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4/23/2013 5:42:45 PM

Yeshua: Keep Steady Amongst the Turbulence and Ride It Out Into the Calm of Peace and Love channeled through Fran Zepeda – April 22, 2013

Note from Fran: A big huge loving Thank You for all the support, love and healing energy so many of you have given me recently. I have felt it deeply and my heart overflows with your generosity and friendship. I am happy to be returning once again to channeling! Much gratitude to you and to Yeshua, who gives us a message below.

Hello dear ones. I greet you yet again with all the Love in my heart. I bring you this message today so you can further clear yourselves and proceed further on your chosen path. You have reached a period of deep refinement along your path of ascension and creation.

There comes a time when assessment must be made as to clarity of purpose and intent, dear ones. You are beginning to see from a much wider perception and so adjustment must be made, as always, and with new acceptance, in order to expand your impact upon your lives and upon the world around you.Make no mistake that you are proceeding along an ever-expanding awareness of who you are and what you are about and what you can impart on your ever-winding spiral of ascension.

And so it becomes constantly necessary to refine your intentions and purpose and proceed with an ever-expanding heart and openness. What you may no doubt be discovering is that there are many things bubbling to the surface ever still, constantly demanding a closer look and discernment of what is in your heart.

As you clear away the debris covering up your Divine Nature, you may see and feel, alternately, blockages and openings, which constantly alter the picture of your perception of reality, requiring you to repeatedly adjust, and to discern what it is that can clear the way for your expansion.

It may be something that you have visited before, but at a different level. Do not despair. With the clearing of that comes inroads to avenues of perception never seen or perceived before.

You may feel like you are a morphic being, never the same from minute to minute. Yet, have confidence that you are abiding your growth pattern and your mission and be sure to push past any fears that may be brought up about the unknown. The more you let go and surrender to the changes within you and without you, the more clearly you will see your path.

My beloveds, one of the things that you may find yourself faced with right now, is the need to forgive at an even deeper level than ever before. Not just others, but yourself. And as you examine every thought and notion you have, how many times is this need for forgiveness coming up for you, especially with all that seems to be happening around you that feels so opposed to having Peace in this world?

Yes, it may seem at times as if the world is pointing in the wrong direction from Peace. But this also requires you to examine how you are looking at events around you. It can also give you an opportunity to find that Peace and Forgiveness deeper in your heart, does it not?

Be assured that you are going in the right direction, and by continuing upon the Path of Light no matter what happens around you, it just brings more solidly the chance for Peace in this world. Focusing on what is not peaceful just brings you away from all the possibilities of lasting Peace.

And no matter who or what is perpetrating these acts of violence and unrest, they deserve forgiveness as well. For in doing that, you unleash a compassion that can burn away all remnants of hate and violence everywhere. In that burning is caught all deeds and actions and feelings and words that are swirling around inside you and within everyone, past present and future, which is of course only Now.

It just takes courage to turn away from what you don’t want to see anymore in this world and in its place cover it with a lens of Optimism and Hope and Love. Paint your picture over it, like an overlay, of a world filled with so much Love that it chokes out and douses and smothers any remaining ember of diseased thoughts and actions.

Remain steadfast in your purpose to effect a World of Peace and Love. Do not be discouraged. With each spark from your Heart of Pure Love and Forgiveness allows the spread of an unstoppable fire of all-encompassing Love, and devotion to the Truth, of going back to your True Selves. There remains therefore eventually no oxygen left for the remaining sparks of violence, unrest and impurities, to the direction of Peace and Love to fill the world.

Remain vigilant in your purpose to purify your hearts with Love and Compassion and Forgiveness and remain vigilant at spotting any remaining embers of fear and fill them with a deep abiding and encompassing Love and Compassion that can do nothing but spread to all others.

Remain steadfast in feeding your growing inner Spark of Light no matter what you see or hear around you. Make it your priority and your comfort and your assurance that with that comes the Shift of the Ages. You are in the middle of it. While you may feel you are shaking with the vibration of change, stay in your center and allow yourselves to be solid and ever vigilant in your purpose and sight towards a better, brighter world.

You are doing well steadying your “aircraft” in the midst of the turbulence. Keep steady amongst the turbulence and ride it out into the calm of Peace and Love. You do not realize how close you are. For when the dust settles, you will see. In the meantime remain steadfast and true to cultivating your innate Divine Nature in everything you think and do. Nothing else matters, really.

You are my comrades in Peace and Love. Together we forge ahead into a Land of Beauty and Purity not ever perceived before in your lifetime. But you will find, as you glimpse it more and more, that you have indeed been there before. Welcome yourselves back to that beautiful purity and remain ever vigilant in your purpose and intent to do so.

Your ever-loving brother and servant,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 5:43:54 PM

Pleiadian Message: Clarity Concerning Matters of the Heart

ClarityClarity Concerning Matters of the Heart: Pleiadian Message

Channeled by Caroline K.A., April 21, 2013

Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of clarity concerning matters of the heart.

As you continue with your awakening, you are urgently asked to look deep within your hearts, and release the old ways of being, thinking and believing. We say to you, trust what your guides, angels, and mentors are showing you at this time, for your greatest good is their absolute priority.

The outcome of your greatest good as individuals, also directly affects the outcome of the collective, and this is vital to the entire ascension process for all who dwell upon Gaia.

Do not let doubt and fear detour your journey toward further growth and learning. For some of you, trust remains your greatest issue as you srtuggle to contend with uncertainties which may arise.

We urge you to allow the divine fluency of light to flow freely within your beings, and into your lives, and by this we mean “trusting” completely what is occurring within you.

This includes the loving energies which are infiltrating every fiber of your being, and the very real existence of your angels, guides and mentors who are working ever so hard to guide you to your greatest good. The halting of this divine flow, through mistrust or doubt may hinder you momentarily from forward advancement on your journey to growth and enlightenment.

If you feel suspended in the air momentarily, do not worry, for internally you are processing and aligning with the truth of your greatest good. Sometimes this takes time. Stop, breathe, go within, pray, and communicate with us for guidance.

We speak to you of this concept not to cause further doubt or frustration. We say this out of love, and admiration for all you have accomplished so far, as individuals, and as a collective, and we urge you to move forward and embrace the opportunities for love, and enlightenment that are eagerly awaiting you. There is immense love and light at every turn. Embrace it dear ones, you are so close now.

Although some of you may not be ready for such accelerated growth, and there is nothing wrong with this for all of you are on different paths to enlightenment. Your ascension is secured. It is well underway, only some will progress more rapidly than others, but all are exactly where they should be at this time, and all should remain confident in this truth we tell you of.

Most importantly, only you will know what is right for you, as you look deep into your hearts for answers to the next steps you will take on this incredible journey to which you agreed to so long ago.

We realize you are being asked to either push your way through the quagmire with more speed and determination, or pace yourselves in careful consideration of where it is exactly you want to go from here. This is your choice and no one, not even all the angels of heaven can enforce their free will upon you, and any being who has your greatest good at heart will not even try.

Pay close attention to what your hearts are telling you. Use your internal compass to find your way, and that of your truest path to love and enlightenment. Your heart, dear ones, will never steer you wrong.

We come to you today with a message which we hope will bring clarity to your hearts for this is a trying time as many are experiencing phenomenal changes within, and with this comes extraordinary experiences, perceptions and feelings which may come up, and leave you feeling out of sorts for a short period of time.

We remind you to remain balanced, and most of all, remember you have a choice. The course of change you choose to engage in is your choice, and only yours to make. You know what is appropriate for you.

We are the Galactic Federation. We will speak with you again. May you go in peace.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 5:44:55 PM

A Mini-Reading via Bella Capozzi: Trust Your Vision

imageA Mini-Reading via Bella Capozzi: Trust Your Vision

As received by Bella Capozzi – April 22, 2013

You are so much wiser and more intuitive than you ever could imagine! This is the message that is coming through to me for today’s reading. You are powerful and brilliant and limitless-a truly multidimensional being. And (surprise, surprise), most of the time your instincts are 100% right!

But as we wear the Human bodysuit, we have a tendency to second guess ourselves, and to not trust what we can’t perceive with our five physical senses. Which is perfectly natural. Such is life behind the veil.

But now the veil is crumbling like like cookie-crumbs, dissolving into nothingness, evaporating like water on a hot day-right along with the old and decaying ways of the third dimension. Before we know it, it will all be nothing but a part of our history, an incomprehensible bedtime story that we tell to our grandchildren.

These times are coming up on us fast. This will be when our primary means of communication will be telepathy, and it is why it’s imperative that we begin exercising our intuitive skills right now. All this amazing information is right at your fingertips. But then, you already know that! You are already “seeing.” And if you’re not, then you need to open your eyes wide, and take a good look around you.

Trust your vision. Trust what you see. Trust that the world if shifting right before your very eyes and that the sooner you step out of denial and trust what’s right in front of you, the sooner you’ll feel that stillness and peace everyone is talking about.image

Today’s card is from the “Ascended Masters” oracle card deck, and our Master of the day is Horus. When we hear the name Horus, the first thing that comes to mind is the eye. This is an eye which sees all things, and naturally has faith in what it is perceiving.

We are being guided today to add to our meditation practice a focus on the clearing and the opening of the Third Eye Chakra. We are being asked to place our focus there and make a conscious effort to work on making this chakra healthy. This is where we “see” clearly and intuitively. We are asked also to begin cutting the cords of self-doubt and pessimism.

Your Angels and Guides are waiting to connect with you in a very loving and personal way!

Copyright©Bella Capozzi. all rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 5:46:56 PM

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Spiritual Protection for the New Age

ArchangelMichael Ron HeadChannelled through Natalie Glasson – April 19, 2013

My blessings of love are bestowed upon you; I am Archangel Michael, the Archangel of Protection. I have many purposes within the universe of the Creator, many ways in which I wish to be of service to others and especially souls upon the Earth.

It is my greatest purpose to act as a divine expression of the Creator, connecting with and reminding souls of the vibration of the Creator within and around them. I carry the light of the Creator to you, I allow for you to see the light of the Creator within me and I support you in realising yourself as an aspect of the Creator in manifestation. In many ways I am here to act as an example of the Creator’s light as well as your own light. This is the role of all Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master beings.

We as Angelic beings hold a strong connection to the vibration of love of the Creator; we are able to access the purest vibration of love from the Creator transmitting it to where it is needed. Due to our focus upon love many of the ways in which we are of service is to demonstrate love to you more fully.

It is often that when you experience the love of another that you feel protected, safeguarded, secure and stable. As I give the love of the Creator to you, it is qualities of love that promote and active the experience of being protected that manifest.

The love qualities and vibrations that I share and transmit activate within you a deeper sense of your centre and core, which is an existence beyond fear that allows truth to arise from within you. In essence the protection that I share with you is simply a love quality transmitted from the Creator that activates the feeling of securit y within your being. Upon receiving the transmitted love you naturally begin to manifest vibrations from within your being that offer to you all that you need. Sometimes there is a need to be fearless, to be grounded and to be centred or truthful.

Together we co-create the state of existence within you that allows you to activate the vibrations and qualities needed to overcome challenges, to remain in your power and to connect or express the truth of the Creator on a deeper level.

When you work with the Archangels, Angels or Ascended Masters do you realise that we are simply supporting you and that you are co creating with us?

It is time beloved ones to step into your power, to realise that when you work with us there is an essence of surrendering to our light and divine guidance but there is also a need to surrender to the same within your own being. Asking us for assistance and support no longer means that you give your power away to us, asking us to resolve all within your reality. This meaning has never been true but may have been a perspective that you adopted. Now is the time to realise that when you call upon our support, love and assistance you enter into a process of co-creation with us.

Our purpose is to give to you energy that activates vibrations and remembrance within your being. It is then your purpose to be accepting of the activation taking place within you allowing yourself to accept the realisations and insights that manifest through our support and activation.

With the realisations and insights grounding into your mind at a physical level we then continue to share the energy of the Creator with you so that you may co-create or manifest that which is needed together with us. In truth the insights, guidance and driving force flows from your inner activation of your truth while we co-create with you in every situation you call upon us by enhancing, magnifying and amplifying the energy for your greater awareness.

It is my wish for you to realise that you are powerful co-creators with us and that we are here to support you almost like extensions of yourself and truth.

Co-creation is a process of surrendering and manifestation.

It is important to realise that the process of surrendering is not to give your power away but to open yourself up to the divine plan and source working with you and through your being with perfect ease. As you recognise that there is a divine aspect of creation existing within your being that can be creatively expressed to influence your reality and experiences in the most perfect way you realise that you hold the power within you for your reality on the Earth. The reality you are experiencing is for your soul to experience. Your soul holds the power to divinely intervene and to create within your reality but your soul is also connected to all that is the Creator meaning that it is a vastly abundant source of light.

When you call forth the assistance and support of a light being of any form you are actually calling forth an aspect of yourself or soul to support you in magnifying all that is within you, to draw upon what is needed to assist your journey on the Earth. Whether a guide is from your soul group or not, they are still an aspect of your energy, an extension of you as we are all one. Emphasis upon oneness isn’t to bring a sensation of love, forgiveness and acceptance for each other, it is the truth. When you begin to realise that you are co-creating with us and that we are extensions of your energy then you allow yourself to accept your own power and role within your reality.

You are neither helpless nor powerless. You do not have less or more power than us, we are all one co- creating together in order to enhance the expression of the Creator. When we all allow ourselves to surrender we recognise the presence of divine harmony. Within the presence of harmony all are able to connect on a deeper level with the truth of the Creator, releasing all disharmonies that may have been created.

When you call my energies forth to protect you I am transmitting the qualities of the Creator that encourage protection into your being. As you receive these energies you activate within you the same qualities, therefore bringing them into fruition within your reality. As we co-create the reality and experience of protection, our belief and trust in this activation is deeply important. Often I will share a tool that will assist in my energy integrating with yours; this can be a tool such as imagining a bubble of light around you to ensure your protection or a shield before you that reflects all unneeded energies. As we continue to co-create protection for yourself and energies, with the alteration of your vibration and perspective so our manifestation alters.

In this new era the bubble of protection now manifests for many as a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you . This bubble can be likened to jelly or silicone. It is immensely powerful and is connected to the third eye and the throat chakra; this is because each soul on the Earth is now moving beyond illusion allowing for visions of and movement across many different dimensions. The protection that we co-create is no longer just for the physical reality of the Earth but for your greater exploration beyond the Earth as well.

It is important to realise that when you exist in love and within the space of your heart protection is not needed, but protection can be granted because it activates within a greater sense of security, stability and contentment which supports. With these vibrations manifesting you are able to experience with greater ease and harmony.

Allow yourself to call upon my protection and imagine that within you the energy vibration of protection activates and manifests, creating a bright shiny translucent turquoise light bubble around you. Within this bubble of light is a soft hue of pink light which flows from the heart chakra, this is also a symbol of the presence of love and how the third eye, throat and heart chakra are working as one and are a powerful influence within your reality. This protection assists and supports you at a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic level as well as when connecting with other dimensions.

With the perspective I have shared of our co-creation together you may also become aware of the personal and maybe unique protection that we co-create together.

I am always here to be a source and activation of protection for you.

In love,

Archangel Michael

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 10:16:03 PM

Benjamin Fulford 4-23-13

benjamin_fulford_popple_120911_snip24Benjamin Fulford 4-23-13… “Three more major terrorist incidents threatened after Boston and Texas”

A member of the Japanese Yakuza was contacted by members of the cabal last week and told to inform the White Dragon Society that “after Kennedy and Bush would come Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and one other.” Since the Boston terror psy-ops included a bombing of the Kennedy Library and the missile attack in Texas took place close to the Bush ranch, the warning seems to be a hint that some major attacks linked to these two other presidents and “one other,” were planned for the near future.

Somebody has also placed a $1 billion bet on a major US stock market plunge this week in what may be a sign of foreknowledge of further major terrorist events, according to an MI5 source.

There is also evidence of a huge information war between two major factions in the US over the bombing attacks in Texas and Boston. The Department of Homeland Security (SS) Sabbatean mafia faction staged the Boston attack in an attempt to create a psychological atmosphere favourable to martial law, while the opposition inside the agencies clearly tried to sabotage this attack and make it clear to all this was government staged.

In contrast to this increasing infighting and negative news in the US, there has been very good news coming out of Asia last week. A White Dragon Society representative returned from Beijing where talks with Chinese military leaders made it clear China was not going to be fooled into war by any Sabbatean (Israeli) false flag attack in the area. In addition, on the subject of North Korea…

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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