Not a Pre-fab Ascension
One of the things that may have been confusing us about this Ascension is that some things have not come off when the Company of Heaven has said they would and no really adequate explanation has been given – or so it seems.
A good example was that last year around this time we were waiting for “mass arrests” and they didn’t happen or happened in numbers much less than we expected.
SaLuSa told us to watch for them but Archangel Michael said they would not be used this Ascension, that the leaders of the cabal would be put in containment.
And we’re all saying “Fraud! Fake! Caught ya!”
Well, no. Ascension, I’m seeing more and more clearly, is not a prefabricated thing. The guys in the rafters change the plan on occasion … well, probably more than just on occasion.
Once the plan was changed to containment, SaLuSa did mention it after a while. (1) The Pleiadian Council of Nine mentioned it again recently. (2) Certainly Archangel Michael gave us plenty of instances of it. And we could see dramatic changes in behavior indicative of it.
A second instance would be the failure of us all to go up a spiral on Dec. 21, 2012 and find ourselves in Greek togas in the Elysian Fields. (OK. Just kidding.)
The Company of Heaven explained that the human race, through its collective consciousness I would imagine, asked that the time be extended so that all, or at least many more, could ascend. Well, that beats building earth-shattering devices that destroyed the Atlantean world the last time around.
But we all see this as definite proof that the Company of Heaven is a fiction.
But if we look closely at how the CoH is handling the cabal, I think we can see evidence of this overall wish on their part too that as many ascend as possible. They don’t take the cabal by the throat, destroy it, grind it into bonemeal and feed it to the seagulls. They use what must be cosmically the gentlest of means to stop their forward motion and even to persuade them to come along on Ascension if they can “make the grade.”
Their Ascension itself shows the evidence that should persuade us that an extension is not far-fetched, however impatient we are for the grand finale.
One of the things I think we may be missing – and I admit I’d rather these explanations came out in a more timely fashion but there’s probably a reason why they don’t (3) – is that our Ascension, Gaia’s Ascension along with all the sparrows, earthworms, plankton and, oh, yes, humans, is the first in our local universe. The first to have beings ascend with their physical bodies. Here are some statements of that or statements that imply or suggest it.
Robert: There was this talk on a radio show on Monday – why exactly is this the first planet to undergo the planetary ascension while still in physical form? Why are we the first and why is it normally not done this way?
Anastara: It is simply – you will not probably like this answer, but it is the truth, well there are many truths. But this is part of the evolution and the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan. So it has been done in other ways in other capacities, but now it is the next step. (4)
Mira the Pleiadian: There is not a single place in all of Creation that is not affected by what is going on with the Earth right now. (5)
Sanat Kumara: Well, they have always been watching Earth, and they have always been interested in the Ascension process, because it is unique, it is phenomenal, it is the fulfillment of the plan of the Mother. This is far greater than any movie that you could ever create in your reality.
So it is having a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. And the fact that the human race matured enough to say, no, we will care for everybody, has caused ripples and amazement throughout the galaxies! So they are watching very closely how you are doing it.
And how it is going, because it will set the paradigm for other planetary Ascensions, other realms that want to work in this way.
SB: But isn’t the whole universe ascending, Raj? We’re not the only planet, are we?
SK: You’re first in line.
SB: Ah! So we’re the first planet to ascend [with the physical body]. Is that what you mean?
SK: Yes. (6)
Whenever something is the first, there will be changes. I believe that many of the explanations for many of the changes is simply that the sublime leaders of the Ascension effort got together and recognized that a change was needed or might be better.
I think our Ascension is being run with an eye to maximum learning. I think it does call for adjustments to the plan and new twists and wrinkles, given that it’s never been run this way before – that is, with the physical body ascending.
We may be thinking that the CoH has the whole thing down pat but the CoH has told us many times that free will in general does not allow for pat answers and prefab Ascensions.
We’ll know undoubtedly all the ins and outs later on and for now, we have to put up with some ways of doing things that seem protracted and confusing. I’m getting better at adapting to changes in the plan. Before I ascend, well, hey, I might even … become an expert at it!
(1) “In the past there have been many references to arresting those who are the ringleaders of the dark Ones, and steadily they have been rounded up. You have also heard of ‘Containment’ and in this way we have been able to severely restrict their activities. Mass arrests were considered likely to evoke panic amongst you, as few would have had any knowledge of why it was happening.
“So we have opted for gradual changes and placed our representatives who are our allies, in positions that give more control to those of the Light. However, once we can come out openly, you will then see rapid changes taking place for which we have long been prepared. We assure you that you will eventually enjoy all of the benefits that have been promised to you, and we will be doing all we can to assist you.” (SaLuSa, March 1, 2013, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.)
(2) “Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – An Entire Paradigm of Secrecy is About to be Shattered,” April 25, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/wes-annac-the-pleiadian-council-of-nine-an-entire-paradigm-of-secrecy-is-about-to-be-shattered/
(3) Lao Tzu, for instance, indicates the existence of this type of reason here: “the Light which moves at the speed of Love quite literally transforms carbon to crystalline. We have not spoken of this before because it was not yet time but that is exactly what it does.” (“Transcript: Lao Tzu on Humility on Heavenly Blessings,” April 26, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/transcript-lao-tzu-on-humility-on-heavnely-blessings/.)
(4) Anastara, “Earth’s Ascension Process is Audacious,” April 19, 2013, athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/into-the-golden-age-of-gaia/the-midpoint-of-ascension/earths-ascension-process-is-audacious/.
(5) Mira, April 14, 2013, at http://thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm#message
(6) “It Is a New Day: Sanat Kumara on Pope Francis, the Process of Ascension, the Earth’s Place in Ascension, Etc.,” March 13, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/it-is-a-new-day-sanat-kumara-on-pope-francis-the-process-of-ascension-the-earths-place-in-ascension-etc/