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4/22/2013 5:10:13 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Love and Joy in an Evolving Reality


Allow harmonious vibrations of the purest order to flow through every facet of your body and spirit. Allow pure bliss and harmony to pervade every fiber of your Being, and just when you think you can’t take-in enough of the good vibrations, affirm that your perception of them be expanded.

See, know and feel that you exist in a reality of pure spiritual energy. Understand that what you’ve known as physical matter is actually this energy, and is much more changeable than you would imagine. Understand that you can make the most profound of changes; in your personal Life and on the world stage. Feel this as you allow bliss to seep-in and pervade your perspective.

It seems as if there’s a lot to be worried about, but worry is an illusion. Therefore, to worry about anything is to cast illusion over it, rather than bringing Light to it.

We can truly feel the most intensely-wonderful perceptions within ourselves, but it’s important for us to make our efforts to attune to them and to allow balance to lead us to a place of understanding that everything, in every moment, is alright. Even if the world seems to be in a state of unrest, you are doing a magnificent thing by spreading the Light and happiness you can begin to find within and the more often you go out of your way to do so, the more often you will be helping yourself and the entire Earth.

It’s time for us to let stress, anger and the mechanism to rebel, fall by the wayside. Yes, there are forces on this Earth in need of widespread exposure but our work to expose them does not have to dampen our perspective or dim the naturally-pure vibrations we can now come to find in ourselves.

It’s time to recognize, understand and love the spiritual aspects of our existence. It’s time to recognize Love for what it really is; not a false or illusory, romanticized concept, but a fundamental energy and emotion that builds and sustains our realities as well as our experiences with one another. Can you imagine the entire collective of Earth finding not just acceptance of each other, but Love for each other?

Can you imagine us all uniting based on what we have in common rather than what we perceive to be our differences, and Loving our fellow man as we would our own family? We are a collective family; a connected Earth-mind tribe. We’ve come to forget this fundamental fact as we allowed ourselves to fight against each other for purely–illusory reasons.

When attuning to those aforementioned blissful vibrations, one begins to steadily awaken to the reality and existence of pure, harmonious Love that is shared throughout every aspect of consciousness on this planet we call Earth. One begins to see that every bit of hatred, fear, separation and oppression has resulted from a sheer lack of Light and Love within oneself, and one also begins to understand that what can be seen as cliché concepts (such as Light or Love) are much realer and more powerful than one would at first imagine.

Personally, I’m brimming with blissful energy that I wish to share with as many of you as possible, because I know and can feel that this energy is meant to be spread. We are here to spread and share as much and as pure higher dimensional energy as we possibly can, and many of us are doing this along with working to spread awareness and helping the awakening Earth public find the states of consciousness of the higher realms.

Exposing souls who have actively worked against our finding of full consciousness is an aspect of helping the Earth public find the higher dimensions, and when that aspect of the work has been done we will be able to collectively find, feel and radiate the purest of Light as we will have completed one of the most difficult aspects of our collective ascension.

I have no desire to dip into negativity in the name of exposing those souls, but the unfortunate acts they have perpetrated needs Light shone onto them, just as any other facet of darkness accompanying this Earth experience does.

I write this to reinforce the ideal that the most brimming and pure of happiness, joy and Love can be attained and radiated despite being exposed to the actions of the cabals and to the negativity accompanying this Earth experience in general. If you ever tend to feel as if the negativity accompanying this experience is a bit too much to handle, follow the advice given at the beginning of this writing and make your effort to attune to states of consciousness that are just incredible to behold.

The fact that we can quite literally attune to the higher realms from our physical bodies in increasingly-pure ways is remarkable and in my view, the entire collective should know of their ability to access infinite states of consciousness that they’ve been led to believe don’t exist.

Along with informing the collective about their metaphysical abilities and the blissful states of consciousness we can all find, I strongly advise utilizing the wonderful abilities we have found to access these states of consciousness in any moment you feel you can, because doing so will see you expand with each attempt you make to find them.

Brimming, almost-silly joy is here to stay on this planet, and we can make it so in every moment by expressing the natural joy and bliss so many of us are finding within. The collective energies will benefit greatly from our doing so, and will aid the Light in finding the “wiggle room” to fully enter the collective consciousness and help to anchor the higher realms upon the surface of our world once again.

Wes Annac – Offering Love and joy in an evolving reality

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/22/2013 5:13:09 PM

The Arcturian Group Message – April 21, 2013

Arcturian Group 21As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele – April 21, 2013

Hello, dear ones. We come today to wish you a happy spring, although it has been a very different spring for many parts of your world this year.

Gaia is adjusting to the new energies pouring in, as well as opening herself to more of her own Divine energies for she too is a conscious being. Gaia is making the adjustments necessary as best she can in order to allow her own ascension to proceed with the least amount of discord to the beings living on earth.

Much of that which you see as chaos in the world is the releasing of dark energy pockets which have lain dormant in certain areas for eons of time. These are places where the energies of war, strife, and suffering still resonate and where years and years of un-enlightened thinking and actions are now manifesting in order to be looked at, transmuted, and released.

It may appear as though the world is becoming darker but it is actually the activity of more Light shining on previously hidden shadows bringing them to world awareness instead of allowing them to stay hidden and functional as has been the case up to now.

Much is happening dear ones, and those choosing to resist the Light through ignorance and fear are now fighting for their survival which can only be a losing battle regardless of how long it takes, simply because Divine Consciousness is the only Reality and thus can never be extinguished. There is no reality (holding power) to illusions created from the energies of duality and separation even though they seem so real–hypnotism. We have stated before that the good illusions are no more real than the bad ones, both represent duality. When there is enough light on earth, it will simply dissolve the un-enlightened illusions into the nothingness that they are.

Many of today’s children are on earth at this time simply to add their Light to this evolutionary process. They did not need to be in body for their own personal evolution as they are already very evolved, but chose to be a part of this powerful time by adding their evolved energy to it. This is why you are becoming aware of so many very intuitive, and “old” thinking children. Try to honor them for their Light and not think of them as odd or force them to being more in and of the old energies.

Stay true to your awareness dear ones, for you are making the difference although it may not seem outwardly to be that way. Try not to watch so much news for in doing this you are being fed a continuous supply of negativity and old energy. Be selective in what you read, for you would not feed your body junk so why feed your mind and consciousness with it? Stay aware, but not fully engrossed–”in the world but not of it”. The time is now to live that which you know to be the truth, and not just consider it interesting conversation for groups, classes, or friends. Meditate often, resting in your center of Oneness, for this is your calming respite from the world of appearances, and is where you will be taught. No longer do you need piles of books and many classes, for you have evolved beyond them to being taught from within. This is why many of you are finding that you no longer resonate with metaphysical books and classes.

Arcturian Group wishes to talk about America. America was founded on Divine principles brought forth by the founding fathers through the guidance of Beings of Light from this side. America was evolved enough to begin moving toward a new consciousness representative of the freedoms and peace enjoyed by the societies of evolved and already established colonies on other planets. These are highly intelligent societies living in peace and love–societies in which all life forms are valued and respected, and there is no awareness of lack or limitation. Mankind was ready to receive and plant the seeds for this higher resonating society to unfold. America’s Founding Fathers were being Divinely guided as they wrote the constitution, seeding consciousness with a new way of living and being, one of freedom and peace for all. The constitution was a three dimensional way of bringing in a more enlightened world consciousness although most were not yet ready at that time and even now, to really comprehend the higher truths embodied in this document.

America began as a babe, over time unfolding and growing through painful experiences of trial and error but is now awaking spiritually into “young adulthood” although there are still many resonating with the “rebellious adolescent” consciousness. Many have and still misinterpret this spiritually guided document to benefit their own selfish or simply ignorant interests– twisting or eliminating divinely inspired ideas to their personal level and working to convince others that this is entirely appropriate.

It is happening more than ever now because there is panic in those who see the awakening of the masses as an end to their old, comfortable, and self serving ways . Corporations, governments, churches, etc. who may be still functioning in an energy of greed and selfishness are doing whatever they believe is necessary (including the ms-interpreting your sacred constitution), in order to keep mankind in an energy of fear for the purpose of preserving their own lucrative and self serving agendas.

However, those of you of the Light are now ready to pay attention and deal with world issues on a new and higher level. Send light to the people who seem to be causing so many problems and remember that they too are in and of the Divine, but have no awareness of it and thus make all their choices from a place of ignorance. Bring the Light of Truth to every situation you become aware of or personally encounter. The awareness of truth and the illusory nature of appearances along with the sending of Light helps to dissolve these illusions of darkness. Ranting and raving about the evils of the world adds your energy to the already present energy creating these appearances and gives them more reality– illusions gain strength from the energy you feed them, see?

Do what you are guided to do in order to bring change in practical 3d dimensional ways (sign petitions, plant seeds of truth with your words etc.) but always be aware of the illusory nature of appearances–that they are manifestations of shadow energy with no law to sustain or maintain them. Take the human footsteps but only after seeking guidance through contemplation and meditation. You may be guided to do absolutely nothing but stand back and observe in detached awareness—or you may be guided to just send Light–or you may be guided to take some sort of action.

Always remember– All power is only ever within the Divine, the Truth, the Reality.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/21/13

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/22/2013 5:23:45 PM

Hilarion: Remembrance of the Role You have Chosen to Play in these Times is Being Activated Within You

hilarion2As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – April 21, 2013

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest of challenges and the greatest of blessings. As the third dimensional energies are no longer being supported by the very atmosphere surrounding the Earth, it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the denser energies in your personal energy fields.

There is a boomerang effect that is occurring whereby those who harbor and hold the denser energies are finding that it comes back to them intensely magnified and this energy sometimes erupts in ways that are difficult to comprehend by the greater community.

It is becoming increasingly important to release these denser energies in ways that do not impinge upon the World in a harmful manner. The role that you, the Lightworkers, play at this time is that of balancing and dissolving discordant energies. This is something each of you automatically pray and intend as the need arises.

You have learned how to transmute the lower energies within yourselves and walk the Earth without making a negative impact upon it. It is important to hold love within your hearts no matter what transpires in the changing World around you and this you are doing admirably.

It is incumbent upon each of you to fortify your protective shields each day so that you can remain focused upon your innermost core of light, love and compassion and hold it steady as you go about your daily activities. Spend as much time as you can outdoors communing with nature and the elemental family that surrounds your place of residence and that works to transform all energies into wholeness and balance.

Call upon them to assist when the cares of the World weigh you down and you find it difficult to maintain your balanced view of the higher perspective of the ascension process. Even five minutes spent grounding into the core of the Earth and aligning with your higher aspects has a positive and renewing effect upon your system.

Maintain your equilibrium in all ways and remind yourselves often that you are beings of light and love as the discordant energies play out in your area of the World. There are more intense energies in the atmosphere that need to be assimilated into your human operating systems so that more of your light can be activated. Remembrance of the role you have chosen to play in these times is being activated within you and your dedication to this service is duly noted and supported by your Family of Light.

Do not falter in your efforts to live authentically and honestly at all times. The words ‘standing in your Light’ have taken on a whole new meaning now as it has become a crucial element of support to the Earth and all her inhabitants. Try to remember to connect into the newly activated crystalline grids that now hold a great capacity to serve the common good by uniting and magnifying your combined efforts in intending the highest good and outcome for all.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and website address is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/22/2013 5:33:40 PM

Poofness 4-21-13…”A Return to Sanity”

poofness_matura_font_blue64Poofness 4-21-13…”A Return to Sanity”

Greetings and Salutations,

Again, the happy talk is rolling. If all that took place amongst the financial ministers, took place, then the world is fully engaged to be rid of the fractional reserve banking system. You say, the fed banking system. It was always coming any how. You can’t maintain control of the world by military might, or worthless paper. Gold is priced in frns and it’s dropping, that should tell you something. Something abnormal is afoot. Central banks are going the way of the dinosaur, each country is growing into running their own clean banking system. That’s the only way they will be able to move on anyway. Such a scary thing, like it’s something foreign, metal backed currency. That’s the way it’s supposed be anyhow, constitutionally. Nothing new here.

Ok, no more happy talk, I got 20 years of listening and frankly I’m bored to tears. A guarantee is no good unless unless Sears backs it…lolol. Just ‘do it’ and be done with it, things will never be perfect on an imperfect planet. Whiners will whine until they realize no one is listening to them. I’ve recently taken on a missouri mindset. ‘Show me’ I’ve been told, all is set, ok…great make it so, Number 1.

I’ve been reading a series, which began 20 years ago, called the ‘wheel of time’, The dragon reborn. The last book is called a ‘memory of light’. The author has passed but left a ton of notes for it to be finished. This series reminds me of my own path. You’ll never make everyone happy and someone will always try to influence your decisions, tho they can only guess at where you are. The object is blueberries, stick with that. But, I do remember the Light. Consultations until…..

Love and Kisses,
Poofness []


Simon And Garfunkel
Bridge Over Troubled Water Lyrics

When you’re weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all

I’m on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can’t be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you’re down and out
When you’re on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

I’ll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way

See how they shine
If you need a friend
I’m sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water

I will ease your mind

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/23/2013 12:43:33 AM

Conversations with OPPT Trustees Randall Hillner and Caleb Skinner, with Lisa Harrison… VIDEOs and MP3s

oppt_logo_blue28Lisa Harrison (YouTube page) recently put up the conversation with Randall Hillner, and the conversation with Caleb, last month. These are the two “other” trustees of OPPT (other than Heather).

There have recently been some quite strong “accusations” (dark ones) (also here) about this group and their intentions, and the documents and all that. I would suggest you listen to these interviews and then check within and make your own inner evaluation of these people.

I placed the MP3 links below the videos. [Note1: at posting time, I only have the Randall Hillner MP3; I'll add the Caleb Skinner ones as soon as I finish them. Note2: why the MP3s? Well, I have found sometimes those YouTube videos load so very slowly, that it makes starts and stops. The MP3s are on a separate server from YouTube, and should load quickly.]

MP3: Complete interview

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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