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4/21/2013 11:13:18 PM

Saul: To Withhold Forgiveness is Like Embracing Cancer

SaulAs channeled by John Smallman – April 21, 2013

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

In the spiritual realms much has been transpiring as the new energies enveloping Earth have strengthened and intensified to assist in humanity’s imminent awakening. Yes, it is imminent! Much has been promised to you, and the moment for delivery is approaching rapidly.

Nevertheless there is much to do to complete the essential preparations prior to the arrival of this divine and long-awaited event, and every one of you has an important part to play. It is largely about releasing judgment and embracing forgiveness, especially as your awareness of the misbehavior and betrayal perpetrated by those whom you have trusted grows in direct proportion to the number of whistle-blowers releasing previously hidden information about deceit and corruption in high places, and abuse of their positions by those holding them.What has been done, in many cases, is quite unconscionable, but you are all divine beings, created in Love from Love, and you all chose to experience separation from your divine state. The result has been great suffering. There is no one embodied on Earth at this time in your evolution who, as Jesus tells us in the bible, “is without sin,” and therefore there is no one who is capable of making an honest, unbiased, and fair appraisal of anyone else’s behavior. Judgment should be left to God because He judges everyone as sinless and sees only their divine perfection.

Unconditional forgiveness is the essential path to awakening, along with the peaceful containment and restraint of those who would continue, unless so contained, to abuse others. Love, the Source-field in which creation occurs, accepts all, regardless of their sins, and by doing so dissolves the anger and resentment that leads people to sin.

“Sin” occurs when someone feels unloved, unaccepted, uncared-for, despised, inadequate, unworthy, shamed, or rejected. It is a desperate call for attention, loving attention, that has been ignored or dismissed. Everyone has at some time experienced that, and everyone knows what a wonderful sense of joy and comfort is experienced when unconditional acceptance replaces those unloving and fear-inducing conditions.

So everyone knows, deep within themselves, that unless they wholeheartedly embrace forgiveness and offer it unconditionally to all whom they believe have in any way offended or abused them they will continue to be devoured or eaten away by bitterness, resentment, and anger.

It is a vicious circle because those who hold on to bitterness, resentment, and anger are resisting Love, frequently believing that they are unlovable, and then often feeling driven to behave like those whom they find themselves unable to forgive. To withhold forgiveness is like embracing cancer because it eats away at its host, preventing the experiences of happiness, joy, or contentment, and replacing them with an embittered but misplaced sense of satisfaction in the righteous refusal to forgive. You have an expression “biting off your nose to spite your face,” which is quite appropriate here.

To become peaceful, to experience peace, it is essential to forgive, freely and unconditionally. Many feel that this is impossible because they have been so abused, have suffered so severely, and believe that peace and contentment are only possible for them if they receive restitution and know that their abuser has been suitably punished.

But it does not work. When justice has been delivered the pain remains, and the bitterness that the abuse aroused continues to grow. When the bitterness is encouraged and believed to be a right and a privilege onto which the victim can hold then no restitution is ever enough. The complaint “no one can give me back what was taken away” is quite true. But focusing on that violation of one’s personal sovereignty instead of releasing it means that life passes the victims by as they retain the memory of their violation as their most treasured possession.

Forgiving allows a person to move on, to re-engage with life, and to find solace and comfort where they possibly least expected to find it, namely, in the release of the extremely heavy burden that not forgiving entails. By forgiving you release that unbearable emotional burden which can never be released in any other way.

Support groups often aggravate the burden by encouraging undue amounts of introspection and discussion which can strengthen the sense of being wronged instead of lightening the load you are carrying, as is their purpose. By forgiving you open your hearts to receive the abundance of Love that constantly enfolds you, waiting for you to accept It. The lightness that you will experience as a consequence of truly forgiving someone who has hurt you will amaze you.

Forgiveness is a great healer and humanity needs healing. Embrace it and enjoy the peace, the satisfaction, and the contentment — never mind the relief — that doing so allows and provides.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/21/2013 11:14:22 PM

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Our God-Self – This Is How All Shadows Leave

OpenHeartFeeling16.As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – April 18, 2013

VIDEO (recommended)


I Am speaking to you all so that you remember Me in these times.

In your usual day you tend forgetting our Oneness, and thereby Who You Are, following the mainstream hypocrisy of being merely a body, a person, an individual, a role player, somebody who is victorious, or somebody who is not. By identifying with difficulties and things you like and you don’t like.

While I cannot be contained in any term or concept, your brain-thinking, your conceptual mind, created to manage your daily affairs only, tends to take over, defining a contorted dream-reality, hiding Me.

If this happens you are shrinking to a something that does not serve your spiritual growth and true Reality. I AM here to remind you of your infinite Truth.

Remember, whatever you do, your I AM is intrinsically and fundamentally always present and untouched from all of that what you perceive as your “life”.

I AM no “other” to you, but I AM the Subjective Reality and Immortal Essence of your own Being-ness. You might recognize Me perhaps in forms and essences other than yourself, but what you recognize is always your Own Divine Self. You can only recognize what is already yours.

This schism is what you must overcome, affirming the Truth that all you know in your heart is Divine Is Me, your own Divine God-Self, wherever and whenever you see and feel It.

Call It back to yourself, refusing separateness and illusion! Step out of the false, thousands of years-old propaganda you have been indoctrinated with, to be a mere victim of ‘others’ and circumstances!

As long as you cannot accept your own Divine Greatness, you will not discover It. It is the sign of your little egoity’s resistance to Me, avoiding to confess its helplessness and to let go the desire for overwhelming power.

It is based on fear. Indeed, to accept your Divinity is the forgetting of separate egoity.

Who AM I? I AM not the little ego-I’s illusion of grandeur, I cannot be imagined. I AM not the ego’s dream.

I AM no dream at all. Self-Aware of Me you are Awake.

I AM your Source, I AM Radiant Consciousness before the separate you ever existed. I AM the Substance of what you are now, forever One with you, Being you and your very Essence. And As You, I AM Love in my aspect as Creation. Creation Is Love in Action, because when I become Active I AM Love.

Therefore to forget Me is to forget Love and Your-Self, bewildered by unfortunate events. They are created by the love-less mind of separation. And so you betray Your-Self again and again.

Never let this mind to be your guide, disguised as truth. I AM That Truth, mind is my servant.

Disregard what only SEEMS to be the real and feel with your Heart and your Whole Being’s deepest awareness Who and What I AM, the One Who Embraces you as You.

This is the way to change your world. Give all your energy and Radiant Heart to Me, so that My Reality emerges in this world, while all that I AM not, vanishes, un-fed by your attention and emotion.

You Are Creators Who must reveal their own Divine Reality, supporting It whole-heartedly. And what you not support must disintegrate.

Let Me do the work, by My Sheer Being. By My Love, by My Radiance. This Is enough. And you, your world, becomes Me by your love of Me, your Joy in Me. This is transfiguration, this is how all shadows leave.

From now on Shine In and As Me!
I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/21/2013 11:15:58 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Astral Travels: Blessing Acid Rain


Note: We are going to look at a house and as such, I won’t be posting on The Aquarius Paradigm today (April 21st).

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.

This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth and bless further representations of pollution damaging our environment. We’ve been doing this in various different forms for quite a while now, and I’m being told that blessing pollution in the various different forms it has come about is important for us to do, so that every aspect of the pollution manifested can be healed and transmuted.

Pollution has come about on this world in so many different ways, and the core issues driving pollution have been the complacency and unawareness of humanity. We have allowed those with negative intents and agendas to pollute our environment and do so many other things in the name of making money and now, it is time for us to arise with the natural Light we have always held within and help to heal this pollution as we increasingly grow into the fifth dimension.

To begin for this week, I would like for you to visualize and imagine yourselves inhabiting the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth. For recent subscribers, I will offer a template to visualize and manifest from but for the most part, I may begin leaving some of the initial visualizations up to you readers as many of you have performed these travels quite a bit and now have a grip on the visualization and manifestation process.

Our fifth dimensional Earth is just that – our Earth, existing in the fifth dimension, with the higher/future selves of all of us and with the Galactics, Celestials, etc. all accompanying us in these realms. I’ve been referring to the souls who are always with us upon our New Earth as “fellow New Earth travelers” because in essence, that is what they are and they have been helping us with nearly every blessing act we perform in these realms.

I would like for those of you who have joined us recently and do not already have a glimpse of what to visualize so you can find yourselves inhabiting our New Earth, to visualize, feel and imagine an uplifted, ascended landscape where harmonious vibrations are constantly prevalent and are constantly reverberated back and forth from each soul existing in such landscape.

Specifically, we’re visualizing and finding ourselves in a beautiful field out in nature along with a small group of “fellow New Earth travelers”. Visualize this field we are in, and feel and Create specific things about it. As we have so often in the past, notice that the air in this land is itself alive and vibrating, and the refined vibrations we’re watching flow all around us actually merge with our auras as we feed our auric energy into them.

We’re actually manifesting and feeding the colorful vibrations prevalent in the air all around us, as is the group of New Earth travelers accompanying us in this field.

Go out of your way to notice more specific things about this land.

Notice the different colored trees and the multicolored grass on the ground. Notice the fruitful, happy animals playing with each other and notice that, as per our most recent trip to this land; lions, tigers, bucks and gazelle are all convening happily and peacefully and have no desire to hurt one another and no fear of being hurt.

This is the ascended and peaceful lifestyle that garners a higher dimensional experience and while the animals on our surface Earth do not yet act in this manner, they will be in due time as the entire Earth collective finds the peace and harmony we are watching these dear animals enjoy.

As we are looking upon these dear animals, notice that it starts to rain. The rain starts out light and sprinkling and as the animals disperse to find various shelters, notice that it starts to get heavier. It pours and pours and after a moment, begin to notice something “different” about this rain. Notice something that just isn’t right about it, which sets it apart from the normal rain we would expect to feel.

It doesn’t look any different, but it seems to be causing damage to this environment.

As we feel this rain, notice that very far off in the horizon seems to be a city of sorts accompanying our New Earth that we have not yet traveled to. This city is representing the cities of our Earth currently putting out massive amounts of pollution, and notice that multiple large clouds of smoke from various factories, refineries and automobiles are emanating out from the city and damaging the atmosphere of our New Earth.

Obviously, we are in fifth dimensional realms where pollution or lower dimensionality of any kind are not real factors. Again, we’re simply being given and are working with representations that will take the blessing energies we give and funnel them to the things they are representing. Notice that these multiple clouds of damaging smoke are floating right into the sky and as a result, we’re now experiencing acid rain.

We exist in etheric bodies while we’re here that cannot be damaged and as such, we can feel this rain and recognize that it is not in alignment with how actual rain is supposed to be without being negatively affected by it. Acid rain has been a very real and damaging problem for quite a while, but the greed and uncaring fed by those who perceive themselves to be in charge of our Earth has seen it able to continue.

Think upon the short and long-term destructive effects this acid rain would have upon us were we not about to perform our blessings and help to heal and transmute it. To a certain extent, visualize the damage being done to the environment by this acid rain as it is good to get a glimpse of why we are blessing what we are.

After doing so for a moment, we are going to work with the small group of New Earth travelers with us to bless this acid rain; to bless the pollution that has been causing it and to help transmute the destructive energies behind it. As we visualize and feel this acid rain, notice as our fellow New Earth travelers begin forming into a circle.

Let’s all join their circle, and unite with our fellow travelers in the act of blessing we are about to perform. Do you notice or feel anybody specific with us in this group? Perhaps a dear guide of one of yours is a part of this group, as they could very well have utilized the opportunity to actively work with our etheric Selves as an aspect of ultimately re-establishing a connection with us.

Now – feel us all in this large circle, as we have all joined with our group of New Earth travelers and are about to perform a potent collective blessing. Notice that the group accompanying us begins the blessing as they radiate their Lighted energies out and begin forming them into a large cloud of collective energy.

With the acid rain still falling, begin evoking and adding your Christed Light to the energy cloud being formed. Visualize and evoke a pure, white Light coming up through your spine and out through the chakra just above your head. Continue to affirm and feel this energy coming through you as much as possible, and add a specific blessing or prayer to this energy so that it can have a stronger effect.

If you wish to, you can even affirm that multicolored blessing energies be given through you and when you feel you have added a sufficient amount and purity of your personal blessing energy, visualize as our large cloud is sent up to the atmosphere of our fifth dimensional Earth and as well, to the “city of pollution” that has caused the acid rain.

Notice now that our cloud of energy floats diligently up to the sky, and a big burst of sorts is felt as our blessings hit the sky and the clouds, causing a blatant and massive transformation to take place. Visualize and notice as well that our blessings that went to the pollution-causing city had a similar effect and caused a similar blatant transformation.

That city specifically is not healed all the way quite yet; we will have more work to do with it in future exercises but for now, notice as what was acid rain now turns into healthy, pure rain that serves to help beautiful plants and flowers grow as tall as trees. We have brought clean and pure rain back to this land and in future weeks we will, again, be working with the city that garnered the acid rain we’ve just blessed.

As always, you are encouraged to stick around and perhaps commune with the group of New Earth travelers that have been with us during so many of our blessing endeavors. Again; perhaps one of these souls is a guide of one of you and has been attempting to use this opportunity to get ahold of you, or maybe you will even find a departed Loved one who has grown into these realms.

Our abilities and options are always unlimited here, and the blessings we’re performing are only to increase as we find more and more aspects of our Earthly society that need blessed and transmuted if we are to properly grow toward the realms we have been working in.

Our perception of our fifth dimensional realms will likely increase as we continue on in our exercises but for now, I encourage you to travel and explore as much as possible now that you are here.

This concludes this week’s astral discussion.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/22/2013 1:29:54 AM
Note: This wonderful message is brought by a courtesy of Myrna Ferguson (from the Mountain of Love forum)

Explanation of why things are like they are and how they are coming to the right position.

Om & the Tilt of the Earth

Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website

Tilt of the EarthWhen God created the Earth, He created the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. And then He enveloped the Earth in a non-duality firmament – a force field.

This firmament kept the wind to a maximum of seven miles per hour. It also lowered the level of heat so the temperature was maintained at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit in all geographical locations. This provided for the perfect season, year round.

There were two bands that arched around this firmament; one was electrical in nature, the other was magnetic. When played as part of the Music of the Spheres, the sound that was emitted from the pulsing of the firmament could be heard as the musical tone of Om.[i]

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. Genesis 1:6-8

But, as Man gradually became attached to the things in Life, he began to think that God’s original Creation could be improved upon. As a result, the wars he started caused major devastation to the Earth and its pole began to tilt away from the galactic plane, at an angle of 23.5 degrees.

The tilt of the Earth is why the North pole has moved backwards through the astrological zodiac. It is also what has caused it to wobble like a spinning top as it slowed down. And the resulting wobble has altered its vibrational rate of frequency, which changed its musical tone of Om.

Earth Axis

St John the Baptist, Paolo Veronese c. 1562

Earth Tilt

St. John the Baptist, Jusepe de Ribera c. 1624


St. John the Baptist, Nicolas Regnier c. 1610

Earth Axis

St John the Baptist, Jean Clouet c. 1527

Earth Tilt

John in the Wilderness, Leonardo Da Vinci c.1517

Beginning in the 15th century AD, a number of philosophers and men of science were forced underground because of religious persecutions made by the Church. As a way of preserving it, scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom was encoded in various sources, such as art and music.

This is displayed in many pieces of sacred art of the Renaissance and Baroque periods that call attention to the index finger of St. John the Baptist, which clearly points away from the rest of his fingers at the precise mathematical angle of 23.5 degrees – the tilt of the Earth.

This oddity can be seen in numerous works by many famous painters and sculptors of that period, including Leonardo Da Vinci, François Le Moyne, Jusepe de Ribera, Titian, Mathis Gothart, Jean Clouet, Raphael, El Greco, Caravaggio, Valentin de Boulogne, Nicolas Regnier, Caravaggio, Paolo Veronese, Boccaccio, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, and so on.

Although this symbolism clearly appears in almost every single portrayal of John the Baptist that was painted between the 15th and 18th centuries, it has gone unnoticed for hundreds of years.[ii]

And in those days, Noah saw the Earth had tilted and that it’s destruction was near. Book of Enoch 65.1

When a star falls away from its source, it becomes a planet. In a star system, the stars rotate toward their Creator, not away from it. But our Earth has now returned to its rightful status.

We have reached the very end of all cycles of Time. Our Milky Way galaxy has been spinning in a clockwise direction, away from its Creator, for an astounding five billion years. So there has been a continual battle for freedom in this galaxy because it has not been spinning toward its source. But, because of recent earthquakes that have taken place on the earth, it has now established a new rotation, one that matches energies that are currently being instilled within its core.

This new rotation of the galaxy is responsible for polar shifts that have occurred on all of the planets in our solar system. It has thrusted the entire system into a new formation – an harmonic convergence. All of the planets in the solar system have now returned to God’s original blueprint, which is based upon sacred geometry.

Within this cosmic movement, the axis of the Earth has been synchronized with the new rotation cycle of the other planets. Although it has not shifted to a devastating degree, its axis has shifted from its orbital plane.

Because of the completion of the new Earth grid, a new firmament will eventually emerge around the planet. This Crystalline firmament will allow for what the ancients called ‘1000 Years of Peace.’ And, as our tilted planet is slowly rolled into an upright position, its musical tone of Om will return.

The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up. Revelation 6:14

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/22/2013 5:07:30 PM

Suzanne Lie: Galactic/Earth Alliance – The Landing Party Remembers

MytriaBlogBy Suzanne Lie – April 21, 2013

Mytria’s Blog – Part 2

Dear Readers,

I now present the second portion of the message that I began in my last Blog of 4-20-13. Therefore, make sure you read that part first.

For this portion of the message, the Arcturian spoke, not just to the members of the Away Team but also to all the humans of Earth. It was interesting to see how the Arcturian could communicate with two groups within the same message. In fact, I think the Arcturian was teaching the Away Team how to speak to humanity while they are wearing their Earth vessel.

I am beginning to understand how “wearing an Earth vessel” creates the illusion of separation. This sense of separation is very prominent in my life. My dreams are separate from my daily life, in which I feel separate from other people. In fact, I also feel separate from that which I wish to create.

I can feel deep inside of me that something wants to be expressed in my daily life. However, my outer life and my inner life are, well, they are separate.

I still cannot directly remember being on the Ship, but there is a vague feeling of unity that has come into my awareness since these dreams began. Also there is a growing unity between my daily self and dream self, which is a start. Isn’t it? I mean, we have to start somewhere; and for me starting with unity is good.

For so much of the life that I can remember, I have felt alone. I say “the life that I can remember” because I seem to be forgetting my past. My past is over now, and whatever problems or traumas it included are becoming lost in this new adventure of, well, I guess I must say this new adventure of traveling into the unknown to find unity.

This other life or dreams or fantasies, whatever they are, are changing me in a very deep manner. I don’t feel so lost anymore. When I go about my day I think about my dreams and the unity I feel while I am having them. I wonder if I can find a way to establish that kind of unity here, in this world. Wow, I just admitted that I actually have two worlds and two lives. Maybe I even have more?

But, enough about me, as this part of the Arcturian’s message seems very important.

The Arcturian Speaks:

We have told you how Elementals assist you in creating your reality because you need those basic concepts in order to understand what we are about to say. You see, you too, are an Elemental. You too are a builder of form, but you forgot. Your third dimensional Earth vessel is comprised of the elements of Earth’s physical matter. This physical matter is perceived as your body, which is perceived as YOU.

In the same manner, your fourth dimensional astral-body/dream-body is comprised of the Elementals of astral matter, which you also perceive as YOU. Hence, the individual that you perceive as YOU is both your physical body and your astral body. These two bodies are kept manifest by your third dimensional elements and your fourth dimensional Elementals.

You perceive your third dimensional form as your conscious self and your fourth dimensional form as your unconscious self. Since most of your manifestations arise from your unconscious rather than your conscious mind, the fourth dimensional Elementals are the primary creators of your reality.

It is true that your human self is learning to merge your conscious and unconscious minds. This merging will greatly assist you to be conscious about the reality that you are choosing to create.

Therefore, we remind you that whenever you give Unconditional Love, which is the bonding force of the Universe, to your unconscious self, you merge your conscious self (often perceived as your present) and the unconsciousness self (often perceived as your past) into the NOW of the ONE.

When your conscious mind and third dimensional elements of your Earth vessel are merged with your unconscious mind and fourth dimensional Elementals, you have a greater ability to consciously merge your 3D physical body with your 4D astral body. Then your astral body can form a connection between your third dimensional physical form and your fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Remembering the innate creative ability of your Multidimensional SELF greatly facilitates your process of the conscious merging of these three expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. The remembrance of your multidimensional creativity first began when you allowed the higher Light to enter into your physical form. This higher Light first entered the etheric matter of your astral body and then moved into the physical matter of your Earth vessel.

When your 3D Physical Self and your 4D Astral Self are connected with your 5D Lightbody, you create a bridge into the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. As you identify, connect and establish a deep relationship with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you can perceive your reality from that higher perspective of your SELF.

This perspective will assist you with the fulfillment of your Mission. However, first you must use your newly found abilities of creation to create a life based on Unconditional Love, joy and happiness. It is necessary to create this lifestyle, for only when you live in love will you able to love yourself enough to realize your immense and innate creative abilities.

These creative abilities are sufficient for you to create your life in accordance with the Higher Expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In other words, you will no longer need to be one of the millions of Lost Ones struggling to survive in a world filled with anger and fear. The anger and fear will, unfortunately, remain on Gaia until more humans evolve or leave the planet via what they believe is death.

They believe in death because they have never had a first hand experience of their true SELF in the higher frequencies of reality. That is why they are lost. They are lost to their true SELF. If they can find their SELF that resonates to the higher frequencies of reality, they will no longer be lost. They will have found their SELF.

Then, once they experience the constant sensation of Unconditional Love flowing from their Multidimensional SELF into their physical self, they will know that love and happiness are the most important aspects of life. No longer will they want to dominate another or harm the body of Gaia in any way.

No longer will they feel separate, alone and without assistance. They will, also, realize that money is NOT the root of happiness, and they will simultaneously discover that they can live in abundance within the NOW of the ONE because they are the creators of their reality.

Old beliefs that suffering makes them a better person will fade from their consciousness while their desire body becomes focused on fulfilling their “reason for embodiment.” Once in connection with their Higher Expressions they will have a constant source of guidance, comfort and Unconditional Love.

Unfortunately, there are many who have became so lost after the 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga’s darkest dark that they may have to leave the planet, in what they would know as dying to rest and recover. After they have reunited with their Multidimensional SELF, they can clear their old psychic wounding and create a new Earth vessel in order to return to Earth.

In their new Earth vessel, they will be prepared to assist Gaia and/or Her inhabitants. In fact, even before a death experience, more and more Lost Ones are coming into the fourth dimensional Recovery Centers. In these Recovery Centers they can be healed from myriad lives lived in fear, anger and the need to experience power-over others.

The first thing they must learn is that they only needed the sensation of power-over others because they had not found their power within. Many families went generation after generation of power-over their children, who grew into adults who needed power-over their children. In the manner, the family was lost for generations.

However, as the world becomes safer and more filled with Unconditional Love, those who have come from such early environments will have a better chance of being healed. If they become healed from their fearful need to have power-over others before they have children, they can break a cycle that has continued for many generations. In this manner, they heal not only themself, but their family line as well.

As those who live in fear and anger find the way to live in love and joy, the process of planetary Ascension will be greatly expedited. Once we, your Galactic Family, realize that enough of you can accept our love and share it with Gaia and all Her inhabitants, we will have a public landing.

However, the term “enough” cannot be determined at this moment of your Earth time. The majority of your world is still trapped in fear and anger, which could easily lead to violence if we landed. Therefore, it is up to you, the members of our Away Mission to Earth to connect with as many people as you possible in unity and Unconditional Love.

A group energy based on unity and Unconditional Love can easily share the message that Gaia is ready to return to Her Higher Expression of New Earth. Gaia wants her humans to join her NOW. However, She tires of waiting for the Lost Ones and is extending her primary essence into the higher frequencies of Planetary SELF.

All of her Elementals, animals and plant beings are ready. The only component of Her third dimensional vessel that is not ready is humanity’s Lost Ones. She does not wish to abandon Her Lost Ones. Therefore, she is leaving the third dimensional frequency of her body open for as long as possible while Her primary essence moves into the higher frequencies.

Many of you, the members of our Away Team as well as the awakened humans of Gaia, are beginning to notice how your life seems to improve each day. You will likely have many symptoms of transmutation as your Earth vessel adapts to higher and higher frequencies of Light.

However, if you stay within this higher Light and allow it to integrate into your Earth vessel, you will begin to experience ever-expanding joy and greatly diminishing fear and anger. Additionally, if you complete the circuit of the higher Light by pulling it through your form, grounding it in Gaia and sharing it with your physical world, you will be actively participating in the transmutation of Earth.

In other words, if you allow the higher Light to flow into and through your Earth vessel you are sharing it with others by silently sending them the Unconditional Love which is the highest octave of this Light. Through the sensation of Unconditional Love moving into and through your form, your symptoms of transmutation will diminish. Most importantly, you will begin to experience unity with all life.

We realize that this process of shifting your frequency rate while inhabiting that form is extremely challenging. However, the opportunity to take a body during this wonderful time of transition is a great honor and one for which you have waited for myriad lifetimes.

We want you to know that you are not alone. We, your Galactic and Celestial Family who are your Higher Expressions of SELF, are willing to be in constant contact with you. Thus, you are never alone for we are always with you.

From our perspective we observe that the members of our Away Team are finding ways in which they can help from within their community and world systems to make the transition easier and filled with Unconditional Love.

Most of all, remember that you are ALL members of the “Away Team,” as you ALL have higher expression of SELF either on Starships or in higher dimensions of reality. Furthermore, you all have the same Mission:

  • Remember your SELF
  • Set up an ongoing and intimate relationship with your SELF
  • Translate and transmit the Truth that you are receiving from your Higher Expression of SELF to all who can listen

You, the members of our Away Team, as well as many who have taken an Earth vessel during this timeline of Earth, are among the most advanced and best prepared citizens of our higher dimensional worlds.

Once you remember who you are, your fear will greatly diminish. Most important of all, you will begin to remember the feel of Unconditional Love and pure joy. If all you “do” is radiate Unconditional Love and pure joy into your atmosphere, you will greatly assist others to remember their Higher Expression of SELF.

As others remember their Multidimensional SELF, they too can connect that Higher Expression of SELF with their third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel. It is then that they will fully become the creators of their reality.

Dear Readers, I have been receiving emails from many people who are also in the process of remembering their SELF. I welcome all of you to share g the experiences of your TRUE SELF. I will share some of these emails below:

From D:

I have had so many experiences that parallel yours that I don’t even know where to begin except I need to have the same courage to share it. I too have a tall blond male that looks like a Greek God that has presented himself to me on various occasions in meditation or prior to sleep. He has shown me an alternate world, which is very beautiful and He says that is where I live. After exploring this world, I am very sad and lonely when I always wake up back here.

He has shown me a Galactic Being who looks very different than human form and I am comfortable with that as well. Recently, a young pilot comes in a Scout Ship and takes me on travels with him. So if you are hallucinating, then I am having a very similar one. Therefore, your blogs keep me sane and I know what we are experiencing is very real.

I have been on the Star Ships where I heard a voice that sounds like a waterfall. I have been introduced to an “alien” friend who is a member of the Galactic Team. Sometimes He tells me “you are with me now.” Sometimes He says “You ARE ME now.” He often comes at night just prior to sleep and last night was the VERY FIRST night I did not have heart pounding and extreme heat in my 3D frame. I took it as a good sign that my energy is rising up to this challenge.

From T:

I have a very big project starts tomorrow that I have been preparing for three months. I am kind of freaking out trying to figure out how to get my part done by Monday. Friday they send me changes for their priorities., and by Friday night I was stressing big time as to whether I could get my work done for a Monday start.

Then, Saturday morning I can say that I visited New Earth. It started out in the High school and grade school I attended. The experience was just as real as me typing this message. Everything was different, but I could tell it was the same. Where the football field was, there was an old growth forest. I walked behind the school and there was a huge river with a waterfall.

I cannot say the word beautiful enough. The beauty and energy was overwhelming. Did I say it was beautiful?? The experience went on for quite awhile. We rode motorcycles, planted fruit trees and many other things that I am unable to fully remember.

The final part of my experience was with Divine Complement. I was at her place in a high-rise building in a big city. Except, in this city the energy was so clean and everything so beautiful for being in a big city. I gave her a hug as I left and this explosion of energy came from our solar plexus. I asked if she felt it and she said no. Then, I mentally communicated to her, “You will feel it soon”.

When I woke up I was a totally different person with a complete different perspective on life. I have to say it is one on the best experiences in my life. I feel that I am learning to trust the Higher Expressions of myself in situations that look impossible to accomplish. I can say I have never been let down in the past, but I am so engrained in my life that I have to figure it out with my brain. It is a challenge to live in our brain and simultaneously live in the Higher realms where there are no limitations.

From J:

I had this dream in which I was in a void. I couldn’t see anything as it was pitch black, but I heard a beautiful voice that was sharing with me, and maybe others, how hard this dark passage has been. What was very special was that the voice was resonating through my high heart. Therefore, there was such a sense of intimacy and a sense of sharing in total transparency. All I can say for now is that it left in my heart a touch of brotherly Love that is beyond words.

You can imagine what a beautiful confirmation I got when I read the message on your blog that had the same vibrational tonality. I’m beginning more and more to feel/experience the coherent reality in my timeless dream.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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