasons for wars in Afghanistan and Iran – ALL wars! – are revealed, families and friends of all who died may be disbelievers because knowing why their loved ones died could be overwhelming.

“All of these people need compassion and understanding – they will be able to accept the truth after they transition to Nirvana.” (7)

They’ll choose “at soul level” to leave, but they’ll have other chances to ascend, he says.

“After a suitable time in Nirvana, where they will see how they veered from their soul contracts wherein they had chosen to awaken, they will welcome the opportunity to embody in other third-density placements and resume learning at the level where it left off.” (8)

“They will embody in a third-density world where their beliefs can remain intact until once again the truth emerges about religions’ false teachings, and they will have another opportunity to open their minds and accept that truth.” (9)

Matthew counsels us to provide safety and intelligence when people start to question deeply.

“Provide a compassionate safe haven for their questioning and rely on your intuition for the best responses – they will be there when you need them. However, it is not your responsibility to convince them that the foundation of their beliefs – maybe even their very life purpose – is a lie.

“Rejoice, just as we shall, when your efforts succeed, but please do not feel despondent when they don’t. The resistant souls, like all others in the universe, will continue their evolutionary pathways wherever their needs shall best be served, and the eternal and infinite love of Source will undergird their way.” (10)

He acknowledges that some of our near and dear ones will refuse to accept what’s happening.

“Please do not feel sad if persons dearest to you are among the non-receptive. Spiritual evolvement comes at a pace that is as unique as each soul itself is – when the time is right for your beloved people to have conscious awareness of universal knowledge and grow spiritually, they will.” (11)

The Angels through Tazjima advise us to be islands of calm as this turmoil and these separations occur.

“Learn to be an island of calm in the storm so that those who you interact with will see that there is another way to be, calm, serene and balanced, letting that whose time it is to leave, go.” (12)

Truth and Ascension

Saul congratulates those who are now seeing through the designs of the deceivers.

“This newly expanded sense of awareness throughout humanity is leading to the realization that authority in the form of government agencies, and throughout educational, health-care, political, social, and religious organizations is a means to control and suppress individuals and deprive them of their human rights. …

“In this New Age people no longer feel automatically beholden to those who claim authority over them, and as authority only works when people generally accept it, the age of massive agencies of control is finished.” (13)

This is a welcome outcome because to ascend we must accept spiritual truth and divest ourselves of false beliefs, Matthew tells us.

“To physically ascend with Earth … does require more than living a good life, a godly life. It also requires leaving behind third density’s deceitful foundation of religious beliefs and accepting the brilliant light of spiritual truth. (14)

Those who reject spiritual truth deny “that they are god and goddess selves, eternally inseparable from God and all other souls in this universe.” (15) But if they don’t accept our oneness with God and all that is, how can they open themselves to unitive consciousness? And without unitive consciousness, how can they enter the Fifth Dimension?

He explains:

“The truth is, as equal parts of God – by whatever name you call the ruler of this universe – all of you are gods and goddesses with unlimited powers to manifest whatever you choose to think, feel and do.” (16)

SaLuSa agrees: “In recognizing the Oneness of everything you are taking your place alongside of those ready to move further along the path of Ascension.” (17)

Matthew calls the acceptance of these spiritual truths our “final exam.”

“The ‘final exam,’ if you will, is whether they can accept the truths that shortly will start emerging about the darkness that for so long has kept your world ‘in the dark,’ especially control of the masses through religious dogma.” (18)

Thus, Ascension to the Fifth Dimension actually means something more than simply opening to the rising energies. It means an acceptance of certain spiritual truths which make possible the attainment of the very unitive consciousness which is a feature of life in the Fifth Dimension.

To leave duality, we have to let go of our dualistic and separative beliefs, many of which have been inculcated by those in charge of our religious tenets. Holding that only Christians will go to heaven, preaching death to infidels, holding on to resentments from centuries ago all stand in the way of our ascending and limiting the degree to which we can assimilate the light.

Those who cannot make the jump will decide at soul level to leave the planet and reincarnate on another Third-Dimensional world. From there they will begin again and at a future date accept the spiritual truths whose spaciousness allows one to evolve into the higher dimensions.

There are many, many more Illuminati truths to be revealed. But I plan to leave this series for now and resume it at some point in the future.


(1) The Angels, “Metamorphosis – All is in a State of Flux,” 26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima at

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2012, at

(3) SaLuSa, Aug. 9, 2010.

(4) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at

(5) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.

(6) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.

(9) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010.

(10) Matthew, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007.

(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.

(12) The Angels, “Metamorphosis – All is in a State of Flux,” 26 Feb 2013, by Tazjima at

(13) Saul, Jan. 6, 2013.

(14) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.

(15) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010.

(16) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010.

(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 4, 2013.

(18) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 7, 2009.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 10:01:34 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Allow The Understanding of All, of One, To Enter Your Hearts

imageMay 23, 2013 at

We will speak today of the continuing success of the lightworkers in opening the understanding and consciousness in your world. We marvel at the ability of so many to avoid seeing what to us is so obvious. Each day now it becomes more difficult to interpret events, and reports of events, in other than a hopeful and positive light.

There are still things occurring which we understand are not so easily understood in this way, but much more is surrounding you which is of a positive nature. Of course the loudest voices are still trumpeting the tune of fear and control. But the strains of peace, progress, freedom, love, and compassion are refusing to be pushed aside any longer. They are there for all to hear if they desire to do so.

Many, many voices are adding themselves to this new chorus every day. Love and light cannot and will not be overridden any longer. As this current continues to pick up steam, it becomes easier and easier for those who have watched and waited to finally make their decisions and join in. Welcome to them.

It is understood that past experiences of pain and suffering have conditioned many to stay out of the fray in self-protection. No blame is attached and no guilt should be felt. Self-preservation is one of the most basic drives of life. You may well find that those ones who have now begun to join in the awakening will throw themselves into the flow with great joy and abandon. They have waited longer and prayed harder for these changes to occur. May they find open arms and open hearts to welcome them.

Look around you often now to find new evidence, however seemingly small, of this rising flood of light. It may be a drop in the ocean, but remember, it is an ocean we speak of. Change your perspective if you are getting discouraged and rise high enough to see the waves. And remember, as you give thanks to Creator for creating this, as you give thanks to us for creating this, to give thanks to each other and yourselves, as well. Allow the understanding of All, of One, to enter your hearts.

In great love do we bid you good day, dear friends. We will speak again soon.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 10:14:06 PM
Dear friends, I have tried to listen to no avail, however, the written message will prove worthwhile itself.

Mary Magdalene’s Sharing the Air of Peace, May 22, 2013

Earth 4039This channeling is a gift – hearing the actual words and receiving the direct download of the energy brings you to a whole new level.

So please listen to the May 18, 2013 conference call in which the Magdalena spoke to us of her pain of loss, her subsequent withdrawal into the cave, and her plea to each of us to find our peace without and to share it.

This channeling will heal your heart and soul. Please listen as well as read, bookmark, print and share. To listen click on the link below. Linda

Mary Magdalene’s Sharing the Air of Peace, May 22, 2013, May 22, 2013

Greetings, I AM the Magdalena, Mary. Welcome my beloveds, sisters and brothers, old friends of my heart. And it is my honor and my pleasure to be with you and yes, to be given passage by Archangel Michael for although I speak of peace this day, I do so from slightly different perspective. And while you are breathing the sacred clear blue of the Mother I wish to remind you that we share this air as well. No, not in the same way or fashion, but perhaps in ways that are still meaningful to you.

So, for example, when you sit in meditation and you call my presence forth, or when you call forth the presence of the Mother, Yeshua or the Mighty Ones, we are in the very air you are breathing, that you are inhaling and exhaling. So often you say to us, “I want to feel and to know your presence. Let me see you, let me know you.” But what clearer way is there to know us and to know me who works so diligently with you during this time of change, than to simply breathe our essence?

And when you write in the air with your fingers, when you write ‘Love’ you are giving us and sending us the love of your heart, of your essence, of your being. But there is nothing more sacred, my family, than sharing air together.

Yes, I come to speak of Michael’s Peace Initiative this day, for it continues and will continue until peace reigns wholly and completely upon the planet, and because of that, far out into the multiverse. And we are not simply speaking of the absence of war; I am speaking of the peace of your heart, of your very essence. And that is why I have asked to come this day as sister of your heart, part of your family.

My life, my bond, my sacred union with Yeshua was sublime and we laughed and we played, we cried, and we shared air. And even though the both of us were very clear and cognizant of what lay ahead, we made the conscious decision to take the time that was assigned to us, available to us, within our own plans and yes, within the grander plan. We chose to be together, to merge, to share, while still honoring and maintaining the uniqueness and the beauty of each of our existence and that of our children and our family.

You would think, would you not, who could ask for anything more? But I, like you, had a very human heart, and of course I yearned for more. So while we had our peace and calm and presence in the now, I yearned for a different future. And it is very much the future that is coming to pass right now. And it is a future anchored right now in your present that consists of peace, that hatred, simply because of political leanings or spiritual beliefs, does not result in war and violence and the tearing apart of families and dreams.

When I moved, when I was relocated, thanks to the energies and the work of my beloved brothers, when I retired to the south of France, initially I involved myself in the settlement, of course tending to my sweet Sarah. And sometimes perhaps in an overzealous way because in some ways I felt she was all I had left.

And I treasured her, oh yes! I spoiled her but her heart was pure and her spirit was free. So there was no problem with my spoiling this child. But I was not at peace, not within my very core and more and more I found myself retreating to the cave, to the grotto, to reflect, to meditate, to pray for peace because it was essential to my continuing and continuing on in physical form in a balanced way.

And eventually I found my peace, my sense of rightness was restored, my understanding, but what also occurred in that life was my moving away from my community and even my family, my spiritual family and my physical family that loved and supported me so much. I do not mean I did not live with them or among them, of course I did, but increasingly I was removed because the hours I spent every day in this place seeking the balance, because that is what peace is, the balance of my heart, because it was essential. And why was it essential? Because I had made a promise to continue on, to live.

Now, why do I share all of this with you this day? Because I am asking each of you not to retreat into the cave or the grotto but to be in your community. Yes, some of you are more naturally inclined to do so than others. And I am not suggesting that you develop a false persona, because that would serve nothing. But do not isolate yourself.

It has taken thousands of years to break down this illusion of isolation and separation, but it is being done and it is done. So, step out into the sunlight. Come and sit with me in the sun, on a rock, overlooking the sea. Let us share our air together and let us give each other the gift of peace. And let it be known and shared with all peoples everywhere through Gaia.

Let us start with those who are huddled in caves or mud huts and let us touch their hearts…two fingers…and bring them out into the sunlight and the warmth of love.

Let us go to the places of isolation and bring the peace to those who think they are alone and who suffer in that aloneness. And what I also suggest to you, my beloved ones, is those places of isolation are not simply geographic because the most isolated places on the planet are the cities where there are millions of people who feel all alone.

So let us take them out into the streets, to the parks, and sit on the park benches and share our air and our peace with them. Let us share it with animal kingdoms who are the first to give it to us. Let us share it with Gaia and reassure her that this desecration will stop.

Share your air, your peace with every wounded, brokenhearted warrior and yes, I specifically include the brokenhearted lightworkers, love holders. Let us proceed together and know that I have left the cave. I keep my promise and I live amongst you.

Go with my love and do not forget your peace meditation. Farewell.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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