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4/16/2013 2:01:28 AM

You are an amazing sight to behold. – channeled by Ron Head

April 15, 2013 in Michael, Ron's Channeled Messages

Photo by Gretchen Hermey.

Photo by Gretchen Hermey.


We have noticed, and would speak for a moment about, a very gratifying development. More and more in these recent days, ideas which were introduced by this channel and others are being accepted and spoken of by others. This, of course, is the whole purpose of our communications, and it both makes those of us doing the communicating happy, and bodes very well for the increasing progress toward your goals.

Ideas, like precious seeds, must be planted, nurtured, and cared for carefully until they become strong enough to thrive, and that has happened, though you may not notice in your day to day rushing about. This is true over your entire globe, also, and not just in the few places which read and speak your particular language, whatever that may be.

And since we have mentioned it, your rushing about is becoming a bit less hectic, as well. All this meditating and walking in nature is having a wonderful effect upon you, is it not? You see, when you are doing that, you are, as you say, unplugged. And not only are you benefitting from the higher and more peaceful energies, but you have withdrawn your own energies from the support of the old. You are plugging in to the building of the new.

Every single time one of you does this, a cause is made and an effect is created. Every time you do this you become just that much more sensitive and able to feel the change in yourselves and your surroundings. Every thought of peace, of abundance, of joy, of freedom, of love, is a pebble laid upon the growing mountain of intent. Multiply this in your imagination by the millions of you who are now awakening and you will see the new world you desire rising before your eyes. Truly it is an amazing sight to behold. You are an amazing sight to behold. And those of you who have already begun to contact your guides and teachers are being apprised of that fact if you will allow such into your consciousness.

We wish you to discover your own worth, your own worthiness, your deservedness, and make it your own, own it as you say. You have been taught otherwise long enough. You have believed otherwise long enough. Seek that wondrous you within now. It is no longer so deeply buried.

We move ever closer to you now as your energies rise to meet us. Be in joy and peace. We will speak further. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 2:59:22 AM

Poofness 4-14-13…”Liberation”… “You’re Getting Funds And You Will Do What’s In Your Hearts To Do”


  • …you’re getting funds and you will do what’s in your hearts to do…
  • Along with that liberation to do as you choose, comes those who are frightened half to death of no longer being able to keep you in check. Of finding themselves unneeded.
  • Much is afoot but, fear still has great strength in this world and that’s ruling the ‘moment’.
  • More paper work is being finalized at this moment, this new banking is a reality about to manifest. And more secure, than the fed system ever was.
  • My time of freedom from what I’ve been doing is ‘here’ and it’s not because somebody told me. It’s a gut thing…
  • Never mind all the bad lids in the back of the lot, time to turn our back on them and walk away.
  • …lets see what happens this evening and see if the ‘happy talk’ has any merits.


Poofness 4-14-13…”Liberation”

Greetings and Salutations;

Let’s not get confused, oh yea, you’re getting funds and you will do what’s in your hearts to do. Stuff needs fixed around here. That’s as plain as the nose on your face. Along with that liberation to do as you choose, comes those who are frightened half to death of no longer being able to keep you in check. Of finding themselves unneeded. There was much activity on the reval of currencies this past week, the question is, what of the public? Will they finally allow the pubic in on it? Will we see it on forex monday? I’ve heard all the ‘happy talk’. I say ‘don’t move until you see the whites of their eyes’. Much is afoot but, fear still has great strength in this world and that’s ruling the ‘moment’. Things can change in an instant. The question still comes down to the regular people, nobody spends until the little people can. We can thank former justice Sarah Day O’Conner for that caveat. The people that need the help most.

More paper work is being finalized at this moment, this new banking is a reality about to manifest. And more secure, than the fed system ever was. When value is reattached to something of worth for everybody, then equity across the board is the results for everybody. What’s the problem with that? There is no feasible argument can be made against liberating people…unless you have control issues. My time of freedom from what I’ve been doing is ‘here’ and it’s not because somebody told me. It’s a gut thing, I feel it just like many of you. My attention is quickly being turned from this part of what I’ve being to turning this planet back to her course to liberty and beauty. Never mind all the bad lids in the back of the lot, time to turn our back on them and walk away. That’s Freedom, the real stuff, not some politician’s version he has written on a piece of paper he spouts out during the sunday talk shows.

Onward an up ward, lets see what happens this evening and see if the ‘happy talk’ has any merits. As Yogi Berra used to say, ‘it’s not over til it’s over’. Consultations until….the moment….

Love and Kisses,
Poofness []


Paul McCartney Freedom Lyrics

Songwriters: JACOBS, DALE R

This is my right, a right given by God
To live a free life, to live in freedom

Talking about freedom
I’m talking about freedom
I will fight, for the right
To live in freedom

Anyone, tries to take it away
Will have to answer ’cause this is my right

I’m talking about freedom
I’m talking about freedom
I will fight, for the right
To live in freedom, yeah oh

Talking about freedom
I’m talking about freedom
I will fight, for the right
To live in freedom

Everybody talking about freedom
We’re talking about freedom
We will fight, for the right
To live in freedom, oh

Talking about freedom
I’m talking about freedom
I will fight, for the right
To live in freedom

I’m talking about freedom
I’m talking about freedom
We will fight, for the right
To live in freedom

Freedom lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Universal Music Publishing Group

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 5:44:49 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your Imagination is but a Window into Another Reality

AngelsAs channeled by Taryn Crimi – April 15, 2013

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of imagination. There are many who have questioned the validity of their imagination. We would like to further expand upon this topic today in hopes of helping you to understand more about the power of your imagination and why we perceive it as being so very important.

We will begin by posing a question that has intrigued humans for quite some time; what makes something real? We find that many refer to their imagination as something made up; in other words something “not real”. If your imagination is real, then where do those actions you see in your mind occur? Or is your imagination just in your head?

Many have come to rely upon their 5 physical senses to determine whether something is in fact “real” or “fantasy”; if something can be heard, seen, tasted, smelled, or touched then this validates that something is real within your reality. This is to be expected when living within a physical reality as you do. However from our perspective we perceive the physical reality which you seemingly exist within as being an illusion. Yet even an illusion is real to the perceiver, is it not?

This topic is very intricate and much more in depth than it may at first appear to be. The very question of what is “real” and what is not “real” is the basis for all that you perceive, all that you experience, all that you give value from your current perspective. We do not intend to speak in riddles or confuse you with the complexity of this topic. Rather our intention is to both intrigue you as well as to clarify for you the nature of your current “reality”.

As we have expressed many times before, this reality which you exist within is very different from any others. The complexity of this reality is compounded by your free will to perceive, create and experience whatever you wish. This reality of yours can be compared to a ball of clay; you are free to mold it into any shape you desire. However it is only now that so many are awakening to the fact that they are the ones molding the clay. In the “past” many had seemingly watched in amazement at the varied ways this reality could be experienced blaming many of their experiences on chance, luck, punishment or reward never realizing that it was they who were creating each moment.

Many have underestimated the power of their mind. Even though they have often heard the phrase, “thoughts are things” many do not realize just how accurate a statement like this really is. What if we were to tell you that every day dream, fantasy, concern, fear, each and every single thought you had, instantly created a reality in which that event really did occur? This is mind blowing to some of you, and some of you have already begun to realize the incredible power that you possess with just your thoughts.

Many believe that they cannot do any harm by simply thinking. They have been taught that they cannot control the thoughts in their minds and therefore are not responsible for them. We often hear those who say “how can I be responsible for things that just pop into my head?” “It’s not like I actually did them.” That may be true in this reality; however those thoughts were made manifest “somewhere”. Realize the magnitude of this statement. We have spoken several times about parallel realities. And this is yet another layer, another message which dissects this diverse topic just a little more.

If we were to ask you to imagine sucking on a lemon, really imagine the taste as the tart juice rushes through your mouth, the sour flavor that the lemon releases. Does your mouth not water? Do your checks not pucker with this thought? And yet, you do not have a lemon in your mouth, you did not just drink the juice. And so again we ask you, what makes something real?

Many of you “day dream” regularly about places you would like to go, what you would enjoy doing, experiences you would like to have and yet when you are “snapped back” to “reality” you do not find yourself in these places, or enjoying these activities. So you may wonder how can your imagination possibly be real? To this we would reply, although you may not find that your current reality matches the surroundings that you “imagined” yourself within, this does not mean that you are not experiencing that reality in another “now” moment.

As we have said before, we do not experience linear time in the same way that you do. Rather we choose to view time as a marker. We see “time” as being a string of now moments strung together. You perceive them as happening one right after the other. However we perceive time as being much like a page number in a book. It allows us to know what “page” to turn to, in order to find the experience or “now moment” we would like to focus our attention on. We are free to focus on any number of now moments regardless of the order. And so, from our perspective, the “you” that you saw in your imagination enjoying that desired experience you wish to have, is just on another “now moment” in another parallel reality. Only when your current vibration and beliefs align with the necessary vibration will that reality which you saw in your imagination be drawn to you in your current reality for you to experience consciously. However let us remind you that each and every one of the “you’s” in each parallel reality equally believes that they are in fact the “real” you and all others are simply just possibilities. You are the imagination of another you….

Your imagination is but a window into another reality. You may or may not choose to attract that experience into your conscious reality; however regardless of whether you experience that event in this reality or not, that event is still taking place to another “you” in another parallel reality. As we have stated many times before, you are all shifting back and forth between many realities at any given moment; however you perceive this shift from one “now moment” to the next as linear time. Your motion pictures are a wonderful analogy for us to compare your experience to. A motion picture is just that, it is the rapid movement of many still pictures placed in a row to create the experience of movement which you perceive as linear.

Many believe that your imaginations are “not real” and in fact many have been taught to discredit their imagination. Children are naturally gifted at using their imagination; it is only as they begin to grow older and are taught to no longer use or develop their imaginations that the ability begins to fade. For some, they have never lost the ability to vividly imagine and create intricate worlds using nothing but their own minds.

We asked you a question in the beginning of this message. What makes something real? We will give you our very simple answer. Your beliefs directly affect what you will perceive. Your perception is what makes something real. However what you perceive is unique to each one of you, what is “real” for one is not necessarily “real” for another.

We would strongly recommend that all of you begin to use the vivid creativity of your imagination. Knowing that you are not simply pretending, you are actually creating. This is why we say chose your thoughts wisely. You are wonderfully gifted creator beings. What is it that you wish to create today?

We hope that this message has in some way served you,

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 5:45:55 PM

Lord Melchizedek via Natalie Glasson: Empower Your Reality With Your Third Eye Chakra

melchizedek1Channelled through Natalie Glasson – April 15, 2013

It is with an extended wave of love that I step forward to greet you; I bathe you in the universal light of the Creator showering golden blessings of remembrance upon your being. I am the overseer of the Universal level and light of the Creator’s universe.

I am a Christ which is a label signifying that I hold within my embodiment the consciousness of the Christ Consciousness. It is the love of the universal level and the Christ consciousness that I share with you and embed into your being at a quicker vibration of light if you allow me to.

My purpose of connecting with you today is to speak of empowerment. The reality that you now exist within is diverse and different from your reality before 2013. In the past you have been striving to allow yourself to develop and quicken in vibration as well as collecting divine wisdom and realisations. In this new reality it is time to experience the process of embodiment which is to allow your entire being to transform to hold energy vibrations and consciousness of the Creator.

Embodiment is often recognised as holding energies within your physical being and body but it is to allow the divine current of the Creator to flow through your being constantly allowing your physical body to divinely express the light and consciousness of the Creator. Embodiment is the divine expression in all forms of the Creator in creative and everyday ways. No longer can you believe that light, consciousness or the quick vibrations of the Creator are held and stagnant within your physical body.

In order to exist in oneness with the Creator there is a need to open up to the reality that the Creator’s vibration is eternally flowing and you are a vessel through which the Creator can be expressed. If you begin to acknowledge embodiment as expression you allow yourself to discover or feel guided in expressing the Creator through your thoughts, emotions, feelings, actions, reaction and so forth.

With the manifestation of a constant expression of the Creator from your being into your reality you allow yourself to experience embodiment but you are not actually retaining the energy within your being as this even with a high vibration of light can cause stagnation and blockages.

As you devote yourself to focus upon expressing the divine aspect of the Creator in your everyday life you begin to empower yourself, your reality and spiritual being or Creator aspect. You are giving yourself opportunities to connect with the Creator, to feel supported, loved and inspired by the Creator’s light. With your focus on the presence of the Creator you are empowering your truth. If you empower your personality, ego or character this can give a false sense of security and support, when you empower your truth, soul or Creator aspect you are connecting with truth that is ever present within everything, therefore empowering a foundation for further growth and expansion. Empowering your essence allows you to accept nourishment in all areas of your reality.

Embodiment is to express the continuous current of the Creator which empowers the presence of the Creator within and around you, therefore experiencing a greater sense of oneness with the Creator which can be felt as embodiment, as your entire being continuously transforms.

Empowerment of your truth, your oneness with the Creator and focused experience of the Creator is essential at this time in order to accelerate your spiritual ascension. Awareness of the truth brings forth empowerment and realisations which moves you beyond illusion and into clarity. This is a time of discovery, manifestation and integration of the Creator and the Creator’s expression through your being. The Creator’s expression through your being is vital at this time, the way in which you choose to express the Creator will shape the reality you experience and the reality created upon the Earth.

The reality of the Earth is in a unique position where it can easy transform and alter. The aspects of the Earthly reality that no longer serves humanity can be easily erased and dissolved while new creations can be simply manifested. It is as if the energy of the Eart h and also your being is extremely malleable at this time, meaning that with your choices and divine expressions stemming from the truth of the Creator you can create major shifts in the vibration of the Earth and therefore humanity’s experience of the Earth. I wish to also make you aware that focus upon love and expression of love will preserve and protect this most unique energetic time on the Earth.

Due to the energy being extremely malleable you have the ability to manifest with greater speed and perfection with the ability of divinely influencing your reality. If you connect and focus into the energy of the Creator with greater devotion then you can divinely influence your reality with the purest essence, divine will, healing, awakening and perfection of the Creator. Therefore your reality and entire being becomes the true vibration of the Creator thus you experience empowerment and embodiment. In order to assist you in bestowing the divine blessings of the Creator into your being and reality it is beneficial for the third eye chakra to be active and divinely aligned with the heart chakra and soul.

For some people on the Earth it can often seem as if the third eye chakra is blocked or inactive, this is often not the case but there is simply a need to understand the third eye chakra, focusing upon its energies in order to build an experience of familiarity with the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra can assist in bringing a clear understanding, expression and interpretation of the divine will, consciousness and light of the Creator.

It can be a tool of manifestation and projection as you transmit from the soul and heart into the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra creates amplification and can divinely weave energies and intention into form, matter or experience on the Earth, thus empowering your reality with the light of the Creator. There are a few basic practices that I wish to share with you in order to assist you in empowering yourself and reality with the Creator therefore divinely, appropriately and perfectly influencing the ascension and evolvement of the Earth.

The first practice is to imagine, sense or acknowledge that there is a source of light at your heart chakra which is your soul, essence and truth. Imagine that each time you exhale slowly, the light of your soul flows up from your heart chakra into your throat chakra, resting in your third eye chakra at your brow. You can practice this for as long as you wish until you begin to feel the third eye chakra becoming energised, which can be a subtle or intense experience and is unique to every person.

This is working to build the connection between the soul and the third eye chakra as well as allowing you to become familiar with the sensations of your third eye chakra. This practice can attune the third eye chakra to the soul to promote clarity in the mind, spiritual visions and the greater interpreting of spiritual guidance. This can be practiced for a number of days and can bring forward the feeling of the third eye chakra activating when you are simply developing an understanding of or familiarity with the third eye chakra.

The second practice which is a continuation of the first practice, allows you to empower your physical reality with the truth of the Creator. It is to ask your soul to project energetically coded symbols of what your soul wishes to manifest to be of service to your current reality. Your soul understand the divine will of the Creator for your reality on the Earth and can project tools, intentions and concentrated consciousness or wisdom into your third eye chakra in order to bring a clear understanding of your soul and the Creator as well as to assist manifestation into your reality. You are therefore empowering your reality and being with the truth of your soul which is the truth of the Creator.

Begin by practicing the above breathing technique until you have the sensation or knowingness of your third eye chakra being energised.

Then say out loud or in your mind,

‘My soul is at one and is a divine expression of the Creator within me. I affirm the attunement of my soul with my third eye chakra, my soul light, consciousness and love easily flows into my third eye chakra. I ask my soul to create energetically light coded symbols from my soul light holding the consciousness and intention of energies, situations, manifestations, wisdom, clarity or anything that will serve my spiritual growth and empowerment at this time. Beloved soul, please transfer the energetic light coded symbols into my third eye chakra so that they may be energised and manifest with perfection within my reality, while offering new insights and understandings to my ascension process. Thank you.’

Imagine sense or acknowledge that as the light and energy flows from your soul into your third eye chakra, symbols created by your soul are embedded into your third eye chakra, as you continue to focus in this way the symbols will be energised. You do not need to understand the meaning of the symbols, if you are able to visualise them you may be able to record them, working with them to connect more fully and gain new insights.

Let your soul and the Creator empower your reality through the sacred tool that is your third eye chakra.

In sacred empowerment,

Lord Melchizedek

Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/16/2013 5:47:03 PM

James Gilliland: 5D Incoming and Relationships

5D Relationships 345Thanks to Ellie, who’s doing fine, by the way.

5D Incoming and Relationships

James Gilliland, April 12, 2013

After the great deluge of emails and phone calls asking what is going on with all the chaos, turmoil, relationship splits, and people basically wigging out everywhere, I felt it is time to write this article. Some of the information will be a godsend, to others they will find major resistance to this information.

This is often determined by which side of the fence one is on and if they are ready to heal, and take responsibility for their choices and actions. Nonetheless, universal law, and karma will have its way despite our delusions and denials. We can mentally justify many things our soul and spirit do not. Soul and spirit always have the last word.

There is a 5D overlay and a vibrational lifting and healing well underway. There are cycles and waves of energy that are coming with this process. It is a natural cycle due to alignments with Galactic Plane, Alcyone, Sirius and Pulses coming in from other cosmic sources. Cosmic, Gama, X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared and other rays are bombarding the planet in ways never before experienced or recorded on the Earth. This is throughout the entire solar system.

These times have all been referred to in ancient texts, the second coming where we rise into Christ or Buddha consciousness, the separation of the “sheep from the goats”, the wheat from the chaff, moving into the golden age, the end of the Mayan calendar, “The Beginning is Near”, “Nonjudgment Day”, The Great War In The Heavens, etc. We have all heard this before yet few understand the dynamics and what can happen in this process.

We are going to address relationships in this process due to so many people asking us to make sense of what is happening. With this major influx of energy and during the peaks of incoming energy you will see people transform. Some for the better and some for the worst. In the end it is all good because it is all part of a major healing, yet while you are in the midst of it we are often challenged to our very core.

People are going to act out their wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experience. Some will become the observer and detach; others will be projecting, blaming and doing unconscious, even cruel acts you never thought they were capable of. In truth, some are really not capable of such acts on their own yet they have openings, an unhealed past that allows other unseen negative influences to take over.

When this happens, the only way out is to learn how to heal unseen negative influences, set firm boundaries and cut any cords keeping you attached to those affected. There are serpent energies or beings, greys, reptilians, and some, what you would call demonic beings, which are using the light workers for target practice. They are trying to create as much chaos, pain and suffering possible because this insures their world will continue.

They also feed off the lower vibrational energies such as anger, sadness, sorrow, fear, guilt unworthiness etc. Before, they could only hook you through the first three chakras - survival, sex and power – yet now they use those closest to you, friends, family and lovers to hit you in the heart.

There is a war for souls happening and your soul sits right next to the heart. To shut it down, shut down the ability to love, knowing love is the ultimate power in the universe, is one of the best weapons these unseen negative influences have to try to stop the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth.

Many friends, family and lovers, those who are deeply wounded or do not have the inner awareness, strength, moral character and self authority to fend off these intrusions, are acting out their old wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences. This includes the lower vibrational desires of the unseen negative influences. This is why you are seeing so many relationships ending, insane behavior, and wounded egos acting out in ways unthinkable to most.

We cannot blame others for being weak, allowing themselves to be influenced, or for many of the behaviors which are often totally out of character, yet they have to take responsibility for their choices and actions which opened the door to these influences.

This includes the lack of interest in addressing their own wounds, traumas, wrong conclusions from past experiences, choosing an ego driven life, focusing primarily on outer appearances and material acquisition.

The imbalance of external focus versus internal focus, and not choosing to heal as a priority, is often the problem and can create the opening for these unseen negative influences. Unhealed childhood trauma, abuse, abandonment issues seem to be a common denominator as well as past life choices to engage and work with the darker forces.

These all are often the openings used by unseen negative influences to destroy relationships. As if not addressing and healing our own patterns is not enough, adding these unseen negative influences in the mix makes one big disaster waiting to happen. This includes the implants by regenerate greys and reptilians used to broadcast their psychopathic behavior into the mix.

It is all about consciousness and there is a war in consciousness. Holding to the universal principles and understandings necessary for a healthy society and relationship is essential in the days to come. Holding to the basics of treating others how you would like to be treated, being honest, kind, loving, caring, serving others, opens the doors to higher unseen positive influences as does prayer and meditation done properly.

Whenever we become trapped in the desires of the ego and the outer world, become self absorbed, selfish, not caring about how our choices and actions affect others, we open the door to the unseen negative influences. These influences will often support and act out these patterns of behavior through those unconscious of their unhealed patterns and the influences of these unseen negative influences.

It is hard to believe that there are forces that care nothing for life, humanity, or the Earth, and actually live off the chaos, pain and suffering – yet one only has to look at the condition of society, the environment, the wars, diseases, unbridled greed, to realize this is now epidemic, this has become up to the highest levels of leadership.

Now it seems to be coming home to roost, the polarities are increasing between those who have chosen to live according to universal law, a spiritual life in harmony with each other and nature, and those who wish to continue to live a material life, in disharmony with each other and nature. A life focused on internal awareness, making one’s own personal God/Spirit/Creator connection first and foremost as a priority versus being focused primarily on external outer appearances, material acquisition driven by the ego with all its programming in direct conflict with their soul and spirit. One is the upward path to ascension and alignment with the new 5D energies, the other is the unsustainable downward path ending in the total collapse of the old matrix.

People are choosing, taking different paths, aligning with the new energies or fighting them and those who represent them. That in general is what is happening. I hope this sheds some light on the chaos, challenges, behavior of some who are deeply wounded or influenced. When we know what is happening, we can depersonalize it, guard against it, and heal it, yet we must honor the divine right to free will and self-determination of eternal souls. They might not have chosen to ascend or get it right this time around.

It is important that the lightworkers band together and support each other, assist those who choose to heal and release those who choose not. We cannot save others even if we know their future, their lessons are theirs hard as they may be, universal law will have its way, karma will unfold in its divine time, yet time is quickening.

Here is the technique we use to heal unseen negative influences. You can use them on others because these negative influences are already trespassing and you are only affirming one’s divinity, not influencing them for personal gain. You can call on the House of Mary, Jesus, Baba ji, Buddha, your own main teacher and guide if you know it, yet it is best to use fifth dimensional beings on up beyond the astral level. They are ascended and off the wheel of life.

In dealing with the darkest of the unseen negative influences, call on the 7th dimensional Lion beings. They seem to be the only ones to really take care of business with this group. Maahes, Narasimha, Bacal, Caja, Sekhmet are a few of them known in history. The ancient Egyptians were fully aware of the archons as depicted in their wall paintings and how to deal with them.

Healing Technique:

Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self – authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibrational attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate or control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. IN all healings, remember that god is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the beautiful Many Christed Ones.

3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened. (repeat if you feel it is needed)

4. Tell them that they are filled and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love (or the highest consciousness and energy available).

5. Ask that your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place and highest expression.

6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted into the light of truth.

7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember that your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law!

Hope this helps, please share with your family and friends.

If you are interested further, I encourage you to order James books through our

Pass this far and wide

Be well and Godspeed,
James Gilliland

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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