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4/24/2013 12:30:59 AM
Tim DeChristopher, Champion of Climate Movement, Released on Eve of Earth Day

Written by Lauren McCauley

Pioneering environmental activist Tim DeChristopher was released from jail on Sunday—one day before Earth Day—after serving two years for disrupting an “illegal” Bush administration auction of oil and gas exploitation rights of pristine public lands in southeastern Utah.

After being released, DeChristopher said Monday in an exclusive interview with Democracy Now!that in retrospect he was “even more glad that [he] did it.”

DeChristopher’s example of civil disobedience helped catalyze a movement that, up until that point, relied predominantly on the Big Green groups that resided “in the Washington bubble,” as he told Democracy Now!. Citing examples such as Occupy Wall Street and the Tar Sands Blockade, DeChristopher added that the climate movement “has made a lot of progress in the past four years.”

“He thought the movement already had the numbers it needed to succeed, if people would step up and act—with the belief that their actions would propel more people into motion and build the movement’s numbers,” writes YES Magazine’s Melanie Jan Martin.

DeChristopher “was and is a complete inspiration to all of us. His courage permeated everyone’s thinking,” added founder Bill McKibben.

On December 19, 2008, DeChristopher—in a last minute decision—took part in a Bureau of Land Management auction of leases to drill on public lands. Brandishing the Bidder 70 paddle, he amassed rights to a total of 22,500 acres at at the price of $1.8 million, effectively safeguarding parcels surrounding Utah’s Arches and Canyonlands National Parks from drilling.

Though the incoming Obama administration invalidated the auction two months later and despite DeChristopher raising the requisite funds to actually purchase the land parcels, officials continued with his prosecution of and in July of 2011 he was sentenced to two years in federal prison.

Prior to his sentencing, DeChristopher read a 35-minute closing statement to the court: “You can steer my commitment to a healthy and just world if you agree with it, but you can’t kill it. This is not going away. At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow.”

To celebrate both DeChristopher’s release and the 43rd annual Earth Day, Peaceful Uprising, the climate justice group he co-founded , has organized nationwide community screenings of the documentary feature “Bidder 70” which chronicles how DeChristopher’s example of civil disobedience inspired a resurgence in the climate justice movement.

Following the film, DeChristopher will take part in an hour long Q & A that will be streamed live to over 50 different venues.

You can see times and locations of the Earth Day screenings here.

Below is DeChristopher’s interview with Democracy Now!—his first appearance since his Sunday release.

Watch here

This post was originally published by Common Dreams.

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4/24/2013 5:07:42 PM

Blossom Goodchild: April 24, 2013

Blossom Goodchild newThe Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – April 24, 2013

Blossom: Good morning to you. Quite a few people write in asking me if I can ask you about how to connect up with you, their guides and angels.

I know we have addressed this before and we know the best thing to do is meditate. Yet I wonder if it is possible for you to go into more detail, as I know many find it frustrating and feel that no contact is made.

Galactic Federation: What a wonderful world you live in. Is it not that you can ‘see’ … actually ‘see’ the depth of the beauty that is there in a way that was not possible before?

I know what you mean … There seems to be a different energy in the air and indeed the stars in the night sky and the peace surrounding it are noticeably different.Then this is how we would suggest aiding the self to connect with those not of your Earth. Let us try as best we can to give you pointers towards that which you have asked. When one is in a peaceful state of mind … the energy that emanates from their Being is one that is more compatible with the energy that one is desiring to connect with. When one is of a stressed disposition the ‘lines’ become blocked and distortion interferes.We know that many put themselves in a peaceful state in order to connect up and yet still feel that ‘no one is home’. Yet we are. What one must accept is that there is ‘no distance’ between us … it is not as if one is in Australia and the other in England. As we have said before ‘We are but a breath away’. What is between us however is a mass amount of energy fields! We would liken them to ‘scribble patterns’ and the more ‘tangled’ the scribble the less likely for the connection to be clear.

These patterns of your energy need to be as ‘flowing’ as possible. So we would suggest that one visualises this to be so. The best way of course would be ‘straight up’. To imagine first of all, a beam of Light coming down from above into the crown of your head. And connecting straight to the heart. Once circulating there … then allow it to fill the body . When this is done … imagine the energy that has been created to then ‘zoom’ straight back up to connect with the ‘space’ from whence it came.

What we desire to express is that … ‘upstairs’ as you so often call it Blossom … is a vast landscape , yet it is not that YOU need to find the path which leads to the soul, guide, angel , Light Being that you wish to connect with. Shall we put it that your thought arrives ‘upstairs’ … perhaps in the waiting room and the energy that is directed to the one that one wishes to connect with … is immediately ‘felt’ by that energy involved.

There is NEVER a time when a BEING whether once from Earth or elsewhere would ‘turn away’ a ‘call’. Is it not sometimes that one on your telephones is unable to hear clearly … or there is interference on the line? The connection was made … yet due to ‘energy’ surges … or lack of … it is not always possible for the connection to be as one would like.

What we wish you to know is that ALL thoughts are FELT.

Many are feeling desperate to make that connection with us. The connection … just by having the thought … is made.

I understand this … yet there is frustration for those who feel they are not being received.

Then they must let go of this frustration for it only offers more of the same and ‘crossed lines’ can occur.

Can you clarify ‘crossed lines’? In which term do you mean that?

In the sense that the souls on Earth trying to connect ‘up’ … when FEELING there is no response, begins to ‘lose TRUST in themselves’. If they were to get a thought through … they question as to whether or not it was ‘their’ thought … or that from ‘elsewhere’.

For those who have the need to contact other realms … it really is advisable to firstly expect nothing other than the FEELING OF LOVE that is being sent to them.

As you know … TRULY experiencing LOVE in any form is far more impactful than any written or spoken word. For when accepting of the LOVE that is offered … an enormous amount of energy … and knowledge … is ‘downloaded’ within that surge of LOVE.

All souls are part of the whole. WE ARE ONE. Therefore one cannot NOT connect with ‘others’ … for they ARE others.

There is a connection … a matrix … that binds us all. We are all part of this matrix. There is not one living thing on your planet or any other that is not connected to the ONE … which is YOU.

For those who are desperate to speak with us or others … we would implore you to let go of that desperation. For this is not of use to that which you are trying to achieve.

Does it Truly matter whether or not you ‘speak’ directly with us? For each of you KNOWS ALL that we have to say within the soulself. It is far more advisable to connect up with ones ‘Higher self’ … for in doing so, you are connecting up ‘with us all’ anyway.

Then perhaps we could pursue some pointers on that . We understand of meditation and the breath … is there anything else you could offer so that one could come out of a session and REALLY feel they have connected with that Higher part of themselves.

Firstly it is the intention … and the reason behind the desire to do so.

You are questioning are you not that there would be another desire than to ‘improve’ the aspect of the soulself that is upon the Earth? You would be surprised.

What do you mean?

In that there are some … who have an intention to connect only for gain of self in a manner that is not for the Highest good.

Really? I would have thought they had little connection … and sort of went elsewhere asking for that. Surely the Higher self is one of great power and Love and could not offer anything other than which is best for the soulself , and therefore I do not see the point of one connecting up for reasons that do not befit the self and the whole.

We did not say that they get the answers they want. For the Higher part of the soul IS only LOVE.

There are many souls who have not yet evolved in a fashion that many enlightened Beings have. So you would be surprised how and what they ask to take place.

Yet let us continue … in a Lighter vein. There cannot be a disconnection between the Higher self and the aspect that is upon Earth. It may FEEL like it at times , yet the chord cannot be snapped … until one leaves the Earthly coil and no longer has the physical body that ‘houses’ the soul. Then the Earthly connection is severed and one’s connection is ‘automatically’ in touch with the TRUE self. One’s TRUE KNOWING.

It is a good idea … after deep breathing for a while to say to the self a few times … “I KNOW WHO I AM, I KNOW WHO I AM’.

It is also … that when in meditation … and finding yourself in the place where you are ‘nowhere’ and ‘nothing’ is happening other than peace and swirling mists … that the deepest connection is made. The conversations taking place when not a word is heard … are of the upmost clarity.

This is why we remind you over and over again of the importance of your ‘quiet time’. The most suitable time to do this … is when it suits you of course. Yet we would suggest possibilities of considering sunrise and sunset.

The most deepest conversation is held when HEART TO HEART connections are felt. It is ‘heart talk’ that we are interested in. That FEELING that cannot be expressed in words is of the most valuable of all. When your heart ‘gives out’ all the LOVE that is inside it … on a constant flowing outpour to ALL … toEVERYTHING … when you allow yourselves to BE LOVE. Then Truly you would FEEL contact with us … with your guides … with ALL BEINGS.

We find it difficult to put into words! Yet we will keep trying.

When you are ‘in the zone’ … when you are ‘on top of the world’ … when you are ‘oozing joy’ and an ‘energy of laughter’ … when WHO YOU ARE FEELS the KNOWINGNESS of the wonder of BEING alive … THIS IS YOUR TRUE EXPRESSION OF SELF.

This is when you can literally FEEL your connection with ALL.

So , we do not wish to disappoint , yet we would say to you that it is far better to have the desire to be happy and KNOW THYSELF … rather than have the ‘need’ to be in touch with us or those of our kind.

Regarding your guides and angels … KNOW that each one of you has many. Just because they are not chatter boxes certainly does not mean they are not there.

Simply by saying ‘hello’ to them … the connection is made.

Do not be despondent because some folk are able to have conversations or get signs or ‘see’ their guides/friends. This does not make them any more ‘spiritual’ than you. No-one is more spiritual than anyone else … for ultimately you are all spirit.

Simply KNOW that they have chosen to be with you to assist and guide whenever they can. When you have a brilliant idea drop in … or you feel ‘guided’ to take a certain action … how do you know that this is from you or your helper … your assistant?

Dearest ones … it TRULY matters not.


You are all seeking happiness … for when it is found … Truly found … and we do not mean a ‘now and then happiness’ … but one of permanency … THEN you are in touch with the most important BEING of all. YOURSELF … and who are you? … EVERYONE!

Thank you my friends. How blessed are you?? … I’ve hardly interrupted at all today !!!

Let go of all concerns and offer them to the Highest understanding of LOVE . Give worries and fears no time in your daily lives. They have no place and seek only to confuse.

When you KNOW that you are here to express yourself … your True self … you KNOW that it is your responsibility … yours alone … to BE THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE.


This was your choice … You were not told to come … you asked … because you KNEW you had the credentials to fill the position.




And we Love you. Thank you . WHAH! It’s 11.11 again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 5:10:41 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 302

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 23, 2013

The storm has subsided somewhat now, and the waves have quieted down compared to the much more intense surges many of you experienced only last week. This is all a part of the natural cycle of things, and you have all more or less become rather familiar with how this works by now.

And this time, we think you will all feel the need to take some deep, deep breaths and savour the stillness that will follow in their wake, for this time, you have certainly been through the wringer in more ways than one. Let us assure you all that you will have become so much strengthened by this ordeal, for contrary to expectations, these intense energetic upgrades do not leave you totally floored for long now.

Rather, you will feel an instantaneous relief when they subside, and not only that, you will also simultaneously feel an urge to literally get up and go. For, as usual during these very intense bouts of adjustments, anything concerning the future, whether it be imminent or more distant, seems almost impossible to even contemplate. But now, as this mental fog seems to have dissipated along with all of the physical symptoms, you will find yourself eager to set things into action.

For some, there will be things to plan and endeavours to initiate, while for others, there will still be the frustration of wanting so strongly to just DO something while at the same time you have no clear idea yet as to what this something is. This frustration of not knowing just what to do with all of this energy surging through your body and soul now can be a bit hard to maneuver around, but trust us when we say that you will all in some way find an outlet for all of this seemingly pent-up energy.

For now, as the veils keep thinning more and more, your soul will start to speak to you in a way it has not done before. For your soul knows your true purpose, and it will start to prod at you in all sorts of ways in order for you to grasp the meaning of all of this. And so you might find yourself in an unexpected place at a very unexpected time, or there will be ”chance meetings”, both with people you might be familiar with before, or with total strangers.

In other words, much will be set into motion now so that you will find a way to maneuver yourself into the right position as it were. For some, this will even entail a very different physical setting than the one they are currently in. In other words, do not be surprised if you find yourself moving away from something, or finding yourself searching for a new place. This could pertain to your workplace, or even where you live, so this can be experienced in all sorts of ways.

Again, this process is a very complex one indeed, as you are all players on this gigantic field called the new world, and as such, your interactions will be matched with those that need your participance in some way. For this is not a solitary journey any more dear ones, as this is to all intents and purposes a collective effort.

And even if your life will be unique to you, and your experiences will not be the same as those of your neighbours, they are all connected in a way that will ensure the best outcome to all. For now, you are all a part of this world wide web of enlightened souls, and just like the filaments of the spiders’s web, you are all linked together by almost invisible, but oh so strong filaments of light.

And just like in a spider’s web, you cannot connect with one tiny thread and expect it not to have any effect on the whole. For you are all linked through this web, and what one person does, will ring out across the whole web and affect you all. And no, this will not mean that one person can do harm to everyone else. For this is not a web that connects in a way that can be deemed as harmful in any way.

For this web is all about channeling the beneficial rays of the light, and it cannot be manipulated in any way by others trying to use it for anything else. So in this way, it is also a safety net. For as long as you have chosen to connect yourself to this web, you are also protected by the combined power it generates, and as such, you have also been given the best protection there is. For the light is supporting you on all sides now, and if you feel yourself falling in any way, this web of light is there to catch your fall.

As always, it is governed by free will if you choose to attach yourself to this web of light in the first place, and so this net cannot help those still decided to stay unattached as it were. But for all those who have opened their very core to the light, this connection is now so strong it cannot be ripped asunder.

And just as the slim threads of a spider’s net are strong enough to carry the weight of beings many, many times larger than the creator of it, so too are these connectors of light capable of holding the weight not only of each and every one of you. For by connecting through this web, you all make it even stronger, and every time one soul is added to this intricately woven structure, the structure in itself becomes even more powerful.

So there is certainly no risk of it becoming overloaded and susceptible to breaking apart. Far from it, it is only becoming more and more sturdy and reliable as the time passes and you are being joined by new ”team members” every day. For as we spoke about in an earlier missive, this stream of newly enlightened beings is starting to gather momentum now, and this is a process that will only speed up.

The outcome of that is a very positive one indeed, but it will also engender its opposite. For as this web of light is becoming bigger and more powerful, the very fact that it is casting its net ever wider will engender a not so positive reaction in all of those still hell bent on staying separate from it. For they will see and feel how this web of light is encroaching on them on all sides, and so they will again start to flail their arms about in a desperate attempt to keep these gossamer thin filaments of light out of their life.

For the light is frightening to so many, as they are not used to anything else but the dark shadows. So they will scrunch up their eyes and their hearts in one last attempt to keep this light out, because they are convinced that it will harm them in any way. But the light will not harm anyone, for the light will bring in the love that is so desperately needed, even in the darkest of souls.

That is where the need for love is the largest one, but that is also where the fear of love is so huge, it will make that person do the most outrageous of things in order to try to keep the light at bay. For when the light enters, the darkness must go, and with it, everything that used to be there will be forced to change in a way that is so profound.

For remember, there is no darkness that is able to withstand the power of the light, and even the darkest of beings will become transformed whenever the light is allowed to access it. And whatever has been programmed to stay in the dark, will fight for its very life in order to be left to do what it has been taught to do. So the light is not welcome everywhere, and it will be told so in no uncertain terms.

But the light will sometimes find a way to penetrate anyway, for there is many a darkened soul that has left a chink in their armour. And this small opening is all the light needs in order to come all the way in. So remember, there will be light seeping in to the most unexpected of places, but that is because there is a small opening that has been left there on purpose for the light to find it. Only those who have chosen to deliberately close themselves 100% for this light, will be left in the dark as it were.

For this is something that will not and cannot be forced upon anyone. Light is like the water, it will seep in and flow the natural paths that have been set up for it. But where it has been blocked completely off, it will turn around and find another place to fertilize. And now, there are many a fertile ground being exposed in former totally barren places.

So even as the clamor from those shutting themselves up as clams will continue to escalate, the light will continue in its silent way to penetrate further and further into the core of humanity. And once there, it cannot be cast out again. For once the light has been invited in, it has come to stay forever.

So look around you, and we guarantee you that you will see the first traces of this light in so many of your fellow men. And know that even in those making a big outward show that they are fighting off the light in any way they can, there are some amongst them where it has started to drip in already. It will be a very small trickle at first, but this small trickle is all it takes. And soon, these small trickles will all start to grow into a veritable roar of liberating light in even the toughest of souls.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 5:12:07 PM

Saul: You Have Every Reason to Be in High Spirits


As channeled by John Smallman – April 24, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:http: //

Humanity’s awakening from the illusion into Reality is a done deal — it always has been, ever since the moment of creation. Reality is where you reside permanently, and you are presently returning home there, from a seemingly long and arduous journey to a most glorious welcome.

You have every reason to be in high spirits. Nevertheless, at the moment it is difficult for the majority of you to perceive this because the length of time that you have spent away from home has severely dulled your memory of the glory awaiting you there.

Life in the illusion has been exhausting. There have been many painful lessons that you chose to learn while engaged with it, and they have required much energy, determination, and persistence. Nevertheless, you have remained true to yourselves and your purpose as you struggled with the experiences that life in the illusion presented to you.

Often, that has not been clear as you suffered the pain and sadness caused by the apparent separation from your Father, and at times it seemed to you that yours was a lost cause: “Was there really a heavenly Father, an infinite Source, a divine and all-powerful Intelligence, or was He simply an illusion?”

Well, you held to your paths – all different, but leading to the same goal: to awaken into Reality – and you will find amazing rewards when you complete them and arrive home. Hang in there for these last few stretches of the journey that seems so interminable; the end is close.

A new day of brilliance and color unlike anything that humanity has ever experienced is set to dawn, bringing you unmitigated joy as all your fears and anxieties fall away, leaving permanent peace, harmony and contentment to replace them. This is the day you have all yearned, prayed, and hoped for since you started searching for the divine Reality from which it seemed you had been excluded, shut out, perhaps even exiled, with no hope of return due to your sinfulness.

But as you know, deep within yourselves where the divine and inextinguishable flame of God’s Love for you resides, “sinfulness” is of the illusion and has no place in Reality. You are immortal divine beings, created in Love, who chose to play with an absence of Love, separated from It, as you experimented with the freedom and power with which God had endowed you.

You were created One with Him and chose to individuate to experience the thrill of separation and apparent independence from Him. This could only be done by building an illusion, an unreal environment in which to imagine that state, and the powerful abilities with which you had been endowed enabled you to do so.

The time has come for you to dismantle that unreal environment and return Home, leaving behind all the trauma and suffering that you invented to amuse yourselves. Little did you understand when you decided to play these games how painful and terrifying they were going to be.

There is only God! All life is part of God, He is all that exists, and without Him there would be nothing – an impossible, implausible, and inconceivable state of affairs. So to build an imaginary and illusory reality separate from Him could only lead to terror. And consequently, you have all experienced terror.

The real state of Love in which you are eternally enveloped is permanent, changeless, utterly wonderful. That is why thought of change is so traumatic for so many of you. Your move into the illusion was a change of inconceivable magnitude which caused you instant trauma, as life was reduced from a condition of total loving abundance and harmony to one of unimaginable lack where it seemed that you had to fight constantly for your very survival. And that fear remains.

However, within the illusion change is not only possible, it is essential for your well-being. The illusion is formed from a collection of judgmental beliefs of right and wrong, good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable, which can only induce fear and dread. You call it duality, a state of either/or, whereas Reality is a state of and/and, oneness, indiscriminate loving acceptance, in which all are welcome, all belong, all reside in utter joy.

What you have to change are your outworn and inflexible beliefs — beliefs that you are separate, individual, unconnected, and threatened by one another. They divide and traumatize you, encouraging you to build barriers between yourselves that disguise who you really are and present an image, a shield behind which you can hide.

But these images terrify you all; they are threatening and demanding, requiring you to defend them from aggression which is almost always present. They force you, out of fear, to maintain the unreal state of separation that caused the fear in the first place. A catch-22 situation.

The new energies are intensifying so that you can feel them, embrace them, and through them recognize and reclaim your oneness with each other in Love and Trust. You will become aware, fully aware, that all are one, that all are interconnected through the divine field of Love in which all that exists resides permanently, harmoniously, joyfully, forever. And then you will have awakened.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/24/2013 5:13:17 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: Awaken To The Truth of Who and What You Are.

imageArchangel Michael via Ron Head: Awaken To The Truth of Who and What You Are.

As channeled by Ron Head – April 23, 2013

Our focus today will be on focus. For a very many reasons this is important for you at this time. It is a critical tool in your toolbox, both for achieving your objectives of raising your energy and frequency, and for your protection, allowing that to happen in the best and easiest way.

We ask you to focus, to a much higher degree, upon your path and upon your intent to always, in every moment, be feeling good. We ask you to focus on finding more and more ways to feel good about yourselves. We ask you to focus more and more on feeling unconditional love for all around you.

Why, other than the obvious reason that it is what you need to be doing to create a better life for you and others, do we ask this now? We said it concerned your protection. We wish you to focus so exclusively on these things that you do not have time to give any attention to the negative things which are occurring outside the sphere of your own particular world at this time.

Much effort is being put into distracting you. We speak to all who call themselves workers for the light, all who are giving the most effort they can to manifesting a new world that is in the highest and best interests of all. It is critical to those who wish to maintain the status quo that your efforts, your energies be distracted from that task. You see, you are much too successful. That is the reason for their desperate efforts to place you into a state of fear. Be in a state of love, dearest friends, and you will not be the ones in a state of fear.

And be not in a state of love in order to place others into a state of fear, but to show them the state of love into which they can place themselves at any moment they decide to change. That is the true way.

If you have found something for you to do, then devote all your attention and might into doing. If you are still waiting to discover a thing to do, then be, dear hearts. Be that being of unconditional love which you truly are and all else will be done as it needs to be.

This is what more and more of you are learning each and every day now. Awaken. Awaken to the truth of who and what you are. This, I, Michael, and we, your protectors, angels, and counselors will aid you with in every step of your way. You have only to ask.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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