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4/25/2013 5:53:36 PM

China, France vow to promote 'multipolar' world

Chinese, French leaders vow to seek 'multipolar' world as French president visits China

Associated Press1 hr 37 mins ago

Associated Press -

French President Francois Hollande, left, shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Thursday, April 25, 2013. Xi and Hollande pledged to push for a world free of domination by any superpower Thursday as the French leader visited the Chinese capital in hopes of boosting trade amid his country's worsening economic woes. (AP Photo/Yohsuke Mizuno, Pool)

BEIJING (AP) -- China's President Xi Jinping and France's President Francois Hollande pledged to push for a world free of domination by any superpower Thursday as the French leader visited the Chinese capital on a mission to boost trade amid his country's worsening economic woes.

Both leaders stressed their desire for a "multipolar" world that would dilute Washington's influence — though they did not mention the U.S. in their comments.

"China and France are both great countries with a strong sense of independence," Xi said at a news conference, adding that the two countries would "actively promote a multipolar world and the democratization of international relations."

Xi and Hollande, who is traveling with a delegation representing scores of French businesses, spoke to reporters after meeting at Beijing's Great Hall of the People.

"China and France both want a multipolar world. We want there to be a balance. We refuse a world of powers, and of superpowers," Hollande said. "When China and France agree on a position, we can drive the world."

Officials from the two countries signed an agreement for China to buy 60 planes from France-based Airbus. In addition, French nuclear giant Areva signed an agreement with China National Nuclear Corp. to build a used fuel treatment and recycling facility in the country.

French businesses hit by domestic declines are hoping for additional deals in China in areas including car making, nuclear energy and food exports. France registered a $34 billion trade deficit with Chinalast year and accounts for less than 2 percent of the Asian giant's foreign trade.

"There is an imbalance in our foreign trade, and we hope to correct that," Hollande said. "Not by reducing our investment and exports, but by increasing them further, and we will be discussing this throughout our meetings and this trip."

At a second news conference later in the day, Hollande said his talks with Xi had touched on human rights and the recent string of self-immolations among Tibetans protesting Chinese rule.

"Let me say again, we discussed all the issues. Moreover, it was in a very frank and mutually respectful manner. This entirely serves the friendly relations between the people of our countries," he said.

China is extremely sensitive to criticisms of its human rights record and uses diplomatic and economic means to retaliate against countries it sees as lacking in respect. China lashed out at France after Hollande's predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, met with exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama in 2008.

Chinese officials have also shunned high-level exchanges with British counterparts since Prime Minister David Cameron met the Dalai Lama last May, and ties with Norway remain frozen following the awarding of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize to imprisoned Chinese dissident writer Liu Xiaobo.

The French delegation visits Shanghai on Friday.

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4/25/2013 6:29:12 PM

Dana Mrkich: The Eclipses – God Time

dana MrkichStephen: As Dana explains, there are two lunar eclipses between today (April 25/26) and May 24/25. Plus a solar eclipse in between which, when added into the mix of the constant energetic changes we are working through, portends that we have much ‘shifting’ in store over the next 4-5 weeks.

By Dana Mrkich – April 23, 2013

As I re-read a text message I’d just sent about the upcoming Lunar Eclipse (April 25/26) I had to have a little chuckle. Instead of saying ‘good time for inner healing’, the auto spell-check had changed it to ‘god time for inner healing.’ Indeed it is. We’re now in the vortex of an Eclipse period as we gear up for this week’s Lunar Eclipse on 05° 46’ Scorpio, the Solar Eclipse on 19° 31’ Taurus (May 9/10) and a Lunar Eclipse on 04° 08’ Sagittarius (24/25 May).

Super quick astro lesson for anyone interested: All of the above points are somewhere on the ‘clock’ of your astrological natal chart, which is a snapshot of where all the planets where at the exact moment of your birth, among other things. You can get a free copy of your natal chart at to see where the above Eclipse points fall for you.

Eclipses are particularly impactful on your life if they occur on or very close to one of your natal planets or a significant point in your natal chart eg Ascendant, North Node. However, we are all touched in some way by eclipses because all of us have the astrological degree they occur on somewhere in our charts.

Eclipse periods conjur up images of our ‘Help Team’ upstairs rolling up their sleeves, and saying ever so politely: “Okay, please step aside for a few moments. We have some things to shift in your psyche/life, a few things to improve, a few insights need to be moved up on your awareness radar. Look, you’re doing really well on your own but time is a ticking and your soul has a schedule it needs to keep up with. Every now and again we need to adjust and accelerate a few things, and now is one of those times – it’s God time.”

Eclipses act like the fast forward button on your remote control. They accelerate parts of your life movie to get you where you need to be, with respect to who you came here to be, what you came here to do and what your soul most desires to experience.

Sometimes a very tangible event occurs on an Eclipse that changes your life completely and other times you don’t realise until hindsight that something occurred around that time that ultimately changed the course of your life in some way. Sometimes an Eclipse triggers an inner healing, that ultimately paves the way for outer change.

One thing is for sure – you can’t run or hide from an Eclipse if it’s supposed to trigger something for you. Just like that quote from the movie “Taken”, it will look for you and it will find you. That makes Eclipses sound like something to fear, and definitely many people do feel some anxiety when they know an Eclipse is going to hit a part of their chart because they don’t know what kind of ‘healing event’ or ‘course-correction’ is about to occur. Ultimately however, Eclipses are always ‘heaven-sent’. They help us do what we couldn’t do alone. They give us a push where we were too scared to jump. They make us connect with parts of ourselves we didn’t feel ready to connect with earlier. Sometimes this comes in the form of loss, other times an unexpected gain, but they always leave you with a gift in one way or other.

It is helpful to recognise and consciously be aware of anything that is trying to get your attention at this time. Lunar Eclipses occur at the Full Moon, so are more emotional in nature. They are powerful for releasing old, subconscious, self-sabotaging thoughts, beliefs, habits and patterns. Lunar Eclipses are most commonly associated with loss and letting go, but as you can see this doesn’t automatically indicate a ‘sad’ thing. It can be a relief and major inner ‘aha moment’ to finally let go of something that’s been holding you back.

Solar Eclipses occur at the New Moon and are most often associated with outer events, opening the door to a new chapter.

Generally speaking, they often occur in pairs (Solar + Lunar) but this Eclipse period contains two Lunar Eclipses on either side of the Solar which indicates a lot of emotional healing will be going on over the next month for a lot of people.

Even if you aren’t impacted directly, it is likely that someone around you will be going through a major inner or outer shift. Knowing we’re in an Eclipse period can help us understand that what looks like random chaos or upheaval is actually intricately planned, highly organised soul shifting and transformation.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/25/2013 6:30:47 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Seasonal Allergies Anyone?

AngelsAs channeled by Taryn Crimi – April 24, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of seasonal allergies. Many in the northern hemisphere are suffering from some form of seasonal allergy. Many seem to dread this time of the year when winter begins to fade and the flowers and trees begin to blossom for the shear discomfort that they experience. It is our intention today to share with you nature’s true intention and how you may use this energy to your advantage.

Many are quick to reach for the fastest remedy in order to relieve some of the most common ailments reported by millions during this time of transition. This is a time of great rejuvenation, a bountiful rebirth of all that has been tucked away and integrated in the winter months. Why would this time of rebirth and rejuvenation of nature be meant to benefit all except you?

How is it that some have never been impacted by seasonal allergies while others seem to be plagued by them? Is it simply luck that determines who is negatively affected by seasonal allergies, causing only some to suffer? Certainly not! This is what we would like to further expand upon in this message to you today.

The transitions of all seasons are a time of great release, clearing, integration and rebirth. The transition of winter to spring is the time of rebirth. It brings valuable energy for you to use as you wish. Certainly you have the opportunity to use this tremendous energy for your benefit, however like everything in your reality if energy is not consciously directed by you it will be left to follow the directives given by subconscious belief patterns.

The beginning months of the year are often spent envisioning new goals, desires and creations that you intend to manifest for yourselves. The energy that is being offered at this time is here to assist you in creating these manifestations for yourselves. However it can only be of service if you allow it. Put this energy to work for you, rather than allowing it to become stuck inside you. Energy is meant to flow in abundance. We would describe this energy as having the potential to be a “shot of adrenaline”. It is a burst of energy given at the most opportune time to support you in making your dreams your reality.

Often you are met with the strong urge to “clean house” in the transition from winter to spring. This comes as no surprise as it is largely due to the energies offered by nature at this time to help you to release what is no longer serving you after you have taken the winter months to integrate all of the new ideas, beliefs and energy that the summer months had to offer.

Often you will find that you begin to lay new foundations in the month of April; carefully creating the platform you will require to build your dreams and desires upon. You will soon see how steady your foundation is as you proceed to build upon this foundation in the coming months. Just as any structure is only as strong as the foundation it has been built upon, so too are your creations only as strong as the beliefs you have used to manifest them.

It is a collective belief of the human population at this time that seasonal allergies can create pain, discomfort, and distress for the body. This is not to say that all believe this, we are simply saying it is a collective belief held by very many. However with the proper intention and understanding of this energy you may look forward to this time of great transition for the wonderful and transformational opportunities that this energy brings. You may wield this energy in a positive direction to allow these energies to benefit you, rather than to impede you.

When these energies are not directed with conscious intent you will often feel the strain on your physical body. This of course can manifest in numerous ways, sinus blockage, scratchy throat, excessive fatigue, feeling overwhelmed, headaches, just to name a few. However when these energies are put to use with your conscious effort and intention you will feel recharged, uplifted, healthy, and vibrant because you are in a state of allowing. You are open to the divine flow, which allows this energy to easily pass through you in abundance.

Those who experience the distress of seasonal allergies suffer from a form of “blockage” which often manifests in the sinus cavity. This of course is no coincidence. You are creating blockage in your physical vessel because there is a blockage of the powerful energy at this time. Nothing is created in the physical before it is first manifested in the spiritual. Energy is meant to flow through you, if it is blocked it will manifest in the physical to “get your attention”; not as a form of punishment but rather to help you see that the energy that is meant to benefit you is being held back. This resistance prevents the energy from bringing to you all that the transition is meant to.

Many rarely realize that this discomfort and suffering is directly caused by their own doing, however with the conscious knowledge of this tremendous energy which is meant to serve and benefit all, you will now have the opportunity to direct this energy in a new way. It can be an instantaneous transformation once you realize that your suffering is not mandatory, it is not the result of luck or chance, but rather it is an experience manifested by “default”; simply because many have been unaware of the true purpose of this energy.

So why is it that some seem to be completely unaffected by seasonal allergies? Does this mean that they are consciously using this energy to their advantage? In some cases yes, although there are still others who simply do not hold the belief that seasonal allergies will negatively impact them. This does not however guarantee that they are using this energy in a conscious manner to allow the optimum benefit to be gained. It simply means that they will not be negatively affected by the discomfort of seasonal allergies. We are sharing this message with you today to help you to understand more about how to consciously utilize this powerful energy burst to your advantage.

You may wonder how one could use this seasonal energy to benefit their being rather than to cause discomfort. First, remember that energy is neutral; you may do with it what you like. All you must know is that it is there for your use. Your intention and of course your belief in your ability to transmute and utilize this energy for your benefit is all that is required of you. For those that doubt their ability to utilize this energy for their benefit, we remind you that you seem to have no problem utilizing this energy to create discomfort for yourself, why not now use it to create your desires?

Our suggestion is, now that you are consciously aware of the tremendous power that you have at your disposal you may now put it to good use with your intention to do so. What would you like to create with this burst of energy given to you abundantly by Mother Nature? Would you like to create more abundance of health, wealth, peace, love, friendship, relaxation or excitement? You are free to do what you wish with this energy. It is yours to create with.

We welcome you to call upon us to help you assimilate and utilize these energies for your higher good. As always we stand eagerly beside you just waiting for your invitation to assist you in any way we can.

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/25/2013 6:33:05 PM

The Crystal Dolphin Pod via Bella Capozzi: Pillowed By The Whitecaps

imageThe Crystal Dolphin Pod via Bella Capozzi: Pillowed By The Whitecaps

As channeled by Bella Capozzi. – April 24, 2013

Because of you, the sun shall rise again. Because of you, the rain shall fall and snow shall fall and all is made anew upon the dawning of another day. You live to spend another day here. Every day brings boundless opportunity for all of us to do some good. It is because of your efforts and ours that hope remains alive.

The Light is winning. Oh pray, correct that… The Light has won! Moonrise brings illumination to the darkness. And oh, how we are creatures of the moon! How we flow with the tides, and we play ! We dive and dance amongst the cresting waves, up and down, pillowed by the whitecaps. It is your doing, sweet Cousins, that you and I are blessed to play our games and raise our young, as part of these evolving societies.

We must let it settle in, all this bright Light. The Light is much akin to rain upon the seas. It falls from the sky, it scatters like stars. It lands not softly, but with an impact into the water which is already here. Thus it must blend, blend, blend. It must integrate, you see, with all of that which came before it, so as to become one.

We are quite sure you’ve concluded by now that becoming one is no small feat in a place such as this one, wouldn’t you say?. Together, have we not been battling the false concept of separation for a seeming eternity? You are tired, as we are, are you not? Yet we swim onward, to freedom.

Let’s think on something, if we may. Let’s speak of the concept of “freedom.” By it’s very definition it implies that there is something that otherwise binds us, that there is something or someone that we have need to escape from. We must break free so that we can become free, and then in turn remain free. Thus implying that our Divine right to make our own choices could ever be taken away from us.

You see, we remember Home, Cousins, in a way that you as yet do not. Our families at Home are often mystified by the idea of “freedom” because outside the roleplay of the 3rd dimension, there exists no other way. There simply is no other way. For to have freedom, there must be bondage; another illusory concept. As though it even possible to imprison a flawless child of creation! We are wordy, yes? We do wax on! But we only seek to give you food for contemplation.

Be assured that in all ways you are shining stars in heaven. To all of those who guide you on your journey, you are accomplishment personified. You are so deeply loved. Know all this, and rest easy in the soft embrace of Gaia. As we tell you over and over again, do make time for joviality and play. Ride the currents of your lifetime secure in your own powers of transmutability. You are the changemakers. You have the ability to shape yourselves and the world around you into whatever it is you so desire. You are forever free. Because, after all, is there truly any other way?

Copyright©Bella Capozzi. all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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4/25/2013 10:34:38 PM

A Hathor Planetary Message: The Healing Power of the Human Heart through Tom Kenyon [audio]

Picture of Tom Kenyon

We Earthlings have a lot to learn, don’t we? One of my favourite CDs has actual recordings of whale sounds. It really speaks to me.

If everything in the Universe is about vibration, it makes sense that sound is extremely powerful.

Some people believe the Illuminati has the music industry—or at least portions of it—record at specific levels that are detrimental to we Humans. You can have the music you like to listen to “converted” to a safe frequency, according to Paul Biener, Drake’s radio show engineer.

Does your heart need a tuneup? Tom has a unique talent and his voice is truly an “instrument” with a broad range. Sounds great with headphones; the resonance is amazing. It’s free to listen using the link Tom provides below.

The Healing Power of the Human Heart

This Hathor Message is pure sound.

In other words, there are no words in this Hathor Planetary Message. It is pure Hathorian sound.

The Hathors’ primary mode of communication and method for imparting transformational information has always been through their catalytic sound work. These pure sound-forms activate non-ordinary states of body and mind that we can use to access the multi-dimensional realities of our existence.

That, in a nutshell, is why their sounds are so potent.

Directly experiencing our multi-dimensional nature is not only freeing to the mind and heart, it can rapidly impart new insights, heighten creativity and inspire spiritual courage.

You can find a direct link to this sound meditation at the bottom of this page. You can also find a link to this sound meditation in the Listening section of our website (

This particular “sound message” was recorded live during a one-day Hathor Intensive that took place in Istanbul on April 13, 2013. During this sound meditation our focus was in the heart chakra, and I was surprised to sense that the sounds were emanating into many underground passages that stretched underneath the vast city of Istanbul. It was my clear sense that these sounds were being broadcast from Istanbul to the rest of the world, due to both the geographical location of this ancient city and its unique energetic qualities, which bridge both Europe and Asia.

At one point during the sound meditation, I had the strong psychic impression that I was being greeted by a host of Earth Protectors who resided in the underground passages. Every one of them, without exception, informed me that the world was about to undergo a radical transformation. What they meant by this exactly was not made clear to me, but the changes will be very disruptive to our human way of life.

My feeling from these ancient beings was that humanity must face and transform its unresolved emotional wounding if it is to survive the passage into higher dimensionality.

Thus, the purpose of this meditation is to integrate aspects of yourself that you have shunned or disowned. In psychology, this type of emotional displacement is called the shadow, and un-owned shadow material can contaminate our inner life as well as our outward actions in the world.

The Hathors are adamant that we need to transform our own shadow material, both individually and collectively, as we move upward in consciousness. They also contend that our collective shadow is being acted out at an alarming rate, and in ways that threaten not only human survival, but the survival of other life forms on this planet as well.

In spite of the precarious position that humanity is now facing, the Hathors believe that the human heart (i.e., the heart chakra) has an innate ability to heal and transform our individual emotional lives no matter how difficult our past history and emotional traumas may have been. Not only this, but they are of the opinion that healing our emotional lives has a subtle yet far-reaching affect on the collective heart (i.e., our collective emotional tone) as well, which can and does affect our collective destiny.

I have listened to the recording of this sound meditation several times, and I experience a healing response in my heart chakra every time. The Hathors have asked me to post this on the website as soon as possible. And this is a sign, I think, of just how urgent and dire the Hathors consider our current situation to be.

Listening Suggestions

1) One way of listening to this sound meditation is to simply focus your attention in the area of your heart chakra, which is located in the center of your chest behind the sternum. Just keep your mental focus in this area and listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, bring it back to your heart chakra and the sound patterns.

2) Another way of listening to this sound meditation is to imagine that a small version of you is inside your heart chakra. This shift in self-identity will create a more powerful effect for some people. Depending upon what you are dealing with, you might find your self-image inside the heart chakra standing, sitting or lying down. In some instances when you feel highly vulnerable, you might find yourself curled up in a fetal position in your heart chakra. Just keep the focus of your attention on this sense of you that is inside your heart chakra, in whatever forms it may take. Don’t be surprised if the form inside your heart changes as you move through different types of emotional material.

3) Some people will find it more powerful to breathe into their heart chakra when listening to the sounds. If you work with this method, sigh into your exhales, and let the sighs come out from your heart chakra. In other words, make an audible sigh with each exhale.

A more advanced form of this method is to allow yourself to feel the movement of energy that emanates from your heart chakra as you sigh into each exhale and to follow this movement of energy with your awareness as the energy from your heart chakra circulates throughout your entire body.

My personal suggestion is to try all three methods and choose the one(s) that work best for you. You might also find it helpful to have a notebook to write down your impressions, feelings, images and insights right after you complete a listening session. This is because the state of consciousness generated by this sound piece can generate a type of waking-dream, and like dreams they can sometimes impart significant insights, but also like dreams, they are fleeting in nature and easily forgotten.

I think of this sound meditation as a type of archaeological tool. You can use it to uncover hidden passages in your heart and to retrieve treasures of consciousness that have been obscured to your sight. And you can, just as importantly, bring to the light of your conscious awareness “things” that have been hidden by the darkness of unconsciousness.

You undertake this task for yourself. But the benefits of freeing yourself from emotional imprisonment and constraint can, and will, benefit your fellow human beings and all life as well.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation ©2013. Note that this is a live recording from the Istanbul event and there are some room noises that were picked up by the microphone.

Information Unrelated to this Message

For those of you who have studied with me in the past, and for those of you contemplating working with me in the future, I thought it might be a good idea to let you know my intentions around workshops. Beginning next year, I am changing my way of doing the Work, and there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to be in the live sound-fields that are a crucial part of my seminars.

The live sound-fields that I create during workshops are fields of subtle energy that are generated when I access other dimensions of consciousness. While recordings of these sounds certainly capture some of the energetics that are released when I channel other dimensional worlds, the full impact of these energy-fields can only be experienced in the moment when I am actually channeling the sounds and in the space where it is occurring.

There are only three workshops scheduled in the U.S. this year.

The Leviathan, will be held in the Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space on Broadway in New York City on May 25th. In the course of this one-day event, I will take us through many sound journeys using numerous mystical traditions as a springboard into the mystery of the transcendent Self. This event promises to be a truly life changing experience due to the juxtaposition of so many sound journeys. You can read more about this event in the Calendar on our website.

You can buy tickets online from Symphony Space by using this link:

You may also reach the Symphony Space box office at 212-864-5400, Tues – Sun from 1 PM until 6 PM. All online ticket purchases are subject to a per-ticket fee of $2.75, in addition to a $3.00 handling fee. Symphony Space takes American Express, Master Card, Visa and Discover. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable from either Symphony Space or from Tom Kenyon. Symphony Space sells tickets online only or at their box office. We do not register for this event in our office.

Note: This is the only event on the East Coast this year, and I am not sure if, and when, I will return to this area for another event.

In addition, to the New York event, there will be two three-day workshops in the Pacific Northwest area in October.

On October 4th -6th I will lead a Shamanic Buddhist Retreat on Orcas Island, called Entering the Mandala. And on October 25th – 27th I will teach The Art of Egyptian High Alchemy in Seattle, Washington. You can read further information about these unique events in the Calendar section of our website (

If you wish to immerse yourself in the live sound fields that I create during public workshops, I encourage you to consider attending one of these events.

Note from Judi: Tom is not saying he is not going to teach anymore, but he is making it clear that he will teach less and less, which means there will be fewer opportunities to be in the live sound field of his voice, and there is nothing in the world like being in the live sound field of his voice. No CD can ever capture that. So if you’ve always wanted to hear Tom live, I would move mountains to attend one of these events. The live sound field is the most transformative, healing experience I’ve ever had. Hands down. It’s life changing!

©2013 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

You may make copies of this written message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. The Hathor Heart Chakra Healing Sound Meditation, including all content in the Listening section of the website, may not be distributed or offered on any other web site, as it is for personal, individual use only and is protected by International Copyright. Please note that any recordings of mine offered on any Internet site other than are being posted without my permission and are done so illegally.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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