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4/13/2013 6:07:38 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: New Realms of Angels to Assist Your Ascension

Archangel-Gabriel1As channeled by Shanta Gabriel – April 11, 2013

Dear Ones,

From the Angelic Dimensions comes a wondrous blessing for this special time. Through Divine Dispensation new realms of Angels are available for your ascension process. These Angels hold the frequencies of the spiritual attributes you most need so you can live in harmony with the increasing energies of these precious times of awakening.

Realms of Angels have been specifically assigned by the Archangels overseeing the evolution of the Earth and each person on the planet at this time. As the frequencies have increased you have gained clear awareness of what you need in your life. This is helpful so you can be open to the fields of Divine Light the Angels hold that provide specific assistance for you now. When you ask for their help, these empowered Angels fill you with the Divine Light that offers the blessing you most need in every situation.

Because these new times have become so confusing and intense for many people, unnecessary fear has arisen in the hearts of humanity. The realms of Heaven recognize the need for very immediate and amazingly simple ways to provide the comfort and solutions you require at this time. It was decreed that new realms of Angels would be opened so the energies of fear will not be so pervasive as the Earth continues her evolution. The Archangels are providing Angelic Assistance for those who want to live in greater Harmony and Peace, and choose to receive and anchor the higher frequencies for the Earth at this time.

To Assist the Eclipse Cycle

It was specifically directed that these Angels be widely recognized for their assistance before the Eclipse cycle begins on April 25. You now have legions of Angels at your beck and call. We have said that the cycle of Eclipses will be the greatest opportunity for mass Radical Transformation that you have ever been given. You will be able to feel your feelings very directly. In order to stay in balance, you will need to use the intensity of the energy in resourceful ways to best serve your soul purpose. Thus you are provided with Angels.

How does this work in your life? What we will say could sound so simplistic that you may be tempted to scoff. We encourage you to open your hearts and minds to receive the Creative Solutions that abound in the higher frequencies of Divine Love.For this simple process, consider the attributes and spiritual qualities that you most need in your life. Those often will be the opposite of what you are feeling, for instance, if you are confused, you need Clarity. There are Archangels who are directly connected to your chakra system so they are intimately aware of the needs within your soul’s blueprint required to fulfill your destiny. It is not necessary that you know each of these massive beings of Light specifically but we will provide an overview to begin this process, with more information following in the next weeks.

Note from Shanta: Tune in for the next few weeks as we feature each of the Archangels represented in the Chakra System, and the heightened level of assistance they are offering in this special time before the Solstice.

Each Archangel who is working directly with planetary and personal evolution holds the powerful matrix for the expansive spiritual powers of Peace, Divine Union, Wisdom and Healing, the spiritual attributes most desired by those awakening. These Archangels have been spoken of throughout history, but never before has there been such an opportunity to create powerful and graceful transformation through their gifts.

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael holds the Matrix for Divine Love and Healing. When you are in need of healing in any area of your life; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, you can ask that the Angels you most require be sent to you. For example:

Archangel Raphael, please send me your Angels of Healing for my relationships. Bless me with Angels of Harmony and Divine Right Attitude. Open my heart and the hearts of all concerned to be filled with your healing Love. Help me to remember that I am not alone and that your Angels are here with me now and always. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Sandalphon

If you are feeling overwhelmed and frightened by the intensity of the energy which has increased on the Earth, know that Archangel Sandalphon is holding the planet in deep connection with the Presence of Nature. This brilliant Archangel has been called the Soul of the Earth. He is offering the frequency of Stability, of Nurturing and a sense of grounded Protection so you can release the excess energy from your body that is causing fear and create a new Foundation for life in the world now.

Archangel Sandalphon, please send your Angels of Stability and Safety. Help me to ground the excess energy in my life now so I can build a new foundation of peaceful, calm Agility. I am asking for the Angel of Flexibility as I build a new structure that will help me create an Empowered Life. Please assist me to stand in my Truth. Send me the Angel of Alignment so I can be in harmony with my Soul Purpose. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel offers legions of angels to assist you in any area of your life having to do with Balance and Divine Union. He offers the sacred marriage of the male and female energies within you as well as any form of Revelation and Communication. He specifically offers Creative Solutions for any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Archangel Gabriel, please send your angels to help me create new ways to establish Divine Union within me. I am asking for an Angel of Trust so I can remember that there is a way through to Harmony in my life. I know that the Angel of Creative Solutions is here to provide higher awareness so I can realize that there is always a solution for every situation causing me concern in my life and in the world. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is best known for his ability to protect. He is also the Archangel that holds the matrix for planetary evolution and is very available to assist the Lightworkers during this time.

Archangel Michael, please send me an Angel of Protection so I can feel more capable and safe during this intense energy time. Help me to be surrounded by your Golden Light so I feel that my boundaries are strong and appropriate. Please send me the Angels of Strength and Courage so I can have the Faith to follow my heart now. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is best known for the frequencies of Enlightened Perception. He is offering Angels to assist any mental activity and your ability to see clearly in every situation as your 3rd eye is being activated.

Archangel Uriel, Please send me the Angels of Clarity and Expanded Perception. I ask specifically for the Angel of Illumination to open my mind to new possibilities and perspectives. I ask for the Angel of Truth to work with me so my choices in life better reflect what I need to live freely in my life path right now. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron is the vast illumined Presence of Unity Consciousness. He opens the realms of Abundance that are reflected in all of Nature. Archangel Metatron holds the matrix of the Divine Blueprint of Perfection for the Earth. With this empowered assistance you can be assured that you are cared for eternally and all your needs are met with Grace and Ease.

Archangel Metatron, I ask to live in greater Harmony with the Earth. Please send me Angels for my financial situation. Help me to remember that all my needs can be met easily. Send me the Angels of Grace and Financial Stability so I can see that I am abundantly cared for. Thank you, and it is so.

In Conclusion…

This has been a small overview for what is possible if you open yourself to the Angelic Dimensions at this time. You don’t have to remember which specific Archangels to ask for help because they are providing direct access to the Angels that offer you the spiritual qualities that you most need in your life now. Know that there are Angels of Peace, Angels of Freedom, Angels of Beauty, Clarity, Wisdom, Truth and many more. When you call on these Angels you will be surrounded in Wings of Divine Light that provide your energy field with the quality of consciousness that is missing from your life. If you give yourself time to receive, you will immediately feel a greater sense of Well Being as the emptiness inside you is filled with Divine Light. Remember that God’s Light carries the attributes of Divine Love and Intelligence and provides Divine Order in the world. With this power, surely all that you need can be provided also.

Use your feelings as the clue for what you most need to ask for from the Angelic Dimensions. Your spirit works in and through your heart to give you a sense of what is missing in your being. It becomes a simple task to remember that if your life is in turmoil, you can ask for the Angel of Peace. If you are afraid, you can ask for the Angel of Courage. If you are lonely you can ask for the Angel of your Soul’s Community. If you need money, ask for the Angel of your Finances to step forward. If you are in doubt, invite the Angel of Faith to enter your consciousness.

This may seem unbelievably simple, but miracles are close at hand in these precious times in which you live. The Angels await your invitation to bring into your life the Beauty, Love and Joy that is your Divine Birthright. All the help you need is being offered to you now. It is as close as your thought.

Know that you are blessed and cared for eternally, and all really is well. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright: April 9, 2013

Permission is given for this post to be shared as long as it is used in its entirety and credit is given to the author(s) with the website posted.

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4/13/2013 6:08:39 PM

On the Establishment of the Santa Fe Galactic Command Center by Lord Ashtar, Commander Federation Forces Galactic Federation

UFO-sfgccHere’s an update from Bob regarding the Galactic Command Centre Project planned for Santa Fe that we covered recently:

By Bob, April 11, 2013

I preface today’s Ashtar Channeling received by Lucy Colson on 4-6-2013 with the following text from the Overview posted on the web site.

The big question then is when is all of this going to take place? Does it not seem logical that for these 5D projects to come into our physical world that we are creating, we must wait until the wheat is separated from the chaff and humanity has moved fully into the higher levels of the 5th dimension? Then and only then will humanity be free from fear and be ready to welcome our brothers and sisters to come and work side by side with us to manifest projects that will benefit ALL of humanity and beyond.”

Dear Ones, it has been “many moons” since I have spoken with you, but today seems to be the day that is best for the information that needs to be passed on to all of you. Lord Marius has reported to us on the activities that are starting up in the New Mexico Santa Fe area, and it is for this reason that we are bringing you this information now.

You are now barely into the Fifth Dimension. Some of you are still in the higher Fourth. After the 2012 Winter Solstice, others found themselves on the first step of the Fifth Dimension. What we want to tell about this is that not until you have arisen fully into the Fifth Dimension will it be possible for us to be with you in what you would call a higher dimensional physicality. This is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

There has to be full synchronization between our energies and yours. As you raise your frequencies and are able to step into the Fifth Dimension, so it is that face-to-face contact can be established. Not only with individuals, but with all Earth Beings as well. Until then, it is too dangerous for you and for us. As Marius has mentioned many times, until the darkened forces are removed it is too dangerous for us to send any of our emissaries into the lower dimensions.

The energies of the Third/Fourth dimensions are too heavy for us to navigate. To you they are becoming lighter as you arise in consciousness. To us . . . well, Dear Ones, let us just say that never again will you have to be in the lower dimensions. For that, give thanks! What is so important here is that while there is great joy and anticipation in establishing a galactic center – many centers will be manifested all over your planet once you are well established in the Fifth Dimension. And there will be many centers that the Galactic Federation will establish on your planet, for your planet has a great destiny to fulfill. Representatives from all star nations will be assigned to your planet. Some will come just for a visit; but others will come to establish centers of their own.

Each center, mind you, will be completely different. One center may focus on healing; another will focus on communications or education. Some will be large. The one in the Santa Fe area is to be considerably larger than others. Some in the other areas will be considered as branches. There will definitely be five large centers, and then many branches. However, this is not going to happen for awhile. And it cannot happen until the chaos on your planet has subsided.

Just think for a moment: if we were to land with our large ships and equipment to build such a center, can you not see that if the population were not equipped to understand what was happening they might think the Earth was being invaded? You would know of course that this is not the truth. So, we say to you, talk to others; this is good. Talk to people around the world; this is wonderful. It is bringing to the Earth the Oneness of the Creator. But take more time in what you are doing for the simple reason that everyone is excited and wants this to happen, but when it doesn’t happen quickly, owing to the time required for you to come fully into the Fifth Dimension, then we do not want you to lose your enthusiasm.

Dear Ones, we have watched as this whole concept takes off around your globe. Many who were on the sidelines have suddenly remembered that they were to be part of this mission. They are beginning to wake up and say: “Oh, oh, let us join forces. Tell us how to create galactic centers.” In time you will have a blueprint that you will send out to everyone else. Our only concern is that you not rush. Enjoy every minute of the new beginning, and it will be a resounding success. One other thing that we need to say is that not until everyone manifests the full essence of their Light Bodies will they be able to go onboard ships that are not of their own resonance, the new frequencies into which you are moving.

Again, all of this has to do with your alignment to spiritual oneness. But this is happening now. All of you are being realigned so that there will be no difficulty in coming face to face with Beings from other star nations. You will be able to have full telepathic communication. Sometimes you will wish to wear a wrist translator; other times, no. Here again, this is still going to take a bit more time. Do not rush it. Become balanced in the being-ness of who you truly are.

Become fully aware of this process so that when you do meet star-beings face-to-face, there will be no shock to your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Spiritually, we see that even now there will be no problem. At night, all of you are being educated into what to expect, and this contact is starting to happen in the higher realms even as we speak. While we do not like to give dates because they never occur! let us just say that by the end of this year, perhaps around October, we will all be at the starting point.


We are receiving many questions regarding the Santa Fe and the other Galactic Centers to be built around the world. We will be publishing our April Newsletter in about 10 days. What I suggest is everyone who has a question, go to the Contact link on the web site, put Question as the subject and submit it. Our team will then look at all the questions. We will then try our best to get some answers and post them in the upcoming April Newsletter.

From the Santa Fe team we thank everyone of you for participating with us in this wonderful endeavor!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/13/2013 6:09:46 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 299

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalAs channeled by Aisha North – April 12, 2013

The days are getting longer and longer in your part of the world, and your physical bodies are once again starting to settle somewhat less uncomfortably into their role as conductors of energy.

For remember, not only are you receiving vast amounts of energy, you are also transmitting the same substance out again, into the world around you. For you are indeed anchors dear ones, in more ways than one, and now, you are constantly pulling down the building blocks of your new world through your physical bodies. We know that this is not news to any of you, but what may be of interest, is the amount of energy you are all transmuting and sending out now on a daily basis.

Or rather, on a daily and nightly basis, as this is indeed a process that is going on 24/7. For what started out as a mere trickle, has now increased to a steady flow of energetic particles, constantly bombarding not only you, but through you, the whole structure that you see around you on all sides.

So yes, you are indeed pulling down heaven to Earth, particle by heavenly particle. And even if this job at times can seem to be more than a little bit taxing on your own system, know that this is just a temporary thing. For when your bodies enter download mode, many of you will feel as if you are totally depleted of energy, and you have no wish but to lie down and shut yourself off from the rest of the world.

But what you are experiencing, is not a depletion, rather, it is an excess of energies that leaves your body somewhat flummoxed as to what and how to deal with all of this, hence this feeling of almost shutting down at times. Again, we hasten to add that this is not harmful to you in any way, it is just a strain on your physical body at times, and so it will make you take it slow in all sorts of ways until it can sort itself out and successfully send the energies where they are supposed to be.

For some of it is for your ”consumption”, if we can call it that, while the rest of it will be used externally. In other words, you are all receivers and transmitters of energy, and when you feel almost devoid of energy yourself, you are actually full to overflowing of it.

Do not think that this is a case of bad planning, and that you being left feeling overwhelmed and exhausted are the results of a poorly executed plan. Rather, it is the inevitable result of all of this downloading, and it is of immense help to your physical body. For it is indeed the physical part of you that determines the speed of these injections, if we may call them that. And so, you are never being given too much, for when the limit is reached, your body simply turns off the connection, and then it starts to download the information you yourself need, while it also starts to send out what is being deemed as the ”external part” of these supercharged packets of information.

So again we say, remember to heed the signals you are getting from your body, for it knows when the time is right for taking a break, and when the time is right for keeping in motion. And when your body is in shutdown mode, it is doing so because it is very busy handling all of the incoming information. So you are not wasting any second, even when you are flat on your back, not even able to lift a finger, for that is probably when you are working the hardest.

So make sure to thank your constant companion, that faithful servant and hard worker, your colleague and teammate, in other words that physical vehicle you are inhabiting that is the main reason you can even do the work you have come here to do in the first place. We know it can be a little cranky now and then, and it is never shy in voicing its protests, but as we have said earlier, these creaks and groans, whimpers and shouts of distress are nothing to worry about.

For your physical body knows perfectly well that it is doing more than well, but it cannot help itself but to protest loudly now and then. But never doubt it will keep on doing the work it has been set up to do, for it is both immensely loyal, but also immensely powerful. So again we say, make sure that you appreciate this physical vehicle for all it does to keep you going, even at the times when it seems to be the biggest obstacle to your continued process.

For it will not hold you back on purpose, even if it at times makes you slow down on any ”extracurricular” activities. For it has but one purpose in mind, and that is to make all of this a resounding success, and it knows fully well that without the aid and assistance of your physical body, you would be bereft of the one thing that makes your sojourn here possible. And remember, it will never ever use that against you, for you are indeed a match made in heaven, and that is what you will see for yourself as soon as these energetic upheavals start to quieten down a bit.

Mind you, they will never cease completely, but your physical body is getting more and more adept at handling them without going into full reboot mode every time, and as such, the limits for your capacity have been stretched, and they will continue to do so. And then, you can continue to do the work that you do, for you will never cease to be the anchors that are serving to hold this whole new world tethered to the surface of this planet.

(From Aisha: Always listen to your body, and if you have any doubts if what you are feeling are just ”energetic symptoms” or something else, it is always a good idea to have it checked out by a professional.)

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4/13/2013 10:13:53 PM
Can this be true? WOW!

David Wilcock… “Insider Explanation of the Russian Meteorite [of Feb. 2013]“

russian_meteor_feb_2013_david_wilcock_articleOf all the varied news David reported in this article, I found this part to hit my inner self the strongest. According to David, the flurry of “meteorite” explosions from February, may very well have been ET craft being shot down by some type of atmospheric drone defense system.



On Friday, February 15th, a huge, metallic object — estimated as weighing 10 metric tons — exploded over Russia with the force of a few kilotons.

The night sky became as bright as day. Sonic booms blasted car alarms into life. Fireballs rained down, and up to 1,200 people were injured.

The trail was 125 miles long. 20,000 emergency workers were rushed to the site. It was the largest “meteor” in a century.

I strongly wondered, at the time, what this was. Insider chatter has now revealed a sad but interesting answer.

Apparently, eight different events like this happened at the same time, around the world, that same day. This was only the brightest and loudest one.

Five of the crash sites were located by rapid-response crash teams from Majestic.

In each of the five sites, they found dead bodies of small humanoids, ranging from 10 to 12 inches in height — and wreckage from their craft.

This was just two weeks after I wrote about these same people on my website, using images from Kaleka and Greer’s upcoming film, SIRIUS.

I also demonstrated their appearance in Russia and at Easter Island as revered, nonviolent teachers — and givers of wisdom and technology.


One insider heard this same story from fully four completely independent sources. The stories were very similar in every case. No one survived these crashes.

This particular insider did not have any information suggesting this was a deliberate shoot-down — and felt they may have been “coming in hot” and misjudged our atmosphere.

However, another insider with even higher connections informed me that this was almost certainly a coordinated shoot-down effort from our classified planetary defense grid.

Apparently there are tiny drones in our upper atmosphere that use advanced technology to track all objects in our airspace — and will immediately zoom in on and destroy anything unfamiliar.

These ETs may have intended to make a grand entrance, just 14 days after their story went public — and instead were blown out of the sky and murdered.

I was saddened to hear this story from such well-positioned and reliable insiders. This event could have been the mass sighting we were waiting for — but obviously it did not end well for them.

However, the intel on this was so good that I do believe we will see a lot more where this came from — and hopefully without such a violent ending.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/15/2013 12:50:27 AM

Archangel Michael on the Body, DNA, and Chakras

The first thing on my mind....This week on An Hour with an Angel, we ask Archangel Michael to help us understand the many changes happening to the human body. Are we crystalline at base yet or still carbon? Is the change happening gradually? What experiences can we expect to happen in the weeks and months ahead?

Can he tell us what to expect in regard to our DNA strands coming back online and a larger number of chakras becoming operational?

Airs Monday at 5pm PT/8pm ET

Call 323-784-9697 or click this link to listen live or to the archive after the show:

What holds us back from ascending? What is the best way to clear leftover emotional baggage from our minds and bodies? When can we expect to find ourselves growing younger? When can we expect debilitating illnesses and conditions to begin lifting?

What is the process by which interdimensionality is restored? Is it the triggering of a DNA code or an assimilation of energies? When in the process will we begin bilocating? Telepathically communicating?

Those of our families who have passed over recently and appear to be suited to Ascension, what is the process by which they will ascend?

If we get through these questions and have time, then we’ll ask him to comment on our relationships with other worlds. If we come from higher dimensions, are we the higher-dimensional personality itself or are we fragments or aspects of it? exactly what are we doing in our sleep state? And if we awaken from our sleep, does that terminate our activities out of the body?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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