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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/23/2013 6:30:11 PM

Heavenletter: A Garden of Yourself

Garden-of-LoveHeavenletter #4563 A Garden of Yourself, May 23, 2013 at

God said:

All, all of My children are valiant. I will even call you valiant soldiers. From your vantage, you are all on the front lines. You don’t know what will assail you next.

You think that anger and attack may protect you. That is folly, isn’t it? Anger and attack are no more than bluster. The only art of self-defense that you have is love. Love will blow everything hurtful away. Love is your protector. Love alone saves the day.

You don’t need defense or offense. What you need to do is to open the portholes of your heart. Open those gates. Throw the locks away. Your own good will is the only armor you need. Of course, good will is not armor. Good will opens your heart. With good will, you throw away whatever has restricted you from love. Whatever restricts you from love brings you closer to skirmishes or even war.

I tell you once again, frankly, that when you do stop seeing any supposed other as opposed to you, you break down the Walls of Jericho. When you are in bright sunshine, what possible occasion is there for animosity? Certainly not any of the little things that you may presently project on a big screen. No, no, no, beloveds, listen to Me carefully. From now on, you are to project love for yourself, and how you do that, is to put love before vanity, love before insult, love before hurt feelings, love before animosity, love before everything. I say, “Everything!”

Anything less than love is fool’s gold, you understand this, don’t you? Nothing is to go before love. Love is the leader, and nothing else is. Love doesn’t lead you down the garden path. Garden paths lead you in circles. Garden path means a fool’s Paradise. At the time, you may think it’s smart to undercut what you see as an assailant, yet how you deny yourself.

Why punish yourself because of what you see askance in someone else? That is foolish, isn’t it?

The only course to take is to unlock your heart. Open, open, open a path to the garden of yourself. A garden of yourself is quite different from garden path and being led astray. You know, beloveds, you do know, that the garden path refers to a false idea, or is it ideal? Perhaps both.

Please know that you are on solid footing with Me. I lead you to greener pastures, and that is to greater love. You already contain greater love. You are an endless container of love. Container is not the right word, for love is not to be contained. Love is to reverberate across the entire Universe and to regions you have not even dreamed of. The only vehicle that will take you there to this oasis of oases is love.

If even a tad of love is restricted, it is way too much, yet you have restricted wave after wave of love. You have clamped your love. You have put a vise on it. You have closed the windows to love for fear of one thing or another. Fear is a good blocker, as if any blockage to love could be good.

The new world you are entering is the kingdom within, and you are unhinging it now. You are unlocking your love and tossing away any keys that lock. Now the key to your life is love. Love is going to manage your life from now on. Love alone. Caution thrown to the winds, love on high.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Jim Allen

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5/24/2013 4:07:05 PM
You can not do anything without a photo ID these are even given out freely to the indigent. This is more BS, being blown up by the unions and the NAACP which is not a representative of our Democratic Republic, they are just able to use union dues to bus in protesters. The fails to inform about the cause of their discontent. more MSM Liberal Progressive tripe. IMPO


A ‘Nonviolent Army of Love’ Rises in North Carolina to Face Down Rightwing’s Assault on Progress

Published on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 by Common Dreams

Movement gathers around ‘Moral Monday’ protests aimed at fighting off GOP takeover

- Lauren McCauley, staff writer

“We’re going to continue our acts of civil disobedience because the General Assembly has made a cruel attack on the most vulnerable people in this state,” declared Rev. William J. Barber II, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP.

Hundreds rally outside the North Carolina General Assembly building for ‘Moral Mondays.’ (Photo: @NCStudentPower / Twitter)A crowd of hundreds assembled outside the state’s General Assembly building in Raleigh on Monday evening in a massive act of civil disobedience—the fourth consecutive week of demonstrations dubbed ‘Moral Mondays,’ spearheaded by the civil rights group.

“What started with tens of supporters and 17 arrests,” reports the Associated Press, “has attracted hundreds of people of different age groups, races and professions to protest the policies of the General Assembly.”

The number of those being arrested has grown each week as well, with 57 protesters arrested during Monday’s action bringing the total number to 153.

Individuals are risking arrest to draw attention to the policies of GOP Governor Pat McCrory and the conservative-run General Assembly—including cuts to social programs, education reforms, a rejection of federal funding to expand Medicaid coverage, and changes to voting laws—which protesters call “an assault” on the state’s poor and unemployed.

In response, the NAACP has amassed, what Barber refers to as, a growing “nonviolent volunteer army of love” to stand up against the “escalating Republican assault,” writes local journalist, Bob Geary.

“We hope that, through civil disobedience, they will change, they will repent, they will turn around,” Barber said, of the state’s Republican majority. “But if they don’t, we will assure that what they do will not be done in the dark.”

“The people getting arrested in waves at the General Assembly are carrying a message from many thousands of North Carolinians,” said an editorial Charlotte Observer. “They represent not only those who need government services, but those who believe the legislature is breaking the traditions and reversing the gains of a great and enlightened state.”

“In the people’s house, such messengers ought not be arrested,” it continues. “They should be heard and heeded.”

According to Barber, who spoke with BET, the NAACP plans to escalate the actions in the coming weeks and have outlined a 25-county tour to raise awareness of the discriminatory policies.

“We have to continue this,” Barber said. “This is a movement, not just a one-day event. We’re going to work to guarantee that this state knows how regressive this legislature is. That way, when 2014 comes, the people of this state can vote in an appropriate way.”

– HUGE crowd of protesters at NCGA for ‘moral Mondays’

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Feeling like Wisconsin in Raleigh tonight!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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5/24/2013 4:09:17 PM
Being here on the west coast of the peninsula, I have a great view of this event from my office window.



Rare Cosmic Event: “Dance of the Planets” – May 24-30, 2013

planets1Stephen: Another phenomenal reason to do as Archangel Michael said and look to the skies. Plus there’s this Saturday’s (May 25) lunar eclipse (following the one on April 25). Thanks to Colleen.

By Larry Rotolo, San Diego Entertainer – May 17, 2013

From the latter part of May and continuing for a month, an amazing display of planets will play itself out near the horizon in the west-northwest part of the sky. Beginning each night right after the sun sets around May 19, a “dancing with the stars” exhibition is put on by the three brightest planets as seen from Earth: Venus, Mercury and Jupiter.

In 2013 we will get to see the most compact three-planet grouping visible without binoculars for the next 13 years. The planets will not appear this close together again until the year 2026! Added to this sight will be a beautiful apparition of Mercury.

planets2-300x146The three worlds will appear to skip about one another. The alterations in their positions in the early evening sky will be visible to the naked eye night by night. Venus and Jupiter will be very close together by May 28. Afterwards, Venus will move in a northwesterly (to the upper right) direction compared to Jupiter. At that point it will be six times as bright as Jupiter.

Mercury becomes possible to observe at Venus’s lower right around May 19th. It appears closer to Venus each evening until May 24th, when it’s just 1⅓° to the upper right of Venus. From May 24th to 29th, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury will all fit within a 5° circle. Thus, they can all be viewed simultaneously through binoculars without moving the glasses.

planets3The pattern is most compact on May 26th, when all three planets are close enough to each other to fit in a 2½° circle. Jupiter appears right next to Venus on the 27th, and after that it slowly pulls down and right of Venus, disappearing from view in early June. But Mercury is only now in the major phase of its apparition, flying over Venus until June 7th.

At that point , the planet will start to gradually move downward, nearing Venus again. However, Mercury has started to grow dimmer, as it must while engaged in an evening apparition. It will diminish little by little, the fading speeding up by June 15. Mercury had been almost as bright as Jupiter when the apparition started, but will shrink to a tenth of that brightness by the 20th of June.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 9:48:42 PM
You are welcome, Jim. On a different note, here is an uplifting article by Steve Beckow. Not to miss it.

Check-In: Falling Deeper and Deeper into the Center

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2013 9:49:50 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 314

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 314, May 24, 2013 at

The time of change has been a long time coming for you all, but now, it is as if you can feel the breath of fresh air coming at you, even if your physical and mental bodies may feel more than worse for the wear at the moment. Much has indeed changed already, but there are still some pockets of resistance within as you all go through this last uphill towards that final goal you have been seeking for many a lifetime.

Remember, you started your quest for this freedom a long, long time ago. It has been a journey that spans more than one lifetime, and even if you have not been aware of it for most of these lifetimes, you have had a yearning for that day almost forever.

You see, the seed that has been lying dormant for so many generations has not been completely silent, and its small voice has been perceived is all sorts of ways. Some of the actions taken on by mankind have always been governed by that small voice, whether they may be looked upon as ”good” or ”bad”, because that small voice has in many ways been like a tiny little grain of sand itching away inside. There has always been ”something” there, indefinable, that has pushed mankind ever onwards.

Of course, the road chosen for this ”onwards” has not brought only joy and happiness. In fact, you have been effectively waylaid by other forces so that your quest for finding the place that will silence this urge within has brought you all out on a limb. But now, mankind has finally found a way to interpret the calling from this voice in the way that it was originally meant to be. And that original intent was this, and only this; as a beacon of light that would lead you all to regain your former glory in all intents and purposes.

For some, that small inner voice will still act as a mere irritant, something that leaves them no option but to lash out in frustration and despair. For they have long since given up the urge to really, really listen to this voice and heed its call. Instead, they look upon it as nothing more than an irritating pest, buzzing ceaselessly around them. And they swat and they duck and they try all sorts of things to eradicate this voice, but to no avail. But then one day, someone like you comes along. Someone who has taken the time to sit down in silence and really, really listen to what this inner voice has been trying to tell you all along. And you have seen the truth in its message for change. For it is not a grain of sand gnawing away at your soul any more. It is a shimmering, iridescent pearl of such beauty it takes your breath away when you finally see it emerge form the deep layers within.

For you have all seen the beauty of this pearl, this inner seed of knowledge that has been lying there dormant, waiting for the light to start to sprout and grow. And now, that seed, that pearl within, has not only started to sprout, it has started to grow so much it is already enveloping much of you in its radiant and lush foilage of bliss and joy. True, you still feel the ravaging storms hit you hard at times, but when they subside, you can savour the bliss from within your new abode of light and love that is stretching and growing and covering more and more. Not only of you, but your surroundings as well.

And when one of you, who has allowed this inner seed to emerge and to flourish, comes across one of those still carrying that seed as a dormant little grain within, the light and the exuberant energy you exude will also call to that inner, hidden seed. And when your vibration comes into contact with this small, still dormant seed, it literally wakes it up and gives it the signal that now, the conditions for growth are so much more favourable than before. And then magic can start to happen.

For there are those becoming even more irritable as that inner seed starts to make its voice heard more and more because of these signals to start to grow. But there are so many others finally starting to heed that call, and to listen to it in a way that will make them too allow that inner sprouting to take place. And so you will see these inner gardens starting to emerge all around you. Some of them are vibrant and lush from the very get go, while others are more prone to staying too close to the shadows and need some extra coaching and light to attain a more vigorous growth.

So you are in a way all gardeners in this, not only by maintaining your own healthy and vigorous growth, but also by helping others to nurture their inner gardens. For every healthy garden there is, many others will be inspired and indeed spurred on by merely watching your growth. For, as we have told you earlier, you are no longer invisible, for you carry with you the signals of this newfound vitality wherever you go.

Granted, because of these growth spurts you will feel less than vital yourselves at times, but that is only to be expected. And remember, this seeming lack of vitality and this torpor you experience are not because of a lack of energy, far from it. It is merely a signal of a super boost having taken place, and so, your physical body needs a little down time to accomodate it all. But you are all growing dear ones, and you are turning into these mangificent, lush havens that will help to nurture mankind and indeed this whole planet forever.

So remember to rest in the shade of your own beauty, and try not to feel too downcast on those days when you feel yourself flagging. For you have already passed that stage of growth where you are at your most vulnerable, so there is no stopping you now. We salute you all on this mangnificent day, as we see you standing shimmering in the light, getting ready to step forth with all the magic you carry within.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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