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4/24/2013 5:15:36 PM

Jesus: Fear is an Illness, and it is Healed by Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Acceptance

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150As channeled by John Smallman – April 24, 2013

John’s reading of this post can be found here:

The purpose of an illusion is to capture your full attention in order to distract you so that you do not see something the illusionist wants to keep hidden, unseen, and unrecognized by you. And you are the illusionist!

You wanted God to remain hidden, unseen, unrecognized. And the illusion that you built has worked extremely well. However, the vast majority of humanity has had its fill — the value of novelty wears off — and now wants and intends to see and recognize what has been hidden. That intent is completely in alignment with the Will of God, and therefore cannot fail to be achieved; consequently, humanity will awaken, and into eternal joy.

Your divine destiny is inevitable, but you have free will and can therefore delay your arrival, your awakening indefinitely if you choose to do so — remember that time is also illusory! Not releasing your baggage — all the emotional “stuff” that has accumulated over the eons, and your many earth lifetimes — delays you.

With the new energies enveloping the Earth, and consequently surrounding and affecting everyone on the planet, all that stuff is bursting into your awareness from your inner depths where it has been hidden, causing unsettling emotional disturbances or inner turmoil. All that you need to do is acknowledge it without dwelling on it, and allow it to pass on, as it will. You no longer need any of it (you never really did!), and engaging with it and attempting to make sense of it is a big distraction for you. Just allow it to flow through and it will. Yes, it is uncomfortable – like pulling a splinter or a thorn out of your flesh, it hurts – but if you do not remove it, it festers and becomes infected, far more painful, and demands even more of your attention lest it become gangrenous.

Again, it is your choice whether to dwell on it or let it go, and that is where forgiveness achieves wonders because it is the healing balm par excellence. When you have been offended or abused, your egos rise to protect you, insisting that you require and deserve restitution, while demanding recognition of and punishment for the one who has hurt you. It is a natural human response. However, if you dwell on the offense or abuse by remembering with bitterness the pain it caused, the emotional charge it carries is further energized leading to resentment and anger which eats away at you, making peace or contentment impossible.

When you choose to forgive the perpetrator — and to make that choice you need to see the event, the incident from a new perspective — healing occurs and your pain starts to reduce. Your intent to forgive strengthens further and the pain dissolves. You can of course remember what happened, but it no longer causes you pain and you do not dwell on it because there are happier and more interesting things to occupy your mind.

If forgiveness seems impossible for you to even consider then ask your guides or angels for help. Describe what happened as though you were telling a close friend, and then release to them the story you have just told with the intent that the emotional charge you are holding be released. Your intent is an amazingly powerful tool but it certainly helps to ask for assistance from those in the spiritual realms when setting it or using it. And they are always there ready and willing to assist.

Often when you share a story of abuse or pain with a friend they will commiserate with you, take your side, and agree that what occurred was indeed unconscionable. That is in a way what friends are for, in the moment. But afterwards, when you want to free yourself from the pain, retelling the story also strengthens your sense of being victimized, disabling your ability to view the event from a perspective that allows you to recognize the intense pain being experienced by your abuser, who is calling out for love, and your own deep, though hidden, desire to forgive.

Truly, because you are divine beings, beings of Love, your innermost desire is to share and extend your Love indiscriminately and unconditionally through compassion, understanding, healing, and forgiveness. However, since you built the illusion you have hidden that part of yourselves, the major part of yourselves, from your egoic selves which find it threatening and terrifying. The egoic part of you believes that the world is a very dangerous place, and it is constantly presented with evidence to prove that this is so. You have probably noticed that those who appear more calm and more at peace with themselves are generally far less ego-driven than those who are driven by commitments and deadlines that absolutely must be honored. And that the former are far less accident and incident prone than the latter.

What you expect you bring into your lives; it is as simple as that. How many times have you said or heard someone say when an accident or mishap occurs: “I knew that would happen?” So change your expectations in order to change your life — and change the world! The illusion encourages fear; it broadcasts fear to whomever will pay attention, and it basks in the belief of fear, to which so many humans are enslaved. If you release fear you cannot be driven or controlled. And when, despite your fear, you do something that frightens you, then the trepidation you expected to feel will be far less than you had imagined.

Fear is a method of control that is used to great effect, and ironically, often the most fearful are those whose lives appear to be the most secure. Within the illusion nothing makes sense. The prevailing ethos is “Love is weak! — Avoid it! — Conquer your fears by being strong, forceful, demanding, certain, and inflexible!” But Love is like the ocean pounding on the rocks. The ocean is flexible, dynamic, yielding, all-enveloping, and the rocks get worn away.

Fear is an illness, and it is healed by Love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Engage with the Love of God, the Love of yourselves, and the Love of all creation, and bring yourselves forward to awakening — which is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny, constantly waiting to welcome you home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 5:16:57 PM

A Message from the Angels via Tazjima: Are You Open to Change?

pinkflowersAs channeled by Tazjima – April 22, 2013

The rumbles of change, internal and external are currently reverberating across the face of the planet. Are you open to change happening in your life?

We are the angelic legions of the Divine Mother and speak as a collective. We are One with the Mother / Father God, one with Creator. We are one with you, also.

We come to you today to speak of the necessity of letting go of expectation and even of disappointment. Things have a way of working out when you least expect it, if you are willing to forgo the need to control the world outside yourself.

You have been told that the Universe loves you. It loves you so much that those things you place your attention upon will visit you, sometimes repeatedly, until you realize that, yes, you are the creator of your own world. It is how you choose to apply your attention that determines what you will experience.

Science is discovering that each person is a focus of intention and attention. The observer will always affect the outcome of an experiment. The observer is both the observed and the act of observing. It is a loop of intention, attention and playing out of experience.

As a being with free will, it is your responsibility, then, to determine what you wish to experience in life.

Not many people are ready or willing to accept such a responsibility, but those who are intent on attaining ascension in this lifetime or the next, must make this intention in order to master their creations.

The tools needed to attain ascension are simple. The application and daily usage of these tools takes determination, focus and a willingness to release judgment, of self and others. It also takes a willingness to live in joy and wonder, even while the world around you implodes with violence and chaos.


The events of the past week have challenged the emotional bodies of many. Some are seeking security through outer measures, whether by moving from the affected areas, simplifying their lives, living closer to the earth, buying guns and supplies. We do not recommend any choice over another. It is up to each individual to follow the guidance of their inner being and heart center. We will caution you, however; if you are determined to react in fear, fearful events may come upon you.

It is very important to review the simple tools of meditation, grounding, centering, going to the higher mind, uniting with the soul in the heart center and so on. Learn how to use these tools and methods and then live them.

Whatever choices you make now will determine what you are to experience in the remainder of the intense period of transition as the various timelines or “worlds” begin to separate out.

When we say “worlds” we mean an expression of frequency. Each individual will find their level as a result of their intention and attention, in accordance with the raising up of their frequency levels or the lowering of them due to reacting through fear. And even though you may not be personally affected by lower frequencies, you will observe them as you are not going anywhere.

Life is happening here on planet Earth. You can choose to step out of the drama currently being played out or to remain in it. You can choose to live in hell or to be one of those who are bringing heaven to earth.

Before 12/12/12, many lightworkers were seeking to be brought magically into a new world without effort on their part. Where is the mastery in this? You are all masters, every one of you who now walks upon the face of the planet. It is up to you to determine in what manner you wish to demonstrate that mastery and at what pace.

We do not seek to judge whatever an individual chooses as their experience. Each soul has placed its soul extensions here, during these extraordinary times, as a means of learning more about itself. The learning curve is very steep and intense, but meeting the challenge of the times will be extremely rewarding in terms of self-knowledge and wisdom.

Understand that you will not be magically translated physically to another world. Neither will you experience those other planes of existence spiritually unless you work on connecting through the inner planes and even then you will continue to observe the events of the world around you. How you choose to react or not to those events is how your mastery is tested. This kind of mastery cannot be accomplished by one who will not let go of the prevailing mores of society and the constructs of fear and control of the departing paradigm. In short, if you choose to act as victim or abuser, scenarios related to these roles will continue to play out in your life. Be the observer and let go of judgment. Be love and you will see love reflected in the faces of those who surround you. Allow others to play in their own creations if they choose not to play in yours.

Change must come from within the individual before it is reflected in the outer world. If you wish to see change in your world, be that change, from inside. Learn to work with the soul, with the archangels, the animal and mineral kingdoms from the inside; join with your monad. Do the individual work and return to the state of living master of your own world. Since you are the observer, the observed and the act of observing, change will be reflected in your daily activities.

Although you may be willing to accept change into your life, understand that many individuals are not. They have and will continue to choose to play in the wake of the departing paradigm, even as it crashes to the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to release judgment and to forgive yourself for any lapses that you might experience, as well, as the waves of emotional and mental turmoil roil through the atmosphere.


As you develop your inner senses you will find yourself both more sensitive to the existence of thought-forms and how they can impact your behavior and emotions. You can choose to detach from self-judgment and judgment of others as you are momentarily overtaken by the surprise wave of emotion as a thought or old memory enters your mind.

Realize that these old memories and thoughts are coming up for release. Choose to detach and let them flow through you, disconnecting from the energy of the emotion attached to the thought. Much of what you experience in this subtle fashion is not “yours” but belongs to those who have chosen to run your life for you before you chose the path of self-mastery, whether they be your erst-while controllers or those whom you have loved, parents, children, friends, work associates and neighbors.

Understand dear ones that humanity is in the process of reopening into a unified field of consciousness. You are a collective, yet each individual will experience today and in the days to come different things depending on where their attention is placed. Each member of humanity, as cells of the collective body of humanity, will experience their own scenario and yet be influenced by what goes on in the life of others. As an individual and as a collective, the miscreations of humanity are being cleared; just how difficult that clearing may be, is up to the choices made by each member of the collective.

As wayshowers and leaders of humanity, chosen to guide the lost and sleeping masses into a new age, into a higher frequency and manner of living, it is up to you to choose, or not, to attain your own self-mastery so your manner of being will shine out as an example to the ones who live and work around you. Each of you has the opportunity to be a shining light, perhaps living quietly at first, but as your mastery increases perhaps becoming that teacher or guide who is just the one needed to bring calm and loving change into the world of those they love.

If you are unsure that you have the needed wisdom and knowledge to obtain mastery, know now that what you need is within. Discover a way to connect with your soul and monad and you will have access to all that you require to re-member what you chose to forget upon coming here. The veils of forgetfulness are being lifted for each person. Just how fast you are able to assimilate the “new” knowledge and knowingness will be dependent on your willingness to detach from the expectations of others and from your own self-judgment.

Learn to like yourself. Learn to love yourself for your life and experience starts from the center of your being, from the heart, and flows out into the world that you see around you. That world is a reflection of your consciousness and will undergo transformation even as you are willing to accept the mastery you left behind in the higher worlds.

Understand that you cannot force change onto another for that is a violation of free will. Each individual has their own speed as to how they will allow change to affect their lives, but change is inevitable as the sun rising and setting. It will come, whether in the form of revolution or evolution. It is your choice. Your response to this change, whether to react or act or simply be, will determine the course of your life in the years to come.

There is an old expression in parts of your world, “He had a change of heart…” that is used to explain sudden turn-a-rounds in the actions of an individual reflected through the choice to open his /her heart to those who are around them. It is not so much as a change of heart but the fact that the individual somehow connected with the wisdom of the heart and so changed the manner of his / her reaction or not to the world around them. You can experience change, the change you want to experience, by choosing to connect with your heart, the avenue for connecting with the higher worlds.

By connecting with your heart center, you can be the change you want to see and experience in your world. It must start from the center and move out as a wave into the world. Be a part of that wave of love that is engulfing the world, driving out the darkness and shining light upon long hidden secrets, both dark and terrible and light and loving. You are love and you are loved, whatever you choose to do.

You have been taught to look outside of yourself for salvation, whether through another individual, your church, the government, your family or spouse, a business associate or others. In these energies, however, it is necessary to turn away from seeking outside to seeking within. When you make the connection you will know. Fear will dissipate and reveal itself as an illusion spun out of a desire to control and dominate. You will know what to do as you learn to tune into your inner guidance and wisdom.

One who walked among you as a Teacher once said, “Seek the Kingdom of God within.” The kingdom of which this one spoke is your connection with your soul and monad through your own heart center. In coming to center, you are returning Home, no matter what circumstances are reflected in your outer life.

Go with our blessings, beloveds, for you are loved by us and by your Mother / Father God. If you need assistance or guidance, call upon us and we will be there. We are one with you in the eternal Now.

Thank you, beloved Angels.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 5:18:06 PM

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light

bluemandalaAs channeled by Goldenlight, April 22, 2013

Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all
Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 10:53:26 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: An Entire Paradigm of Secrecy is About to be Shattered


-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Greetings, dearest souls, I am SanJAsKa speaking for our Council of Nine. You continue to make the strides and progress that you are becoming famous for, and as the Earth experience tests your faith and resolve we note the overall enlightenment so many of you are beginning to find not just in yourselves, but in those around you who are beginning to respond quite favorably to the energies and perceptions you’re uncovering.

As you unlock new perceptions and find yourselves able to radiate the resulting energies, every single soul around you benefits from your Light in their own specific and individual ways and for many of them, it will take and has taken quite a long amount of your concept of time for the energies you’re introducing to their perspective to settle in and begin changing such perspective in a way that will display very clearly to you, the effect your Light is having.

Your Abilities Have Never Been Stronger

This effect is grand indeed, and we will happily continue to be with you to offer updates about where you are heading as a collective and where your continual paths are taking you and all those around you. Your ability to feel and radiate massive amounts of pure Light is greater than it has ever been and of course, this ability is only to increase as you find yourselves able to open up to states of consciousness and states of wellbeing that you had perhaps not expected to be able to feel at this time.

The Earth experience as it stands at present continues to test many a soul, and events occurring on the world stage are indeed leading you to the disclosure of our existence, the existence of realms beyond your conscious understanding and the existence of so very many other things that are to help humanity see the orchestrated illusion that has been cast upon you.

Truly, you have been conditioned to grow up in and experience an illusory reality that has taught you to act and Live your Lives in certain manners that are, in many cases, serving the souls who have crafted your societies in the ways that they have in an attempt to gain and keep control over the bulk of humanity.

An Orchestrated Reality & Instilled Complacency

We have previously discussed humanity’s complacency and the effect it has had on your ability to spread and understand the truths of your existence, but we wish for you to know that this complacency has been very carefully instilled into you, which is why we have been working from our positions as much as possible to help each of you see the orchestration that is the reality around you and to help you break the physical, mental and emotional constraints that have been given to you.

You have indeed allowed these constraints to remain in place, because you have learned from them exponentially and grown from each lesson such limitations and your breaking away from them have bestowed upon you. It has all ultimately been designed to aid in your growth as a soul, and your breaking through of your personal shells is a remarkable feat indeed.

We wish you to know that the veils between you and the higher realms that seem prevalent in your Lives and that temporarily convince you physicality is all there is, will be dissolving along with the illusory reality being kept in place by them, and each one of you are helping enormously to bring this change about as you continue to feel purer energies and perceptions in yourselves.

Truly, the effects of humanity’s Light are greater than could be communicated with your Earthly words and if you could have our vantage point of matters occurring in your personal Lives and on the world stage, you would understand that there is absolutely nothing to be in fear, worry or anxiety over because you are truly being looked after.

Humanity’s Trust Put to the Test

Humanity’s willingness to trust perceived “outside forces” will be tested in the time ahead, as the disclosure of our existence is brought forth on your world and you are left to collectively understand that there is so very much happening on your world and off of it that you haven’t been told.

An entire paradigm of secrecy, lies and half-truths is about to be shattered and with it, the aforementioned carefully-instilled complacency and unawareness that has been bred and fed in much of humanity will fade as well.

We do not wish for you dear souls to feel as if you are responsible for the reality you see around you.

Indeed you are in the sense of Creating your realities and allowing complacency to stop you from arising and taking action but again, that very complacency has been anchored unto you quite purposefully and the general unawareness as to the slave-society that has been Created on your world has kept many of you back from understanding that there is so very much more to Life than working away and expending your energy on various jobs that in many cases, do not have much of anything to do with running your world in the manner that an ever-growing number of aware souls on your evolving planet are calling for.

Expanding Upon Awareness & the Cabals’ Decreasing Influence

As you evolve, collectively and individually, awareness is naturally garnered and in the time ahead and currently as we speak to you through channels and scribes, we hope to be able to expand upon this awareness and help you to facilitate it and see it grow in influence into a full-bloomed enlightenment and understanding of how your world is meant to be run – collectively.

Indeed, your world has been run collectively in that a small collective of entities who assume themselves all-powerful because of their mental intelligence and ability to use deceit, lies and trickery to fool others steeped in unawareness have been running your world and have, for centuries, established monarchs and dictatorships that were meant to display their perceived “rein” over humanity.

These souls are finding themselves unable to have much of a say in what is to occur in your immediate future and beyond the containment of the cabal heads and the ongoing negations with their descendants, we are happy to say that the cabals are playing a decreasing role in the future of humanity.

Indeed, it has always been meant to be this way and it has always been known, even by them, that events would eventually reach the conclusion they are now reaching which is again, the disclosure of our existence and the full discussion of our wish to assist you along your evolution as a planet.

Distorted Mainstream Science & Keeping Humanity Unintelligent

Some souls on your world may not feel as if a collective evolution or any evolution of any kind is in your immediate future, and this has in part to do with the fact that you have been lied to concerning the very idea of evolution. Mainstream science on your world has been purposefully distorted, and concrete proof of the ascension of not just your planet, but the entire Universe has long been discovered and suppressed.

This is because the cabals have not wanted to create an intelligent society of free thinkers who understand what is truly happening on your world and in your cosmic backyard. Rather, they have established purposely-failing public educational systems and added ingredients to your food and drinks that are meant to dumb humanity down and keep you feeding dense states of unawareness and egoism.

Your mainstream media only encourages such density, and you dearest souls can see on nearly any channel of your television station that density and lower dimensionality is flaunted and brought to the center stage.

This is because the cabals and the forces who have been employing them only wish to see the density and negativity of the old paradigm enforced and to that extent, have attempted to see to it that humanity is (continually) exposed to such lower dimensionality because of the strength of your Creation power and because of what your continual feeding of density will garner not for you, but for them.

Feeding off of Humanity

Indeed, one of the revelations you will be given concerning the cabals is that they have used the negative and dense energies of humanity to keep themselves sustained energetically.

Allow us to explain, dearest souls. Upon reaching a certain stage of service-to-self behavior, the negativity and selfishness driving such behavior is turned up to incredible extremes, and the soul caught up in such exponential service-to-self and the resulting desire to control as many around them as possible has taken their own feeding of negativity so very far, that they must now feed off of the lower energy of others just to keep themselves sustained.

It is quite similar to how the tax dollars of humanity have been fed into a broken and dying occult financial system that has become far (beyond saving), because of the greed of the souls who established such a system only for themselves and thought themselves able to keep its existence hidden forever.

These souls have been taking the money of humanity in a desperate attempt to keep their dying occult financial system online for just a little bit longer, and in the same avenue they too have been feeding off of humanity’s negativity and the descendants of the cabal heads who are not in containment are finding it much harder to gain sustainability via the energies humanity is putting out, for two different reasons.

One reason is that humanity is beginning to feed negativity less and less as the ascension taking place helps to initiate awakenings in so many souls, and the other reason is that (the cabals’) very ability to feed off of lower energy is decreasing as the planetary vibrations lighten more and more in preparation for the much-purer states of consciousness you are about to enter as a collective.

Disclosure’s Role in Ascension

We have previously discussed certain brazen “shift points’ wherein humanity is to very clearly be initiated into a purer state of consciousness, and we say that while disclosure itself will not solely herald such a major shift point, it will very strongly help each of you to recognize and adjust to different concepts and ideas about your world and that very inner-quest will lead you to the pure states of consciousness so many of you have been looking for and so many others have not yet remembered their full ability to access.

Indeed, every one of you can find an access to the higher realms; to the energies of we Pleiadians speaking with you; to the energies of various other ascended souls who are very adamantly attempting to communicate with humanity at this time; to your higher selves and future selves who have long been giving you advice and guidance along your Life paths; there are so very many souls you can connect with and so many realms waiting just beyond your conscious perception that you can access and feel alike, and even those on your world steeped in temporary unawareness know and can feel this very deep within.

You Will Understand the Good You Have Done

Deep within, each one of you recognizes that you are a sovereign, Divine Godspark who is on the Earth on an ultimate mission of personal and collective growth. So very many of you have purposefully come to this world to answer to the dark forces and the negativity they have been putting out and having humanity feed, and the Light you have been able to shine has done this and so very much more.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we congratulate you as so many others have for the pure Light you have been able to continually shine upon the surface of the Earth.

When reaching an ascended perspective, you will be able to look back upon different facets of your Earth experience and in doing so, you will be able to understand and feel every last bit of good you have done as you evolved from the lower realms of the Earth. We will be in these realms awaiting you, with smiles on our faces and Love in our hearts.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and to SanJAsKa for being their conduit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/25/2013 5:51:59 PM

China, 15 other Asian nations to start trade talks

China, 15 other Asia-Pacific nations to start talks on major free trade pact next month

By Eileen Ng, Associated Press | Associated Press9 hrs ago

Associated Press -

Leaders of the Association of South-East Asian Nations smile each other after a group photo section during the 22nd ASEAN Summit in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Thursday, April 25, 2013. They are, from left, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkia and Myanmar's President Thein Sein. (AP Photo/Vincent Thian)

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Brunei (AP) -- China and 15 other Asia-Pacific nations will kick off the first round of free trade talks next month to create one of the world's largest trading blocs, officials said Thursday.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is a rival pact to the U.S.-led Trans-PacificPartnership, a free trade initiative involving a dozen countries but that excludes China. Both the pacts underline competition between the U.S. and China for influence in Asia.

At the end of a two-day gathering in Brunei on Thursday, leaders of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations said in a statement that negotiations on the comprehensive partnership will commence next month in Brunei "with a view to completing them by 2015."

Negotiators from the 16 countries will meet for five days from May 9 in Brunei to outline the scope of talks in the areas of goods, services and investment.

The comprehensive partnership covers Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam plus that grouping's six key trading partners — China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India. The Southeast Asian grouping of countries already has separate free trade pacts with the six nations.

Officials said the comprehensive free-trade pact, flagged by East Asian leaders at their summit in Cambodia just five months ago, was an expected outcome of efforts to merge various free trade agreements in the region to maximize the economic benefits.

With the bustling region of 3.3 billion people accounting for about a third of the world economy, a successful accord could significantly bolster trade and investment.

Some analysts said the complexity of the various trade agreements that need to be welded together means the comprehensive agreement will sacrifice an aggressive lowering of trade barriers to ensure a consensus is reached by the 2015 deadline.

It will have a narrower scope than the Trans-Pacific pact and doesn't cover issues such as intellectual property rights, reform of state-owned enterprises or regulatory standards, said Sanchita Basu Das, economic researcher at Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

"It will not be a gold-standard agreement," she said.

Under the comprehensive pact's guidelines, special and differential treatment is allowed for poorer nations such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. At the same time, flexibility clauses also allow members to drop trade policies with which they disagree and exclude sensitive industries from competition.

While such flexibility makes it more attractive for developing nations to join the grouping, critics said it could also be a roadblock to greater integration and a handicap for countries unwilling to reform.

Seven of the comprehensive partnership members — Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand and Japan — are also involved in Trans-Pacific talks. Chile, Canada, Mexico, Peru and the United States are the other members in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which accounts for nearly 40 percent of global GDP and about a third of world trade.

Negotiations on the Trans-Pacific pact began in 2005 and President Barack Obama's administration has said it hopes to wrap up talks by the end of this year. The pact is crucial to the U.S. as it seeks to reassert itself as an Asian and Pacific power, countering China.

Washington has only a handful of trade agreements in Asia, unlike China which has inked pacts with many countries and recently restarted three-way free trade talks with South Korea and Japan.

"America doesn't want China in the TPP but rather than saying it outright, they crafted the agreement so deeply that they know the Chinese can't do it," said Simon Tay, who heads Singapore's Institute of International Affairs. "At the moment, the regional comprehensive partnership is shallow, but healthy competition from the TPP can galvanize members to go a bit further to make it more meaningful."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
