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4/16/2013 1:42:47 AM

Hilarion: You are Ready for the Next Step and the New Beginning which Now Lies Before You

hilarion2As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – April 14, 2013

Beloved Ones,

You are each in full flow again of receiving and anchoring the Cosmic energies into the crystalline core of your planet. These are the rhythms that you are by now used to in your daily lives and as such you serve the Divine.

As each of you receive and allow these energies to pass through you into the crystalline core, you are filling the Earth with these expansive energies and this is how the ascension of the Earth is taking place. The Light within expands within the center of the planet and is uplifted into the higher dimensions.

The ascended realms work unceasingly to bring more Light through each of our colleagues walking upon the planet so that their Light grows ever brighter and more radiant than before.

Those who have chosen this service are strategically placed all over the planet and are providing a great service through their willingness to undergo the rigors of the purification process. We understand that it is quite often a two edged sword, for as you allow more Light to enter your physical bodies, you also experience the purging at a deeper and deeper level of all the cells of your being and this is not always a pleasant experience within your own systems.

As you journey further into the ascension process, you also partake of the energies that are being released for transmutation and you provide a great service to humanity and the Earth in this way also. Each of you has the capacity to do this work and you have been doing it admirably.

We wish to point out that at the higher levels of your Being you fully understand your role and enthusiastically participate in it. This work requires the persistent dedication of all of our colleagues walking upon the planet and it is coordinated with all of you during your periods of rest and sleep. Much takes place beyond the portals of the sleep state and you carry this knowledge within you.

Many of you are ready to move into the more refined energetic bodies you have been building and have chosen to continue in your efforts to bring in and anchor more Light here on the planet. This is also part of your reason and purpose for being here during these times and it will become clearer to you as more of humanity awakens and the Light expands even further.

You have begun to move into more sustained states of peace and calm and you know that whatever is transpiring within those in the world around you is the process that you are now at the end of in your process of refinement and purity of Being. You are ready for the next step and the new beginning which now lies before you.

The new beginning gives each of you the opportunity to become conscious co-creators in your new world. There is a period of grace in effect which will allow you to practice this new ability without harm to yourselves or others.

You are learning to control your thoughts and keep them balanced in a neutral manner, for the new world requires this self discipline so that your creations are always for the highest good of all and do no harm. This is a most exciting adventure that is before you now and we remind you that it is a learning process so be mindful of what you are creating.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and website address is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 1:47:37 AM

Archangel Uriel: The Dimensions of Infinity

UrielBy Jennifer Hoffman – Channelled message from Archangel Uriel for April 15, 2013

The dimensions of infinity exist beyond the trinity of the third dimension, which is body, mind, and emotions, and beyond the integration of the 4th dimension, which includes spirit as you can know it.

All dimensions beyond the fourth are part of infinity, the vast unlimited potential of universality. This infinity is part of your Being, through the divine aspects that are encoded within your humanity. Now you are on the threshold of infinity and can access its gifts of grace, truth, knowing and limitless, unlimited Being.

Infinity is not accessed by destroying the third dimension and rescuing humanity from its drama and fear. It is accessed by liberating the third dimension so it can expand beyond the limitations of its fear and the density of its beliefs.

The bridge to the dimensions of infinity is accessed through your willingness to accept yourselves as divine, unlimited and universal. It was necessary to limit your access to these dimensions so you could complete your mission of ascending beyond the third dimension, which was integrated within humanity’s original mission of Ascension.

When you question the gifts, potential or blessings of different dimensions and judge them, wondering whether you are in the 5th, 7th, 9th or beyond, you are ignoring the potential of universality, which is that there are no boundaries in infinity.

Each dimension has its own gifts and blessings and any and all of them are accessible to you. The question for you is whether you can bring these dimensions into your reality and become multi-dimensional aspects of yourselves, integrating many dimensions into your expression of yourself and your physical reality.

You know the third dimension as your physical reality, but you are not limited to the singular expression of 3D in your life and in your world. All other dimensions are possible within it as well. Within your physical reality you are an anchor for other dimensions to become part of the Earth’s energetic expression. Each of you is a physical anchor for Universality to enter the third dimension, as you are a portal that allows higher frequencies and vibrations to enter physical space and manifest into being. This is the liberation from 3D living, but not so you can explore other single dimensional living. It is happening so you can become multi-dimensional, as expressions of the infinite being-ness of universality.

While you may wish for someone or something to rescue you from the fear and limitations of your life, what you need to ask for is liberation from the density of fear and limitation so you can expand into your infinite dimensions of Being. What you are seeing now as the collapse of the third dimension and its paradigms is possible because the dimensions of infinity are opening and revealing the truth of fear-based living, as well as alternatives through intentional living and liberation from fear. You can choose to be angry or to embrace the potential for the transformation of 3D into infinity; this is the process of Ascension and evolution. The third dimension is part of the evolutionary spiral, as are all other dimensions.

You are ushering in multi-dimensional living, where all dimensions can co-exist within your reality and the realities of humanity and the Earth. This brings the Earth back into balance within the Universe, where all dimensions co-exist and all are accessible to those who choose them.

Embrace this transformation because through it you are creating the portals to allow the new Earth to be reconnected to its Divine source. It is time to stop fearing the transformation, to shift from feeling your way via the emotions through this transformation, to being who you truly are and becoming energetically aligned with your highest aspects so the limited 3D trinity becomes the unlimited, multi-dimensional Word of God that expresses its divinity in all ways and in all things.

Use this affirmation to remind yourself that you are a spark of the Divine, no less than Source because you are Source and can never be disconnected from Source: “I am divinely guided, connected, secure and protected, in all ways and in all things.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to or translate this article in its entirety on free, non-commercial sites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 1:53:14 AM
Dear friends, can this be true? So wonderful if so.

Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: The Santa Fe Galactic Command Center Already Exists in 5D

sf-renderingChanneled by Goldenlight, April 11, 2013

Goldenlight: A very rudimentary sketch of the vision I was sent today about the Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe. I tried to illustrate this a little more clearly digitally last evening, without much success. I am going to attempt to paint this at some point soon! The digital version is below.

sf sketch


Goldenlight: Hi! I wanted to ask you about the vision you gave me of the command center today.. The drawing I did of the vision you showed me.

This center – like much of the rest of the New Earth – already exists in the 5th dimension, you are simply “tuning into it” from your 3rd/4th dimensional frequency. You were able to get a glimpse into the 5th dimension today when we showed you this center… as it has already been created since we are beyond the realm of time.. We are simply waiting for you all to “see” it. When the people of your earth see our ships it is a combination of us lowering the ship’s frequency and the viewers being able to tune into a higher frequency. Most on your earth now are in the lower to mid-4th dimensional frequencies now so that it is easier to see us, especially when we lower the ships frequencies.

Yes this Galactic Command Center does already exist in the NOW! And you were simply able to tune into it visually today and we also sent you a holographic visual light information packet which you were able to pick up on. We were so pleased when you did!

This is part of your “job”, Goldenlight, as a member of the team for the center: to give it artistic expression as well as to bring in communications from the higher dimensions about it.

We lovingly await our reunion and your arrival to this dimension and of the manifestation of this intergalactic portal and center into your current paradigm, which is in the process of upshifting and merging into the 4th and 5th dimensions.

So it is a different way of looking at things: we are actually “waiting” for you, not the other way around as your minds would have you believe (smile). Of course all is perfect divine timing, and all is happening in the Now.. A difficult concept to grasp from the third dimension, but simple from our perspective as we exist outside of time. As we have expressed before, In the 5th dimension, time does not exist.

Being in the third dimension, quite a restrictive space, has served its purpose for many if you and you are ready to move on. We eagerly and lovingly await the intersection and merging of your world with ours. There will be much sharing of news and information with you as you become full galactic “citizens”, or members, once again. A great reunion it will be, with many of you joyfully reuniting with your star families of origin. Know, too, that in the realm of No Time, this too has already occurred.

- With love and light from The Pleiadian Intergalactic Council as well as other intergalactic team members, ascended masters and archangels who have been assigned to this project

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 1:54:55 AM

Pope Francis to Revolutionise Running of Church with New Advisory Panel

Pope Francis's advisory panel represents the Catholic church's most important step in 10 centuries, said one historian. Photograph: Unimedia Images/Rex Features

Pope Francis’s advisory panel represents the Catholic church’s most important step in 10 centuries, said one historian. Photograph: Unimedia Images/Rex Features

Thanks to Alice.

Eight-strong group of cardinals from around the world will shake up central bureaucracy of Italian-dominated Curia.

By John Hooper in Rome, The Guardian – April 14, 2013

Pope Francis presaged a revolution in the running of the Catholic church when, at the weekend, he announced the formation of an eight-strong panel of cardinals from all parts of the world who are to advise him on governance and the reform of the Vatican.

The Italian church historian Alberto Melloni, writing in the Corriere della Sera, called it the “most important step in the history of the church for the past 10 centuries”. For the first time, a pope will be helped by a global panel of advisers who look certain to wrest power from the Roman Curia, the church’s central bureaucracy.

Several of the group’s members will come to the job with a record of vigorous reform and outspoken criticism of the status quo. None has ever served in the Italian-dominated Curia in Rome and only one is an Italian: Giuseppe Bertello, the governor of the Vatican City State.

The panel will be headed by one of the most dynamic figures in the Catholic leadership: Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the archbishop of Tegucigalpa in Honduras and head of the global charity Caritas Internationalis. A polymath who plays the saxophone and piano, Maradiaga has trained as a pilot and speaks six languages. Like Pope Francis, he has long been a tenacious critic of economic inequality.

In an interview with the Italian television news service Tgcom24, Maradiaga said his group would “certainly” be tackling the ever-controversial Vatican bank.

The remaining members of the group were each chosen to represent one of the six continents. They include Cardinal Sean O’Malley, who imposed a “zero tolerance” policy on clerical sex abuse in his archdiocese of Boston, and George Pell, the archbishop of Sydney, who gave an unusually forthright interview before the election of Francis in which he said the leaking of the former pope Benedict’s correspondence last year had identified “substantial problems” that needed to be addressed “in a real way”.

Another formidably savvy member of the panel will be Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, the archbishop of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In the 1990s, he was handed the responsibility of overseeing his country’s transition to democracy following the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko.

A statement from the Vatican said the group would not be meeting until October. But it added that Francis was already talking to its members.

The statement said they had been entrusted with drawing up a scheme “for revising the Apostolic Constitution on the Roman Curia, Pastor Bonus”, which dates from 1988 and was drafted by Pope John Paul II. The last thoroughgoing shake-up of the Curia, however, was by Pope Paul VI more than 40 years ago.

Pope Francis appeared to be doing more than just initiating a much-needed bureaucratic reform. A global panel of mostly diocesan archbishops will give some real meaning to “collegiality”: the idea that the church’s pastoral leaders should have a role in its overall governance. Collegiality was enjoined by the Second Vatican Council which ended its work in 1965, but only very partially implemented under Paul and the charismatic, but autocratic, John Paul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 1:57:59 AM

Village in India Plants 111 Trees Every Time a Girl is Born

Thanks to Linda.

Village in India plants 111 trees every time a girl is born

Stephen Messenger, Tree Hugger, April 12, 2013

All too often, it seems that an increase in human population must come at a cost to the environment, like in straining resources and encroachment on once wild habitats. But one quaint village in India has adopted a wonderfully eco-conscious tradition that is actually helping to ensure a greener future with each new generation.

While in some parts of India, many expectant parents still say they’d prefer bearing sons, members of the Piplantri village, in the western state of Rajasthan, are breaking this trend by celebrating the birth of each baby girl in way that benefits everyone. For every female child that’s born, the community gathers to plant 111 fruit trees in her honor in the village common.

This unique tradition was first suggested by the village’s former leader, Shyam Sundar Paliwal, in honor of his daughter who had passed away at a young age.

But planting trees is only one way that the community is ensuring a brighter future for their daughters. According to a report in The Hindu, villagers also pool together around $380 dollars for every new baby girl and deposited in an account for her. The girl’s parents are required to contribute $180, and to make a pledge to be considerate guardians.

“We make these parents sign an affidavit promising that they would not marry her off before the legal age, send her to school regularly and take care of the trees planted in her name,” says Paliwal.

Over the last six years alone, as population there has increased, villagers in Piplantri have planted nearly a quarter million trees — a welcoming forest for the community’s youngest members, offering a bit of shade for their brighter future.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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