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4/15/2013 1:01:05 AM
Dear friends, Jean Haines's blog has disappeared and she explains here how it may have happened. However, it worries me that it has occurred right now. We have posted innumerable messages from it at this thread.

To All of Jean Haines’ Readers

JeanFolks, this note just in from Jean Haines:

Jean Haines Blog Down

Friends, my blog has been shut down, and I think it happened accidentally. I closed comments (see the explanation in my last post, below), and I think I did it the wrong way, because it automatically triggered the shut down. I don’t know when, or how quickly Support will deal with it . ..

Jean’s blog disappeared and many of us have been looking into it. But she’s OK and will be back online as soon as technical support can deal with the matter.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/15/2013 1:28:52 AM

Stop the War on Women

teen_3The recent outbreak of violent and sadistic rapes, some so pernicious that they’re followed by the victim’s suicide, cannot go without comment. The level of dehumanization and depravity they reveal must appal and dismay all those who contemplate a better world.

Even as so much of the world is rising in consciousness and love, a segment of society, more dismaying because it involves the youth of the world, seems to be descending into a social dark night of the soul.Rehtaeh

The availability of date-rape drugs, the constant diet of crime dramas on TV, the dehumanization of video games, the lack of meaningful jobs and careers – who knows what factors account for it?

But it represents a virtual war on women, whose level of violence and bestiality has only been seen in the worst days and nights of actual wars.

When these scenes are added to all the violence practiced at the end of a gun, the large areas of the world that are subject to guerrilla armies and gangs related to the drug trade, people falsely jailed in prisons run for profit, and repressive regimes that linger, it’s a wonder that so many people have the heart and courage to dream of a world that works.

How this collapse of values can be addressed and overturned taxes the intelligence. But it will require the cooperation of men and women everywhere to end it.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/15/2013 1:41:05 AM
Dear friends, I am borrowing this 'Heaven Letter' from Myrna Ferguson's True Teller's forum thread. I have found it particularly encouraging at this point in my life and in the present circumstances in general.

Heavenletter #4524 A Fallen Cake Can Be Delicious, April 14, 2013

God said:

There are many things in the world that are not as they seem, are they not? A cake can look delicious and be disappointing. A cake could have fallen and be so delicious. You can’t judge a book by its cover. You know all that.

The negative is not more true than the positive.

Right now, I am referring to the put-down’s you give to yourself. I am referring to all the times when you think you are lagging behind everyone else or behind the times or slow on the uptake or not as worthy as someone else. You may represent yourself as the downfallen. I ask you to rise and be a bright light. A bright light does not bemoan its wattage.

In all matters, look for the good. Look for the good you can think about yourself. How does downplaying yourself brighten the world? You don’t have to be the other end of someone’s seesaw. Anyway, in life in the world outside of a see-saw, how do you raise someone else by putting yourself down? What kind of attention-getting purpose does that serve?

When you put yourself down, are you perhaps trying to beat someone else to it? Do you perhaps think you are being modest to put yourself down? Are you perhaps looking for a compliment? Do you put yourself down perhaps so that no one vies with you? Is it possible that you will say anything to prevent anyone’s thinking of you as a Pollyanna? Better to be a Pollyanna than a fault-finder. Negativity is not closer to the truth. Anyway, uplift yourself as well as anyone else. No one needs to point out or emphasize negativity. Negativity does well enough on its own. It doesn’t need your help. Stay away from it.

You can be modest without announcing your omissions or errors. You don’t have to brag about yourself, neither your merits or your demerits. There is no need to call attention to yourself at all. You are not on parade. You are not the leader of the band. You don’t throw darts on yourself anymore than you have to throw accolades. Slam no one.

You probably have been too centered on what others may think of you. Truly, dear ones, how necessary is someone else’s appraisal of you? Anyway, no one appreciates an appeal for approval. Are you perhaps wheedling for a loan of praise? What do you think you need it for?

Beloveds, you cannot keep up with what others think anyway. That another is not you does not make him more worthy than you. You are worthy to be My child. Welcome yourself. Be true to yourself. You are good enough for Me. Let that be good enough.

You are not here on Earth to earn brownie points, not from yourself, and not from others. You are not here on Earth on My behalf to earn merit. You are here to give service to the Universe. You have more to do than to wait for your ego to be served and your feathers smoothed.

What would you like to be on Earth here for? What can you do that serves the world and not your representation of yourself? Straighten your own shoulders. Perk yourself up by going out into the world. Enough thinking about yourself. Find something else to think about. If you are not presently proud of your God-given ability, take another look. You are here on Earth for a great purpose. Your purpose is not to put yourself down anymore than it is to pat yourself on the back. If you need some cheering up, don’t leave it to others.

There is a high road for you to take. Take it. Never mind if you trip and fall. Pick yourself up, and keep your eye on where you’re going. No more dallying.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/15/2013 1:49:29 AM
And this one message I am borrowing from a post by Robert Talmadge at Jill's 'Mountain of Love' forum.

Ascended Master Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message for April 12 – 19, 2013 ~ Anticipating Joy ~ via Julie Miller (As channeled by Julie Miller)

Learning to shift your attitude that anticipates joy and happiness rather than remaining in the negative comforts of attachments and expectations will lead you to a path filled with great joy and happiness. This path is where you learn to experience what it is you are actually seeking that will provide you with considerable opportunities to attain massive amounts of knowledge that is found every time you move from one experience to another.

There are many dear souls that move throughout their day “expecting” to discover joy, peace or any other positive experience when in fact the energy they are using to “expect” is really setting themselves up for disappointment. If you wonder why, then dear ones consider with pure honesty that really is not possible for you to experience Joy, Peace, Fulfillment and other positive experiences 100% of the time every day of your calendar year. Your days are easily filled with Hi’s and Low’s due to all the commotion and distractions life can throw at you. When you do slow down long enough to realize that you are not experiencing joy or peace this realization can turn into a difficult revelation. And it becomes worse dear ones if you allow yourself to take into account all the times you were not at peace or joy you may find yourself slipping even further away from the opportunity to gain more momentum to increase more joy and peace into your life. Expectations that you add on to any anticipated thought or action can create great moments of despair and we see that it can be difficult to rise out of these darkening difficult moments.

What we sometimes witness dear ones is a repeated cycle of events until the dear soul that is creating and recreating the experience finally realizes what needs to be changed and takes that brave step forward to end the destructive cycle that has been winding up repeatedly. We do not want you to feel hopelessness on your journey when your journey is filled with incredible love-filled experiences where you are the one making all the choices as to what you wish as an outcome.

There is a shift in attitude that will deliver you from expecting joy to anticipating joy. It is a very simplistic idea that anyone can do and it simply requires you to hone your visualization skills. Understand dear ones any kind of expectation carries a certain amount of entitlement that is in close relations with demand for the outcome to be actualized immediately and more often-than-not emotional attachments get added on.

Be aware dear ones that when you anticipate, the sense that joy is coming, even though you don’t know when it will arrive will still make a great difference in your mindset and will raise the quality of your thinking to be more positive. What is essential and important dear ones, while you are anticipating for joy remember to stay focused on how you will feel when are finally greeted with what you are aiming to achieve.

Some dear souls have a difficult time anticipating something they have not yet experienced. Embracing the unknown in full trust and faith that the energy you are pouring out will produce favourable results requires you to be willing to allow yourself to be vulnerable because you are taking a risk on something you believe in heart and soul. And the more you apply this kind of focus the stronger your Inner Power and visualization becomes. Don’t lose sight of what it is you are hoping to achieve.

We encourage you dear ones to develop a specific affirmation and visualization of what it is you are anticipating to occur. It is not difficult. You do not require sets of instructions; you only need to clearly imagine seeing yourself doing what it is you are focusing on achieving using positive words to emphasize this desired state. While you are visualizing you determine what will be included in the image you are visualizing; what kind of day it is, what feelings you see within this imagined state…this is your creation and your energy, here you are seeing what it is you are anticipating to occur.

Be consistent with your focus that is applied from a deeper sense of your Self and through this experience you will discover mountains of opportunity to learn more of yourself. There is no time for waiting as you are experiencing during the time in-between all the pleasures your journey is bringing you. And as you create that inner visualization, remember to concentrate on the qualities you personally associate well with. As you increase your visualized image with more positive additions, then include positive words at the same time that speaks of the experience already happening in the NOW moment. Realize dear ones, the more rich abundance of positive thought forms you add to your visualization, the deeper and more real your own inner experience will be which will provide the present to be even more enhanced as a result. What the affirmation does dear ones is remind you of the joy of the positive experience that is already yours to have.

It is easy to develop your own affirmation that will benefit the visualization you have been focusing on. You create a few positive words that flow with ease that will help prepare your unconscious mind to accept that change you are creating to have happen. You are aligning your Inner Self with positive Self-Talk which is not only beneficial to that visualization you are working on, but can improve your confidence and self-esteem. Affirmations focuses on your ability to see that you are not limited because really dear ones your soul already lives in a place of joy. Your positive filled words reminds your Self of how special you already are.

Affirmations are not necessarily long. They often-times begin with I AM and they don’t include the Egoic “I want”. An example of an affirmation is, I AM living in the happiness and joy in full abundance of my soul. We are positive dear ones that you can come up with some great affirmations that will hold a unique and individual power all on their own that will bring strength to what you are working on achieving.

How often have you yourself witnessed dear ones, others whispering under their breaths that terrible things always seem to happen to them? The reality is dear ones, until they change their thought patterns, this way of thinking takes on a greater truth and becomes their own form of an affirmation even though it’s entirely based in negativity.

Positive thinking is a great way to boost the clarity of your thinking and you begin to heal but it is not all you need to do, you still have yet to apply positive actions. You are required to fuel your energy, your Inner Self with peaceful moments brought on by allowing yourself to be in-tune with the nature that is flourishing around you. Work on one area at a time for a short time span and stick to it applying pure effort from your heart and soul. Remember Hope is right beside you encouraging you to continue, to carry on; any amount of suffering you discover leads you into discovering perseverance which is a noble and great strength to be had – one that will carry you through all endeavours when you consciously work from your heart.

When you take the time through your practice of visualization and working on the quality of your positive thinking and words of action to tune into the nature that is around you, you will be greeted with natural beauty that has always had a way to sooth your mind, body, heart and soul from all things. Become aware of the nurturing aspect of the natural flora and fauna and feel deep peace enter your being. As you wait for the outcome of what you are anticipating, adopting a pace of nature will surely assist in raising your awareness of the world that continuously moves around you.

Finding comfort in silence will aid in balancing your entire being; mind, body, heart and spirit. You will find an Inner Place where you will meet God and connect in perfect harmony as your soul greets your already opened heart and expanding mind. Taking on a peaceful nature will create more calm within your emotions which will help cultivate a more compassionate you. Nature has a way of teaching patience and while waiting for what you have been visualizing with wonderful positive affirmations you will discover how much more serene you are in all areas of your journey. Your heart will lead you dear ones to what your own ears cannot hear, listen intently and become the loving harmonious person we know you are meant to be.

You live in a rush kind of lifestyle where technology has a great influence and sometimes distracts you from fulfilling certain aspects of your journey. Meditation and quiet contemplation will bring you back to the Oneness of all things natural and of yourself. We also encourage little projects that will help you focus on compassion and mindfulness. A great project that can be done all year long, regardless where you live is growing a little herb garden. These can be done inside your home and they will fill your home with wonderful healing aromas that will grow from your applied efforts. Even if you can only grow one little herb in a container, this little pot will receive your love and attention and in return it will rise, grow and become what you grew it for.

Remember dear ones when you truly want a life that is filled with joy, start making this a priority. This is your life, your journey. What you decide, what is held in your thoughts, what actions you apply will determine your outcome. You have the power inside of you to bring all the joy, happiness, and peace into your life and you know how to apply focus and balance to make it all happen…you only have to do it - one step and day at a time.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

With blessings and love,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/15/2013 1:59:43 AM

Captain Deryl Zeleny’s Conversation with Ken (Deputy Enforcement Officer) and Jamie (of OPP)… MP3s and Transcript (PLUS, Introduction by Paula)

oppt_logo_blue25This is the actual conversation Captain Deryl Zeleny had with Ken (a Deputy Enforcement Officer) and Jamie (of the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) (NOT the OPPT!)). I’ve modified the original recording to remove a background hum, and (hopefully) improve the clarity (I did the “best I could” on the audio, trying to clarify the conversation. Most of it came through okay). There are three parts, with Part 1 being an excellent introduction to the principles involved here, by Paula, and Parts 2 and 3 being the actual conversation.

If you wish to follow along with the transcript of this recording, it may be downloaded here, as a pdf.


MP3s (volume leveled and boosted) (15 min., 14 MB per Part)

Part 1 (Introduction by Paula (2 min.)(2 MB))
Part 2
Part 3

Complete conversation (33 min., 30 MB)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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