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4/26/2013 3:41:13 PM

Jesus: A Sea Change in the Way Information is Released into the Public Domain is Underway

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channeled by John Smallman – April 26, 2013

John’s reading of this post can be heard here:

We are watching with joy from here in the spiritual realms as the divine energies surrounding you all start to really take effect, so much so that even in your mainstream news media some “good news” is being reported, albeit with a certain lack of the overarching enthusiasm that they show when disasters strike! Nevertheless, it is a sign of things to come.

The Good News can no longer be ignored, dismissed, or go unreported. A sea change in the way information is released into the public domain is underway, although that reportage always lags behind when it comes to reporting on the alterations occurring in attitudes, behaviors, and awareness that have resulted in those changes.

Much is happening worldwide that will amaze you when you hear of it. The field of divine Love works constantly and surreptitiously to enable and bring about the essential behavioral changes that will ensure that an end to grinding poverty, contagious diseases, and desecration of the planet is achieved smoothly and effectively.

As that happens, planet-wide healing of the earth herself and of all the life forms she supports will accelerate as the constant damaging activities that have encouraged and maintained those wretched conditions cease. That cessation of widespread damaging activities will release enormous quantities of energy to assist in the necessary cleansing and renewal that needs to occur to return your planet to a state of tranquility in which her health, beauty, and abundance can thrive so that the needs of all who rely on her wellness for their own well-being can be fully met.

All of creation is interdependent, mutually supportive, and harmoniously cooperative, because that is how God so lovingly creates, but when you built the illusion to experience separation, awareness of that essential aspect of existence became lost as rugged individualism sought to prove that it was strong, independent, and resourceful. That naturally led to the state in which people frequently robbed each other instead of cooperating with one another for the benefit of all, and the damage those attitudes brought about have finally begun to be understood.

Many are now working to replace conflict and unhealthy competition with harmonious cooperation. Their numbers are growing daily, and with the assistance that you are receiving from the new energies with which you are willingly engaging success in that endeavor is assured. As I told you in “ A Course in Miracles,” and as you well know at the depths of your being: “Heaven is here. There is nowhere else. Heaven is now. There is no other time.” That knowing is to break through into your conscious experiential awareness, changing your perception of one another and of the world around you, permanently.

What you presently perceive as reality, the physical world and all that it is composed of – humanity, the flora, fauna, and mineral realms – will be seen in a new and magnificent light of acceptance, understanding, appreciation, and thanks, as the lessons it has enabled you to learn become apparent, so that you could prepare to awaken from the nightmares of pain and suffering that you have been undergoing. You are indeed in a New Age, and the changes that are occurring as a result of that are becoming ever more visible.

You can mightily strengthen the energy field surrounding you as well as the effect you have on others by distancing yourselves as far as possible from engaging with the drama and emotions that bad news encourages. Instead, quietly intend to send love and compassion to any who are hurt, and at the same time reconfirm your intent for humanity to awaken into awareness of its holiness as children of God. In your present embodied state as humans it is almost impossible for you to appreciate how incredibly effective that kind of intention is, but rest assured that every loving intent that you make further intensifies humanity’s collective intent to awaken.

The power and intensity of the loving intent that each one of you holds and shares is an essential part of your awakening process, so please remind yourselves of that as each day commences, whenever you think of it during the day, and again as you end your day. You are bringing humanity home to your natural state of being exhilaratingly alive in Love, shining brilliantly with Its Light, and showing others by your demonstration of loving conduct the path to follow.

As you take your daily quiet times for prayer, meditation, and reflection, what you should reflect on is the fact that you are divine beings who have been sleeping, and while in that state have temporarily forgotten who you are. Then remake and restate your firm intention to awaken and ask your spiritual guides, the saints, and the angels to assist you. Doing so is an extremely powerful choice and decision, and it will speed you along your path.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/26/2013 3:43:25 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 303

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 25, 2013

The tide has turned a long time ago, but still, there are those under the influence of thinking that nothing is happening at all. They kick up the dust, and complain that everything is at a stand still. But is it truly that? We challenge you all to take a good look around you, and we think you will all see traces of this rush of incoming energies on all sides of you.

Not only in the heart of those likeminded souls you are gathered together with here in this space, but also further afield. For your world is already starting to move beyond the level of awareness you might have thought was the limit for everyone not as ”open” as you to these new energetic messages. For they are all moving in some way, and even if some of you have a hard time seeing it, still it is happening, each and every day.

So again the message is the same, remember to focus your intent in the right direction, and then you will truly see results. Not because you are the one who will make all of this change happen, but because you too have in many ways been blinded to the effects of the light. For remember, for eons you too have been forced to stare into this wall of darkness that surrounded you on all sides, and now, when that impenetrable wall has been reduced to a heap of rubble in so many places, some of you still insist on keeping your eyes on those portions of the wall still standing as if nothing have happened.

And so you feel despondent, and think that all of this work has been for nothing. But if you are willing to shift your focus, and in most cases, only for a mere fraction of an inch, you too will see that what was once a seemingly impenetrable fortress wall has now been breached in so many places. And now, you too will find a place where it is so easy to jump over the rubble and join those already frolicking in the fields outside.

We do not say this to scold you in any way, but just to remind you that the present is in some aspects mayhaps already much better than what you have envisaged some of the future to be. But again, it is the eyes of the beholder who define the ”reality”. And so, if you choose to keep staring into the wall, then the wall will keep you captivated for a very long time ahead indeed.

But if you choose to shift your focus, and run out and join all of those free spirits already savouring the sweet air of freedom, your reality will also follow suit. So again we say, be careful with what you attach yourself to, for the glue that keeps you in place now is a very strong one indeed. So make sure that you let yourself have the freedom of being glued to the brighter parts of this world, for they do exist, and they are getting brighter and lighter by the day.

And remember, the walls will not fall down any faster if you insist on trying to punch them down by focusing your whole power on them. These walls will fall the minute you step outside them. So give yourself the freedom to do just that, for by deciding to stay cooped up inside the remnants of this old fortress, you are only making it stand just that much longer, and this will not help you, nor the rest of mankind.

You are here to break through the walls by letting go of the fear that helped to keep you imprisoned behind them, and this you cannot do by being unable to let these walls fall from your attention. So let go of any thoughts of being a battering ram that will force these last pieces of brickwork down. That is not your role, your role is to fly over these walls with your beautiful wings of freedom, and the moment you take to the air and lift yourself off from these old grounds, you will make the walls around you crumble into dust. And that is the only way to ensure that this old prison will not be standing a moment longer than it was supposed to.

It is easy to agree with all of this in principle, but as many of you have already ascertained, trusting yourself enough to let your wings take you over to those greener pastures is quite another thing. But do not wait too long now, lest you miss out on so much of the fun. For as soon as you arrive on that other side, you will find yourself surrounded by so much love and laughter, you will forget all about that long prison term you had to endure.

For your memory will be wiped clean of all of the duress, and you will not waste another second thinking ”what if” or ”why did I do that” or ”why not sooner”. For then you will begin anew, and you will focus all your energy on creating, not on tearing down or even feeling remorse. For that is when you start with a clean slate, and you will have all the colours in the Universe to choose from when you start to make your own first image of the life you are about to start living.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/26/2013 3:44:58 PM

Global Awakening to False-Flag Terrorism, Copernican Revolution

Boston 23Archangel Michael has said that the explosions were caused by a small group of rightwing extremists with the government knowledgable and complicit. (1)

Global awakening to false-flag terrorism, Copernican revolution

A man grieves for the victims of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, Press TV, Apr 21, 2013 9:27AM

The global awakening to the ubiquity of false-flag terrorism is a Copernican revolution that overturns the old paradigms about the way societies are governed.

This “great awakening” offers us the chance to overthrow the old paradigm of rule by fear, and to work for a better world – a world of fearless people ruled by wisdom and compassion.”

A friend called up our local radio station yesterday to complain: One of the radio hosts was supporting the official story of the Boston bombings, and blaming “radical Muslims from Chechnya.” The receptionist was shocked. “Did our host really say that? That’s so crazy. Everyone knows it was a false-flag attack.”

The incident illustrates the schizoid nature of Americans’ response to the Boston bombings. Increasingly, “everyone knows” it was a false-flag attack – including the ordinary people who work at radio and TV stations. But the powerful few who control the broadcast licenses, and print the news on dead trees, will be the last to admit it. At this point, the false-flag meme is just starting to enter the mainstream media.

As it does, the whole notion of “terrorism” is being re-thought.

The received notion of “terrorism” is that anti-government radicals are supposedly attacking civilians. But wait a minute – why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they just attack the government – especially the government officials, government-owning fat-cats and government-aiding media moguls who are the real objects of their hatred?

A recent headline screamed: Karl Rove Heckled Throughout Speech In Massachusetts, Called Murderer, Terrorist. Run “Karl Rove heckled” through a search engine and you’ll find many more examples.

If there were any real anti-government “terrorists,” Karl Rove would have been dead a long time ago.
For better or worse, there are very few actual anti-government terrorists. Virtually all terrorism is committed by governments.

Let’s take this from the top and define our terms. “Terrorism” means “using violence against civilians to create fear for political purposes.”

Who does that? Who has the motivation to do it? Only governments.

It is well-known that governments terrorize the citizens of countries they invade and occupy. The US, for example, murdered many millions of Vietnamese citizens in a doomed attempt to terrorize them into submission. Ditto for Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other places. This is real terrorism – terrorism on a massive, genocidal scale.

It is less well-known that the very same governments also terrorize their own citizens – more subtly, and on a smaller scale.

In the US, militarized police forces terrorize African-American communities. Almost every day, an African-American is extra-judicially executed by police.

White Americans are terrorized in sneakier and less brutal fashion: They are fed a diet of violence and fear-mongering propaganda by the media. Those who break out of the fear bubble, and go to Occupy demonstrations, may have their skulls smashed by police billy clubs.

As the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares explains, Western governments once ruled through fear, peppered by sprinkles of hope. Now that there is no longer any hope for Western economies, these governments rule almost entirely through fear. The Power of Nightmares documents the fact that the whole concept of the “terrorist threat” was invented out of whole cloth by Western governments: there is no actual group called al-Qaeda, and no such thing as any significant anti-government terrorism.

“Al-Qaeda” is the name of a ragged hodge-podge of dupes and mercenaries. They terrorize Syrians on behalf of the US and Israeli governments. And they terrorize Americans on behalf of the US and Israeli governments.

False-flag terrorism is designed to make citizens willingly surrender their liberty, their money, their power, and even their children’s lives.

The Boston Marathon bombing appears to have been yet another false-flag attack. The government tells us that there were no terror drills that day. But eyewitness reports, and a Boston Globe twitter feed about police exploding a bomb at the library, prove the government is lying. Why would they lie and deny the obvious fact that terror drills coincided with the actual bombing?

And what about the paramilitary team captured in photographs of the bombing? Men from the DHS-linked mercenary firm Craft International, sporting caps with the distinctive Craft skull logo, were photographed wearing large black backpacks like those that held the bombs. The photos place members of this paramilitary team at the bomb locations just moments before the attacks. Other photos show them rendezvousing after the operation.

The entire family of the surviving accused bomber, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, has been screaming “false flag” from the rooftops. Their mother says FBI agents “were controlling every step” her sons took, and called the event a set-up. Their father says “Somebody clearly framed them.” Their aunt pointed out that Chechens have been set up as patsies in other false-flag terror events, adding “I don’t trust (the) FBI. I don’t trust any agencies.”

And it isn’t just the Tsarnaev family. Everyone who knows the Tsarnaev brothers agrees. As Steve Watson reported for, “People who know Dzhokar Tsarnaev say it is impossible that he would commit an act of terror.”

Even the surviving suspect himself appears to be aware of the ubiquity of false-flag attacks.
According to reports, his Twitter feed included: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job.”

If he still had access to his Twitter account, he would be tweeting: “Idk why it’s hard for many of you to accept that the Boston bombings were also an inside job.”

But more and more people ARE accepting that 9/11, and most other seemingly senseless attacks against civilians – including the Boston Marathon bombings – are inside jobs.

The global awakening to the ubiquity of false-flag terrorism is a Copernican revolution that overturns the old paradigms about the way societies are governed.

This “great awakening” offers us the chance to overthrow the old paradigm of rule by fear, and to work for a better world – a world of fearless people ruled by wisdom and compassion.


(1) “Archangel Michael on Who Was Behind the Boston Bombings: It Was an Extreme Right-Wing Group of Disaffected Americans,” April 17, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/26/2013 9:59:23 PM

Portal2012 4-24-13… “The Secret Space Program”

portal2012_space_program_photo_130424I have not posted Cobra for some time, but I found myself drawn in to this report about the secret space program. The information felt very “right” to me. So I post here.


The Secret Space Program

Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet – the Cabal.

The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:

In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.

After the war, hundreds of thousands tonnes of Yama****a gold were put into trading programs which provided financing for the construction of the massive system of underground military bases worldwide. Those bases were build to set the stage for the Draconian invasion which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program extended and also involved bases on Moon and Mars. Construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was ongoing and in mid 90s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

Click to enlarge...

Click to enlarge…

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money:

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon, Blackwater…

The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).

The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:

After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases :

Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal’s operations extensively. Now they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, will not be.

In early 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground facilities of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and they are concerned.

Tomorrow, on the day of the lunar eclipse, the top members of the military-industrial complex will meet in a secret location close to Bush ranch in Texas to discuss the situation. They will find no solution.

Victory of the Light is near!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/26/2013 10:07:22 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Transmuting Cabal-Instated Barriers

In a recent chat I had with them, the Pleiadians spoke about the difference between the instated “veil of forgetfulness” humanity currently exists under, and the veils and barriers purposefully set in place by the cabals and by lower astral forces who have wanted us only to feed our energy to them so that they can sustain themselves with negative and dense energies.

Some would call those astral beings “Archons” but as I’ve said before, that term gives a bit of a “negative ET” vibe that could be more hurtful than helpful for the ET truth movement. There are genuinely positive and spiritual, evolved Galactic beings actively assisting us in our evolution but in my opinion, their image has been muddied with “Archon” talk.

However, I have no desire to separate myself from those with “Archon” beliefs and only bring them up because of the aforementioned veils and barriers being purposefully kept in place by lower astral beings (who I do not believe are extraterrestrial) and by some of the descendants of the cabal heads.

Again, there is a very real difference between those barriers and the “veil of forgetfulness” we have instated for ourselves to learn and grow under. What’s interesting about both of these veils is that they can help us along our soul growth.

Yes, the “veil of forgetfulness” is established for the purpose of aiding in our soul growth, but I’d imagine the cabals or the lower astral beings employing them didn’t imagine that the barriers they would attempt to put over us would eventually aid in our growth as well. They certainly are, and we can go out of our way to notice when extreme negativity is attempting to change our perspective and rightly put an end to it.

Absolutely everything that happens on this Earth is ultimately designed for our soul growth. Yes, the cabals have attempted to make the playing field unfair with the instating of barriers designed to feed and enforce negativity in as many souls as possible, but we the awakening public are now recognizing such veils and working to put an end to them so that all of humanity can find and feel the lightened vibrations making their way to us now.

I also wanted to echo what was said by the Pleiadians during our chat and remind us that those barriers, while having been established for the purpose of holding humanity back, do not have to hold us back or bring us down and like everything else, our own feeding of negativity will determine how strong of an influence they have over us.

Some may hear talk of instated barriers attempting to enforce negativity in the minds and hearts of humanity and assume that there is nothing they can do about them – that is not true!

Though an outside force has established them, the negativity-enforcing barriers that would attempt to change our perspective can only have as much power over us as we give them. Yes, they have been able to remain in a powerful position because too many unknowing souls have fed them with their negativity and hatred for so very long but as so many of us are beginning to awaken now, we can recognize the presence of attempted overwhelming negativity within us and affirm that it have absolutely no effect upon us.

The cabals and the beings who have employed them are quite desperate for the energy of the awakening humanity. I was lying in bed this morning having a conversation with one of my guides about this very subject. Our energy is becoming increasingly pure and more Lighted, and with this will come the fading lower beings on this Earth who only wish to usurp our energies from us and truly, they only can if we let them.

To say they are desperate is perhaps an understatement. These beings have fed off of the manifested lower energy of humanity for centuries and now, in the blink of an eye millions of starseeds and enlightened individuals are stepping forth and helping humanity to see that there is something better along the horizon.

Through our individual and collective actions, every one of us are putting a stop to the lower dimensionality that has run rampant on this world for far too long, and we can recognize that a necessary aspect of this mission is confronting and transmuting the barriers of extreme lower dimensionality that have attempted to enforce negativity in our minds and hearts.

The cabals have been aided in feeding those barriers with the distorted food and drinks they have attempted to replace our real food and drinks with, as well as with the lower frequencies being emitted from the various gadgets we use every day and a plethora of other things. They have set up so many aspects of our society intended to feed and enforce lower dimensionality and as has been said by plenty of souls, channeled and terrestrial alike; all one needs to do is turn on the television to see the enforcement of lower dimensionality in action.

So yes – the instated barriers attempting to feed negativity which we can easily transmute and get away from the influence of, are different from our veil of forgetfulness in that a malevolent force has employed them and tried to get us to feed them. However, even they present an opportunity for soul growth (though it was not their intention) as does the presence of the cabals on this world in general.

Again; we will come to find that everything has been designed by the higher realms to assist us along our growth (even that which was designed by lower forces to hold us back) and if you ever happen to feel the overwhelming presence of negativity or dense energy around you, you can recognize when a lower being or an aspect of the barriers of negativity being fed is attempting to usurp your energy, and rightly put an end to it with transmutation.

If any of you have this problem repeatedly, I would recommend making daily affirmations that only beings of the highest and purest Christed consciousness be with and all around you. Ask Archangel Raphael to be with you at all times, and to Himself help to act as a transmuter for the dense energies we have come here to do just that to.

Nothing established on this Earth to hold us back actually has to, and it’s important for us not to give our sacred energy to anything that is not of the higher realms we are growing toward. It’s safe to say that we’ll continue to be given lessons surrounding the theme of not giving our power away and when the influence of the cabals has been fully purged from this world, we certainly will not have to worry about any instated veils or barriers attempting to steal our energy.

Even the veil of forgetfulness will have stopped becoming necessary!

Wes Annac – Reminding you that your sacred energy is yours, and nobody else’s

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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