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4/23/2013 1:23:35 AM
Dear friends, here is Monty's latest message

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 21st April 2013

On this, the anniversary of your return to Earth, we in Spirit wish you a very special day with your family. You were blessed, my dear, with a caring and supportive family. I am happy to be part of it. It is my soul family.

We watch the chaos in your world. The cabal is becoming careless in its desperation to hold control. Because people are now awake and aware, they cannot be fooled so easily anymore.

The American people have shown courage. They released the EVIDENCE of what they had just experienced and they refused to accept the official line about what they were told had happened in Boston. This is a great step forward in the pursuit of truth. You must now ask yourselves why your TV and newspapers are not interested in the truth. Why do the authorities still insist that their version of events is the truth? How can you ever trust them again? It is obvious that they are a propaganda tool, to keep you in the dark and under control.

There will come a time, soon, when people will switch off the so-called "News" and you will show the cabal that you are no longer puppets; obediently accepting as fact all that they put before you. You are taking responsibility for your own lives and you refuse to be as sheep, obeying the orders of those who are trying to take-over Planet Earth.

When you come together and find your voice, you will experience a freedom and a purpose of such monumental importance that nothing else will matter. You will know, without doubt, that you are on the right track and that this is why you are on Earth at this time. You are the powerful 99%, who say NO to the take-over. Why would you hand over all that is rightfully yours so that you become mere slaves to the usurpers. Did they really believe that you would not be helped to see the Light of Truth?

It has taken much effort to expose the corruption of religion. Fear, through mind control, has been its greatest weapon. When you research for yourselves the truth of how such religions came to exist in the first place, their stories are exposed as a tissue of lies. When religions are removed, then mankind will come together and live as one. All that was stolen will be returned to the people and will be shared by all. Go into your hearts, then you will know the right path to take. You will guided by love and this will change how you perceive everything. The false reality will be exposed and discarded. Man will come together in truth and light. All will be revealed and you will learn about your planet and how man was created to inhabit it. You will learn that everything that man could possibly need is there in plenty, freely available to all. It is just a question of education. Once all the facts are placed before you and all that is corrupt is removed, then you will accept a new way of living life on Earth, free of stress and hardship. It was never meant to be as it is today.

Wars are instigated to cull the population and to create wealth for those who control you. All the so-called reasons for killing will be removed when the parasites leave your planet. You are facing a bright new future. It is up to all of you to come together and share your knowledge and expertise in order to create a world where peace and love reign. You will have help from those who are waiting in the wings in readiness for the right moment to make themselves known to you. Trust me, you are not alone in this great endeavour. You know in your souls that you can do it. You were chosen to be on Earth at this time. Look to the future, not the past: the past is over, but the future is your New Beginning. Mankind has waited a long time for this moment. Savour every moment of it.

It is time to prepare for the future. Educate yourselves, as armed with real facts, you will then be equipped to make the right decisions.

Food production is of the greatest importance. Look to hydroponics as much of your soil has been deliberately contaminated. There are ways around everything. It is just a question of knowing which path to take. We will guide you.

The importance of water needs to be understood. This, too, has been contaminated. It will take a little time to put all this right. Just trust that it will be done. Help is at hand.

You have survived so much already. You have been attacked in every possible way and they have failed to wipe you out. Man is a strong species, he is meant to survive. All will become clear when you have the facts.

My dear wife is celebrating her 76th birthday today. She needs to prepare to receive her guests, so please understand that we must finish for today. My wife assures me that the information about what the Irish people have done will be made available here for you to study for yourselves. Remember . . . together you will succeed!

Veronica, my dear, enjoy your special day. We are all with you in Spirit.

Our love is with you. Your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 10:45:46 AM

Pope Francis, in his own words, on the issues

Associated Press/Gregorio Borgia - Pope Francis hugs a newly ordained priest during a ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Sunday, April 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Before he became pope,Francis spoke his mind about many of the most sensitive topics the Roman Catholic church faces today. Here is a sampling from "On Heaven and Earth," published in 2012, and his authorized biography "The Jesuit," published in 2010 and republished last month as "Pope Francis. Conversations with Jorge Mario Bergoglio."

PRIESTLY CELIBACY: Roman Catholic priests take vows of celibacy. Some Catholics say they should be allowed to marry, like Eastern Rite Catholic priests.

"For the moment I'm in favor of maintaining celibacy, with its pros and cons, because there have been 10 centuries of good experiences rather than failures. It's a question of discipline, not of faith. It could change."

CLERGY ABUSE: Francis says punishing the priest is more important than protecting the church's image.

"We must never turn a blind eye. ... I do not believe in taking positions that uphold a certain corporate spirit to avoid damaging the image of the institution. That solution was proposed once in the United States: they proposed switching the priests to a different parish. It is a stupid idea; that way, the priest just takes the problem with him wherever he goes."

ABORTION: Francis is against it, from the moment of conception.

"The pregnant woman doesn't carry a toothbrush in her womb, nor a tumor. Science teaches that from the moment of conception, the new being has all the genetic code. It's impressive. It's not, therefore, a religious question but clearly a moral one, based on science."

SEX EDUCATION: Francis is for it, if done holistically, with love and not just sex in mind.

"I think it should be done throughout the growth of children, adapted to each phase. ... What happens now is many of those who raise the banner of sex education understand it as separate from the person's humanity. So, instead of counting on a sexual education law for the entire person, for love, it's reduced to a law for sex."

CONTRACEPTION: Francis thinks many Catholics are too obsessed about it.

"I see in certain illustrious elite Christians a degradation of what's religious. ... they prefer to talk of sexual morality, of everything that has anything to do with sex. That in this case you can do it, that in the other you can't. ... We've left aside an incredibly rich catechism, the mysteries of faith and belief, and end up centering on whether or not to march against a proposed condom law."

DIVORCE: Francis agrees that divorcees who remarry cannot take communion, but wants them attending church.

"It's a very strong value in Catholicism, marriage until separated by death. Still, today in Catholic doctrine the faithful who get divorced and remarry are reminded that they are not excommunicated. While they live in a situation on the margin of the sacrament of marriage, they are asked to integrate in the life of the parish."

HOMOSEXUALITY: The Vatican condemns gay acts, tolerates gay tendencies. Francis goes a bit farther.

Gay marriage is "an anthropological step backward. If there's a private union, then third parties and society aren't affected. But if they're granted marriage rights and can adopt, there could be children affected. Every person needs a masculine father and a feminine mother to help them settle their identity."

ORDINATION OF WOMEN: Francis is against it, but says women have a maternal role vital to society.

"If they're not part of it, a religious community doesn't only transform itself into a macho society, but also an austere one, hard and poorly respected. The fact that a woman can't be a priest doesn't mean they are lesser than the male. It's more — in our conception, the Virgin Mary is above the apostles."

FEMINISM: Francis has issues with it.

"A philosophy of constant feminism doesn't give the woman the dignity she deserves. ... It runs the risk of becoming machismo in skirts."

EUTHANASIA: Francis challenges the approach of many modern health care systems.

Medicine should not "focus so much on whether someone lives three days more or two months more, but on assuring that the organism suffers as little as possible. One is not obligated to preserve life through extraordinary measures. This can go against the dignity of the person. Active euthanasia is something else — that's killing."

DEATH PENALTY: Catholicism was once thought to tolerate it. Francis says it's never OK.

"Life is something so sacred that not even a terrible crime justifies the death penalty."

FUNDAMENTALISM: Francis says it warps and weakens the faithful.

"The teacher who is so arrogant as to make decisions for the disciple is not a good priest, he's a good dictator, an eraser of the religious personalities of others ... this kind of religiosity, so rigid, wraps itself in doctrines that pretend to provide justifications, but in reality they deny liberty and don't allow people to grow."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/23/2013 5:33:55 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Emerging and Educating Those Around Us


I’m going to give a short update before returning to other aspects of this delightful spiritual work. Plenty of people have pointed out and built-upon the incredible drive to introduce and enact change on this world, and along with this drive I’m personally feeling an even stronger drive to fully anchor the higher realms to the surface of this Earth.

Hearing more about the Cities of Light in the recent messages from Genii Townsend and Goldenlight (1), (2), I feel more excited than ever to really work to help those cities descend down upon this Earth.

I am ready to work to educate the public on the very existence of those cities (and on so many other things). I am ready for the Earth public to know not just of the bad things the cabals have done, but of the truly wonderful and incredible things our ascended brethren have been doing for us for centuries.

The truth has long come out and been exposed; it is simply that those of us who have picked up on and accepted this truth are now waiting for the rest of the public to awaken to them. We cannot blame those around us for still existing in states of unconsciousness and unawareness as to them, physical and concrete Life is moving along as normal and while we perhaps feel it a tragedy that those around us are still stuck in the depths of unawareness; I’d bet that they don’t feel it is so.

Those around us are awakening in their own ways and just as Jennifer Hoffman recently did, I would encourage us all to let those around us smooth into their awakening rather than trying to push them into it. (3)

Even saying that presents a paradox of sorts for me personally (though it is truth) because again, I am more than ready to educate the public and help them to awaken.

This, my friends, is why we are working to continue to raise the Light quotient upon the surface of this Earth; because our doing so will be and has been helping those around us as well as the entire public to awaken to the truth of our existence and to the illusory reality that has been Created right under our noses, which so many unknowing souls are still feeding into.

As has been said endlessly by this point, it’s time to really get to work. It’s time to work on educating those who care to hear what we have to say, as well as increasing the purity of Light we give out in every moment so that those who don’t want to hear it eventually will. The Light is quite literally changing the perspectives of a plethora of souls who have been stuck in the illusions of physicality, pain and limitation, and we can freely give this Light along with educating as many awakening souls as possible.

In a recent writing, I spoke of the need to break out of our shells and emerge, and I should remind everyone reading this that that discussion was inspired entirely by Steve Beckow and his expressed viewpoints on emergence. (4)

I am not the first one to present the idea and necessity of emerging from our shells, but I will happily build upon that idea as much as possible in an effort to inspire each one of you to “break on through to the other side” to quote the Lizard King. (5)

I’m seeing in nearly every moment, the instances where I don’t allow myself to emerge; where I retreat back into my personal comfy shell and allow otherwise-important exchanges with others to fall by the wayside. In the same vein, I have been working to see beyond the measures and limitations I had originally planned for myself to exist under, and I’ve made more of an effort to communicate with people.

Communicating with another feels just great; be it with a family member, a close friend or even a stranger you may meet. Last weekend, my family and I went to check out some Native American markets that were being held in the museum of the Cahokia Mounds, and I connected with so many dear people (one in particular whom I had a great discussion with about music and the falsities perpetrated and passed-off as artful music) who I would not have connected with were I not making an effort to break out of my shell.

Of course, it wasn’t much but it was a start for me. I even had a short conversation with a man who is a part of a committee working to secure parts of this area with Cahokian mounds in them so that they can be preserved and while being short, it was a great chat indeed. Ordinarily, I would not have done that but with the pure energies and resulting inspiration I’ve been feeling, anything and everything seems possible.

Currently, I exist under such excitement; such enthusiasm; such readiness to fully anchor the new paradigm unto the surface of this Earth. As I expressed to my fiancé this morning, I’m practically jumping out of my skin!

So, this is where I am at in this moment. From a certain standpoint, things truly seem better than ever and while we are all still dealing with a difficult and testing Earth experience (myself included), a general sense of Light/ease has breezed through and I have to say that it’s really helping me build upon everything that’s been felt and discussed as of late.

It is hoped that what I’m feeling will motivate you readers to stand up and take action to begin building our new paradigm in any ways you can, and I trust that many of you are feeling the same inspiration and Light as I have been. Enjoy it and nurture it, for it is only to grow!

Wes Annac – A fellow awakening soul finding a greater Light within


(1)-“Genni Townsend – City of Light Update” at:

(2)- “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael via Source: 5th Dimensional Frequencies and the Cities of Light” at:

(3)- “Jennifer Hoffman: Awake in a Sleepy World” at:

(4)-As an example – “Steve Beckow: The Significance of Emergence at this Time” at:

(5)-Jim Morrison of “The Doors” was referred to as The Lizard King, and The Doors wrote a song called “Break on through (to the other side)”. Info can be found at:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 5:38:59 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: Awake in a Sleepy World

jennifer-hoffmanBy Jennifer Hoffman – April 22, 2013

As a child I had a recurring dream in which I was the only person alive in the world. I walked through quiet streets, looking for people, but no one was there. It was a scary dream because I was very alone and there was no one to talk to or take care of me.

Now, as an adult, I know that this dream related to what many Indigos and Crystals experience, being awake in a world that is partly or totally asleep. This knowing is experienced as feeling very alone, unsupported, misunderstood and without strong, deep connections to like-spirited people. By being born awake we’re very aware of others’ state of sleepiness and since we’re unable to connect to them, we feel very much alone.

But this may be a misperception on our part because we aren’t necessarily here to wake them up; rather, we can give them reasons to awaken when we have the right perception of our own state of being awake.

Indigos and Crystals, both the older generations and certainly the ones born since the early 1990s were born awake, meaning that they know there is more to life and living than what we are aware of with our physical senses. Most are highly intuitive, empathic and sensitive, which is both a blessing and a challenge.

A blessing because they perceive the world in a much more profound, enlightened and spirit-filled way. A challenge because they are also aware of how many people in the world are sleepy, unaware and not aware that they are not aware. And they feel they should do something about it to wake people up and make a difference in the world. But does that mean waking people up or letting them sleep until they’re ready? Who decides when it’s time for this to happen?

Some Indigos feel they should be the blaring alarm clock, others are more comfortable being like the snooze button. Some Crystals wait for the world to awaken before they do anything, others lose themselves in their despair over a world that needs love but is not open to it. The challenge they, and all those who are awake, must rise to is being the difference in a world that needs to see a new path before it is willing to consider it as an option to the existing ones.

Being awake makes us aware of what needs to be changed in the world. The truth we learn, which sometimes leads us into thinking our efforts are not appreciated, is that people awaken when they feel ready, and not before. Being the difference is what will wake the world up to its own potential.

We are the difference when we show the world the possibilities that are available, not by telling them they are asleep but by showing them what it is to be awake. When we present an alternative that is so compelling and so much more fulfilling than being asleep, the world will awaken because it will have a reason to (something we don’t understand when we’re already awake).

Being born awake doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to tell the world it’s asleep until it decides to awaken from its slumber. Instead, see it as having the ability, mindset, gifts and understanding to show the world why it is much more joyful and fulfilling to be awake instead of being asleep, and the world will choose to wake up.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may link to, translate and quote this article, in its entirety, on free, non-commercial websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly and expressly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/23/2013 5:40:18 PM
The Divine Mother Speaks of Change and the Constancy of Her Love for Us

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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